Big Brother 23 Eviction Results Week 7 Recap and Live Blog

A live eviction episode of Big Brother 23 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

After last night’s Veto Meeting, allies Claire and Derek X sit on the block together. Who will be evicted? And who will win the next Head of Household competition? Let’s find out!

Derek X. is the target for the house. Claire is close friends with him, but she believes sitting next to Derek X. is her best chance to stay in the house. However, Tiffany would rather save Derek X. She chats with Hannah and Azah about potentially flipping the vote. Hannah shares this idea with Xavier, but he shuts this down. Xavier says Derek X. is too big of a competition threat for the Cookout. Xavier believes he can sway Azah back to targeting Derek X. too, but he knows it will be tougher to convince Tiffany. Xavier and Kyland talk to Tiffany about the vote. She’s annoyed that Kyland is trying to guilt trip her into voting out Derek X. Tiffany tells them there are pros and cons for voting out either Claire or Derek X. Xavier thinks he got Tiffany on board with letting Derek X. go, but she’s determined to keep fighting for Derek X. Later, Tiffany chats with Azah and Hannah. She wants them to be in the Final 3 over the men in the Cookout. And she believes keeping Derek X. will help them get there.

As one of his punishments from the Power of Veto competition, Xavier must be in solitary confinement for 24 hours. He will go into the Have-Not room 24 hours before the eviction vote. He’s hoping the plan to evict Derek X. remains in place, but Tiffany is still determined to save Derek X. He advises Derek X. to make a pitch for himself to Azah since he only needs four votes. Derek X. talks game with her, and he promises he’ll be a shield for the people he cares about in the game. Azah is intrigued by his pitch, and she admits she’s seriously considering his offer.

Next is the eviction vote. Claire and Derek X. can each give one final plea. Claire asks them to vote to keep her if she’s an asset. Derek X. says there are inflection points in the game, including this week. He says it’s a time to make a change in the game. He promises he’ll be a shield. He wants to help give the people he cares about a fair shot to make it far.

Alyssa votes to evict Derek X.

Hannah votes to evict Claire.

Kyland votes to evict Claire.

Derek F. votes to evict Derek X.

Tiffany votes to evict Derek X.

Azah votes to evict Derek X.

Xavier votes to evict Derek X.

By a vote of 5 – 2, Derek X. has been evicted from the Big Brother house. He gives everyone a hug before walking out the door. Julie asks him about his feelings. He admits he has regrets. He was thinking too much about his long-term game instead of his short-term game. He thanks America for voting to give him 100 BB bucks. He’s sorry for letting them down. Derek X. admits Hannah is amazing, but his energy was completely focused on the game. Julie asks if they’ll date after the season is over, and he says, “Expect the unexpected.”

Tonight’s Head of Household competition is a memory challenge. The Houseguests were shown various GIFs of themselves on the screens before the competition. They will be quizzed true or false on what they saw in the GIFs. The Houseguest with the most correct answers will win. After the competition, they must pick an envelope from a pedestal to collect BB bucks. They will open these envelopes secretly when they return to the High Roller’s room.

Question 1: Xavier, Azah, and Claire are eliminated.

Question 2: Kyland and Derek F. are eliminated.

Question 3: Everyone left is correct.

Question 4: Alyssa and Hannah are eliminated.

Tiffany is the new HoH!

Julie chats with the Houseguests before the end of the episode. Tiffany is excited to be HoH and Claire is thankful to still be in the house.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Big Brother 23. Thanks for reading and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 569 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.