Some weird voice over announcer introduces the judges and Ryan Seacrest. Very odd.Simon announces that TWO contestants will go home tomorrow.
*Ryan announced a surprise change to the rules that’s about the judges….Simon does NOT think we’ll like it. I’m thinking it’s a variation on the bottom 2 singoff with the judges choosing who goes home. What do you guys think?
Alexis’ number is 1-866-436-5736
Video and Live re-cap after the JUMP….
- Lil Rounds – “The Way You Make Me Feel” – VIDEO
- Scott MacIntyre – “Keep the Faith” – VIDEO
- Danny Gokey – “Pretty Young Thing” – VIDEO
- Michael Sarver – “You Are Not Alone” – VIDEO
- Jasmine Murray – “I’ll Be There” – VIDEO
- Kris Allen – “Remember the Time” – VIDEO
- Allison Iraheta – “Give in to Me” – VIDEO
- Anoop Desai – “Beat It” – VIDEO
- Jorge Nunez – “Never Can Say Goodbye” – VIDEO
- Megan Joy Corkrey – “Rockin’ Robin” – VIDEO
- Adam Lambert – “Black and White” – VIDEO
- Matt Giraud – “Human Nature” – VIDEO
- Alexis Grace – “Dirty Diana” – VIDEO
The Kids sing the songs of Michael Jackson.
Lil Rounds – “The Way You Make Me Feel” – Her video package features home shots in their extended-stay hotel (they lost their home in a tornado) and an interview with her husband. Very lively, engaging performance, she put a few twists in the arrangement–very nice. She’s gonna get a tongue bath. Randy says, “This is the way we kick off Season 8….you just put a whole new spin on it.” “What Lil just did, everyone’s got to be ‘uh oh’…I hope we get to hear you on the radio…sick.” Paula says, “You are a force to be reckoned with.” Simon said, “I thought it was a bit of a lazy song choice…I thought the second half was better…I hate what you’re wearing.” Whoa Simon! 1-866-436-5701
Scott MacIntyre – “Keep the Faith” – Scott’s parents talk about raising him with a visual impairment. His sister Kaitlyn is also blind. Scott goes the inspirational route, and I think viewers at home will be moved by that. The song is a good fit for his vocals, his best vocal performance to date. He’s not a dynamic singer–this is probably as good as it gets. He’s getting a standing ovation from the audience. Scott tells Kara he just learned the song on piano. Kara likes the song choice, and feels Scott is staying true to himself (she’s really kissing his ass ’cause he’s blind) Paula calls it magical and lovely. Oh, the songwriter is in the audience. Simon says, “I hated the song…nobody knows it…it’s fine being artistic, just not on this show….it didn’t do you any favors at all.” Randy says, “I liked the song….it just felt all very safe from you…I want more sparks from you.” The song was #1 in Norway! 1-866-436-5702
Danny Gokey – “Pretty Young Thing” – The video features shots of Danny and his immediate family. No footage of his church, or talk of his dead wife… The arrangement starts slow and then kicks in. Danny’s voice is really REALLY gravelly, but he’s takin’ the audience to church on this song. A very good performance. Paula says, “I think you’re on your way to the finals.” Simon starts laughing at her. Simon says, “You are one heck of a singer, however the dancing was hideous….Doesn’t matter, I really like you tonight…terrific.” Randy “When you’ve got it, you’ve just got it.” Kara says, “You have joy when you step on that stage.” 1-866-436-5703
Michael Sarver – “You Are Not Alone” – Michael visits the oil refinery. His wife says he grew up without a dad. This performance is so much better than his semi-final performance! He’s got a powerful voice and sings with a lot of feeling. Very nice. He’s ballad boy, I think. Simon says, “You’re not the best singer, you made up for it with passion, heart…you gave it 110%.” Randy says, “Your definitely one of the best tonight.” Kara says, “Tonight showed me you really can sing…you can hit those notes…you bring your game.” Paula says, “You sounded really lovely tonight.” and then some blah blah about coloring it up… 1-866-436-5704
Jasmine Murray – “I’ll Be There” – Jasmine’s family loves her–that’s her video in a nutshell. The performance is shouty, pitchy–as a singer, she’s very limited. She’s out of her depth–singing an easy song isn’t helping her, either. She doesn’t have the chops to hack it. OMG Randy namechecks Mariah. Randy says, “You did a pretty good job on that.” Kara says, “You did it, and you sold it…great stage presence.” Paula says, “You have tremendous composure and poise…some moments you were under [pitch] at times.” Paula calling her out on her pitchiness! Simon says, “A little bit robotic at times…a little bit like a little girl acting like a grown-up.” The judges were kind, I think. 1-866-436-5705
Kris Allen – “Remember the Time.” Kris video features his musical family–Kris’s wife misses him. Kris hits the stage with his acoustic guitar. He has a pleasant, soulful voice, but he’s getting swallowed up by the band and the big stage. Eeep, he’s hitting a few bad notes, too. He’d be great in a club. Kara says, “The girls love Kris…when you play your guitar…it helps you. ” Kara says he spent time helping the other contestants this week. Paula says, “You’re engaging…and kinda adorable sexy…great job.” Simon says, “It was interesting, the guitar made it clumsy, the vocals are ok.” Simon makes a crack about the wife–that Kris should’ve hid her for awhile–and she’s not smiling. Randy says, “Very Jason Mrazy…job well done, baby.” 1-866-436-5706
Allison Iraheta – “Give in to Me” – Her video is the story of her immigrant parents. She’s all rock n rolled out in black leather. Hm not sure if this was a great song choice, but she really has an interesting sound to her vocals. The last half of the song is better than the first half. I like her–hope she sticks around. She’s the only true rock singer in the bunch. Paula says, “OMG she’s 16!…keep doing what your doing…stay authentic.” Simon says, “We know who you are…got to lighten up a bit…very good.” Randy says, “If you got it you got it…you can sing…anything…your one to watch in this whole thing.” Kara says, “Keep being a rocker girl…great job.” 1-866-436-5707
Anoop Desai – “Beat It” – Anoop gets a pimp chat with Ryan. In Anoop’s video, we get to see him in his cultural environment and find out he’s an only child. He’s very well spoken. I know the dude’s popular, but the vocals aren’t there. Not a great song choice for him…he needed to re-arrange it to make it work. He doesn’t look comfortable at all on the big stage. I’m not liking this. Paula says, “I think the song is untouchable…anything else sounds karaoke.” Simon says, “It was all very lightweight, no aggression…trying to be like Michael Jackson, but failing.” Randy says, “It didn’t work for me.” Kara says, “We didn’t hear you sing any variation….your strength is your connection.” Simon regrets making it a Top 13 on “the back of that performance.” Ooh. The worst comments of the night! 1-866-436-5708
Ryan’s mom and grandmother are in the audience. The two unannounced special guests? Ha ha.
Jorge Nunez – “Never Can Say Goodbye” – Jorge’s video features his great big family. He’s got a big big voice, very impressive pipes. I would love to hear him sing in Spanish. Randy says, “It’s a little old fashioned…a little pitchy…nice upper range.” Kara didn’t feel the emotional connection. Paula didn’t like the song choice either. Jorge is trying to say, in a round-a-bout way that he didn’t pick the song. I’m sure he didn’t Simon says, “It was corny, it was out of your depth…I couldn’t wait for it to end.” Geez, it wasn’t that bad. Are they trying to ditch him? 1-866-436-5709
Megan Joy Corkrey – “Rockin’ Robin” – She also gets the Ryan pimp interview. She claims she’s never performed in front of an audience…NO! Megan tried out for stuff in high school, but “never made anything.” Then she decided to get married and have a kid. Well, that was different. That performance was ill-advised on so many levels, yet Megan makes sure that you don’t forget her. There’s something interesting about her voice and the way she performs, yet she’s not very good. The bird calls at the end? Just NO. Kara says, “You have a way of putting your signature on everything you touch…we need to see your range.” Paula says, “You picked the right song, but I felt disconnected until the end.” Simon says, “What a stupid song choice…the vocals not good..dancing ridiculous…” Randy says, “the song choice…didn’t allow you to… ” They ask Gordon Ramsey in the audience what he thinks for some reason. – 1-866-436-5710
Adam Lambert – “Black and White” – Adam has a very nice family. Equality baby! You sing it, Adam. The song is kinda appropriate, no? Well, lyrically it is. Not sure I’m liking what he’s doing with this song. Paula says, “Comfortable, seasoned, you’re innate ability…blah blah blah whole package.” Paula is losing it. Adam is about to cry, he’s so moved. Simon says, “That was in a totally different league to everything we’ve seen…you’ve got to be over the top with Michael.” Randy says, “You could make a record right now…I love what you do…” Kara says, “You hit notes…I hope Michael Jackson is watching this tonight.” Paula is mindboggled! I think this performance is overrated. Sure, Adam is comfortable on stage, and he’s got that insane range, but it’s all too cabaret and stagey for me. I can’t believe Simon isn’t calling him out on that. I’m still not buying him as a pop star – 1-866-436-5711
Matt Giraud – “Human Nature” – Matt and his Dad play ping pong…the ‘rents are getting very emotional. Matt sings sitting at a baby grand. He’s got a very current, soulful sound. I like this, except he loses me a bit when he riffs–he overdoes it. Still. Man, I smell darkhorse peeps, I’m tellin ya. Randy says, “Some pitch problems, but you are talented.” Kara says, “I hope we see you many more weeks.” Paula is blown away. Simon calls it a “meat and potatoes solid” performance. Matt got the rush job critique…they’re obviously running out of time. 1-866-436-5712
Ryan asks the viewers to get out pen and paper to write down the number for Alexis.
Alexis Grace – “Dirty Diana” – This chick can sing. Great performance. One of the best of the night. It was a little over the top, but in a good way. Kara, “you’re a naughty girl, and I liked it. Paula says, “fantastic.” Simon says, “very over the top.” Randy says, “I liked it.” – I liked this more than the judges did. I thought she laid it all out on the stage. 1-866-436-5736