DWTS: The Daily Show Takes Down Sean Spicer’s Dirty Dancing (VIDEO)

There are reasons why former White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s presence on the current season of Dancing with the Stars bugs me. The least of them has to do with his political affiliation. Putting it all in perspective, however, is Trevor Noah from The Daily Show. Watch the clip below, as Trevor masterfully pinpoints exactly why the casting of this political operative is so annoying.

“I hope what this show is at the end of the season,” Sean told the crew at Fox and Friends when he was first cast, “is an example of people of a bunch of different backgrounds getting together, leaving politics aside and having a good time in a civil and respectful way,” he added, “I think too much of what we have in this country right now is every conversation has to turn into politics.”

Oh. If only Sean had followed his own advice! Because immediately after the DWTS judges panel dissed his first performance, Sean headed straight to Twitter to whine. After former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee simultaneously put in a good word for Sean, while attempting to troll the “libs,” Sean responded in kind, “Thank you @GovMikeHuckabee Clearly the judges aren’t going to be with me. Let’s send a message to #Hollywood that those of us who stand for #Christ won’t be discounted. May God bless you.”

Spicey, his widdle feelings hurt that the judges wouldn’t praise is horrible dancing, has been playing the culture war card ever since. 

For instance, here he is whining to the right wing website Breitbart. “This is not just about me, this is hopefully about really something bigger,” he continued, “People want to see me advance not because of me in particular…but I think that they feel the cause, that one of their own, one of us, has an opportunity to be this…and it’s not just the loudest voices on the left that get to dominate. There’s a lot of folks on the left that don’t believe people on the right have a place in–in their what they consider their society.”

Can you believe the gall of this dude. Kamaro, have you seen this? You really are naive if you believe you had a significant influence on this clown.

FIRST OF ALL. Sean isn’t EVEN the first conservative figure to compete on DWTS. There was Tom Delay and Rick Perry before him. Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol competed and got pretty far. If he thinks the celebrities who compete and fans of the show are all liberal he’s dumber than I figured. He’s there BECAUSE the audience leans right. There are race car drivers, NFL players, Mormon entertainers—conservative folks–who have won the show. I mean WHAT A FREAKING SNOWFLAKE. The judges give him low scores because HIS DANCING IS ABYSMAL, WHICH, the Daily Show clip presents in all its painful glory. Honestly, if Sean had some rhythm, I would not begrudge him success.

But not only is Spicey playing the culture war card, but so are his buddies, the aforementioned Mike Huckabee, Trump, Jr, and even the president himself. What’s more, they couldn’t care less about Sean. He was such a terrible liar, the current White House occupant canned him. It’s all about “owning the libs” and stirring up divisions. It’s gross. What is happening here is exactly why host Tom Bergeron criticized the casting on social media.

Dancing with the Stars has always featured celebrities from all walks of life. And they all rise and fall on their own merits. Sure, they have fan bases voting for them no matter what. But the impetus has never been so mean spirited.  Even when Vote for the Worst did their thing in the Idol world–at least the folks who participated were fans of the show. 

So, this takedown of Sean Spicer and his buddies by The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah is HILARIOUS and a must watch. And there is a fun twist. For Trevor, IT’S PERSONAL. Years ago, he competed on the South African version of the show.  Make sure to watch to the very end. I won’t spoil it. 


About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!