Bachelor in Paradise Production Suspended, Misconduct May Involve Sexual Assault

Bachelor in Paradise suspended production over the weekend due to “Allegations Of Misconduct.” More information has been revealed, and it appears the incident may have involved non-consensual sexual activity. From the Hollywood Reporter

According to sources, a producer who suspected misconduct on the set reported it to his or her supervisor at Warner Bros., which is what employees are told to do in such a situation. “The investigation is an internal one,” says the source, denying claims circulating online that a lawsuit was filed against the show’s producers.

Though a production source tells The Hollywood Reporter no official decision has yet been made on whether the season will be canceled, the chances of the show picking back up are looking slim. This is the first time production has been halted on a series under the ABC Bachelor franchise umbrella, aside from delays due to weather and location changes. When the cast was told to pack their bags, they were informed that they “might” return.

The incident, said to be a sexual encounter between two intoxicated castmembers (Bachelor blogger Reality Steve initially named the contestants but later deleted the tweets after media coverage indicated that a crime may have been committed), reportedly occurred during the first day of production, though a source says filming was not stopped immediately. But by Monday morning, many of the contestants had made their way back home. The crew is still on location.

The Hollywood Reporter doesn’t name the celebrities involved–news organizations generally don’t name sexual assault victims. But once Reality Steve revealed the contestants, there was no putting that Genie back in the bottle. Most entertainments sites are reporting rumors and naming the castmembers involved. Reportedly, there was no sex between the contents, but they were naked and there was groping and other acts. But at this point, it’s all gossip.

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