Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 – POV Competition Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 - POV Competition Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 10 – POV Competition Results

Vanessa and the Austwins WORST NIGHTMARE. James won this afternoon’s Veto competition!!!

HoH Vanessa, nominees Meg and James plus Liz, Julia and Austin competed.

Afterward, alone in the Have Not room, James turned to the camera and said, “This is for you Bailey. They tried to take your Daddy out. Your daddy ain’t built like that.” He planned to wear his Veto around his neck to rub it in. He’s safe!

The house was completely trashed. It appears the game involved hiding and finding Veto cards. The Austwins and Vanessa were hoping today’s contest would be a counting comp, and even had an elaborate strategy mapped on how they’d eliminate the Goblins. OH WELL!

Vanessa retreated to whining and poor mes. She accused the show of fixing the comp so James could win.

Meg and James once again assured the Austwins that they never planned to put them up together on the block. Austin is still Team Vanessa, however. No matter how many times she lies to him, he still buys what she tells him!

James wants to make a deal with the twins to keep Meg. He’s ready to threaten them if they don’t. He told Meg he’ll tell Vanessa to her face that he’s going after her. He’s pissed over being targeted for “petty bullsh*t” and for stuff everybody did. James spilled his anger to Austin. Maybe not so smart to do that. Austin dumped the entire convo to Vanessa. She’s thinking Meg definitely has to go so James loses his ally.

But, Vanessa is having a hard time deciding who to renom.

Earlier, Austin and Vanessa had a long talk, strategizing the next few weeks, and who would take whom to F2 if the four (Liz, Julia, Austin, Vanessa) make it to the final four. It seems like Vanessa is getting paranoid about Steve and James, afraid they plan to target her soon.

The Austwins are also freaked out by John and Steve, and afraid of the damage they could do as a team. They want John to go up as renom. Little do they know, that during one of his soliloquies, Steve told the camera that he’ll put up Liz and Austin if he gets the chance. And he might. Next week’s double elim holds the potential for total chaos. I CANNOT WAIT!

At the moment, Vanessa seems to be leaning toward targeting Meg or John. She’s mad that John hasn’t come up to visit her in the HoH room–which means he MUST be scheming behind her back (he’s not).

There’s probably going to be an update to this post…so stay tuned.

UPDATE: Overnight, James realized it was dumb to go off on Vanessa behind her back. He had a chat with her in HoH, and the two worked out their issues, more or less. Vanessa plans to work with James for now, rather than antagonize him further.

However, Vanessa still plans to evict Meg (Steve convinced her John was trustworthy). At the moment, she’s settled on putting Julia up as a pawn. Vanessa’s thinking is renoming one of the Austwins insures they won’t flip on her. In any case, Julia has agreed with the the current plan–which could change of course. So stay tuned.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!