Columbus, Ohio AI Live! Show – Bjames’ Recap

Bjames sent in a recap and tons of great pictures from the Columbus OH Idols show. I posted photos and his recap, after the jump, including the Michael Johns/David Cook guitar tech moment! There are more photos a bjames flicker account.

Here are some random tidbits from the show:

Recaps and Photos after the JUMP…

– I brought my nice camera to the show. I had a floor seat in the middle, so I was hoping to get some good shots–which I did, until a random security guard stopped me during Kristy and told me it was “too big” and to “keep it away.” The security people at the gate told me it was fine. Whatever….After that, I just used my regular camera and took a ton of videos. (I can give you some if you want them, but they’re poor quality. I have some of everyone except Chikeze and Kristy.) Then during Syesha, until the end of the show, I snuck out the good camera and got some quick shots. So that explains why the last 12 photos in the album look a little crappy.

– All of the contestants really, really impressed me–more so than I expected. I ended up really enjoying all of them, including ones I either couldn’t stand (Chikeze, Kristy), or ones I tended to laugh at on TV (Archuleta, Brooke), and I was pretty much blown away by others (Carly, Michael, the Davids, Syesha). They all just sounded awesome. I’m sure the crowd’s screams and mic reverb helped, but still.

– People were VERY into Michael, Jason, and the Davids. Lots of people sat down during everyone else after the second song or so.

– Carly and Michael were definitely the highlights of the show for me. Carly can SANG.

– Syesha looked…fuller?…than I remembered her being on the show. People all around were noticing the same thing. But wow…she pretty much blew the roof off during her last song.

– A girl behind me summed it up well when she screamed during Ramiele, “WHY DIDN’T SHE SING LIKE THAT ON THE SHOW?” I agree.

– I don’t know if they’re always like this, but certain contestants (Ramiele, Syesha, Archuleta) were SUPER SUPER awkward in between songs. I actually started cracking up at how awesomely bad it got at times. It took Syesha practially a full minute to introduce Archuleta. Lots of “….so…anyways….um…….And random “…HE’S MY BROTHER, YA’LL…” followed by more awkward silence. And Archuleta did his standard “You…guys…*breathe*…are…just…so…*breathe*…amazing…and *breathe*…awesome…and this song…goes… *breathe* *breathe*…gosh…it goes to all of…you.”

– Archuleta singing “Apologize” will always be hilarious to me. And so will thousands of 12 year old girls going INSANE as he starts to sing about them making him suicidal while he samples Sean Kingston. And so does the thought of Nigel freaking out during the show when he started to sing ‘Beautiful Girls’ on the air.

– Carly mentioned her hip being put out of place at the last show, but she said she’s doing fine now and was feeling good. Did I mention she was awesome? And looked 1000x better than she ever did on the show?

– Before one of David Cook’s songs, as he was looking around for his guitar tech, he started laughing hysterically. Next thing we know, Michael was walking out with David’s guitar and handed it to him (I have a blurry picture in my album). According to David, they “had been talking about doing that for about a month.” I don’t get it.

– Ramiele’s dance moves = awesome (in an “is that really happening” kind of way). I love her though.

– People don’t seem that into Kristy. The only people that seemed to get really into her set were some middle aged ladies. The rest sat down, even during “Proud to Be An American.”

– I was definitely looking forward to see if Brooke had diarrhea of the mouth in person like she did on the show. And…she did. I loved it. The couple in front of me were practically making out and swaying to “Let It Be.” HAha.

– Jason Castro and Michael Johns can do no wrong.

– If Simon/Paula/Randy saw Carly sing week after week, how can they not give that kind of voice the praise it deserves? Still don’t get it.

Season 8 better be good if it wants to stand up to this. I see lots of future careers in store for this group.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!