David Cook analyzes his new music video for MTV’s Jim Cantiello. An no DAVID WAS NOT PANTSLESS!
“I promise, it’s the light coming up from the stairwell, ” Cook recently told MTV News, adding, “I’m proud of my butt, but I don’t think I’m gonna be showing it in any music videos.”
“In the original [treatment], I was in on the joke. And I was like, ‘Well, that seems a little self-important.’ So we tried to swing it around and make it more like I’m just kind of dimwitted, ” Cook said.
Dick even used David’s idea for an ending, where drummer Kyle Peek passes out upon seeing the presumed-dead rocker in the flesh. “I was proud of his passing-out ability, ” Cook declared. “If there’s an Oscar for music videos, boom, nailed it.”
David’s new album This Loud Morning drops June 28.
Tags: MTV Shows