Glee – Night Of Neglect – Recap and Videos

GLEE: Sue (Jane Lynch,  L) recruits Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig,  second from L),  Dustin (guest star Cheyenne Jackson,  third from L) and Sandy (guest star Stephen Tobolowsky,  R) to destroy the glee club in the "Night of Neglect" episode of GLEE airing Tuesday,  April 19 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Adam Rose/FOX

Glee is back after hiatus with a brand new episode, “Night of Neglect”.

I really liked the idea for tonight’s episode: Showcase the Gleeksters who don’t get enough screen time through a benefit show called “A Night of Neglect”.  I never understood why the divine Amber Riley never got nearly the solos Lea Michele did. I guess it’s written into the contract, but Amber >>>>> Lea. Yeah, I went there.  Poor Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina) is still neglected–we didn’t get a full performance.  It’s always awesome when Harry Shum Jr. (Mike) dances!

Relegating Darren Criss and Chris Colfer to bit parts this week fit tonight’s theme. But the one scene that showcased the duo–with Kurt, Blaine and Santana facing off bully Karovsky was mighty AWESOME.

More hilarity from Heather Morris (Brittany) as she tackles cat diseases for the Braniacs club.  Loved her answering questions with a mouth full of dots!

The romance path between Will and Emma is finally cleared!  Emma admits to Will that she and Carl (John Stamos) never had sex, enabling him to ask for an annulment. Holly (Gwyneth Paltrow) realizes Will still has feelings for Emma and takes off for a job in Cleveland, but not before pouring her heart out in song (Adele’s “Turning Tables”). Goodbye Gwynnie!

The Legue of Doom is a hilarious bust, with Holly delivering a lecture to the hecklers dispatched to the “Night of Neglect” benefit by Sue Sylvester that’s really a message to all those online Glee haterz. Touche!

I’ve capped many of the best moments from last night after the jump. PLUS, a look ahead to next week’s big 90 minute “Born This Way” episode.

Sue Sylvester, fresh off her loss at regionals is more determined than ever to destroy the glee club.  Gwyneth Paltrow is back as Will’s on-again-off-again girl friend Holly Holiday. And when Charice offers to help the glee kids with their benefit concert, is she sincere or spying for rival club, Vocal Adrenaline?

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Photos and Videos after the JUMP…

League of Doom

Brittany Knows Her Cat Diseases

Charice is Not a Spy

Kurt, Blaine and Santana Face off with Karovsky

Tina gets Heckled

Mike Chang Dances!

Holly Delivers a Lecture on Internet Bullying (oh u meen glee haters)

Holly sings “Turning Tables”

Mercedes Brings Down The House

Behind the Glee: A Night of Neglect

Born This Way Preview!

Harry Shum Jr. Gives E! a little scoop on next week’s “Born This Way” episode

“That episode is going to be a lot about Kurt and Karofsky. Also, in the glee club, everyone is going to be looking at themselves and seeing certain things they might not be happy with as far as their appearance or some inability that they cannot do, and it’s going to be a lot of finding themselves.”

Jonathan Groff returns to Glee

Lea Michele tweeted this photo yesterday

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!