America's Got Talent

Billboard – 3/17/12

As we all know, there are approximately 84,212 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post rankings

America's Got Talent

Billboard – 3/10/12

As we all know, there are approximately 83,129 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post rankings

American Idol

Idol Sales News – Week Ending 02/26/12

Now with album numbers and some digital numbers! Album Numbers: (Idol Chatter) Idol albums Kelly Clarkson, Stronger (20,000 weekly, -32%, 617,000 total) (#15 Billboard 200) Scotty McCreery, Clear as Day (9,000, -27%, 948,000) (#52 BB200)