Jeneve Mitchell – 15 – Crawford CO – Chainsaw by the Band Perry – Jeneve lives “off the grid” up in the mountains. No electricity. They watch American Idol with the help of a generator. She plays a cello. Taylor Hicks, who helped out in Denver, suggests the harmonica if she’s looking for a smaller instrument. Heh. Harry teases that her parents didn’t pay their electric bill. Whatever Harry. So, she performs “Jigsaw” with crazy funky accents from her cello. It really is different. Harry is going kind of crazy. He loves her musical chops. Keith notes her originality and rhythmic sensibility. “Crazy stupid funk,” notes Harry, “A work in progress, but there is so much to work with.” Taylor and Jeneve jam on the harmonica and cello, respectively, to celebrate. I think she’s one of his favs. – 3 yesses.