Stay Tune for Updates from Adam on the LIVE HOH competition continuing on the Live Feeds!
Tonight marks the first LIVE eviction of Big Brother Season 15! After a crazy first week of competitions, alliance formations, and feed controversy the first Houseguest will be walking out the door. This time last week, we learned that McCrae Olson the Pizza Boy from Minnesota was crowned the first HOH of the season. With his title he placed Candice Stewart and Jessie Kowalski on the chopping block. However, Elissa Slater the sister of Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly was crowned the first ever Big Brother MVP and was able to place a third houseguest on the block for the first time in BB history. In result, surfer boy David Girton was added to the nomination sofa.
We then learned that McCrae also scooped up the Power of Veto, giving him the power to change one of his original nominations. The houseguest caught onto Elissa’s similar looks to Rachel, and made her the “house” target so McCrae made the smart decision to take Candice off the block and replace her with BBMVP herself, Elissa.
Tonight, Jessie, David, or Elissa will be the first evicted houseguest. It should be an exciting night because we could have our first BLINDSIDE of the season. Several houseguest believe that Elissa the original target, will be voted out. However, over the last few days a large alliance has formed in the house with the intention of keeping Elissa around to control her MVP nominations, because they assume she will win the award weekly with her fanbase stemming from her sister. However, things change SO much in the Big Brother game in the matter of minutes so the only real way to find out who will be walking out the door is to watch the show, or read my Live blog along with the CBS airing!
This could get intense!
Julie Chen has graced our screens for the first time Live this season to welcome us to Big Brother!
The first eviction episode has begun with reviewing the POV Ceremony, where Elissa was placed on the block, after Candice was removed.
The aftermath of the POV Ceremony is being shown where Elissa comes out as Rachel’s sister to Andy, and Amanda in the HOH room. She also revealed that she was MVP this week. Amanda looked at her confirmation as her being trustworthy.
The next highlight is of the showmance budding between Kaitlin and Jeremy. CBS loves a showmance…
The Wine Incident is being shown now. The plan was to wait for 12am for the Have-Not houseguest to be able to drink, however Aaryn along with assistance from Jeremy stole a body of wine to drink at 11:19pm before the rest of the house. This caused a huge spat between houseguest, as several cast members were looking for the wine. Aaryn being the drama starter she is, reported to Jeremy that she was being basically confronted by Amanda about the wine being gone. Jeremy confronted the house…
Andy calls Aaryn the head of the snake, and Jeremy the body of the snake. Helen broke down crying during the incident, while Amanda confronted Jeremy about her being the blame.
The Show returned from it’s commercial break with more Highlights.
CBS is showcasing this new budding Amanda & McCrae showmance, if you could call it that. Amanda has been sleeping in the HOH room with McCrae since he won. The other night, the two kissed. However, Amanda has a boyfriend…or should I say HAD a boyfriend.
Now on display is the alliance or group who formed to keep Elissa in the house. They want to control the BBMVP nomination. The Moving Company alliance between Howard, MCCrae, Spencer, Jeremy, and Nick look at David as a huge threat to them directly and would prefer to take him out instead of Elissa.
The Show then went Live to the Houseguest in the living room. Julie asked Andy, and Helen questions. She then asked Judd for an honest report on the Have Not Room, Judd says “I don’t like airports, and that’s a pretty shady airport!”. Candice also got a question about her experience being on the block, and being off the block (featuring a camera glance at Aaryn). Candice described her experience as a “roller-coaster ride”.
The crew who are involved with the Houseguest who made racial comments were not asked a question from Julie at all. Could that have been a JAB from CBS? She asked all of the houseguests who could be considered underdogs questions.
The show is back, and getting ready for the Live vote in eviction. I will update with who votes where….
Of course Jessie, Elissa, and David are given chance to plead their cases to the houseguest.
Amanda was first up, and votes to evict – DAVID
Aaryn votes to evict – ELISSA
Nick votes to evict – DAVID
Candice votes to evict – ELISSA
Spencer votes to evict – DAVID
Kaitlin votes to evict – ELISSA
So far, 0 votes to evict Jessie, 3 votes to evict Elissa, and 3 votes to evict David.
The Show returns with Helen in the DR…
Helen votes to evict – DAVID
Howard votes to evict – DAVID
GinaMarie votes to evict – ELISSA
Judd votes to evict – DAVID
Jeremy votes to evict (betraying The Moving Company) – ELISSA
Andy votes to evict – DAVID
David is evicted to a STUNNED Aaryn and GinaMarie by a vote of 6 to 7! Aaryn is on the brink of tears, but hasn’t said a word. She kissed David on the way out. GinaMarie has Nick in the “Cockpit” room most likely questioning him about the vote.
David’s picture turns black and white. During Julie’s exit Interview, he said he believes people liked him, and that’s why he was voted out. “I attract people right away”.
David asked Julie if he gets a chance to see who wins MVP, Julie said “Oh you can go home and watch all you want”. HA!
VOTING for This Week’s MVP is now open, you can vote online at CBS.COM
The HoH competition is the lane competition where houseguest must fill their jugs with Barbeque Sauce, until they are able to grab a golf ball out of it. The BB Barbeque comp, in celebration of The Fourth of July will be played in duos that were randomly selected by random drawl. There is a smaller jug at the end of the lane as well, with two larger cups attached to it which will help fill the larger jug faster. When a pair wins, they will decide amongst themselves who will be the HOH.
Amanda & Kaitlin
Jeremy & Aaryn
Candice & GinaMarie
Andy & Elissa
Helen & Spencer
Judd & Nick
Howard & Jessie
The Competition will continue to play out on the Live Feed, stay tune to find out who the new HOH is later!