Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [Veto Ceremony Spoilers]

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Week 8. Spoilers below!

Today, the Veto ceremony took place. The big question of the day was whether Elissa would nominate Andy or GinaMarie as McCrae’s replacement.

Elissa nominated Andy as the replacement nominee.

After this happened, Aaryn basically knew her ship was sinking, and she cursed out Elissa immediately following the meeting. Afterwards, Aaryn starting using her brain and tried to come up with a plan to stay. She pitched the idea to Elissa that if she stays, she, Elissa, GinaMarie, and Judd could all work together to get McCranda out of the house. Elissa simply told her it was too little too late and said that if she really wanted to do that, she would have kept Helen in the house last week. Aaryn does not have Elissa’s support as of now.

Last night, in a last second attempt to get GinaMarie nominated, Andy brought Elissa outside and told her that GinaMarie refused to commit to evicting Aaryn, but when Elissa said “let’s bring her out here,” and GinaMarie came, she told Elissa she’d do whatever she wanted, prompting Elissa to say “that’s all I need to hear.” Basically, she called Andy’s bluff and made him look like an idiot, which he absolutely hated.

In other news, a new alliance has formed called The Enforcers, consisting of Andy, Spencer, Judd, and GinaMarie, whose goal is to evict McCranda from the house.

What will happen Thursday? Will Aaryn go home as planned, or will they flip the script this week? We’ll find out!
