Big Brother 16 Week 7 Eviction Live Blog Which houseguest will be evicted? Donny or Nicole? Christine is Head of Household.
It’s day 56, Julie helpfully tells us.
The run up to eviction:
Christine is hoping the detonators will keep her safe, now that putting Nicole up for eviction means she’s chosen sides. HA HA HA HA Christine. What part of BOYS CLUB do you not understand?
Nicole confronts Christine and swears she had no intention of backdooring her. She doesn’t believe Christine when she says the detonators threatened to evict her (Yes, she’s lying). Nicole is in tears as Christine apologizes over and over again.
Donny laments his solitary status in a conversation with Zach in the have not room. Zach feels kind of sorry for him. Donny wonders what he’s done to turn people off him. He feels shunned by the house. It felt to me as if Donny withdrew from a situation that didn’t feel comfortable to him. He’s a smart guy, but not really made for this game.
A teary Nicole figures Christine has some sort of deal with Cody, as she’s constantly with him and inappropriately affectionate. (Hope Christine’s husband doesn’t mind her crawling up on Cody all the time.). She’s warm…but not quite! She still seems to trust Derrick. That’s his talent–the ability to run things without anybody realizing it.
Nicole pleads her case with Christine, trying to convince her that Donny is a threat–especially to the detonators. She actually gives Christine pause. Nicole takes her case to Cody next. He doesn’t trust Donny either, especially since he hears that he’s one of Donny’s targets.
In a meeting with Christine and Derrick, Cody admits that he wants Donny out. But in diary, Derrick reminds us that it’s in his best interest to keep Donny, because of Team America.
After the break, we go on a fieldtrip with Christine, Caleb and Frankie who all won an opportunity to meet some football players. Can you say “Thursday Night Football tie in”?
They get to leave the house, which has got to be so thrilling. Oh. They go to the Dallas cowboys training camp. Being from Dallas, Caleb is super excited. They get a tour of the locker room by Tony Romo. Owner, Jerry Jones meets them. He hands out some Cowboys swag and the kids couldn’t be more excited.
They meet Jason Wynn, “The best dagum tight end in the game!” exclaims Caleb. They also meet Dez Bryant, wide receiver. They watch practice for awhile. A good time was had by all. And TNF got some sweet promo.
Back live at the house, Julie interviews the houseguests. Caleb says he was really excited to meet the owner, Jerry Jones. Victoria was surprised that she was so emotional this week. “A lot of lies are happening right now,” she says. Out of the mouth of Victoria. Where does Zankie stand? Zach says he still hates everyone, but he hates Frankie the least. He’s still his best friend. Frankie talks about the challenge of winning the Power of Veto competition all by himself.
Time for the Live Vote and Eviction!
Nicole has only positive things to say in her pre-vote speech. Donny is super hearts and flowers as well.
Caleb – Nicole
Zach – Nicole
Cody – Nicole
Victoria – Nicole
Frankie – Nicole
Derrick – Nicole
Not surprisingly–it’s unanimous. Nicole has been evicted from the house. She’s the first HoH to be evicted in the same week.
Nicole SO KNEW she was out, as she rose from her chair before her name was even called. She says her goodbyes. “I adore you,” says Frankie. Hmmf. “Hey Nicole,” says Zach to her newly black and white photo, “See you never.” I’m going to laugh if she eventually ends up back in the house.
In her Q&A with Julie, Nicole can’t put her finger on what’s happening in the house, but she’s sure something is going on. Christine moving to evict her was really frustrating. Nicole feels betrayed, but felt as a game move, putting her up was smart. She apologizes to Ariana Grande’s fans for trying to get Frankie out of the house. She’s really looking forward to seeing Hayden in the jury house and is sure they’ll stay best friends. Sounds like she doesn’t want a romance. He doesn’t either, so that’s good. In their goodbye messages, everyone expresses regret for having to get rid of her. Nicole says if she went back into the house, she wouldn’t trust as many people. Her eyes light up when Julie tells her she may have a chance to return to the game.
I hope it’s Nicole who eventually re-enters the house. She’s adorable, and is willing to play a risky game. I’d love for her to go back in and really blow things up. I mean, the game will continue on to it’s logical conclusion– Derrick, Cody and Victoria F3– but if Nicole could cause some trouble in the meantime, I’m all for it.
Before the HoH competition we see the houseguests freaking out over BB Zombie. Production must really enjoy freaking out the houseguests. BB Zombie flashes in the two way mirrors all over the house. While watching TV, a message similar to those Emergency Alerts flashes on the screen. A voice warns of a coming zombie apocalypse. “Stay inside and start showmances immediately…eating another houseguests brains is grounds for expulsion.”
The messages are a precursor to the HoH competition called “Dead of Household.” The “undead” themed game is another multiple choice quiz. The players are asked questions about the zombie warning that they heard and are given to answers to choose from: A or B. The two HoHs will be chosen by process of elimination.
Caleb is eliminated after the first question. Everyone got the second question right. Donny and Victoria are eliminated after the third question. Zach is eliminated after the 4th question. Cody is eliminated after several more rounds of questions, and Frankie and Derrick are named the new Heads of Household.
Julie interviews former BB winner, Rachel Reilly. She’s really disappointed that the girls are clinging to the boys (me too). “Sisters before misters,” she says. She thinks that after the girls alliance failed, they stopped playing. She loooves Zankie. And she hopes hopes hopes that Nicole is sent back to the house. She’s the only hope for flipping the game. (Actually, there’s no hope. Derrick has this. I can’t see him losing control of the house at this point.)
Next week:
Sunday: Who will Derrick and Frankie nominate for eviction? Plus it’s the FINAL battle of the block On Wednesday: Zingbot drops by and who will win the Power of Veto? Thursday: The double HoH twist is over. Another houseguest goes home. The first 4 jurors are given the chance to return to the game–either Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole or whomever is evicted next week.