Dancing with the Stars 21 – Paula Deen & Louis – Week 4 – Cha-Cha-Cha VIDEO

Paula’s year is 1989. It was the year that she left her husband and she had to make some hard decisions. Paula wants to keep dancing until she gets it right. Okay. Paula bringing some decent cha-cha-cha action here. Not bad, to be honest. Not great, of course. Paula has minimal missteps in this. Of course, as usual, I am judging Paula on a curve, which is unfortunate. She and Gary are weakest two dancers left but I know the history of this show and I don’t feel confident about them leaving. Paula should be happy she got through this dance doing (for her), relatively well. Props to Louis as well for the choreography- definitely doing something to make Paula look good and now push her too hard.

Click to Read: DWTS 21 Week 4 Live Blog and Performance VIDEOS

Bruno compliments her on only going wrong once. He wants her to have more fun and just fire on all cylinders. Carrie Ann gets frustrated because she thinks Paula moves sexy but loses focus. Julianne calls Paula a strong and fierce woman and wants her to get out of her head.
Carrie Ann- 6
Julianne- 6
Bruno- 6
Total: 18/30