It’s not as if he’s saying anything many of us haven’t already said, but 10th place American Idol 12 finisher, Curtis Finch, believes the American Idol producers wanted a girl winner so much, they made sure it happened.
In an interview with WPJL radio yesterday, Curtis said, about why all the guys were eliminated first, “I think it’s been really pushed, that they wanted a girl to win. And that’s fine with me, because the girls are extremely talented.”
“You think the producers had something to do with it?” asked the DJ, a little incredulously. “How do they influence the competition?”
“The producers …set it up in a way,” said Curtis, “From Hollywood week, they separated the boys and the girls. They already pushed and said ‘Oh, there hasn’t been a [girl] winner since Jordan Sparks, yada, yada, yada.’ And so for me, as a boy in the competition, that’s a lot of pressure. That’s why every time I sang, I didn’t really sing based upon what they presented us to America as. I presented myself to be the best vocalist possible.”