Today, the Veto ceremony took place. Two days ago, Andy won the Power of Veto. It was expected that he would not use the Veto, as he would have to get more blood on his hands as HoH. When the feeds returned a little while ago, we learned that Andy did NOT use the Veto. Interestingly enough, this is the first time this season that the Veto was not used.
As of now, Jessie is still the target this week. She STILL is not aware of it, which is sad. She may have had a little hope this week, had she gathered the girls together to form a group to keep her safe, but instead of doing this, she threw Elissa under the bus to Amanda, who immediately told her. Initially, Elissa wanted to keep Jessie, but now, that’s no longer the case. Why Jessie threw her under the bus as opposed to someone that would definitely not be on her side, like Spencer, is beyond me.
Lucky for Jessie, she still has three days to figure out she’s in danger and try to save herself. Can she do it? I doubt it, but like I say every week, crazier things have happened.