Bits and Pieces – The Powers That Be Edition

In a conference call with reporters on Thursday, Idol executive producer, Nigel Lythgoe,  revealed details about a  mid-season special.   It will revolve around the  songwriting competition  and will feature an  all-star  cast of former Idols singing the Top 10 songwriting submissions from viewers.   Names mentioned for the special:  Constantine Maroulis, Ace Young, Vonzell Solomon and Tamyra Gray.  By the way, I was told some details of this special back in December.   My wonderful, and most awesomely-awesome source swore me to secrecy, so I kept mum.  Oh, and there was that not-wanting-to-wake-up-and-find-a-horses-head-in-my-bed deal.  Yeah, there was that.

The rest of Nigel’s press conference was full of amusing dissembling. Like this:

“We are informed at the end of the day [by Fox] that you can’t invite this person or persons, and we don’t ask why. To be frank, we’re not interested. If Fox believes it will damage the show… then it’s best they just don’t come along.”

Right.  The network is calling the shots rather than the 800  pound gorilla that is Freemantle Media.  I am laughing now.  If Freemantle wanted Akron, they would have gotten him. And I don’t believe for a nanosecond that the executive producers have no idea what his background check turned up.  Sawry.  That dog don’t hunt.

Here’s a gem:

And Cowell’s infamous “bush baby” remark to one contestant? “A bush baby isn’t even a monkey… .A bush baby has beautiful, big eyes… .I don’t find it derogatory.”

OMG.   I’m speechless.

When asked why the producers chose to add an audition episode at the expense of the Hollywood rounds  (there will only be two Hollywood Round episodes next week) Nigel said:

…There wasnt that much that occurred in Hollywood to warrant two episodes. We often stretch it out already. This year,  the audition episodes were so strong. We wanted to introduce to America more of the contestants that are going to Hollywood.

The super-hilarious part is bolded.  The extra episode yielded  6 Hollywood bound contestants (two of them, the carhops, together in one segment) who could have been edited into their respective city episodes.  Oh, but then some of the joke auditions would’ve had to  been cut.

Why not just say that the audition episodes attract a wide audience–an audience who adores watching train wrecks? When the Hollywood rounds start, the ratings take a dip.  Why not just say that and be done with it?

One more.   This concerns our gal Paula Abdul.   Apparently, there’s been some extry-speshul editing  this season:

Lythgoe said …Unfortunately, once you get in your head that she drunk or she taking drugs, neither of which she does, she certainly doesnt do social drugs or even drink, so once youve got that in your head it very difficult.   We look when were editing the show nowadays and say, …Hey, are people going to think she drunk for doing that?   We try and take that into account.

So, they edit her so she doesn’t look drunk?  Coulda fooled me.

Speaking of Poor Paula, she  has been slapped with a  lawsuit  from  a production house,  Pilgrim Films and Television, which claims that she sold their original idea of making a reality show on her life to another company.

According to the court papers filed by Pilgrim Films and Television (PFTV) in Los Angeles County Superior court, they met with Abdul and her producing associate David Russo in 2004, and discussed the deal about making a talk show that will be hosted by Abdul.

Later it was decided that a reality show ‹Hey Paula would be made on her bizarre showbiz life.

The lawsuit has also stated that the project was cancelled after the 44-year-old pop star demanded editorial control of the program.

PFTV representatives have also claimed that they wanted to revive the project by selling the company, and that they were taken aback when Abdul told them that she had sold the idea to US network Bravo.

Paula’s response: “While I’m not going to respond to this baseless lawsuit, I will say that Hey Paula is based upon my life and my ideas. Last I heard, I still own my own life.”

Today’s last item.   And I have to admit it strikes a bit of fear in my heart.   According to the New York Post, American Idol creator and executive producer, Simon Fuller, is working with Michael Jackson to help resuscitate his DOA career.   Uhh, just leave Idol out of it, OK Simon?   I could maybe deal with a Michael Jackson/Jackson 5 theme week that DID NOT INCLUDE a guest appearance from the skeery one.   But, if you bring him on as a guest, or (UGH)  allow him to appear on the finale, I’m boycotting.   No joke.

thanks lisab

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!