Big Brother 16 – Week 5 – Live Blog Eviction Results (VIDEO)

Live blogging the Big Brother 16 eviction results for Week 5. Will it be Jocasta or Amber heading out the door with their suitcase tonight? Stick around to find out! Two new HoHs will be crowned. Plus more Team America.

Julie Chen informs us that it’s Day 42 and the Detonators continue to rule the house. Playing Caleb like a puppet! He thinks he’s running the house. HA HA HA HA.

The week in review:

Jocasta is so nervous. She’ never been on the block going into eviction before. Caleb thinks Amber is only on the block to scare her. He doesn’t realize that she’s actually the target.

Out in the yard, Frankie apologizes to Amber. She wants to know why he didn’t put Zach on the block. She badgers Frankie, who keeps blaming Caleb for why she was put up.  She confronts Caleb. Why did he insist she go on the block? He admits he was the reason.  He accuses her of going off to the other side of the house. She tells him it feels like a slap in the face.

In Diary, Caleb says he’s thinking he made a mistake. He doesn’t’ want her to leave. Later, he apologizes to Amber. She accuses him of breaking a promise to protect her.  Caleb admits that the entire alliance wanted her on the block. “Everyone just backstabs me.” says Amber. “I would never put you on the block Caleb.”

Caleb approaches Frankie. “I feel like such a sleezeball.” Frankie can’t believe Caleb feels responsible. But he’s going to let him think that anyway. He pretends to feel bad that Amber was on the block. He says he did it because he couldn’t stand to see Caleb hurt (right). Caleb is crying now. Oy.

Cody asks Amber if she likes Caleb. She begins to cry. Christine asks her what’s wrong. Amber leaves the room. Christine follows her. “I’m so tired of Zach,” says Amber. “I feel so pressured because I don’t like Caleb like that. He’s hurting my game so bad.”

She hates being a pawn in his hero complex. Christine wants to talk the guys into taking Caleb out instead, because getting him out would be better for her game. She explains that Caleb is now Amber’s target. Frankie is elated, because when Caleb finds out, he’ll be willing to let her go.

In a meeting with Zach, Frankie and  Derrick, Caleb finds out that Amber is telling people that he is ruining her game. He becomes super angry and leaves the room.  He sits in the living room, stewing.  He “realizes” that Amber has been blinding him since day one.

Oy. Caleb is being played like a freaking Stradivarius. He thinks he’s “Beast Mode” and really, he’s just an idiot. Truth is, he IS ruining Amber’s game. He’s literally victimized her, trying to control her and NOT taking no for an answer when she rebuffs his advances. He’s awful. And frankly, I find it disgusting that the houseguests all looked the other way for the sake of their “game.”

After the break, we go live to the studio. Julie offers Derrick her condolences regarding the loss of his grandfather.  Julie brings up Zach’s crazy speeches. He explains that he hates everyone in the room, and that’s the way he rolls. Zach is kind of an asshole, but he’s so amusing.  Nicole tells Julie that she decided to take his  attack on her as a compliment. She loves froot loops and a dingus is adorably quirky just like she is.

Cut away from the house. Julie reveals this week’s Team America task.  The team–Frankie, Derrick and Donny are supposed to vote against the majority of the house, and then blame two others in the fallout.  Donny and Derrick would have to take on the task, because Frankie is HoH and cannot vote. They are seriously worried that this mission could ruin their games. They may not take it on.

Time for the Live Vote! Amber pleads her case. She sends love to her family. “Jocasta, you’re an amazing woman,” she says. She loves everyone in the house. She’s played an honest and loyal game. It would be a benefit if she stuck around. Jocasta praises God first. Then a shout out to the family.She prays for everyone every day.

WUSSES! Team America did not take on the viewers mission. It was because Donny refused to play. It appears Derrick was willing to go for it. He apologized as he cast his vote for Amber.

Hayden – Amber
Victoria – Amber
Donny – Amber
Derrick – Amber
Zach – Amber
Caleb – Amber
Christine – Amber
Cody – Amber
Nicole – Amber

It’s unanimous. Amber is OUT. Amber leaves the room with an “I love you guys.” Back in the house. Creepy Caleb looks sad. The Detonators congratulate themselves on a job well done.

Short Q&A with Julie:  Amber feels most betrayed by Caleb. She stresses that she was NOT interested in Caleb, and was not about to pretend she was just for the money. She thinks maybe the house voted her out for being a flip flopper.  Amber refused to blow up anyone’s game before she walked out because she wanted walk out with her head held high.  She really believes Caleb’s obsession severely affected her game. He still has her bunny slippers and she wants them back! She also feels betrayed by Cody. He was like a brother to her.

Goodbye messages. Zach says he’s happy she’s gone, because he knew he was her target. Christina apologizes, but had no choice but to side with the house, because she was working with the Detonators. She namechecks them all, and promises Caleb will be the next target. Donny has kind words for her.  Caleb declares he’s the king of the house as he slips a crown on his head. She laughs her head off “You’re next, buddy,” she says. Amber believes Donny is running the house (LOLZ NO. Did she not pay attention to Christine’s reveal about the Detonators?) and Zach is the villain.

The memory wall is full of “memory loops– vids of stuff that has happened in the house. The houseguests are delighted as they watch.

Time for the HoH competition.  Frankie isn’t eligible to compete. The game is called “getting loopy.” Julie will read a series of statements based on the loops they watched. The HGs have to determine if they are true or false. The last HGs standing will win the competition.

The HGs put up their answers. Incorrect answers will eliminate a contestant.  Jocasta is out first. After 3 more rounds, the houseguests all guess correctly. Victoria, Christine and Derrick answer the next question incorrectly.  More rounds pass with the remaining contestants answering correctly. Cody answers a question wrong and he’s out.  Five contestants remain as Julie is forced to go to break. We’ll find out Sunday who won Power of Veto, except I’ll put up a spoiler here later.

UPDATE: Nicole and Donny are the New HoHs


About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!