Big Brother 18 – Week 10 Power Rankings

Last night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 18. Read on for spoilers on who won HoH, which juror returned, and where the Houseguests stand for the week.

Last night was a live eviction episode of Big Brother 18. By a vote of 2 – 1, Victor was evicted from the Big Brother house. After an epic battle of endurance, Nicole won the HoH competition. And Victor won his way back in the house! But before I get to my predictions of the upcoming week, let me discuss the events of the previous week that led to Victor’s second eviction.

Victor: Neither Natalie nor Michelle wanted Victor gone this week. Their original target was Paul, but Paul won the Power of Veto. The backup plan was for Corey to be backdoored when he was put on the block as the replacement nominee. However, they realized that Victor is the best competitor in the house with his numerous competition wins, so they chose to evict him instead. Nevertheless, Victor and Paul came up with a pretty good plan to get the votes to flip in their favor. Paul spent a lot of time with Nicole and Corey to make James, Natalie, and Michelle paranoid. In addition, Paul and Victor staged a fake fight to make it seem like they were no longer allies. Their plan seemed to work too. Hours before the eviction, Michelle and Natalie were pleading to James to vote Corey out. Unfortunately, James was unwilling to make that move, so he evicted Victor.


There are three tight duos left in the game: Victor and Paul, Natalie and James, and Nicole and Corey. Michelle is the only one not part of a duo, but she’s close with Natalie and James. James voted to keep Corey and he threw the HoH competition to Nicole tonight. Nicole promised James safety, and Nicole seems to want to target Michelle this week. However, James and Natalie are not entirely safe this week. Victor and Paul will be trying their best to get close to Nicole and Corey this week and assert that they will go after James, Natalie, and Michelle moving forward. Nicole could be swayed one way or another, so it’s not completely clear how this week will play out.

Now onto the Power Rankings. Here are where the Houseguests stand in the house this upcoming week with Nicole as the Head of Household.


1. NICOLE – She is the current HoH and will be making nominations this week. Nicole really hasn’t been playing much of a game this season, but somehow has managed to survive this long without being nominated once. Nicole promised James safety and could very likely keep him and Natalie safe this week. Also, Nicole has already said to Corey that she does not want to nominate Paul this week; she wants to put Michelle and Victor on the block. However, Paul and Victor could sway her to side with them and target James anyway. I guess we’ll have to see what happens. Due to Paul and Victor being at odds with James and Natalie could help Nicole and Corey sneak their way to the end of this game.

2. COREY – Corey’s showmance partner is HoH, so he’s 100% safe this week. Corey has been on the block the past two weeks, but has managed to survive. Corey’s likely going to make it very far in the game, but I doubt he’ll end up winning since he hasn’t done anything noteworthy except winning HoH during the double eviction. He’s just been a puppet for Nicole and Paulie all season long.

3. PAUL – Nicole has already stated tonight that she does not want to put Paul up on the block this week. Her reasoning is that Paul encouraged Nicole during the competition to stay in it, so she feels like she can trust Paul. Paul has also convinced Nicole that he is completely against James and Natalie (which is actually true at this point). At this point in the game, Paul is playing the best game. He was the target last week, but has managed to still get people on his side due to how persuasive he can be. If he makes it to the Final 2, he will likely win regardless who is sitting next to him.

4. JAMES – Nicole did promise James safety before he hopped off the HoH endurance competition tonight, so that is why I have him ranked here this week. However, James getting evicted this week isn’t completely out of the question. Victor and Paul can be savvy game players, and Nicole could be convinced to go back on her deal and target him anyway. However, if Nicole were to side with Victor and Paul, Michelle would most likely be the target anyway. So even though James leaving this week isn’t out of the question, it is still unlikely.

5. NATALIE – Natalie’s game fell apart this past week. She was in the best position in the house the week leading to Paulie’s eviction. However, she lost two allies after turning on Victor and Paul last week. Due to her wishy-washy HoH reign of changing her mind on whom to target throughout the week, other Houseguests might not find her very trustworthy. Nicole and Corey seemed to be on board with working with her and James, but it’s quite possible they could turn their back on that deal too. If Paul and Victor both survive this week, they are 100% targeting them. Natalie probably won’t be evicted this week, but it’s likely her only ally moving forward will be James if Michelle leaves this week.

6. VICTOR – Victor now has a third chance at the game, but it’s possible he could be walking right back out the door. Victor has an uphill battle if he wants to stay in the house. If he doesn’t win the Veto, he and Paul will have some serious campaigning to do to sway Nicole and Corey to their side. Nicole and Corey already seem willing to work with Paul, so it’s possible Victor could survive eviction this week. However, Victor is once again in danger this week and his best chance at survival is to win the Power of Veto.

7. MICHELLE – Nicole wants Michelle gone. Earlier tonight Nicole told Corey she’s contemplating nominating Michelle and Victor with Michelle as her target. It’s no secret that Michelle wants Nicole gone, so it’s reasonable for Nicole to want Michelle gone too. Unless Michelle wins the Power of Veto, it’s very likely she could be evicted next week. However, it’s not clear how this week will play out. Nicole can be wishy-washy too, so she’ll probably change her mind throughout the week. The only people completely safe this week are Nicole and Corey, but Michelle is currently in the most danger.

So those are my thoughts on the house dynamics this week. Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

About Steven Curtis 557 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.