American Idol 11 – Top 24 Power List!

This week’s American Idol 11 power list!  Follow along so you can mock me tomorrow!   This is a “power” list as things stand today, and  is no reflection of how I feel personally about each of the contestants.

I predict the judges will pick two girls and 1 guy as wildcards.

Share YOUR list in comments!


  1. Phillip Phillips   – The second best male performance this week.  We’ll see if he can keep wowing fans with his unique arrangements. Methinks when Nigel grabs the guitar out of his hands, there’s going to be trouble.  – Voted In
  2. Heejun Han  –  He’s advancing on Idol purely based on possessing the most awesome personality ever.  Heenun is an irresistible combination of hilarious and sweet.  It remains to be seen how far he can coast on personality. If I was ranking him on vocals alone, he’d further down the list.  – Voted In
  3. Colton Dixon – Colton’s vocal performance on Tuesday was uneven, but his presentation was dynamic. And he’s got people – Voted In.
  4. Deandre Brackensick – Personally, I didn’t think Deaandre’s performance was all that. But what do I know? Deandre also has people. – Voted In
  5. Jermaine Jones (Wildcard) – Ugh. I didn’t think he was good at all, but he performed last, was saved by obscurity by the wildcard and sang the sappy “Dance With My Father” – Sentiment will save him – Voted In.
  6. Joshua Ledet – Joshua had, hands down, the best performance of the night. Unfortunately, he was overshadowed by the return of Jermain Jones, who performed right after him. I think he’ll miss the vote. I’m hoping he’ll be picked as a wild card. – Possible wildcard
  7. Reed Grimm –  I think Reed ruined his chances for the Top 13 with his weird loungy version of “Moves Like Jagger”. Going first didn’t help him. There’s an outside chance the judges will wildcard him. – Possible wildcard
  8. Jeremy Rosado  – He’s a sweet boy with a nice voice, but totally a middle packer.  The judges have a soft spot for him–there’s a chance he’ll be wildcarded. – Possible wildcard
  9. Creighton Fraker – His performance of “True Colors” just did not distinguish him from the pack. Or, if it did–not in a good way. Creighton doesn’t stand a chance.  – No
  10. Aaron Marcellus – Aaron’s performance was solid but unremarkable. Plus, he performed second in the line up.  And he had very little screen time. Bye Aaron. – No
  11. Adam Brock –  Adam’s crying and “big black woman trapped in a woman’s body” shtick does not translate to #WINNING! Me thinks.  Bye Adam! Say hi to the ‘burgh for me. – No
  12. Eben Franckewitz  – Eben is totally adorable, but it’s not enough to overcome his ill advised and earsplitting performance Tuesday night.  If he did advance to the show, he would benefit from having songs picked for him. – No
  13. Chase Likens – Such pretty pretty cannon fodder. But fodder nonetheless. Nice barely knowing you, Chase. – No


  1. Jessica Sanchez – Jessica is the one to beat right now. Early front runner status could hurt her in the long run.  – Voted In.
  2. Skylar Laine – Sklyer’s surprising performance of “Stay With Me” guaranteed her a spot in the Top 13. – Voted In
  3. Elise Testone – She got the pimp spot and totally killed (in a good way) on Adele. She’s one to watch. – Voted In
  4. Hollie Cavanaugh – Hollie’s big voiced performance was a crowd pleaser, and I think she’s got people. – Voted In
  5. Hallie Day – Hollie’s belty, assured version of “Feeling Good” plus her backstory should put her over the top. – Voted In
  6. Erika Van Pelt – Erika had a stand out performance on Wednesday, but I think it might have been a little too subtle to get Idol fingers dialing.  Especially considering she was surrounded by  glory noting competitors.  I think she’ll be wildcarded. – Possible Wildcard.
  7. Jen Hirsh –  Jen’s Adele cover was just OK, and paled in comparison to Elise Testone, who sang the same song. Jen won’t be voted in, but the judges seem to really like her. So she could be wildcarded. – Possible Wildcard.
  8. Shannon Magrane – Shannon’s performance of a worship song was Miss America 101, but there are people who like that sort of thing–like the judges, who might wildcard her. She’s too young, if you ask me. – Possible Wildcard
  9. Brielle Von Hugel – Stanton Island Girl’s over-the-top cover of Otis Redding, plus her bitchy Hollywood edit, means she won’t be voted into the Top 13.  Inexplicably, the judges loved her. She could be wildcarded. – Possible Wildcard
  10. Baylie Brown – Baylie choked big time on Wednesday, but she was a definite favorite coming into the live shows. She could be wildcarded. – Possible Wildcard
  11. Chelsea Sorrell – Chelsea did nothing to distinguish herself, and the judges did not seem impressed. Bye Chelsea. – NO
  12. Haley Johnsen – Haley was one hot mess last night. The judges don’t like her either. She’s history. – NO
About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!