Big Brother 15 Episode 25 “Live” Blog, Discussion, and Recap *Updated with Poll*

Welcome back to the world of Amanda, or as most people like to call it Big Brother. On Thursday we were treated to Aaryn being sent packing and tonight we will get to see who won the Head of House and who that person chooses to nominate.

I also expect some drama and yelling because that is what the show is all about. I will actually be recapping as it airs tonight so it you are bored, don’t want to watch, don’t have access to the Live Feeds, skip over Adam’s Live Feed spoiler posts, and just need to know what is going on then come on in and be sure to hit refresh.

As always feel free to discuss the show below.


We get right into the action of the Head of Household competition. There is a secret alliance in the house now called the Exterminators consisting of Andy, Spencer, Judd, and GinaMarie. Amanda says that someone from 3AM needs to win or either her or McCrae could be going home. But as Andy tells the audience Amanda and McCrae don’t know that everyone else is against them now.

Andy says that this is an important HoH because he needs to show that he is a loyal person to them. GM notes that she is still not sure of her new alliance and has doubts since her bestie went home. This is the show’s pathway to showing what happened while Aaryn was giving her awkward interview.

Right after Aaryn walks out the door Amanda gets on Elissa’s case about taunting. It was supposed to be put  behind them but Amanda never really lets anything go.

Back to the competition with GM getting an early lead. There is also a competition to not come in last place since last place will be forced to wear a chicken suit. There is a lot of egg dropping with those with bigger hands or in McCrae’s case long hair in your face. It’s really a race between GM and Andy with Spencer back in last.

GM is closing in on the win but she loses some eggs as Andy catches up. Amanda still thinks Andy is with her so she says he needs to start hopping faster. Again she is needing others to do her damage but it’s too late for her. It’s all for naught as GM pulls out the win. Judd and Spencer finished tied for last so they will both be wearing a chicken suit.

Elissa is celebrating with GM and Amanda questions her on why she is so happy. Amanda instantly gets to work trying to control GM by planting seeds that Elissa sent Aaryn home even though she could have really tried to save Aaryn by voting to keep her and sending Andy home. We will see what GM does and whether Amanda can continue to control everyone.

Back from commercial Amanda says she will make sure she points GM’s head in the right direction. Of course the right direction is what is best for Amanda. In the bathroom Amanda continues her work by trying to blame Aaryn’s downfall all on Elissa without pointing out that Amanda chose Andy over Aaryn.

In the DR GM explains that McCranda may have been able to control Aaryn but her name is GM and it won’t be as easy. In the bedroom Amanda is telling McCrae and Spencer that GM will nominate Elissa for them while in the kitchen GM says that they think she will put up Elissa but the real plan right now is to nominate McCranda.

Back in the bedroom Spencer is acting dumb and saying that he thinks he will be going up. Amanda tries to comfort him saying they have the votes. Spencer clearly knows that McCranda are the targets but he is playing it smart that he doesn’t know anything.

Amanda plans on being GM’s new bunny and pushing the fact that Elissa nominated Aaryn for eviction. In the kitchen GM tells Elissa she knows what she will be doing and Elissa is save. It’s sad seeing Amanda be so confident when at this point she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Of course she has gotten her way all season so we will see what happens in the end.

Judd and Spencer are called to the diary room to get their chicken suits. It’s time for some comic relief before we get the talks with GM to fight to stay save. Judd with his chicken suit chugging a beer is actually kind of amusing.


After the introductions of the chicken suits Amanda is in the bedrooms talking. Amanda is arguing that GM should put up two people who the house will not be upset about. GM says this makes perfect sense but what Amanda doesn’t know is that McCranda are the two that the house want gone.

GM gets her HoH room and it includes a picture of Nick. I actually feel sorry for the guy at this point. They need to let him go. Amanda is getting annoyed with Elissa being nice to GM. I admit Elissa complimenting GM’s things is a little over the top but it is no worse then what anyone else does during the HoH room reveals.

Down in the living room Elissa is discussing Amanda being mean to her with Andy and Spencer when Amanda walks in and overhears. This leads to a back and forth between them with Amanda saying that everyone will be laughing when Elissa is up on the block. It’s all really awkward made even worse by Spencer having to sit through it in his freaking chicken suit. Eventually the room clears leaving Amanda alone doing her nails.

Back in the living room McCrae is trying to calm down Amanda. McCrae is trying to get Amanda to let Elissa bully her in front of GM so that Amanda can look like a victim. Is this plan for real? Will anyone ever see Amanda as a victim with the way she has treated people. Amanda is kind of delusional with how she doesn’t see what she does to people.

Right after McCrae tells her to stay on the down low she goes right after Elissa t talk about some sort of “apology” and when Elissa just plays it smart and walks away she goes to the back yard to bitch about Elissa.

Judd sees what I see with the fake tears especially with how she has treated Elissa the week before. GM comes out to the back yard and really puts on the routine. GM also says that she doesn’t buy Amanda’s routine and sees right through the tears.

One thing I just noticed is that every time it gets awkward in the house Spencer gets up and says he is going to go get some chocolate milk. It happened twice this episode with Amanda making people feel weird.

Back in the house there are balloons everywhere. It is luxury competitions. Someone will be winning $10000. You need to pop balloons to find a 1, a 0, and a k. First to find them wins. Amanda says she wants to win it and makes a comment that $10000 is like McCraes salary for the year. It’s kind of an unnecessary comment.

Spencer, McCrae, and Judd each get a chip but Spencer gets the last two he needs to win the $10000 to go with his trip to the Bahamas. After the competition the HGs actually have to clean up the balloons themselves.

Up in the HoH Judd and GM are talking about random things when Amanda comes in to talk to GM. She actually sends Amanda away pretending that she is talking to GM. Amanda leaves but comes back to basically push her way in to talk with GM.

She talks about how she needs to put Elissa and Judd up or she will have the house after her. Amanda pushes that Elissa eliminated Nick and Aaryn again without noting that Amanda pushed for both of those things just as much as anyone else.  She leaves McCrae to continue pushing GM to do what they want done.

Amanda seems to be convinced that Elissa and Judd will be nominated so Andy is expecting for both of them to be blindsided. It is going to be awesome. Amanda tries to play dumb with Judd that GM never told her anything about Judd being nominated.

It’s nomination time and McCrae says he hopes things go his way. Amanda on the other hand feels totally safe since she feels she will continue to get her way. Spencer says he feels worried but then smiles that for the first time he is totally safe but has been pretending for McCranda.

GM says she has nominated two people who should have been nominated weeks ago but only GM has the balls to actually do it. The writing is on the wall but we have to go through the motions so she pulls out the first key which is Andy, followed by Spencer, Elissa, (Amanda’s face was awesome when she realized she has been blindsided), and finally Judd.

GM says that she has nominated them because they are huge, dyna, dynami, Dynami … power couple. She basically tells McCrae that Amanda has neutered him and Amanda is too dangerous to be left off the block.

Judd and Elissa are over joyed that McCranda are up on the block. Amanda and McCrae are having themselves a pity party and says that GM is stupid since she nominated them and she hates that a stupid person will eliminate her.

That’s it for tonight. I will be back on Wednesday were we will see the Power of Veto competition and ceremony and MJ will be Live Blog the double eviction on Thursday. Enjoy the next few days folks!