Big Brother 15 Final Sunday Episode Discussion and Recap *Updated*

After a long and often tedious summer Big Brother is racing to the finish line as tonight we see the after math of McCrae’s eviction as well as Part 1 of the Head of House competition. It’s really the calm before the storm that is the Big Brother finale. We may also see footage of McCrae arriving at the Jury House and more witchery from Amanda.

As always feel free to comment below and I’ll be back later with my recap.


I’m ready for Fall TV but first we have Big Brother to finish up and tonight we open with the regularly scheduled recap with Judd and McCrae heading out the door. I actually like the face of defeat that McCrae showed when he was informed of the Exterminators. He really should have kept Elissa in the house with him.

Tonight we will actually get to see unseen footage (unless you actually watched the Live Feeds all summer and then you can probably go to sleep and read the recap in the morning). This will be so painful to sit through and I forgot this episode happens ever season. Totally zoned out so I was not expected any of this. It’s like an hour long “Fallen Comrades” segment that Survivor shows in like 7-10 minutes before the final Immunity Challenge. I can deal with 10 minutes but I do not need a hour recap of the season that was. Of course I will sit through it anyways so you don’t have to and because I am a trooper.

Andy is happy that the final three are Exterminators (what no tears from Andy) but is worried of McCrae being in the Jury since Andy stabbed him in the back. Spencer is celebrating the fact that he has been nominated and survived eight times.

We are then shown the replay of McCrae being told that the Exterminators existed and Andy framed Elissa. McCrae knows he got played and he is actually so stunned that he is just looking around the room in stunned silence. Andy says that they respected McCrae which is way they told him and he doesn’t think McCrae will be a bitter jury member. McCrae counters this that Andy said the only way he would be a bitter Jury Member is if he was stabbed in the back and McCrae says those words may come back to haunt Andy.

We now get footage of the final three having a celebratory dinner. Andy acts Spencer about the Moving Company and we get tons of old footage of the Moving Company and their downfall. It was funny to see McCrae was so excited about being in the Moving Company but then went on to be blinded by Amanda’s boobs.

We then see that one of the downfalls of the Moving Company was Jeremy and his drinking of the red wine and how he got upset at the rest of the house for being made at him for drinking the red wine. Bitchy Aaryn is in the house. It was the beginning of my instant regret of picking Aaryn to win the season. I really thought she was going to be more like Jordan and less like the Devil.

Jeremy is the worst Native American ever (I can say this because I am Native American and I know a lot of good people). It was also the start of Amanda crying to look like the victim in an argument. It was just less obvious since there were so many unlikable people at this point of the season.

The Exterminators then talk about Elissa and her crazy personality. We are then shown recaps of everyone realizing that Elissa is Rachel’s sister. People try to pretend that they would have been ok with Elissa just admitting that she was Rachel’s sister but I seriously doubt this would have actually went that way.

We now get the history of the early season hook ups. I really hate this episode. I kinda of spaced out on the relationships but tuned back in to beginning to McCranda. She was totally seducing him and he is that awkward geek that has no clue what is going on. It’s like watching my teen years except I would have never gone with someone like Amanda. He are then shown the McCranda wedding and Amanda is acting like a Bridezilla like she is really getting married. Andy jokes that if either say they will not take the others hand the entire house will be coming after them. My only thought is that this really shouldn’t have been a joke.

We now get footage of Judd the Stud and his player ways. Since he hooked up with Jessie and Aaryn in the house. Poor David and his broken heart.

We now get down to GM’s love for Nick. GM’s went bat shit crazy after Nick went home and Amanda agrees with me. I actually felt sorry for Nick because he was done in for the poorly planned MVP twist. It could have been a good twist if it wasn’t done in a season with Rachel’s sister playing and America handing her power for no real reason. Bright side he has been a running storyline the entire season.

Andy is now talking about all the fights from the season starting with Spencer being taken to Candyland. I always wondered if someone people watch the show because any real fan would approach Spencer quietly and see why Spencer was saying what he said. We then get Amanda torturing Elissa when she was HoH. Andy admits that Amanda was trying to save Andy but Amanda did it all wrong. The crap that lead to the Exterminators being formed since Andy stopped wanting to be associated with McCranda and opened the door for others to bring him into an alliance.

Andy says he hopes he is not the only person who cried in the DR. We are then shown footage of the HGs crying it out. We start with GM and then get Elissa (who asked to leave the game), Helen, Jessie, Judd, Kaitlin, Candice, Amanda, Aaryn, ok pretty much everyone and we end with David calling it all lame (OMG he has actually said something smart)

For those interested BB16 casting is getting ready to open so go to for details. I actually considered applying for BB Canada season 2 but then I remembered that I am way to sane to want to leave in a house for a few months and not crazy enough to be good for TV. Maybe I will reconsider for Season 3 if it lasts.

We are now seeing GM vs. Amanda the night before Amanda went home. Apparently Andy and Spencer thought it was hilarious. It had something to do with Amanda smirking and Amanda is actually staying calm for the first time ever. She held it for a while and then Amanda’s lid popped off as she gets into GM’s face only to be separated by Judd. Amanda goes to the Have Not room to play the victim and is joined by Amanda who attacks McCrae for not standing up for her while GM listens in.

We come back from commercial and it is time to see Andy falling into a pool while trying to catch a moth. They try to pretend that The Exterminators were such an amazing alliance but they formed a four person alliance when there was 7 people left. This is not what a great alliance is made of (ie see The Brigade and Chilltown).

They do their stupid Exterminator routine one more time as we finally get to Part 1 of the Final HoH competition. They have to hold onto a rope while on skates. The longest on will win part 1. And just as we are about to see something that is actually worth watching we are cut off.

All that is left is Wednesday’s Finale where we will see all three parts of the HoH and the Jury will pick a winner for the season. They always have other segments like footage of the jury arguing why each person should and shouldn’t win and we will see past House Guests like Rachel and Jeff who always find a way into the ceremonies.

That’s a wrap for me on Big Brother 15 since MJ will be Live Blogging the finale while I will recap the premiere of Survivor after it airs and the rest of the season going forward. It has been a mostly bad season of Big Brother but I have enjoyed recapping for MJ and discussing the show with everyone who posts. I thank MJ for letting he be part of the Blog and I thank everyone who decided to skip the shows and read my recaps and discuss the show anyways. You guys make it worth doing and since Big Brother is back next summer I hope to be back recapping. If you watch Survivor or Amazing Race I will be recapping both this fall so feel free to join us discussion both shows.

Enjoy the Finale folks!