Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [Veto Competition Spoilers and Alliance Updates]

Remember the last spoiler I posted? Forget all of it.

I had stated that Elissa had formed a new alliance with Judd, GinaMarie, and Aaryn, and that if any of them won the Veto, they would use it on Aaryn and nominate/evict Amanda.

Unfortunately for this plan, Amanda won her first competition and was awarded the Power of Veto this week.

That being the case, the ish hit the fan, and the alliances are now a total mess. Aaryn is now back on team McCranda, as Amanda plans to use the Veto on McCrae, so both will still be in the game next week. Elissa was terrified after Amanda won the Veto, crying to Judd that Amanda’s going to evict her, but Judd stood by her and said not to worry because he himself will win the HoH. Thus, it appears that Judd is still with Elissa.

GinaMarie is kind of a wildcard. She does not want to 100% commit to voting out Aaryn (what Elissa and Judd want to do), because they have been friends since the beginning of the game. She has told Elissa that she will vote out Aaryn if Elissa wants it, but then she tells Aaryn that she’d never do it, so it’s kind of hard to know where her head’s at (like always).

Amanda hatched up a plan yesterday to try to get Elissa to nominate GinaMarie instead of Andy (who she planned on replacing McCrae). If Elissa nominates GinaMarie, 3AM will evict her, keeping the alliance intact for yet another week. Luckily, Elissa appears to be seeing through the plan and it seems like she’ll still, as of this point, be nominating Andy in McCrae’s place.

In terms of who is on which side, Judd, Elissa, and GinaMarie appear to still be together, Amanda and McCrae are definitely still together, and Andy and Spencer have gotten a lot closer. It’s also hard to distinguish where Andy’s loyalties lie, because he has been talking lately about being done with McCranda and potentially nominating them next week. Some people on the online forums think he’s lying, because he’s ALWAYS been with McCranda, while others think he’s finally realizing he’s going to only make it to 3rd place at best.

So to conclude, here are the three most likely outcomes of this week:
1) Andy is the replacement nominee. Aaryn goes home because Spencer, Judd, Amanda, McCrae, and possibly GinaMarie evict her.
2) GinaMarie is the replacement nominee. GinaMarie goes home because Amanda, McCrae, and Andy (3AM) evict her.
3) GinaMarie is the replacement nominee. Aaryn goes home because Andy really has flipped sides.

Gah, you never know where anyone’s head is at in this game. So frustrating. But we shall see.
