American Idol Alum Chris Sligh Battling Covid-19, Pneumonia

American Idol Chris Sligh Diagnosed with Covid=19
credit: Chris Sligh Instagram

American Idol’s Chris Sligh diagnosed with both Covid-19 and pneumonia

American Idol alum Chris Sligh is battling Covid-19 and pneumonia. The Christian contemporary singer shared a photo of himself on Instagram in a Nashville hospital, but is back home as of Tuesday night (July 7).

“I have Covid that has devolved into pneumonia,” Chris wrote on Instagram. “Breathing without pain or coughing is difficult and I didn’t get much sleep last night, but hopefully the antibiotics do their work and fast.”

Chris’ wife and two children also tested positive for Covid-19

According to Variety, the Covid-19 symptoms began in late June and worsened over the 4th of July holiday weekend. Chris’ wife and two children have also tested positive for the virus. However, their symptoms are not as severe.

In a Tuesday message that was forward to Variety by friends on Facebook, Chris said his symptoms started 11 days earlier. He reported that he had begun to feel better toward the end of last week. But unfortunately, he worsened over the weekend, spending much of the time in “one giant coughing spasm.”

Chris added that he was diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs. “It can’t hurt to open it up to prayer warriors, and even well-wishers (if you don’t pray, that’s ok),” he wrote.

The singer will re-release “One” on Friday

Chris competed on American Idol season 6 back in 2007, leaving the competition in 10th place. He co-wrote Rascal Flatts’ chart topping hit, “Here Comes Goodbye” in 2009. Despite his illness, Chris is plowing ahead with plans to re-release a 9 year old song, “One,” on Friday (July 10).

“Stopped releasing music for a while,” he wrote on Instagram, “but the message of this song — a song that came out originally 9 years ago this month —is too perfect for our current moment to not re-release. I recently re-recorded this song, which delves into the idea of unity and coming together, and it will be my last single released to the ‘Christian’ market (more on that to come).”

Chris is the second American Idol alum to be diagnosed with Covid-19. American Idol 2019 winner Laine Hardy, was diagnosed a few weeks ago, along with his girlfriend and bodyguard.

“Well wishes” going right out to Chris and his family right now.

UPDATE: Chris released a statement on social media:

On June 24, Chris Sligh was made aware that a co-writer had been exposed to Covid, and on June 25, Chris began to exhibit symptoms of the disease. On June 27, he was tested and the test came back positive.

His wife Sarah, and two children Keira (9) and McCartney (7) all tested positive the following week. The children have completely recovered & Sarah is doing wonderful in her recovery.

Chris was admitted to the hospital on July 6 after 2 days of symptoms becoming more serious. He was diagnosed with double pneumonia and is at home recovering.

The Sligh family is grateful for the outpouring of love and prayer from friends and fans, and want people to understand how serious this disease is. Wear masks, social distance and vote Donald Trump out of the White House in November.

Also Chris has a single coming out this Friday July 10 (planned long before being hit by Covid) called “One.”


About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!