Help Anoop Desai Fund His Next Project

Anoop Desai is raising money from fans to help launch his latest project Zero.0.

“Thus far, everything I have done since “Idol” has been self-funded. As an independent artist, I’m blessed to have a great deal of control over my work, but that autonomy also has a price, ” writes Anoop, “Things like radio promotion, web services, video promotion, mixing and mastering fees, attorney fees, touring budget, studio time, producer fees, graphic designers, hiring musicians, travel, equipment, and PR are vital, but cost a great deal of money. Major labels often spend millions on these things for a single project.”

The Zero.0 project is organized like a PBS pledge drive–the higher the donation, the bigger the reward.  $25 will get you a hard copy of Zero.0.   Donate $8, 000 and you join the Anoop Desai inner circle!  He’ll write a song for you and be your BFF forever. Heh. Or you can donate $20 or more out of the goodness of your heart, with no reward attached, except the continuation of Anoop’s career in music. (And, isn’t that enough?)

“When it is released, “Zero.0” (track listing below) will be available for free first, and then on iTunes, so that EVERYONE can enjoy and share my music. This is important to me because the past year and a half has been all about my fans and I working together, and this is no different. The “Zero” Trilogy is primarily about bringing you music that I hope you will love. It’s about bringing back the fidelity of the human voice. Today, I’m asking you to be the life blood of this project and help me continue to offer my music to the world.”

So far, Anoop has raised 65% of his $10, 000 goal with 27 backers.  He’s got 28 more days to reach his goal in order for the project to be funded.  Good luck Anoop!

Check out Zero.0 tracklist:

1. I’ll Come Running
2. You Should be Loved
3. Oowee
4. Wait
5. Want Your Love
6. Not on Your Side
7. Worth the Wait
8. Reverie
9. Perfect Way
10. All Is Fair (remix)

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!