American Idol 10 at Paleyfest – Tweet Stream!

Paul McDonald,   James Durbin, Casey Abrams, Haley Reinhart, Pia Toscano,  Naima Adedapo, Karen Rodriguez and Jacob Lusk (the minors – Scotty, Lauren and Thia – had school!) plus FOX’s Mike Darnell, executive producer Ken Warwick and judges Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler all gathered at the Los Angeles convention center tonight to sit on a panel at Paleyfest.

The next best thing to being there is reading the tweet stream! After the jump, check out the running twitter commentary. It gives you a good idea of the discussion.  Plus, check out the photo gallery!

Winning tweet is from @LyndseyParker: Idol producer Ken Warwick says last week’s Michael Jackson group number was best in show’s history.


The crew signed autographs after the discussion. Read on after the jump for more lulz. (check back for more photos!)

@thefutoncritic: @AmericanIdol EP #MikeDarnell knew on his first mtg with #StevenTyler that ‘We found the guy’ to fill judge spot.

@TVGuide: Steven Tyler was the 40th person Fox had seen for the job as an Idol judge

@paleycenter: Ken: The one thing we knew going into this season was not to try to “replace” Simon. He’s unique.

@paleycenter: Steven admits he had to really think about the offer to be a judge.

@TVGuideMagazine: “Of all the things I ever lost I miss my mind the most, ” Steven Tyler

@TVGuide: Steven Tyler has a habit of writing down interesting phrases as he sees them — thats where his crazy expressions come from

@paleycenter: Another change this season is there will be a limit to the playing of instruments. It became a crutch last year.

@TV Guide: “Idol producer Ken Warwick. explains J. Lo’s breakdown over Chris Medina: “Real life isn’t in her face as much as it is for the rest of us.”

@TVGuide: Casey Abrams says he’s feeling “really good.” Says he felt supported when he wasn’t there and thanks Stefano for taking his part

@paleycenter: Jacob thought Randy was playing him when he said his “God Bless the Child” was the best performance ever on Idol

@paleycenter: Jacob: Everyone here this season sings because they really believe — they LOVE singing.

@lyndseyparker: Jacob Lusk says music about “blessing” people. He’s getting teary-eyed.

@TVGuide: James Durbin says it’s “cool” to be like a spokesperson for Tourette’s Syndrome: “It’s affecting a wider variety of people now.”

@lyndseyparker: Paul McDonald talking about how it was hard to see Kendra Chantelle go. Wants to collaborate w/ her when he’s back in Nashville.

@paleycenter: Paul: I’ve been touring 5 years, doing the same moves. Nobody had a prob with them b4, but now I’m “out of control”

@thefutoncritic: FYI, the Top 10 (not 12) will be on the @AmericanIdol tour says #KenWarwick and #MikeDarnell.

@lyndseyparker: Naima’s fave word is “overstand” (deeper than understand). Sounds like something Steven Tyler would say

@lyndseyparker: Paul McDonald talking about his dance. “It’s called entertaining…I’ve learned that over the years, or I don’t get paid!”

@lyndseyparker: Idol producer Ken Warwick says last week’s Michael Jackson group number was best in show’s history. Wut?

@paleycenter: Ken: It’s generally chosen to prevent too many similar performances in a row, like ballads, etc. (asking about how performance order is chosen.)

@TVGuide: Does order matter? Warwick says, generally, a different person will go first and a different person will go last every week

@lyndseyparker: Moderator pointed out the first 4 girls and first 5 guys who sang in top 24 all got voted off. Going first apparently sucks

@lyndseyparker: Producer Mike Darnell says Idol middle rounds always problematic, so this year they went straight to top 13. (Note: I disagree w/ Darnell)

@TVGuide: Steven says Idol has been “hard on his heart” and he’s had to pull back at times. Says he’s used to being judged himself

@paleycenter: Steven: I recognize the importance of being nurtured. I benefitted from that early on myself.

@thefutoncritic: Awwww…little girl (maybe 5 yrs old) asks for a pic with Steven/Randy…she goes on stage

@paleycenter: Paul says he hopes to go back to his band after Idol.

@TVGuide: Pia, Stefano and Naima all admit that they thought they were going home on top 24 cut day

@thefutoncritic: Randy just saw #StevePerry from Journey. Tour again? Randy told him ‘If you do it, I’ll do it!’

@paleycenter: Aud q: Every year Randy says “This is the best group of kids ever!” This year it’s true.

@thefutoncritic: EP #KenWarwick says ‘They’ll never work harder than they will on this show…’ Of the contestants.

@thefutoncritic: ‘These are the things that set them apart, ‘ says #RandyJackson on why song choice is the most important thing.

@thefutoncritic: ‘Do you have any plans tonight?’ a nine-yr old boy asks #PiaToscano. Hilarious! (She says she’ll be rehearsing)

@paleycenter: Steven says this guy who wears his heart on his sleeve is the real him, he just never had an outlet to show it.

@TVGuide: Steven on Idol: “It gave me an arena to be who I really am.” Says his true self had been hidden under a rock ‘n roll hood

@paleycenter: That’s our show Folks! The Panel was great!

About mj santilli 35079 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!