Casey Abrams Still in The Hospital – Could Drop Out of Competition (Update: Casey Will Tape The Show Tonight)

UPDATE: According to TV Line, Casey is well enough to tape the show tonight.

UPDATE2: According to TMZ, Casey received a blood transfusion at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center this morning, and was released earlier today.

Casey has now done two rehearsals for the taping tonight — featuring the top 12 male finalists.

A source connected with the show tells TMZ Casey will not have to return to the hospital.


Casey Abrams update, and it’ not looking great for the Season 10 Top 24 contestant. From TMZ:

Casey Abrams — who we know is one of the 24 finalists on “American Idol” — is still in the hospital and could end up dropping out of the competition today … TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story … Casey was rushed to the hospital Wednesday, complaining of severe stomach pains.

We’ve learned he’s still in the hospital and will receive a blood transfusion this morning.

For Casey to continue in the competition, he must participate in tonight’s taping of the top 12 males.

Sources connected with the show say it’s up to Casey to decide, but producers will let him rehearse with the band at 4:30 PM today if he’s able … and then tape the show.

It’s so touch and go, we’re told they’re discussing the possibility of Casey going to the taping and then returning to the hospital.

Get well soon Casey!

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!