Glee Season 6 Finale Spoilers: “2009/Dreams Come True” Episode 12/13 (UPDATED 3/17)

Glee Season 6 Finale Spoilers - 2009/Dreams Come True

Glee Season 6 Finale Spoilers – Episode 12 & 13 – 2009/Dreams Come True

Here it is. My LAST Glee spoiler roundup ever. I’m feeling a little sad right about now. The 2 hour series finale airs on Friday March 20 at 8/7c pm on FOX, and is a combination of TWO episodes.

The first hour, is titled “2009” and is literally a trip back to the beginning of Glee. Here’s the official FOX episode summary (Source):

GLEE goes back in time to find out why the original members of New Directions initially signed up for glee club.

SPECIAL GUESTS: Emma Pillsbury-Schuester – JAYMA MAYS, Terri Schuester – JESSALYN GILSIG, Principal Figgins – IQBAL THEBA, Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman – MARK SALLING, Burt Hummel – MIKE O’MALLEY, Tina Cohen-Chang – JENNA USHKOWITZ, Dave Karofsky – MAX ADLER, Matt Rutherford – DIJON TALTON, Howard Bamboo – KENT AVENIDO  PRODUCTION CREDITS: Written by RYAN MURPHY, BRAD FALCHUK, IAN BRENNAN, Directed by PARIS BARCLAY

Edited 3/16: “2009” was shown as part of Glee Paleyfest panel, and there will be tons of spoilers coming up shortly.  But a couple of important corrections to the original spoilers first: “2009” is NOT an AU. It’s an extension to the pilot with that includes prequel/additional backstory material from the original 5 glee clubbers’ point of view (rather than Will’s as in the Pilot).  The episode ends with the original DSB performance that ended the pilot.  There is lots of Kurt/Burt stuff. Blaine makes a “ships pass in the night” cameo at the Lima Bean. While he’s there counseling a Warbler on coming out, Kurt and Mercedes are having coffee. Mercedes and Blaine have a word over napkins or sugar packets. Kurt and Blaine do not meet at all. There is background explaining why Kurt and Mercedes didn’t like Rachel initially. (WishYouWould)

Update: 3/14: More spoilers from the screener.

  • Emma calls Burt because she catches Kurt reading a pamphlet on suicide (“pros/cons” it says on the front). Burt forces Kurt to join something, preferably sports related. He chooses Glee.
  • We see Tina (I Kissed a Girl) and Artie’s (Pony)  auditions for Glee Club. Kurt’s is kind of shown from behind.
  • Emma goes to Figgins to try to get Will more money to stay and teach, and although he’s unable to give Will a raise, he does give Emma the competition video of Will’s 1993 Glee club win, which he watches with her. Sue gloats a little at him as he’s walking the hallway and he hears them singing Don’t Stop Believing. After Will walks in, the scene cuts to the pilot video and it plays out to end the episode.
  • There’s a scene of Will and Sue playing basketball.
  • The other glee club members meet to discuss if they want to allow Finn to remain in New Directions. They take a vote, Kurt is the last one to raise his hand.
  • In the scene where Mercedes and Kurt are in the Lima Bean the same time as Blaine and a fellow Warbler: “Mercedes and Kurt were in the Lima Bean. Warbler Blaine was literally behind Mercedes facing the other direction. Kurt went to get them a table. Mercedes turns to get something like sugar or a napkin I don’t remember. Mercedes and Blaine spoke but Kurt and Blaine missed each other by like 2 feet. MERCEDES MET HIM.” (Twitter)

WishYouWould, LettersFromTitan, TVLine

Blaine (Darren Criss) is in the episode alongside original cast members, Rachel (Lea Michele), Kurt (Chris Colfer), Artie (Kevin McHale), Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) and Mercedes (Amber Riley).  Remember–Sam and Blaine were not introduced to Glee world until 2010 (season 2).  There were rewrites of this episode and it was originally supposed to air a week after “A Wedding” on  February 27.  The old football crew from season 1–Puck, Matt Rutherford, Dave Karofsky, and Coach Howard are in the episode. Also, Terri Schuester, who was Will’s wife at the time, returns.

Casting notices for “2009” called for skate punks, Juggalos, Japanese harajuku girls and other off-beat type people.

In an interview, director, Paris Barclay said: “I actually think Glee is underrated for its role in kind of changing the whole conversation. This season I’m in the middle of doing [“2009”] now and we’re going farther out to really talk about intolerance and how important it is for kids to really take a hard look at themselves. We’ve got nothing to lose. The last 13 episodes are going to be put to the pedal. We’re going to talk about what is this whole thing about misfits and how do they fit and it’s part of the Trevor Project’s message. (Source)

The 2009 Song List
  • I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry – Tina (Her audition song!)
  • I’m His Child by Zella Jackson Price – Mercedes (Amber tweeted that her mother was with her. There were shots of filming in a church. It’s safe to say Mercedes sings this gospel song at her church.)
  • Pony by Ginuwine – Artie
  • Popular from Wicked – Rachel and Kurt
  • Don’t Stop Believing – From the Pilot

The second hour is the FINALE and titled “Dreams Come True.”  Here’s the official FOX episode description:

All of Will’s hard work and dedication to the Glee Club and to fostering the talents and dreams of his students pays off in a major way, and everyone shares in the feeling of joy that permeates the school as teachers and students reflect on their shared journey. Old rifts and wounds are healed and new sights are set on a promising future. Everyone seems to be ending up exactly as expected and right where they belong… along with more than a few unexpected surprises.

SPECIAL GUESTS: Himself – GERALDO RIVERA, Jesse St. James – JONATHAN GROFF, Emma Pillsbury-Schuester – JAYMA MAYS, Terri Schuester – JESSALYN GILSIG, Principal Figgins – IQBAL THEBA, Tina Cohen-Chang – JENNA USHKOWITZ, Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman – MARK SALLING, L. Quinn Fabray – DIANNA AGRON, Brittany S. Pierce – HEATHER MORRIS, Santana Lopez – NAYA RIVERA, Kitty Wilde – BECCA TOBIN, Matt Rutherford – DIJON TALTON, Sugar Motta – VANESSA LENGIES, Lauren Zizes – ASHLEY FINK, Joe Hart – SAMUEL LARSEN, Rory Flanagan – DAMIAN MCGINTY, Jake Puckerman – JACOB ARTIST, Wade ‘Unique’ Adams – ALEX NEWELL, Marley Rose – MELISSA BENOIST, Ryder Lynn – BLAKE JENNER, Becky Jackson – LAUREN POTTER, Superintendent Bob Harris – CHRISTOPHER COUSINS, Jane Hayward – SAMANTHA MARIE WARE, Spencer Porter – MARSHALL WILLIAMS, Roderick – NOAH GUTHRIE, Mason McCarthy – BILLY LEWIS JR., Madison McCarthy – LAURA DREYFUSS


“Dreams Come True” will begin in the present, but then flash forward to 2020.  A slew of production stills have been released that reveal some pretty big spoilers. (UPDATED 3/16)

  • Rachel rekindles her romance with Jesse St. James (Jonathan Groff) and they marry. In 2020, she is pregnant. There is speculation that Rachel could be a surrogate for a Klaine baby. But it seems more likely that she and her husband, Jesse, are having their first child? But then there’s that parallel to Rachel being born of a surrogate herself. ETA: TVLine is reporting that one character is pregnant, but with a “twist.” Now I’m leaning toward Rachel being Kurt and Blaine’s surrogate. In which case, that Jesse St. James sure is a generous guy.
  • In 2020, Rachel wins a Tony Award. If you check out the production stills below, there are photos of gleeks attending a party at Rachel’s house. They look pretty excited as they watch something happen on TV.  The gleeks in attendance are styled differently than their present selves. Here are  photos from a shoot with Lea Michele, Jonathan Groff and Andrew Rannells (likely a cameo, playing himself at the Awards). There is a red carpet, security guards, ushers, etc. The Tonys were shot at Los Angeles Theater.
  • Check out  these photos of Blaine and Kurt, again, styled and dressed very differently from their present selves, strolling hand in hand in New York City.  Folks present at the shoot, which took place at the NYC subway location,  report that Kurt and Blaine were styled and dressed as their current selves for the first half of the filming. After a bit, they took to their trailers to be restyled and emerged as Kurt and Blaine 5 years into the future to film some more.
  • In 2020, Will and Emma have more kids–Twins!  In a flash-forward scene, set in June in Ohio, we’ll see Daniel at about age 7, the twins, Will’s friends, and a Secret Service guy.  It’s set in June in Ohio. (Source)
  • There is apparently a scene with a 15 member, 2020 Glee club, that Will directs. (Source)
  • Kurt and Blaine sing “Daydream Believer”. Eventually a chorus of children join them at the end. The song ends with the kids’ laughter. DISCUSS.

Plot developments in the present include a scene at this year’s Nationals, with Rachel, Blaine, Kurt and Will in attendance. There are no songs, but there are other competitors present, including the Harmony Busters and the Sopranogasms. This filming includes a results ceremony.

Glee will end with a huge musical number, “I Lived” by One Republic, that brings back MANY familiar faces and will serve as a curtain call for the series. See the “special guest” list for the episode for all the cast members old and new, returning to take a final bow. That list isn’t even complete.

Production stills feature photos of Will singing “Teach Your Children Well” in the choir room, while a crowd of current and former Glee club members look on. Rachel’s VERY LAST solo will be “This Time” written by fellow cast mate, Darren Criss.  She sings it in the auditorium before the Tony scenes. He posted a bit of the lyrics on Twitter.

Dreams Come True Song List

  • Teach Your Children by Crosby Stills & Nash – Will
  • Someday We’ll Be Together by Dianna Ross and the Supremes – Mercedes
  • Daydream Believer by The Monkees – Kurt and Blaine
  • The Winner Takes It All by Abba – Will and Sue
  • This Time written by Darren Criss – Rachel
  • I Lived by OneRepublic – Every Cast Member Ever – Curtain Call

In a recent interviewJane Lynch spilled on the Glee finale,

“It was a gorgeous couple of days,” Lynch said of the last days on set. “Very moving.” Lynch explained that the final episode will feature both flashbacks and…will jump into the future (2020), as well as travel back to 2009 (the year of season one). When looking at photos from those final shoot days, Lynch slipped in one of the upcoming songs. “That was a big musical number, we did that on Thursday. ‘I Lived,’ [by OneRepublic] I believe is the song,” she revealed. “Everybody came. Everybody that was in the show that wanted to come was invited.”

A reporter who was on the set for the sectionals episode writes, “While Sectionals takes place in the penultimate episode, the series finale is going to be mainly slower ballads and solos as each character gets their final chance to shine in the spotlight for a much more emotional and powerful episode rather than big budget performances. Our advice? Stock up on Kleenex…now.”

Photo Gallery

Lots of spoilery photos from 2009 and Dreams Come True. 2009 Rachel and Kurt don’t look like their former selves very much. Chris Colfer’s appearance has changed so much in 6 years, styling him similar to the early episodes was a tall order.

  • GLEE: Rachel (Lea Michele, R) in a flashback to 2009 in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Mike Yarish/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R: Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Rachel (Lea Michele) make a pact in a flashback to 2009 in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Mike Yarish/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R: Dave (Max Adler, C) and Puck (Mark Salling, R) make fun of Kurt and Rachel in a flashback to 2009 in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Mike Yarish/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R: Will (Matthew Morrison) and Sue (Jane Lynch) chat in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Mike Yarish/FOX
  • GLEE: Blaine (Darren Criss, R) and Kurt (Chris Colfer, L) reminisce in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Tyler Golden/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R: Blaine (Darren Criss) and Sam (Chord Overstreet) chat in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Tyler Golden/FOX
  • GLEE: Will (Matthew Morrison, CL) and Sam (Chord Overstreet, CR) perform in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R: Mercedes (Amber Riley), Kurt (Chris Colfer), Blaine (Daren Criss), Rachel (Lea Michele), Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), Artie (Kevin McHale) and Kitty (Becca Tobin) watch Will and Sam perform in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: L-R Front Row: Artie (Kevin McHale), Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), Mercedes (Amber Riley), Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss) in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX
  • GLEE: The members of New Directions take their final bows in the special two-hour "2009/Dreams Come True" Series Finale episode of GLEE airing Friday, March 20 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Tyler Golden/FOX

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About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!