Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Spoilers (Week 12 HoH, Nominees, and Luxury Competition Results)

Find out what has happened inside the Big Brother house since last night’s live episode.

Last night the Rewind Twist was put into effect, meaning the houseguests must redo last week entirely. They played the same HoH competition, but was there a different result?

Caleb won HoH. He nominated Frankie and Victoria.

As long as Frankie doesn’t win the Power of Veto, he will be evicted. If he does, then Victoria will be evicted instead. There’s not much else to say about that plan.

In other news, the jurors returned to the house as part of a luxury competition. While the remaining houseguests were locked inside a room with a television showing a live feed of the house, they watched the jurors reenter the house and trash the place. They threw an assortment of items all over the floor and made a total mess of the house. Afterwards, the jurors competed in the luxury competition. The final five houseguests (still locked away from the jurors) chose a shirt with a juror’s name on it. Derrick chose Donny, Cody chose Nicole, Frankie chose Zach, Caleb chose Jocasta, and Victoria chose Hayden. Hayden won the luxury competition, so he and Victoria won $5,000 each. 

After the luxury competition and the jurors left the house, there was a lot of complaining about the mess the jurors made and the fact that the remaining houseguests were not allowed to compete in the luxury competition.

It has become so boring inside the house that production has brought the jurors back into the house to make Sunday’s episode somewhat entertaining. It seems like even the producers know that we would rather watch the jurors than the Final Five.

Another update will be posted once the Power of Veto competition takes place.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.