Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Spoilers (Week 2 Power of Veto Results)

Find out who won the coveted Power of Veto here:

Late Saturday evening, the Power of Veto competition took place. Devin is the HoH and he nominated Brittany and Paola for eviction. Amber, Derrick, and Zach were also chosen to play.

Devin won the Power of Veto.

Although Devin is the HoH, he plans to change his nominations. He promised Paola before the Power of Veto competition that if he won, he would use it on her. However, after a very lengthy conversation with Brittany that resulted in the both of them offering each other safety for the weeks to come, Devin now plans to use the POV on Brittany and nominate Victoria in her place. Therefore, it will likely be Victoria and Paola on the block after the Veto Ceremony is held with the plan to evict Victoria.

Brittany was originally Devin’s target, but numerous houseguests have made it clear that they want Brittany to stay, especially Cody, Derrick, and Zach. Even if Brittany were to stay on the block, she would likely be saved. However, Devin and Brittany have struck a deal to protect each other in the game. Devin also asked Brittany not to tell anyone that he will use the POV on her, which she has agreed to. It is still unclear whether Brittany will still look out for Devin since it’s possible she just told him what he wants to hear to ensure her safety.

In other news, the Bomb Squad was very close to blowing up early Saturday morning. Caleb and Devin got into a heated argument that ended with Devin saying that the alliance was over. However, Caleb and Devin made amends later in the day. Nonetheless, Devin is still a big target for most of the houseguests and will likely be backdoored next week. It is possible Devin is changing the target to Victoria now since several houseguests would rather see Victoria evicted instead of Brittany. Devin may be trying to placate the house since he’s aware people are coming after him. However, even if he does save Brittany, he will likely still be the biggest target in the house.

But as for this week, it looks like Victoria will be backdoored and the second houseguest evicted from Big Brother 16. However, the Veto Ceremony is not until Monday, and things can always change.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.