Tonight, it’s the SEASON FINALE of Naked and Afraid. You don’t want to miss a single snarky minute as Shnugs live blogs! Discovery Channel 10 pm. The Amazing Race continues on CBS at 8/7c pm. Join the discussion and catch Steven’s recap later!
Name recognition doesn’t guarantee singer Clay Aiken, a Democrat, a seat in Congress from NC – Singer-songwriter Clay Aiken doesn’t have a problem with name recognition. But that doesn’t mean voters in North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District will send the “American Idol” star to Washington to represent them in Congress. Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers has represented the district for two terms and would like to make it three. The tea party favorite has a good shot at doing so. The GOP-controlled state legislature gave Republicans the advantage when they redrew congressional districts in 2011. A veteran House Democrat who barely survived in 2012 opted to retire at the end of his term, while others in President Barack Obama’s party face an uphill battle — even a well-known personality like Aiken. – Read more Associated Press
‘Overcomer’ Singer Mandisa Opens Online Clothing Shop, Promoting Christian Value of Purity before Marriage – I remember people talking to me about doing a clothing line when I was on American Idol. I knew then that God was not directing that particular opportunity so I said no. Who knew that 7 years later, Simply Mandisa would be birthed?! (Well I suppose He did, huh?! LOL!) Stop by my online store and check out our new tees just in time for Spring! – Read more at Crossmap
Lea Michele, Darren Criss Help Raise $700,000 for UCLA Cancer Center– The event’s other co-chairs included Joe Cohen, Jon Holman, Larry Maguire, Gary Newman and Dana Walden. Among the participating entertainers were Glee’s Lea Michele and Darren Criss, How I Met Your Mother’s Alyson Hannigan, Community’s Joel McHale and actor/comedian Tom Papa. One of the evening’s highlights occurred when Criss asked who in the audience would donate to hear Michele join him on stage for a duet. Co-chair Dana Walden bid $5,000 and the pair performed a touching version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” – Read more at The Hollywood Reporter