Eurovision Song Contest 2015 – Semifinal 2

Europe’s favorite TV show is celebrating it’s 60th anniversary.


It’s that time of the year again. May. Time for another edition of Eurovision Song Contest.

Last year, Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst took home the Eurovision trophy and soon after Austrian capital Vienna got the honor to host the 2015 event. This year, Eurovision is celebrating it’s 60th anniversary. The very first Eurovision Song Contest took place on May 24th, 1956 in Lugano, Switzerland. Only 7 countries competed that year, each with 2 songs. The very first winning song was “Refrain”, performed by Lys Assia from Switzerland. Lys Assia is 91 years old now and she still travels to various Eurovision releated events.

40 countries will be competing this year. 33 countries will compete in two semifinals for 20 places in the Grand Final. 7 countries are automatically qualified for the Grand Final: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom (The Big 5), Austria (host country) and Australia (special guest this year).

The rules of Eurovision Song Contest are simple: Each national public broadcaster submits one original song that can be no longer than 3 minutes. There can be no more than 6 people on stage during the performance. So if the song is sung by a soloist, there can be 5 other people on stage (background vocalists or dancers). Music is pre-recorded, but singers are singing live.

DigitalSpy: Eurovision Song Contest 2015: The ultimate guide – Semi-final 1

DigitalSpy: Eurovision Song Contest 2015: The ultimate guide – Semi-final 2

DigitalSpy: Eurovision Song Contest 2015: The ultimate guide – The finalists so far

ESCToday predictions for Semifinal 2:
Big Poll: Predictions for the semi-final 2
Big Poll: ESCtoday team results for semi-final 2
Big Poll Experts: The results for Semi-final 2

The semifinal starts at 9pm CEST, 3pm EDT, 12pm PDT

Eurovision’s Official Website
Eurovision’s Official YouTube Channel
WATCH Eurovision Online

Check out Semifinal 1 performances and results HERE.

Semifinal 2 – 17 participants, TOP 10 qualify for the final

1. Lithuania: Monika Linkyte and Vaidas Baumila – This Time

2. Ireland: Molly Sterling – Playing With Numbers

3. San Marino: Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola – Chain of Lights

4. Montenegro: Knez – Adio

5. Malta: Amber – Warrior

6. Norway: Mørland & Debrah Scarlett – A Monster Like Me

7. Portugal: Leonor Andrade – Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa

8. Czech Republic: Marta Jandová and Václav Noid Bárta – Hope Never Dies


strong>9. Israel: Nadav Guedj – Golden Boy

10. Latvia: Aminata – Love Injected

11. Azerbaijan: Elnur Huseynov – Hour Of The Wolf

12. Iceland: Maria Olafs – Unbroken


strong>13. Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes

14. Switzerland: Mélanie René – Time To Shine

15. Cyprus: John Karayiannis – One Thing I Should Have Done

16. Slovenia: Maraaya – Here For You

ng>17. Poland: Monika Kuszynska – In The Name Of Love

The Results

10 Countries to qualify for Saturday’s Grand Final:

WATCH Semifinal 2 HERE.

About Mateja Praznik 1060 Articles
I recently graduated from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In my free time I like to read books, watch TV and listen to music. I'm also a huge cat lover. I cover X Factor UK for