Clay Aiken Opponent Releases “No Show” Negative Ad (VIDEO)

Welp. The gloves are off. Clay Aiken is running for Congress in North Carolina, and his top opponent in the democratic primary has released a negative ad targeted at Clay, according to Roll Call.

Keith Crisco, a former North Carolina Commerce secretary, slams Clay in the ad for skipping meetings for a commission Clay was appointed to by then-President George W. Bush. Clay has made that appointment part of his campaign.

“Clay Aiken says helping children with special needs is one of his top priorities,” says a voice over in the 30 second spot,”but when the president appointed Clay Aiken to the Presidential Commission for People With Intellectual Disabilities, no-show Clay Aiken skipped every single meeting.”

The Democratic primary is set for May 6. The winner will go on to face incumbent, Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers.

The ad will air in Raleigh and Greensboro media markets, according to Crisco’s campaign, and was launched the same day Clay’s ad debuted on TV.

Clay Aiken Campaign Commercial

Clay has already struck back in a fundraising email to his supporters:

“Crisco and his campaign are twisting the facts about my service on the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities,” Aiken says in the email, which asks for donations to “help us defend the campaign from these attacks.”

“While it’s true that I couldn’t attend many of the committee meetings, I had just finished American Idol,” the email continues. “So I made it clear to the committee during the first meeting I attended that I was touring and working on my album at the time and that I couldn’t be physically present for most meetings.”

Crisco’s rep told Roll Call in a telephone interview, “It’s unfortunate that someone who gets appointed by the president of the United States doesn’t show up to any of the meetings, and it’s something that we wanted the people to know,”

Read more at Roll Call

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