Big Brother 15 Power Rankings Final 7

It’s another week gone in the Big Brother house and the alliances have totally shifted. The hunters have now become the hunted and GM is actually playing a good game. It’s like Bizarro Big Brother 15.

I know I usually post this on Saturdays but since I am doing the rankings on my own now and I actually have a weekend off for once I am posting this now for your pleasure.

I am open to some people giving input on the actually rankings so if you wanted to give your opinion on the rankings email me at or on Twitter @nericmitch. I can’t guarantee I will actually listen but I do enjoy sharing input with others.

Anyways on to the rankings:

7. Amanda 


She may not know it yet but she is the main target this week for the new alliance in the house and unless she can talk her way out of it or can repeat with a Veto win she will most likely be heading home.

6. McCrae


Everything I said last week still stands. His game has been destroyed by Amanda and he will need to repair a lot of damage if she goes before him.

5. Elissa


She takes Aaryn’s spot from last week. If Amanda or McCrae can save themselves she would most likely be nominated and they may be able to argue for her to head out the doors.

4. Spencer

Spencer BB15

He finally seems to be getting a footing in a major alliance but he will need to actually win at least one competition to move any higher than this.

3. Judd


He’s played smart since re-entering the house and has been able to get himself into a good spot again but no one will want to face him in the end.

2. Andy


Andy has been able to rebound nicely by jumping to a new alliance but if McCranda get wind that he has turned on them they have a lot of dirt to use against him.

1. GM


I am shocked I am putting her here but she has really stepped up by winning HoH and building the new power alliance in the house. She still has a long way to go but two Head of House wins is a nice thing to have on your resume.