UPDATE: According to RS, “For Your Entertainment” will be available digitally later today.
Check out the lyrics HERE.
Listen to “For Your Entertainment” here:
Listen to Adam’s pre and post song interview here:
UPDATE:: My take: This danceable tune finds Adam’s vocals processed, stripping out his unique sound until the very end where he gets in a few of his signature rock wails. No surprise here, for anyone who has listened to his pre-Idol work–Adam was all about the dancey processed pop. Making a thoroughly modern pop song that plays well on CHR is exactly what he needed to do at this point in order to get those all-important radio spins.
It’s hard to predict these things, but I think “For Your Entertainment” has a shot at chart success. We’ll see.
PS: I’m not getting the T Rex comparisons at all, the song sounds thoroughly modern to me.
Adam Lambert will debut his new single, the Claude Kelly/Dr. Luke track, “For Your Entertainment” today on Ryan Seacrest’s KIIS FM radio show at 6:55 am.
Check out the cover–initially posted on Perez Hilton this morning. Adam’s looking very fierce! It’s the vibe I was expecting for the album cover. I likes it!
I’ll post more on the single here after the debut. I’m going to pin this post to the top for awhile.
Also leaked this morning…the track list for the album. Check it out RIGHT HERE.
Wow, that is baaaaad. Michael Jackson bad, not, yikes, bad!
Love it. It’s badddddddddddddddd.
I LOOOOOOVE this single cover!!!!!!
Well I, for one, will be replacing the real CD cover with this image.
now this is more like it, i love it!!
That cover is Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick !!!!!!!!!!!! (tm AL)
This is all kinds of WIN.
This single album cover is HOT!! Why on earth couldn’t this have been his CD cover??? LOL
That’s hot. I love it <3
I don’t have an issue with the album cover, but I do LOVE this. Gorgeous.
Flove this cover!!!!!!!
I love both the CD and single cover. Two entirely different “looks” from Adam. Fantastic!
Yes, that cover is about 1,000 times better. Trying my best to like the album cover but still just HATE it.
I just feel like Adam’s handlers are trying to be too cute by half with the album cover. I would NOT be surprised to see them pull it in favor of something more like this.
Wow! I love the album cover, but I love this single cover even more. I guess I like that they both exist, showing different sides of an interestingly and always entertainingly complex artist!
So true! You are never gonna get bored with this guy, because he has so many sides to show at any given moment. Love it :-)
Is anyone listening to the Adamcast? it’s reminding me of the tour. I’m getting all verklempt :)
or is there somewhere else i should be?
Dude, I’m not even a fan, but this cover is soooo awesome. He looks KICKASS. If this had been the album cover (what were they thinking with the other one when they had THIS in their back pocket?), I’m pretty sure I would’ve ranked it my favorite Idol cover that I’ve seen.
smallie- Adam knew what he was doing with the album cover. He got people talking. If this were the album cover, as hot as it is, it would not be on the front page of Yahoo with over 10,000 ( last I checked) comments on it.
I think the album cover is pretty lame, but this is fierce. Love it.
This is where I’m listening:
but I don’t think it makes any difference.
I am listening here:
OMG, I love this so hard! Is this another Sebree photo?
I think they were thinking that the other one would generate love, hate, disdain, puzzlement and lots of other things that would get tons of talk and attention and controversy — and thus publicity. (which it did)
While this one would just have gotten: Hey, *great* cover, man! … and then everybody would have moved on.
The album cover created news stories. This one only creates compliments. They want news stories.
Seriously. i can’t imagine they didn’t research that album cover vs. other options they had, like this. And if they asked anybody about the album cover, they were obviously going to get confusion, ambivalence, and hoots of laughter (alongside some approval), while with this one, they must certainly have gotten at least 80 percent approval. So I can’t help but believe that they chose the other *because* it was going to cause a *lot* of response and chatter, even realizing that much of that was going to be negative. If everybody’s chatting, they keep on looking.
Mj something weird just happened, my browser window shrunk and then a warning came up and then it started running a ‘virus scan’ right on the computer from my firefox. It happened on this page and so I had to close that page and reopen this one. Just fyi.
My heart is beating at 1000N per second. Can ´t wait.
So the idea is to produce a cheap-looking album cover to keep people talking? I hope that’s notion of publicity doesn’t cross over to the music. I think he could have had people talking had the concept been done better (the album cover). *shrugs*
OMG! I am so excited this morning! That single cover is some kind of AWESOME! That is what I was expecting from the album cover. He is so fierce! How much longer? Someone on the cellcast said the demo for the GAGA song is on youtube. Going to look.
boredinschool it’s a good idea to e-mail MJ about that.
I also got a virus warning from my AVAST! antivirus. It was blocked, fortunately.
Adam tweet:
Just got up! I’m so excited!!!!!! U ready?? Turn it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too!!!!!!!!!
I love the album cover, but this one is W.O.W.
Yeah, I can imagine somebody doing that, in a music industry that’s utterly tanking and where nobody really has any idea how to generate a lot of attention and sales.
But, no, of course they wouldn’t do it with the music …. Because the music *matters*, it’s the actual *product,* whereas the cover is *only* a publicity tool, an ad (and always has been — covers are advertisements, pr stunts, and that’s all…. They’re not what you buy. They’re what call attention to something so that you *might* buy it if you like the product, which is the music.)
Besides which, of course, not *everybody* thinks the album cover is crappy — it’s generated both hate *and* love, along with intrigue. If it struck *everyone* as cheap and crappy, then you wouldn’t use it. But clearly it has *not* struck everybody that way — so it becomes controversial. Controversy as advertisement — a pretty time-honored tradition, seems to me.
And, of course, this is only a theory!
Fierce, indeed. Love it. Love the album cover. Can’t wait to hear the song. Bring it ON!
I rarely delurk but I had to for this one. I love the cover!!!!!!
Now that’s HOT!!. IS IT TIME YET?
Oh my, another thread, how are we going to survive today.:)
adam tweets:
Just got up! I’m so excited!!!!!! U ready?? Turn it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as if anyone slept.
Ok, I admit it. I really like the single cover. But I still hate the album one.
Oh no you just got me worried D: *shakes fist*
Ah thats what mine was called too, but I dont think I have a virus protector *stupid*. Ill get on that.
Okay will, I have to go to school soon but Ill try to remember to do it when I get back. Also, this has happened before but Im not sure if it was just from mjs site.
Now THAT is an album cover. Jeez.
Ryan, bring Adam, pleeeaaasssee!!!!!!
It’s a double-digit exclamation point day, for sure! How exciting!
LOL. I wonder if Adam’s excited? I can’t tell from his tweet, too cryptic ;)
If the single cover gets much more positive feedback than the album cover, I wonder if they might think about switching them? If it’s not too late.
Lucy, SO TOTALLY THIS ^^^ You rule. The cover is retro-futuristic. It’s anime, graphic, male, female, past, future ‘“ almost a painting. They were going for something completely different and they succeeded in my opinion.
Of course they had tons of images to work with and I hoped they’d be in some kind of insert or used on singles covers. Michelin Man may still resurface, according to Adam. I’m on board.
This image is fantastic though for straight, fierce photography.
OMG, Adam!
Um, which thread should I be on? I am confused. Both???
Yep, this is a MUCH better cover than the one for the album, IMO. I wonder what the Oprah viewers think. Oh, no, where did the sweet nappy-headed boy go? lol
LOVE the cover!
MJ please put the FYE asap… can’t listen to the live streaming here :(
Just so this thread gets me, too:
*flailing and squeeing*
I hate Ryan Seacrest’s craptastic show.
Nice! (The single cover, I mean. Haven’t heard the song yet.)
Lucy, this cover rocks. So I’m gonna let go about the album cover. It’s better than what I dreamed, anyhoo (yes, I had a dream about his album cover before it was released. LOL.)
I can see them doing this actually. Or maybe even alternate covers or something, that’d be cool. Like they’d have his album all wrapped up and you got either the blue-purple alien one or this one. Or maybe this will be the cover of the special edition version of his album.
So, when we download the single from iTunes, we get the fierce cover?
And when we download the CD, we will get the other cover, right?
Love this cover! Wow!
Can he be that smart???? First, release album cover – have everyone talking (as far as even in South East Asia, China!!). Make sure the single and the album have the same name. The fans that hate the album cover can interchange the cover as they please. FYE – either album or single is on people’s minds (lovers and haters). This single cover definitely would not have attracted that much media attention.
We’re back!
Wow! Loved the song, but I thought the same thing as Jim, he sounded a lot like MJ at first! Until the end when it was Adam fo sho!
Wow, MJ, did your server crash from the Adam single awesomeness!! The single is HAWWWT!! Ear Worm, Quality vocals, great production, smashing beat…. Com’on itunes, when is it available……
i loved it, i am soo happy…i cant wait to see him perform it live on the AMAs!!!
I love this song so fucking much. Fabulous hook. It’s so dancey, yet it keeps his vocal range and rock wails.
My teacher didn’t get to the class on time, so I’m ready for the single!
Add me as another fan who things that this would have been a much, much better album cover. I love pictures with this kind of effect.
I’m still not digging the Adam Lambert font effects though, they look pretty good on high resolution, but when they are scaled down, they idea gets lost.
Adam told Ryan he felt he had to defend the cover because it mas meant to make you laugh (which is still my reaction every time I see it).
That was awesome! Not just because he is my favorite but it was really a great song! So excited.
I can’t believe I’m subjecting myself to so much crappy hip hop and pseudo R&B just to hear Adam’s first single. I’m beyond pathetic…
Ok, I’m been listening to this crap KIIS-FM site since way before 6:55 PST but haven’t heard the single. Did they blackout internet streaming?
Great song! SQUEEE! This is so top 40! So adam! Soooo happy for him!
i love it!! someone put it up on youtube already!!!
cannot wait for him to do this live at the AMA!!
The cover is really great. The song not so much.
Generic old school disco sound. And the worst part is that they completely altered his voice. There are parts at the end where we get a taste of his great voice, but that’s about it.
I liked it. It’s a defintely sexy, dancy, poppy fun! I expect it to be a hit. Good job Adam. Top 40 here he comes.
I predicted Adam would break MJ’s today, little did I know it would happen at the almost exact moment of Adam’s debut! LOL!
I can breathe again! I like!
I think it is very radio friendly, Don’t flove the song, but do like it. I think it will grow on me.
Kind of threatening lyrics (lol) for a fun dance song.
I think it has the potential to be a hit.
Thought it was funny that even Adam’s (sometimes OTT) friends could believe that his chose that shot as his album cover.
the song is yummy! me likey alot!! i need the whole album or at least so snips of it ASAP!
whoop whoop ADAM LAMBERT rules =]
So happy to hear the song! I love it, I hope everybody else also love it. AdamCast is doing it on repeats right now. So happy for Adam, go Adam.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new single! Just what I expected! I was dancing in my seat the whole time! Totally shaking my ass! And his voice at the end – soaring like that! So totally hot! Hot lyrics, hot beats! Great great song!
There must have been like at least a million Adam fans descending upon MJ’s blog at the same time to have crashed it lol! I was not able to log on just minutes before Adam came on!
I FLOVE the single. Cannot stop listening and dancing!!!!!!
I usually don’t listen to lyrics much, but these were totally hot – loved them!
THANK YOU, WHOMEVER LOOKS AFTER FIERCE ALIENS. I was so worried – I don’t like club music, I hate most of today’s stuff no matter what – but I loved that song. That “rough” phrase makes me tingle… OK, I’m relaxing about the album now. Whew. Maybe I can sleep again…
REALLY REALLY REALLY liked that song! I can’t belive I said that! And he’s right – it makes me want to dance! (Even with my back screwed up and it’s all gloomy outside – it’s happy in here…)
Meh. The song didn’t do much for me.
I just knew they would autotune the crap out of Adam due the genre he was aiming for. Which, is unfortunate since he does have a good voice. I don’t personally like the rock wails, but when he sings something like “Mad World” he’s awesome. Of course, I realize that a “Mad World” type song couldn’t be the single, I’m just saying he has a nice voice and it’s a shame they turned the auto-tuner up to 11. He doesn’t need to be auto-tuned. They just wanted the robo-singer effect.
I’m terrible at predicting hits, so this could be one. I thought “Tattoo” was kind of generic (and hated the yelps) and it moved 2 million units, so don’t ask me to predict this song’s future.
I realy, really LOVED this song! It’s exactly what Adam promised us. So happy for Adam and for us, the fans, because we get to enjoy it — after all, it is for OUR entertainment!
I was shaking so much before Ryan played the song! I haven’t felt like that since I was waiting for the AI finale results to be announced!
Still shaking :-)
Trying to keep the site up:
15 comments per page (for now)
5 posts on the front page
I loved the song!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Loved the riffs and the wail at the end, OH BB…you did it again!!!!
Listen here:
Edgy with a smile :)
Love his voice!!!!! Soooo HOT!!!!
I think I’m going to put the single up for a little while so people can here it.
Of course, you all will be downloading it. *smiles*
Yes! It’s a bit of glam and a lot of new.
Definitely has a Britney hook to it too (not a bad thing, imo – she’s doing pretty well for herself ;-) )
omg the lyrics are KILLING ME. SO SEXY!!!
Like the song a lot! Don’t love it yet, but need a few more listens. And now I can breathe again :-)
Don’t think it does justice to Adam’s voice, and can’t wait to hear the rest of the album.
Totally missed my staff meeting this morning to listen. What has Adam done to me????
I just got the “content restriction” screen when trying to stream KIIS-FM. It wasn’t restricted when I tested it last night. :(
I absolutely LOVE this song!! WOW WOW WOW! So TOP 40! I am so Happy for him, I could cry!!! Squuuueeeeeee!!!!!
Will definitely BUY it once it hits itunes :-)
I was dying when Adam started talking to Ryan. Then I died with the song.
I CANNOT wait to see this on the AMA’s…its gonna be AMAzing!!!
not much of a surprise its a Dr.Luke song and its been autotuned.
It doesn’t even sound like Adam.
I didn’t really enjoy the song but then again I’m not really into dance electro music. I’m not able to judge how this succeeds in that genre. Will be interesting to hear the reactions from the music critics though. I thought it was funny that Ryan said the song really stands out because my initial reaction was it sounds like much of the rest of Top 40.
I’ve long felt that Adam is primarily a visual performer, hence all the attention to the covers. I think his live performances will be his strongest suit just as Lady Gaga’s are. The music refers back to the visual images.
Love the cover for this single (should’ve been the album cover, IMO), but I’m not really digging the single. It sounds very much like what I expected, though, from Adam’s description of the album. More power to Adam. It’s probably going to be a hit – it goes well with what is on the radio right now.
WOW, so dancey!!! I can’t hear Adam through all of it (middle part), but this song is going to SMASH Top 40 radio. Wow. Must go hear it at youtube. Also at ucast.
KUDOS, ADAM. (Oh, and Jim Cantiello is digging it, they played MJ’s Thriller after it, same vibe.)
Love the fact that he’s rocking his lower register for all those that talk about that he sounds like a girl, and that even though we get the Lambert wail, it can hardly be called screachy. I really am enjoying listening to it, and I can’t wait to get if on itunes ASAP!
A debut on Seacrest’s show is pretty good too! Yay Seascrest, yay Lambert! Don’t know why the comments are still posting oddly, and somewhat randomly, but oh well.
Phenomenale! I can not wait for his video or his performance on AMA! Delightful Adam!
I had a feeling this would be one of the biggest critiques to the song. I was fine with the processing, though of course the Adam purests in all of us want as much of his pure voice as possible. Still, production was slick, and the voice was made to fit that.
And it’s all made perfect when his amazing soaring voice comes out at the end! No one on radio can do that like him!
Adam just busted the IDOL BUBBLE with that song.
This is one side of Adam. There will be many sides of Adam. This is a great way to introduce him to the public. Top 40 will be over this SO FAST. Ryan Seacrest loved it. That’s all you need to know. :)
i was so nervous waiting for the song, although i adore him and know his tremendous talent, i was afraid of not liking the song.
i think it has a great beat, its definitely radio friendly..i think its a little lady gaga-ish and will be tremendous live.
Loved it!!! Love that he did a lot in his lower register. And even better, it doesn’t sound like everything else on the radio..you know its Adam Lambert.
BTW..if there is some autotune used, its certainly not as much as other artists need.
Heard it about five times now. I really do love it. I brought the peeps in my office to hear it. They were dancing and shaking during it. They liked it too. It makes you move!
not the type of song i would normally like but for some reason i liked it.
that song is freaking ridiculous. LOVE IT. Adam is a rockstar!
Adam just busted the IDOL BUBBLE with that song.
Yep. Bye bye, karaoke Idol. Nice to know you. ADAM HAS ARRIVED. (And I wanna hear the Muse song so badly. This is going to be the most eclectic album EVER.)
Somebody please provide an mp3 so we can download it RIGHT NOW please!!!
It had a great beat! I love his voice and can’t wait to see it performed at the AMA’s..go Adam…I was so nervous. Again like birthing a baby. Whew…pain but what a joyous moment when 1st annouced to the world…Its a beautiful thing…I’m buying big time
Perfect! Absolutely a Top 40 hit, which is what they all MUST HAVE in order to sell their albums.
It’s very Timberlake-ish. Love, love the lower register, but we get our Adam scooting up a couple of octaves. Great hook, catchy, solid beat. It’s going to get KIIS play for sure!
Really like it! I think it’s a great first single.
The lyrics are perfect for Adam. Can’t wait to see him perform it at the AMA’s!
Is that him singing backup?
#ForYourEntertainment great production, ear worm, magnificent vocals=Smash hit!
Definitely has the Lady Gaga/Kylie Minogue/Madonna/Mike vibe to the song. I wanna hear the Muse song though.
LOVE this song, it’s very sexy…my favorite line is “let me entertain you till you scream” ! I can’t wait for his entire album.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Ohhh, did he really sing “when I’m in I hold em hard” ???? Hahaha. Atta boy, Adam. Works for me. :D Exactly the kind of single I expected when people said he wasn’t radio friendly and I predicted they were grooming him to be the male Gaga/Britney/next incarnation of MJ. The video for this song is gonna be fierce I bet.
The lyrics are so true to this crazy experience…did we know what we were getting into when we started following this guy…the more I listen the more I love it!!! And he IS entertaining us!
Please don’t flame me but…
Someone please tell me why oh why you would remix the voice of one of the greatest vocalists of our age so that it doesn’t even sound like him? Seriously, if I didn’t know this was Adam, I wouldn’t think it was him.
The first 12 bars of the song go nowhere, it’s as if he is singing the same note over and over. The song has no emotion. It sounds like a bad Britney knockoff.
To say I am disappointed would be a vast understatement. Why the hell overproduce the HELL out of Adam’s voice? It’s like the album cover – why photoshop one of the best looking men alive?
Maybe this will be a hit but for me, EPIC fail.
Like I said, please don’t flame me and NO, I’m not a Kris Allen Troll or anything like that. I am a BIG Adam fan that was just expecting MUCH MUCH more.
I haven ´t stopped listening. I can just go Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I freaking LOVE it. LOVE it.
The lyrics are so Adam and even though they autotuned, I can still hear his voice. Love the lower register.
I really, really believe this will be a huge hit.
I can’t stop listening to this. I loved Adam’s vocals on TfM, but this song is really, really fun to listen to. When can I buy it from itunes? I need a good version of this on my ipod!
Well, I figured I wouldn’t be crazy about it since it would be a dancy/electronica sort of thing and that’s not my thing. The good news is that it is an earworm and I think this will do very well on Top 40, which is I’m sure the target, and I bet his fans will love it. I’m not into the whole robot-y/electronic thing that is in vogue right now so maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t like it much. I didn’t like Boom Boom Pow and we know how that song did :) . Hopefully there will be a couple songs on the album that are more raw (if that’s the word I’m looking for) because I like his voice a lot. I’m sure there will be something. I’ll do like I did with Archie’s album and download a few!
And yes, this single cover is WAY better than the album cover. Pretty cool and fits the song.
WOW…this is gonna be a HUGE hit!!! Love the lines: You thought I was soft and sweet!! I’m gonna hurt you real good! It’s about to get rough for you! (Damn….love the whole frigging song!)
I love him using his lower register after everyone said all he does is scream!!! OMG…I love it!
I had to delurk and shout, IIIIII LLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEDDDDD IIIIIITTTTTT!!!!! Both the single and cover. Just so so happy for Adam that his dream finally came true and it’s just the beginning. Can’t wait for his world tour!
I love it! It’s fierce and sexy. I don’t hear autotune at all so don’t get what some of you are saying/hearing. Go listen to Kanye/Britney then you’ll know autotune.
Oh Adam … where is your voice? Only heard a few seconds of the Adam I have grown to love, the rest is all beats … I can get that from anyone!
Finally the music is here ! Imagine Adam performing this song live … all that dancing … all that energy… and the Adam “scream” (towards the end ) is just exciting to hear.
Just love this. Just love this.
I am captivated by the album cover even if it got panned by quite a lot.
I also love this single’s cover. Now if only they would give us two more songs, each with a different cover , and in same black and white and electric blue.
Then it would be a great wall montage with three black and white photos and one sparkly photo. Can i beg RCA for more album covers ?
I would love letting it loose dancing ( or exercising ) to this single, and with a montage of Adam album covers right there in front of me. Silly , but fun .
Yes! Those lyrics really got me! OMG, Adam – turning up the hot :-)
He’s such a bad boy ;)
I can’t wait to see Adam dances to this song! Is it Nov.22 yet?
Wow. As with about everything he does, this left me speechless. I love, love, love it. YAY!
Didn’t love it and didn’t hate it either. I kept waiting for the climax but it wasn’t there.
Good thing he didn’t oversing and the cover is much better than the album’s.
ETA: And I think his fans will love it, he can do no wrong to them, can’t he? ;)
Count me in the LOVE IT column!
The lyrics are SO Adam. I kind of wanted to hear more Adam, but we WILL when he sings it at the AMA’s (so excited) and GMA. This song is gonna be SO BIG. And there are so many songs on the album that are so different.
*happy dancing* (to the song)
Low register with some high notes…you go, Adam!!! WIN!
It ´s siiiiick!!!! This is gonna be a HIT!!!!!
how is everyone hearing it over and over? i only heard it the first time on the stream.
I loved it!! It was exactly what I was expecting it would be…a dance clubby song with a great beat. I’m so happy for Adam because I think this will be a great hit. Very radio friendly…Go Adam! I can’t wait to hear the rest of this album, and to see him perform this live!
geee, when can we buy it already!!! can’t.wait.to.do.so Can you imagine what he is going to do with this for his performance at the AMA’s! It will be performance art– perfect 1st single and sooo Adam!
Oh, the AMA performance for this song is going to be so amazing!
This makes me think more and more that they were pretty sure (like 99%) that this would be the first single for awhile now.
This is going to be HUGE for Adam. And I am so happy for him. So many times during the season I read comments that Adam could not be current. Well this has top 40 HIT all over it. Contrast it with old school TFM – Adam can pretty much do anything. I cannot wait to get FYE! And yeah, the single cover is PERFECTION!
How can I hear it again??? I can’t find it!!! :(
Oh, sorry, I see it’s up at mj’s site. Wanna see video. WANNA SEE ADAM PERFORM IT. YAY!!! :)
Can’t wait to see the AMA performance and the music video. The single is so radio-friendly with a “sick” beat (as the youngsters say). Thrilled for him. I admit a slight surprise at the electronic treatment of his voice (is that auto-tune??), but that’s dance music. His killer vocals shine through in the improvised high notes. It’s all good. I see a potential #1 radio hit, ala Gaga, B. Eye Peas, etc. Lol, at how the album also carries TfM–something for every Adam fan.
LaurelG, thanks for posting the ustream link.
Well, I wasn’t immediately wowed by the song but I gotta admit it’s already growing on me with a second listen.
OMG so happy for Adam!!! It’s def a hit a hit people?
(can’t believe I missed because I thought I still lived in the east coast. stupid me)
I can’t help smiling! I love it. And what’s even better, I think it’s extremely radio friendly.
The rhythm reminds me of Pop!ular from Darren Hayes, which was exactly what I had in mind when I heard the title of this song, but of course, almost nobody knows that song!
His voice is way too distinct, so even on the parts that are autotuned it sounds freaking amazing and unique.
I was right, his voice is the one thing that I love :).
I love it! It’s a fun song that you can’t sit still to. I like that his album is going to be eclectic. I love that idea and there will be something for everyone and every mood. Love the single cover too! Wow!
Earworm. Radio friendly. Makes you dance. Definite hit potential, I’d say.
And there are even some things for me — some actual vocals near the end; some sly, dark sexy, yet tongue-in-cheek lyrics…. A lot for me, actually! (unlike in Boom Boom Pow, for me! — which I actually do enjoy, but whose astronomical sales figures nevertheless baffle me!)
Gotta remember that the album will also have “Soaked,” among other things. The point of the first single is to get radio play and thus attention attention attention. And this has the prerequisites for that.
Plus it can be a *very* hot number at the AMAs — the last thing you’d want there would be Adam doing a number that is out of synch with all the autotuned, dance stuff that everybody else will be doing and that would thus brand him as an AI finalist with an old-lady audience!
I think this one’s a winner.
reminds me a bit of britney. but then i like britney. so me likey, very dancy`club music. The lyrics are off the charts though. who wrote this again?
Someone answer me this.
Why the hell would you write a song for a man with a 4 OCTAVE RANGE that has only 3 notes in it?
This song is repetitive, boring and even the hook is meh.
As a BIG Adam fan, I am VERY disappointed.
All I can say is I LOVE IT!
And the bridge with the small Adam scream — and then the Adam backup vocals — just wonderful!!
Sounds current, but the vintage beats are amazing. Dr. Luke is a master.
suebrody, someone posted a Sendspace link earlier.
I understand the argument about them manipulating his vocals, but ya gotta take this for what it is- the album opener- the party starter, the get up and dance bitches!
When he sings “Soaked” and if the Gaga song is “Fever” that is making the rounds- believe me- we will hear THAT side of Adam. I, for one, appreciate all damn sides of him.
GO ADAM! You have a mega hit on your hands!
It’s Britney Beotch!
So… I’m having surgery a week from now, and my doc said no exercise until then. He SPECIFICALLY mentioned dancing. Well… er… sorry doc :-( CANNOT stop this dance-freak from shaking her booty to this AWESOME track.
This is exactly what I hoped for. The album won’t all be like this, ref: Muse song. Eclectic, which is right up my street.
And I can’t wait to see him perform this at the AMAs. HOT HOT HOT
You go kick ass, dude.
ETA: Very Broadway *guffaw*
I understand why 19/RCA are so excited now, this will fit perfectly into the eletronica vibe that it’s going on right now. Definetly top 40 material, even more with Kiss fm spinning it from now on.
The vocals are somewhat reworked, but nothing too outrageous considering the type of song. The sexy lyrics and beats are a perfect combination for the dance floor.
THose lyrics are HAWT!!!!!!
Not feeling it. The hook is pretty weak. I think when the song is playing people will definitely dance but once it leaves the speakers it will leave the mind equally as fast. I still think it will do well but it won’t be a smash hit.
download here – it has Ryan announcing the song:
I agree w/ EVERYTHING lucy said :D
I AM IN LOVE!!!!! And the lyrics…dying. So hot!
I’ll have to listen to it a few more times before I can really comment. It just didn’t sound like Adam to me until towards the end. I could totally dance to it thou. And I don’t hate it. Am sure when I hear him sing it live I’ll like it more.
I <3 it!! Exactly what I need right now
Just finished lyric-ing it, and I love that he didn't let go of any of his sexual lyrics from before Idol. He hasn't toned down, and I love it.
And it's SO radio-ready…I love it.
"I told you, I'mma hold you down until you're amazed. Baby til you're, til you're screaming my name"
"Take the pain take the pleasure I'm the master of both…"
"Oh, do you like what you see? Let me in I'll teach you til you scream"
Shit! I’ve listened to it five times. It is a freaking hit!
The lyrics are incredibly sexy and hot! Sooooo Adam! The tweens and teens are going to want to shake their asses to this! It is perfect!!!
I want to buy it, NOW!!!
It will be streaming later today at AdamOfficial.com
Adam is not auto tuned, but I guess the platitudes get weaker with each triumph. *sigh*
It is awesome and LOVE it!! Dancy, fun, infectious, great hook and build. So. Much. Fun!!!!
It is going to KILL live.
Congratulations, Adam, you NAILED IT!!!
I’m streaming the song above.
I’m a little uncomfortable with these downloads. BUY THE SONG WHEN IT’S RELEASED PLEASE.
Is it possible that by overproducing this so badly they actually made Adam Lambert’s voice sound thin?
Geesh, really bummed over this.
If this stays in Top 10 on iTunes more than a week I’ll be amazed.
This is NOTHING compared to Lady Gaga’s work.
I still haven’t heard it all the way through. The adamcast keeps crapping out halfway through the song(shakes fist at damn corporate LAN), but what I have heard, I really really like. It’s definitely catchy and very much top 40-friendly. His voice isn’t showcased as much as I would have liked but it is geared toward getting major airplay. I’m no predictor of these things, but I would certainly turn my radio up and rock out to this in my car.
It is better than I expected and I will love it after a few plays. Congratulations, Adam – may all your dreams continue to come true.
ETA: Finally did get through the whole song without a corporate LAN burp. Now I can officially say, yes, I love this song. WHEN can I BUY it please?
Love it! It’s hot, it’s fresh, it’s current, it’s new!!!!
errrr . . . Do I sound like Randy? HAHA.
Can somebody post the lyrics! I’m at work and can’t listen real loud, so I couldn’t catch the lyrics too well. Sounds like they’re hot!!
Somebody, transcribe! Quickly. Pretty please . . .
This production is right for this type of top 40 song. I love the song; it has that electro/dance vibe, but you can hear his signature voice at the end.
Like he says, I am sure there will be something for everyone on the album. I think I will be very entertained, because I seem to like all the different Adam sounds and vibes.
This song is a great way to introduce Adam outside of the AI bubble.
I am really happy with it! Have listened to it on repeat now for ten minutes, and love it more and more.
This makes my day—I love it!
I was so scared! But it does what it needs to do (danceable, Top 40) while still remaining definitely Adam. Very hot!
And I love the single cover—now, that is what I was expecting for the album.
It will be great on the radio. IMO it gets better with multiple listens.
I’m not much into dance music (especially recent stuff) but in its genre, I think this is quite awesome…maybe because it has a bit of ’70s sound to it…
I also wish we could hear his voice more. People who don’t know him will maybe like the single but not realize how much more amazing potential is in that man!
BUT: Considering that I was afraid I would not like this at all (since the single has to be all dancey-poppy), I am quite HAPPY.
Look forward to the CD! I know there will be some amazing stuff in there!!!
PS: please please please MJ put the AMAs performance video up asap, for us “foreigners”!!!
Brian Mansfield
Did you hear Adam Lambert’s “For Your Entertainment” on Ryan Seacrest’s show? I’m kind of into it. How about you? http://bit.ly/39tl822 minutes ago from TweetDeck
there are so many lyrics that i love. this song is SO ADAM!! i think im on listen 10 now.
looks like those that thought “For Your Entertainment” was going to mean sexytimes entertainment, we were right!
“i bet you thought i was soft and sweet, that an angel swept you off your feet, but im about to turn up the heat, im here for you entertainment!”
“close your eyes, not your mind and let me into your soul”
Don’t worry! I’m supporting BB’s fund for cool house dimmers!
OMFG!! I totally LOVE it! HAWT!! Adam baby, I think you’ve got a major hit on your hands! If the rest of the songs on the album are as good as this one it’s going to be totally awesome!
I can understand why there has been so much buzz about Adam!! What a fantastic single!! Very sexy, very catchy, and it stands out. And, that voice!!!!! It gets better with each listen, and I’ve got it on repeat.
This will be fantastic on the AMAs. Can’t wait to see the performance. And, I get there will be an amazing music video.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
I need to have it in my ipod RN, in high quality of course. Can’t wait to buy it!!!!!
If anyone doesn’t think it sounds like Adam (my first thought:
Listen to it again. You can totally hear him. OMG, I love this song.
*for your containment*
Claude Kelly wants to know what you think of it: he tweeted. :)
Q3, I totally agree. The first time, I was like, Hm. Now I LOVE IT and must OWN IT. *happy dancing*
LOVE IT….LOVE IT….LOVE IT!!!! I’m listening for about the 8th time now. It’s still playing on adamcast. OMG!!!!!! LOVE ITTTTTTTT!!!
Couldn’t get into mj’s, couldn’t get on Ryan’s site….was freaking out!! Then I remembered I still had the adamcast link in my email. phew!!!
Love the single cover too, but still love the album cover. So many different sides of Adam…oh YEAHHHHHHHH!!!
I don’t get the autotuned comments, but maybe that’s just me. I think it sounds totally like Adam. Just not what we’re used to hearing.
*give it to ya til you’re screamin’ my name* LOL!!!
*Once I’m in, I own your heart!!* Man, that is so true.
Gonna listen to this all morning!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Did I say I LOVE it??? ;)
I wish Kiss FM had added a sound bubble in the middle. At least the download has Ryan’s voice, right?
And I have no complaints about the vocals. It’s a dance-y song anyway. I’m sure we’ll hear more of Adam in the slower songs (imagine him singing SOAKED omgeh PERFECTION)
you guys…..
Here is the youtube version:
They are playing it over and over on the Adamcast. I love it – I am dancing and glad nobody could see me, much like Elaine’s dancing on Seinfeld. Bet your wonderful Mom is dancing too.
Adam, you did not disappoint this fan. You are all kinds of AWESOME!
iTunes, can we please download now?
Loveeee it. I’m actually kinda hearing impaired so i can’t definitively hear the lyrics.. can someone be amazing and write the lyrics out!! I would love you forever.
This is how I feel too. Even the chorus, it lacks a stronger hook. I’ve listened to it 3 times, I can’t really remember how the song goes.
The live performances should be great though!
I think I like it. It is going to take a couple more listens though. I really like the chorus, it is very catchy. I don’t mind the autotuning either. It is a pop song, what were people expecting? There are some definite negatives though. The wailing towards the end is very annoying. I could see people turning the radio when that starts. The backing beat is not great either, and I think the song would be better with a lot less of it. It will probably be better live. I think it will be a hit on radio though.
WHOA – I think I just had a heart attack!!!
I LOVE it!! I have a feeling it will get good reviews and hopefully some airplay.
I can’t wait to see Adam perform this live at the AMAs.
from ONTD-ai:
So hot
out the box
Can we pick up the pace?
Turn it up
heat it up
I need to be entertained
Push the limit
Are you with it?
Baby, don’t be afraid
I’ma hurt you real good, baby
Let’s go
It’s my show
Baby, do what I say
Don’t trip
off the bits that I’m gonna display
I told you
I’ma hold you down until you’re amazed
Give it to you ’til you’re screaming my name
No escaping when we start
Once I’m in I hold your heart
There’s no way I’ll ring the alarm
So hold on ’til it’s over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
It’s alright
you’ll be fine
Baby, I’m in control
Take the pain
Take the pleasure
I’m the master of both
Close your eyes
not your mind
Let me into your soul
I’ma work it ’til you’re totally blown (right?)
No escaping when we start
Once I’m in I hold your heart
There’s no way I’ll ring the alarm
So hold on ’til it’s over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
Oh oh…
I’m here for your entertainment…
Oh oh…
Do you like what you see?
Let me entertain me you until you scream
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
Exactly! I never got this from people saying Adam couldn’t be current! It sounds like he is hitting on something really really interesting now – a little old mixed with a little new – the glam meets the new, so we get a sound that is current yet unique.
And I agree that from this and the sound of the track list, this is gonna be one awesomely eclectic album! I LOVE that – because I love so many sides of Adam :-)
It really reminds me Darren Hayes’ album “The Tension and The Spark” too much. And I love that album, which makes it great, but seriously, I’m almost feeling a djà vu.
This is so ADAM!!!This song is gonna be a huge hit!!!!!!!
I would like to hear the interview again, not just the song. Anybody knows where that would be? You can hear the song on repeats on AdamCast.
As we speak.
Wow – thank you for posting.
Those lyrics are like sex. Wow. Can it get any hotter with him?
Sorry MJ, didn’t like it enough to purchase it separately. Will definitely be buying the album through your site though.
I guess I really don’t understand what Kirsten and others mean by “autotune,” because I don’t hear it. No pop-music vocal is done without some amount of studio manipulation and filtering, but that doesn’t mean it’s “autotuned” necessarily.
The surprising thing to me is that most of the song is in his lower register, until the bridge, which robs the track of some individuality IMO. I’m not sure I would have been able to identify this as being Adam’s voice until the bridge, if I didn’t already know.
Can’t wait for the album. This song didn’t bowl me over.
the lyrics are so Adam- Alpha, In Control Adam LOL!!!
Too bad the interview wasn’t longer. And did he mention which track is the Gaga one? I was so nervous/excited I kept missing what he was talking about :-)
Listen number 3. Actually listened to the lyrics this time. HOT HOT HOT!!
Starting to love it. This is going to be BIG!!
Yes! I love those lyrics! So Adam!
This song exceeded my expectations. I’m so glad I allowed myself to get my hopes up. It is so worth the ride!!!
Best thing — it gets sexier with repeated listens. … Just exactly what they want, what he wants, what I want, what everybody wants!
I like the retro-but-current vibe. (kind of like the album cover, come to think of it, lol)
these lyrics are super hot! Can’t wait to see if there’s going to be a music video…
I am smiling and dancing!
Thank you, Adam!
I had to remind myself that not all of Adam’s songs will sound like this. And I love that. It’s like Imogen Heap…she plays around but there are still plenty of songs sans electronica that showcase her voice. I love adam’s first single. It is everything he has promised.
Don ´t worry, MJ, I for one will buy the single. The album has already been ordered, and I bought TFM. Our BB needs our support.
“Give it to ya till you’re screaming my name…”/”Let me entertain you til you scream”
Something tells me there’s going to be “screaming” in the audience at the AMAs. The lyrics are smoking.
those lyrics are kind of naughty. so adam
Great way to start off the album. And in terms of hearing the “Adam vocal” this is about as good as it gets in the world of electronica, Top 40. I am pretty relieved. I also think the album will be very eclectic so there will be songs—Soaked—to totally show off the voice.
I am so excited, well done Adam!
Brian Mansfield from Idol Chatter likes it. He put up a decent review of the song. Its not over the top for those who dont’ like Adam’s upper register, but its very catchy and should keep us Adam fans happy. I think its a good first single.
OMG, I love it so much! I can’t wait for the AMAs now!
So did he seriously not like Adam during the season? I didn’t follow him at all, but just remember him on MJs doing a live chat, and at the time he seemed pretty positive about Adam.
Absolutely LUUUUUV IT – Top 40 hit all the WAY!!!!!
Yuck…everything I hate about current music. Overproduced to death. My computer decided to act up just as Ryan was introducing Adam. When it finally started working again, I couldn’t even tell if I was listening to Adam’s song. His beautiful voice was unrecognizable. But, I’m sure it will sell cuz this is just the kind of soulless stuff people like now for some reason.
I agree.
Oh, well done, Brightly Shining Glittery Alien Prince. Well done. From what I know of you, this is You, and what more can we ask? Looking forward to the rest–the different moods, the different sounds. So fantastic.
This has broken every expectation I had.
It is truly AMAZING….
Thanks, TXArchitecht for the lyrics! They are awesome- so sexy and hot!!
For the record: I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It usually takes me a few listens to decide if I like a song, but from the first beats I was into it, and the more I listen the more I love it! It’s not even 8 in the morning and I wanna dance my ass off!
This has hit written all over it, and I can’t think of a song out now that is anything like it. And it is SO ADAM!
I’m so damn excited for Adam! I was hoping… hoping…hoping for something good if not great and he f*cking over-delivered big time!
Ryan is playing it again!!!!!
Ryan’s already playing it again!!!
Ryan replaying the song now.
I love this. Adam nailed it. It’s so current, and dancey. I want to get up and dance.
When can I download this on itunes.
Thank you thank you for posting the lyrics!!
OMG HAWT! Those lines are going to be repeated all over the place. So many hooks. Sooo perfect for Adam’s first song.
Fierce. Sexy. In Control.
Just came online, having actually transcribed the lyrics myself. (Downloads online) But see they’re here already.
Not sure this is Oprah material. Probably not the boot song next season either. The no safe word aspect and all.
It’s so right
Make a sign, baby
I’m in control
Take the pain, take the pleasure
I’m a master of both
Close your eyes
Not your mind
Let me into your soul
Imma work you til you’re totally blown
No escaping where to start
Once I’m in I own your heart
There’s no way to ring the alarm
So hold on until it’s over
Oh, do you know what you got in to?
Can you handle what I’m about to do?
Cause it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for your entertainment
Oh, bet you thought I was soft and sweet
Your thought of me swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
But “Do you like what you see” gonna be a great visual in the video.
I have a feeling the live performance of this song will be ridiculously HOT
He doesn’t like it when Adam uses too much of his upper register. He’s more of a “Mad World” Adam fan. I wouldn’t say Brian was against Adam, but Kris is more his type. At least thats how I always viewed it.
The lyrics are well thought out, Claude Kelly did a great job working for Adam.
So I am not into the whole dance/electro-pop music, therefore this is not for me. I can see there is obviously an audience other than Idol fans for this though. I think it is more Britney than Lady Gaga, probably just because his vocals were really over produced in my opinion. I don’t know, I am not a fan of this song but I hope Adam has a hit with it…it’s just not my kind of music.
That’s some sexy lyrics right there! Adam knows what he’s doing!
Ryan is already replaying it? Good God-he is such a fanboi! And he’s a good one to have!
I legit LOVE it, I’m so happy. :D :D :D :D
I hear ya, alxsavage. But it’s not a bad thing, imo. Darren Hayes has a great falsetto, but his voice isn’t in the same league as Adam’s. Like ’em both.
this is big:
LisaZLisa2 Ryan’s playing it again! #ForYourEntertainment less than a minute ago from web
I bet he is going to play it multiple times today
Wonder when it goes to ADD
I LOVE the lyrics. I’m so gonna obey and let him into my soul.
Wow! Wow! I love it more everytimes I hear it !!!! So good!!
OMG…I can’t even fathom him singing this live at the AMAs. Holy smoke…my TV will have a meltdown. Him singing those lines! Lordy, lordy….I need to fan myself right now just thinking about it!
FYE-Very relieved. This perfect for radio.
LOL Rough sex set to a dance beat.
OMG…Can you imagine this on the AMA’s. He’s going to blow the roof off the place. Those wails at the end..I can’t fucking wait!!!!!!!!!!
Once again, Adam exceeds my expectations. Well done bb!!!!!
I like it, it is very danceable. It just sounds like Britney’s 3 and Womanizer, but less hooky and the beat isn’t as strong. I feel it will do well on CHR, but not a huge hit. It will probably be at the top of the dance charts though. It should of had a better hook.
I see what you’re saying, but Imogen Heap’s songs have less distracting background music to take away from her vocals. I’m of the opinion that her choice of accompanying music showcases her voice even more because it’s minimal.
I have no doubt that this will be a hot track. I can already see radio stations scrambling to add this to their line-up. I would have been the first to say that Adam needs vocal restraint from when he was on AI, but he showed a great deal of restraint on this song. Dunno if that was exactly the idea of restraint that I had wanted, since I had expected the song to at least sound like Adam – but you only get that at the end and in some parts when he belts out. It sounds like he is really happy with the song, though. Happy for him! :)
I totally agree with MJ here. As soon as it started I thought “oh no .. they’ve fiddled with his voice” .. but this is what sells these days and it’s what they do for club/dance/electo tracks .. and I totally agree about the commercial aspect of radio play .. it’s ideal … I hope they release it in the UK as this is all that get’s played on our big mainstream radio programmes and it’s what dominates the charts.
I really liked it on first hearing but after a few listens I now love it .. it’s extremely catchy .. can’t wait to see him perform it at the AMA’s with all the dancers/glitter/fireworks or whatever.
My only hope for the album is that on the tracks that aren’t club/dance types, they let his real vocals shine through .. ie on tracks like “Soaked” which needs that raw vulnerability .. I have my fingers crossed as have a really good feeling about this album.
Oh and the single cover is bl**dy gorgeous …lol … Fierce or what?
OMG! THose lyrics! So Adam! So Hawt! I love the lyrics. Don’t think that’s idol lyrics. Whew! hot flashes!!!!
I am not a fan of top 40, not my thing. This song is definitely Britneyesque it should be a hit. Absolutely no rock vibe to this song at all pure pop.
Someone radio guy likes it:
iowaradioguy Got the new Adam Lambert track from the label. Um… if you frequent the Garden or the Saddle, prepare to hear it EVERY.TIME. you go. less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
I was expecting processed… but his voice was unrecognizable except for the wails near the end (that said, I’m not sure how much of it isn’t just because there’s a whole lot more lower register action going on here than prior Adam recordings). It’s very current, though, and really could do quite well, especially combined with the buzz he’s getting coming off of Idol. I’m not sure how I feel about it (dancable? Yes. In any way interesting or engaging as music, that aside? Not really. Amongst all of the Idol season 8 singles, it’s going to be the one that stands out least in my mind, which I didn’t expect), but I think if the objective was to get him on the charts, this was the way to go!
(Pfft, it’s 11:00, and I’m typing like it’s 3:00 AM. Bah)
I didn’t listen to the whole Ryan interview but over on IDF they were talking about Ryan promising to play it more than once today. Can anyone confirm? That would be amazing.
Can I just say again what a huge, freakin’ hit I think this will be? Love the ‘tude he brings to the vocals. Worldwide domination, BB!
I also hear a lot more Britney than Gaga in this – so not my type of music but I do wish Adam well. It just didn’t make me think Adam when I heard it. I also have to agree with the poster who said it will make you dance but then be forgettable when over.
Wicked ! Really wicked ! Love this song.My legs take a life of its own.
Oh, do you know what you got in to?
Can you handle what I’m about to do?
Thuds all around…. first thud was this site … lost it when song started playing.
Which Brian? Brian May?
I like the single cover.
I don’t like the song, but that’s OK: this music is not my cup of tea.
I loved the Muse demo in another thread (but then I love Muse), so I haven’t quite given up yet and I like some of the Glam revival stuff that’s been around in the UK for the last few years, so if some of the other songs go down that path, again I might like those.
I don’t like Lady Gaga et al and this sounds very much like that kind of top 40 stuff.
Which is great if you like that kind of thing and also means that it has a very good chance of being a big hit on top 40.
So congrats to the Lambert fans and I hope it blows up huge for you.
Holy bejeezus!! This song is off the hook totally hot!
Hearing it again! Wow! The lyrics are naughty – the voice is so sexy (LOVE the lower parts of his register – LOVE even more the soaring notes toward the end)
OMG – this is an AMAZING song!!!
Just heard it a 2nd time on KIIS (Ryan)
Yes I love what I see. I can handle what you do.
I love this song. I am screaming your name. ADDDDDDDAAAAAAAAMMMM
yeah, as much as I don’t like Perez-He has it posted on his site– 2-3 mil hits per day
perezhilton Grrr. Adam Lambert single link working now. Listen HERE http://bit.ly/O9DQl 1 minute ago from web
And he likes it…
Kind of a shame there wasn’t more rock in it, especially with the album cover being described as glam rock. Not sure if people would be able to put a dance song together with the album cover. And yeah it definitely reminds you of Britney’s “3” and “Gimme More”.
No, Brian Mansfield. I’ve heard people say that he wasn’t as into Adam during the season, but I hadn’t followed Brian then, so I didn’t know for sure.
Holy Shit! This song is hotttt! I get a sense that Adam is addressing the fans on ths too. “Do you know what you got into? It’s about to get rough on you”. It’s ok Adam, I like it rough!
I like the song, although I’d never know it was him until the end.
Group dance number on So You Think You Can Dance? Wade Robson? :) It would work.
“I didn’t listen to the whole Ryan interview but over on IDF they were talking about Ryan promising to play it more than once today. Can anyone confirm? That would be amazing.”
I can confirm this. It just played again, and Ryan stated earlier that he would play it a few more times this morning.
Well, if you like Britney, you’ll love this. Processed voice, mindless thumping beat, enticing lyrics. Me? I can’t stand Britney. With this kind of music, any vocal skillz are shooted to the backburner. It’s all about the show, something Adam will obviously deliver. Obviously tailor made for Top 40 radio, something I also can’t stand. But it should fit well with the Gaga, Britney, Rihanna, Black-eyed Peas. Top 40 radio will probably love having a somewhat male voice on there doing this kind of music. Good luck to him.
Yup, can totally understand this doing well in clubs but it doesn’t have the hook that Lady Gaga songs have (I don’t like dance music but her songs have such strong hooks they just get stuck in my head)! If Ryan really does keep playing it that will be huge for Adam since Ryan is syndicated all over the country. To me, not a song that lasts though.
So is this what he’ll be performing on GMA?
On all the talk shows!! Whew!! That’ll stir up up some press for sure!
Perez Hilton on twitter : @AdamLambert You were fucking with my servers! Ha. Too many people were trying to listen! http://bit.ly/3wZZBK (expand)
half a minute ago from
I’m glad to know someone else around here knows Darren! And I agree, the reminiscence is a great thing for me, I truly loved that album, and Adam’s voice has always reminded me of Darren’s voice a bit, but of course, Adam’s range is definitely on a different league.
Still smiling…
Ryan just played it a second time. Super catchy beats, suggestive toppy lyrics – the kids are going to eat it up.
And if it’s gonna be as popular as I think it will, expect a baby boom next summer! :D
I didn’t listen to the whole Ryan interview but over on IDF they were talking about Ryan promising to play it more than once today. Can anyone confirm?
Confirmed…he just played it again along with parts of the interview.
Karenw, you read my mind
I have the perfect analogy:
Adam’s voice is like filet minion and this song has beaten and processed it into common hamburger.
Seriously, the man has a 4 octave range and this song has what, 3 notes in the first 3 minutes? Who exactly thought that was a good idea?
Here’s the lyrics. Sexy.
So hot
out the box
Can we pick up the pace?
Turn it up
heat it up
I need to be entertained
Push the limit
Are you with it?
Baby, don’t be afraid
I’ma hurt you real good, baby
Let’s go
It’s my show
Baby, do what I say
Don’t trip
off the bits that I’m gonna display
I told you
I’ma hold you down until you’re amazed
Give it to you ’til you’re screaming my name
No escaping when we start
Once I’m in I hold your heart
There’s no way I’ll ring the alarm
So hold on ’til it’s over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
It’s alright
you’ll be fine
Baby, I’m in control
Take the pain
Take the pleasure
I’m the master of both
Close your eyes
not your mind
Let me into your soul
I’ma work it ’til you’re totally blown (right?)
No escaping when we start
Once I’m in I hold your heart
There’s no way I’ll ring the alarm
So hold on ’til it’s over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
Oh oh…
I’m here for your entertainment…
Oh oh…
Do you like what you see?
Let me entertain me you until you scream
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
processed vocals = miley and brittany. I don’t hear anymore than the normal enhancements and mixing. There’s not doubt that Adam has a beautiful voice just as there is not doubt that Miley and Brittany aren’t all that great without autotune.
There will always be those that dislike Adam, but this song is just what he needed to break through on the radio. Its current but different enough so that he stands out from other male singers…much like GAGA. We have enough bands/singers like Daughtry and John Mayer already. After all, Fireflies is a hit because its different.
i really like it! very radio friendly….sounds like a song that one of the big popular girl singers would sing…definitely an ear worm. i think this is gonna do well on top 40
I think the song is very catchy and could be a CHR hit. But I have to say:
1. Wy the frack didn’t they use the single cover art for the album. It’s perfect Adam — glam yet edgy. And real.
2. As a dance single, it works. I wasn’t expecting a rock song. But….and its a big but for me: this song could be sung by anyone. You don’t need Adam’s unique range and vocal timbre to sing it. As others have observed above, even Britney Spears could sing it. I want to hear ADAM, not a synthesized, almost unrecognizable version of Adam.
3. Will I buy it? Yeah. But I hope the rest of the album mixes it up, and we get some real Adam.
wow wasn’t expecting so much pop coming out of Adam–no rock vibe at all! I agree with Starr, I woulld’ve never guessed this song would be on this album given the cover. def has a Britney vibe. anyway, given all the hype, I’m sure it will do well. good for him–wish him success.
No. Someone asked about Brian Mansfield from USA Today (Idol Chatter).
Ryan has already played the song again so yes its true.
Zsus ! Quick Work! Holy Crap!!! Quick Work…
Ok.. With GoldFrapp as one of his references for the Album, I’d expected a processed sound but WOW did they have to process it that much + AUTOTUNE! Can autotune plz be BANNED!!
…. Radio-friendly, surething. So, enjoy all Lambert fans.
We know why Adam tweeted about Britney last night.
Never in 10 thousand lifetimes did I ever think I’d type this:
Adam sounds like Britney.
Since it sounds like Lord Gaga sings something anyone else with access to the same producers could have recorded, it will no doubt sell five jillion copies. Which is a good thing. And gives some hope that the “eclectic” album will include some originality.
I danced away listening as I transcribed the lyrics. Pretended it was someone else, singing about something else. SM/Bondage is not really the usual pop lyric, so some change of pace there.
He will make it astonishing live, because it won’t be this “Baby process it one more time” production.
Lyndsey Parker was right: It’s Robot Rockin. Anyone could have been programmed to be the vocalist.
Catchy dance pop tune – agree with everyone who said that it’s right out of Britney’s bag. I’d be amazed if this doesn’t zoom up the top40 chart. It should fit in well with Ladygaga / Rihanna / Jordin et al playlisted to death in clubs.
Club music aint my thing though, so I’ll wait to check out his other stuff – I really liked what I’ve heard of Soaked (the demo version) – has a Ring Of Fire vibe to it.
Ryan has played it multiple times already- twitter is reporting it!!!!
Getting great response
It’s good, not groundbreaking. At least they have done something right this time after the craptastic album cover and TFM.
I think it was a really brilliant choice for a “first” single, particularly when TFM is also out there. Borrowing part of Kara’s comment after Adam’s performance of “Change is Gonna Come,” he’s showing both sides of himself–although I suspect he has more than two sides, and I can’t wait to hear them all on his CD! I look forward to hearing a rockier vibe, too, but he needed to unveil his more contemporary side to peeps who may not have known he had one and to gain the support of younger listeners. I can’t stop listening to it!
Can’t wait for Adam performing FYE in AMA. It’s gonna be fun and sexy. What a treat!!!
I love it! In the beginning I was woah wtf? but then his voice becomes more and more recognizable especially in the end…cant wait for the performance!! Its fun, catchy and very different from TFM which I think is what they were going for…I think it will definitely get radio air play…Im so happy for him :))))
LOL…I love it… thought it was going to be about dancing though…But no it’s Adam so its about sex!!! Anyone else notice that the beat kinda sounds kinda like whips!!! TURN UP THE HEAT ADAM…WE CAN TAKE IT!!!
Agree. I think that actually on Gaga’s song “Just Dance” her voice sounds nice on it. I can only appreciate “For Your Entertainment” (the single) when Adam emerges out of all the synth beats towards the end. Overall, probably a smart move to go with the dance song to get people buying the CD.
Adam Lambert’s First Single ‘For Your Entertainment’ Debuts on Ryan Seacrest’s Radio Show
I’m fascinated that the Wall Street Journal sees Adam as news. The single makes perfect sense from a business perspective to establish Adam as a successfull new artist. Look to the album for less poppy songs and Adam’s phenomenal vocals.
The question is do we as a society really need another Britney? I think not. I liked it less the second time through. It will be interesting to see how it does.
Way way way too Britney for my taste. But, to be perfectly honest, I DESPISE electronic dance-pop stuff. OTOH, that stuff is very popular at the moment, and what Adam wants is to be a *STAR*, so it’s a good fit for him.
But if there’s more than one song like this on the record I will absolutely not buy it. Maybe a few songs from itunes, but not the whole thing by any means. I wasn’t a huge fan of TfM, but I’d listen to that 700 times before playing this one again.
There are two Adam albums in Amazon and both are ranking…
Some Adam buzz….
WALL STREET JOURNAL Adam Lambert’s First Single
Great twitter response- most interesting twitter responses are from the non-fans saying things like:
These kind of comments are most important to expand his fanbase so that it can be a smash hit…
He needed to do a bit of the auto tune poppy dancy thing cause it is current and gives him best opp to make it big
Don’t agree anymore could have sung it- if you listen closely that are times he moves through his vocal range like no one else can…
Yep, it took a few times, but now I *LOVE* it. I keep listening to it. Man, is this gonna get airplay (even on KISS stations). Perfect first song, perfect for AMAs.
SO VERY HAPPY FOR ADAM. Just get this on iTunes, so I don’t have to download it, er, you know, the other way.
YAY!!! Top 40 for ADAM!!!!
Lyndsey Parker said FYM is like an appetizer of the full course of Adam fest!!! I can’t wait to hear his whole album!!!!
The beat is OK but I’m surprised at how generic-sounding it is. Not a standout from ANYTHING; it doesn’t sound like a “new” song. That’s not exactly a bad thing…since it’s not a “bad” song.
BTW, the single cover is about 100x better than the album cover.
About what I expected based on Adam’s description. At least no one will be surprised or say it wasn’t what they expected (unless they weren’t paying attention)
It is actually less processed than I thought it was going to be, so that = good
BUT, I agree with MJ, the processing strips all Adam’s wonderfully unique vocals = sads. :-(
BUT it is very dancey and I do think it is catchy and overall I like it = happy :-)
Can’t wait for the album to drop so I can hear the more Adam-vocal-centric, sounding songs.
I know, right? That is going to be one totally awesome performance. Hot, sexy and powerful. He should really make his mark on AMA night. I can’t believe how excited I am about this and about the different sounds we’re going to get on the rest of the album.
I just gotta say that I love the song. I am not much into pop music, or the techno stuff. I can’t stand Brittney, Miley, or Lady Gaga songs. But I don’t think Adam sounds like them either. I think this is the type of debut song that he wants, it is very Adam. I think it will do very well on radio & can’t wait to see him perform it on the AMAs.
The lyrics are delicious. Thanks Zsus.
This is exactly what I was expecting, and I love it. I’m also expecting completely different sounds from the album, and now I’m assured that Adam will deliver.
Adam aint no Britney. He can sang, she can’t. I love it.
oh boy — i keep listening to it over and over and like it more and more every time (liked it upon first listen too)….i am bouncing around in my chair at work..TGIF…i have been wrong before but i think this is gonna be a hit….fits right in on the radio
this is hilarious:
manuel_balcorta @adamlambert’s #ForYourEntertainment is better than i thought. i guess he is gonna make it! 7 minutes ago from web
WOW! Just listened to it (several times), yes, dancing while listening, excellent choice for a first single , great contrast to TFM where his vocals are front and center, an amazingly FUN song, can’t wait to see him perform it, can’t wait to download it and I think I’ll be gifting FYE (the album) since I think my nieces would love it as much as I am sure I will. What a great way to start the morning :)And kudos on the current sound !!!!!
I forgot to add -the photo of Adam on the single cover is siiiiiickkk, looking good!
…and finally- a major squeeeee….
ROTFL I love Britney, Rihanna, Ke$ha, Gaga, etc. and I have no shame. This is right up my alley. I love it more and more with every listen; I think it’s one of those grower songs!
Yeah, that may well be the question for society!
But the question for the record label (and thus for Adam, who needs the label so he can go on getting paid for making music for a long time) is: Can we put out a first single that will make people *buy* the single, the album, the concert tickets, etc? …. And if you take a look at the charts these days — looks like Britney is the way to go.
And, really, this is “britney with some brains, some subtleties, a bit of mad vocals.” … Not really all that generic, to me, anyway.
jason Castro:
just searched out adam lamberts new single, finally found it! and yes, it does make me want to DaNcE!!! haha12 minutes ago from web
I’m just popping in to say that I love it! It’s perfect for radio. It’s not nearly as processed as I thought it might be considering it’s electro-pop! The lyrics are killer and the beat is fun.
Once again, I’m shocked at people’s bizarre expectations here. Did people really expect a first single that wasn’t electro-pop? Did people not expect Adam to put out dance music? That’s what he has been talking about for months! Adam isn’t going to be your classic rock kid. TFM was an anomaly.
btw. I hated Allison’s first single because it killed her voice. This is all Adam. It works. Yay!!
Just not seeing Oprah singing along to the lyrics. Wonder if her staff has transcribed them for her yet.
Did anyone else notice Ryan saying “I’m all strapped in here” about his Eric Estrada police costume. (Nothing deliberately campy about that imagery, is there?) Right before he played FYE.
Ryan had already heard the song. Think he was making a little hold you down til you scream my name preview?
eh, it’s the pop crap that I hate. I’m sure people who like this genre will love it, but it’s not for me. It will probably do very well on pop radio.
FWIW, this is not a slam against Adam or anyone who likes this song. I still really like Adam and I look forward to hearing the other songs on his album, hoping there might be somthing that I like. There are just some genres I can’t get into. I’ll just continue to listen to TfM.
I’m glad to see those twitter comments. I agree w/ the people saying this song will be a good introduction for Adam outside of the AI bubble :)
“Adam Lambert’s First Single ‘For Your Entertainment’ Debuts on Ryan Seacrest’s Radio Show
The WSJ ends with the comment:
“Kris Allen who?”
Takes some of the glitter off Adam’s triumph, doesn’t it?
What an ahat thing to do. Jeeeez
You don’t think he sounds like Britney? If you scroll through the comments section, there have been several references to Britney already. I think what will set Adam apart from the people he’s being compared to is when he performs this song live. I’m excited to see how this will be performed at the AMAs. They probably haven’t spent a great deal of $$ on stage production for a musical number, but they might have to with Adam performing this track. This is probably going to be enough to get people to watch the AMAs.
Managed to listen to this song twice. I do not hear anything groundbreaking other than it is a Brit, Katy, Gaga type song sung by a male. Whatever, it will probably do well because I know RCA and 19 have a vested interest in making Adam a superstah. Never really a huge fan of Adam’s, tbh, but I did like some of his Idol performances and admired his creativity and this just flat out disappoints.
edited to add: Racy lyrics do not equate to creativity. They are the lazy way to create buzz.
Those are some racy lyrics … love ’em …lol
But I think the bit that stands out the most to me and is so true
“Close your eyes, Not your mind”
Just like Paula said, Adam keeps on upping his own bar!
oh no! mj’s blog disappeared for a few minutes and along with it, my comment (and adam’s voice)
oh well! as far as i’m concerned, pretty disappointed but expected this to happen. seriously if this song was on the radio, i wouldnt have recognised that this was adams song until the end, where i wouldve have definitely exclaimed “WTF? ADAM’S?NO WAY”. what have they done to his unique voice?
anyways, all will go well cos the song is very britneyish like some people say and that guarantees chart success…
i, on the other hand, will look forward to probably his darker and slow songs
Love this quote from the Wall Street Journal Blog….esp the Britney v. xtina song
I liked this, although except for the signature wailing it doesn’t really sound a ton like the Adam I’m used to. And it is a bit overprocessed, but that’s pretty common these days. It’s catchy and fun and should have a good shot at chart success.
Adam sounded really excited (if a bit sleepy) and Ryan obviously is ready to give Adam and this single his support.
The flailers over on ontd_ai pretty much love it.
And Kris is the one who sings Britney songs
I hear more of Adam than what some of you are hearing I guess. I think the very first verse is kind of off-putting, but before going into the chorus, I though yep, it’s Adam.
I think this will be a huge hit, especially after performing it on the AMA’s and Oprah.
This is exactly what’s popular now and playing on the radio, very radio friendly. And yes, Ryan has already replayed it.
And those lyrics, OMG, so Hot! “Let my entertain you until ya SCREEEAAMMM!” Ahhhhhhh Adammmmmm! Yes. I love it.
Its so earwormy!! I cant hear autotune, not even a lot of processing. Adam’s voice is VERY different in studio, sometimes it doesnt even look like the same person singing live. And in the beginning he uses his lower register, which is a bit unusual.
Anyway, thats ewactly how a single needs to be, it fits perfectly top 40. There is 11 more tracks that will show the other sides of adam, so we only need to be patient. And dance meanwhile!
we can get it digitally later TODAY!!!!
Rolling Stone says:
This is really good song, very well produced too. It will top many charts.
10/30/2009 at 11:17 am
Adam Lambert’s First Single ‘For Your Entertainment’ Debuts on Ryan Seacrest’s Radio Show
Happy birthday!
I agree w/ the assessment (Britney v Christina for TfM), and frankly, I like both of them (tho, I will be honest, the Muse song is gonna be my favorite, b/c FG and MW were my favorite Adam songs).
TOP 40, here we come!!!
And…er…NVM the little dig at the end…not going there…
Ryan loves it! That bodes very well for FYE. Major play, ppl. Major play! (And it reminds me of Pop Goes The Camera.)
It’s just okay for me. I wouldn’t seek it out on the radio, but I wouldn’t switched stations if it came on. Can’t wait to hear the entire album.
Hmm, it’s kind of generic pop, like Allison’s unfortunately. (I mean, unfortunate for Allison because I was really hoping they’d stick with her rock voice, which is what many of us voted for duing AI.)
Anyway, Adam’s song is definitely catchy but not unique, interesting, or edgy. Probably do well because it sounds like the stuff they play on pop radio already.
Can’t say I’m surprised. The media will do that, and have already started ever since the release of Lambert’s album cover. The comparisons will only keep going from there, which is insipid because they are completely different. Adam’s been mentioned several times on the WSJ website ever since the finale. Another paper that keeps comparing Adam and Kris is the Los Angeles Times. Not surprising, considering it’s L.A. and Adam’s hometown and all.
But yeah, I had expected that would happen when both guys’s singles got released.
shall we convene a UN style embargo on auto-tunes?
Sitting at my desk, song playing in the background, can’t help but dance in my chair to this song. Very bouncey !!
(I never listen to Brittney, or any of those others being mentioned so I have no idea if this song sounds like them and really don’t care)
The more I listen, the more I like !
Disclaimer: Not an Adam fan per say, but I wanted him to do something interesting. This? Nothing different from Britney. Not new or exciting. Especially NOT Rock star. Not that I ever expected him to be a rock star. I never found anything rock about him. This confirms it. It’s a beat driven Top-40 song. Will it do well? I expect so. I don’t listen to Top-40 so I really don’t care…next.
we can get it digitally later TODAY!!!!
Rolling Stone says:
YAY! And MJ gets a big ole nod. Kudos to MJ! :)
My favorite lyrics “don’t trip on the bits I’m about to display”. Gulp!
I agree, they are both really poppy, but I have to say I like Allison’s single better than this. It took more a few more listens but it’s edgier than FYE, mostly due to Allison’s voice. That’s just my opinion, though, and I am sure people think otherwise, and that’s OK.
Wow!!!!! Adam delivered exactly what he said he would, electronica/pop/dance, times a thousand! This song is great; seductive and naughty and will be incredible at the AMAs and on the music video. I love the way he sings his own back up and weaves that distinctive voice in and out to pump up the melody.
i think maybe if you listened to some of his pre-idol stuff this would sound more “adam” to you. true, it doesnt sound like any of the idol stuff we heard, but i definitely think it sounds like pre-idol album.
IMO it’s not that it doesnt sound like adam, it’s just not the adam that most people are used to.
listened for an hour and half now and have no intention of turning it off anytime soon.
FM102x Adam Lambert Debuts Disco-Glam Single ‘For Your Entertainment’ http://bit.ly/DPtAX #rollingstone 6 minutes ago from twitterfeed
Love the promo he is getting on Twitter!
BTW Kris was on phone on my local radio this am-he never songs excited-the 2 radio personalities kept introducing him as the ‘guy who doesn’t wear makeup and won AI’ LOL They kept asking him what it was like to be ont he bus with Adam & Kris laughed and said ‘horrible,just awful’
I think the song is great. I’m one of those fans who’s probably looking forward more those songs on the album that will have more of a rock influence (guitars) but this is clearly catchy, and the lyrics are wonderfully filthy (makes me think of all those mothering AI Adam fans who thought he was just a sweet little kid fainting at the RS article revelations). I agree that it doesn’t sound like something entirely new (I think we’ll get more new sounds from the rest of the album) but maybe that’s a good thing for the first single–this could def. take off.
What I don’t get is all the people complaining about overprocessing and Adam’s voice not being recognizable. I don’t hear that at all. Sure, there’s a little processing–this is electronic music, after all–but crank up the volume–this sounds like pure Adam. Even in the lower register he’s putting so much body into the tones and he does bring that big broadway/rock voice to every note, even before he slides up into the wails. Seriously, folks, crank it up and listen again. That couldn’t be any other singer.
Props to Adam. Great song, great career move.
“Adam Lambert Debuts Disco-Glam Single ‘For Your Entertainment’
10/30/09, 11:13 am EST
Adam Lambert premiered ‘For Your Entertainment,’ the first single from his debut album of the same name, on On Air with Ryan Seacrest this morning. A press release promises that ‘For Your Entertainment’ will be available as a stream on the AdamOfficial Website and a download on digital music services later in the day. ‘Hope you’re gonna wanna blast it while you’re gettin ready for Halloween!! Then at the club!!!,’ Lambert tweeted minutes before the song’s first radio spin.
Idol site MJ’s Big Blog also reports that the entire For Your Entertainment track list was revealed early onBarnes & Noble’s Website. Its revelations: ‘Whataya Want from Me’ was co-written by Pink and ‘Time for Miracles’ resurfaces as a bonus track. Wondering which song Lady Gaga penned specially for the Idol runner-up? Rolling Stone has learned that song title is ‘Fever.’ Check out FYE’s 13-song track list, song lengths and writing credits from B&N below:
1 ‘Music Again’ 3:16 ‘“ Rob Cavallo, Justin Hawkins of the Darkness
2 ‘For Your Entertainment’ 3:35 ‘“ Claude Kelly/Dr. Luke
3 ‘Whataya Want from Me’ 3:47 ‘“ Pink, Max Martin
4 ‘Strut’ 3:29 ‘“ Adam Lambert, Kara DioGuardi
5 ‘Soaked’ 4:33 ‘“ Muse
6 ‘Sure Fire Winners’ 3:32 ‘“ Rob Cavallo
7 ‘A Loaded Smile’ 4:04 ‘“ Adam Lambert, Linda Perry
8 ‘If I Had You’ 3:48
9 ‘Fever’ 3:26
10 ‘Sleepwalker’ 4:25 ‘“ Aimee Mayo, Chris Lindsay, Ryan Tedder
11 ‘Aftermath’ 4:26
12 ‘Broken Open’ 5:03
13 ‘Time for Miracles’ Bonus Track 4:43 ‘“ Rob Cavallo”
Anyone has the whole interview? I wanna hear Adam talk….
I flove it!!! It’s perfect Top 40 fodder segued between BEP, Gaga, Brittney, FloRida and more importantly, makes the Work Out playlist on my ipod. Working out is where most people get a chance to listen to music anymore and that’s why dance electro-pop is so popular, it keeps you moving and motivated.
I couldn’t be happier or more excited to hear the rest of the album. Congrats to Adam and his team!!!
This cracked me up. We didn’t mean literally singing Britney for Adam. We meant it (the song) sounded like a Britney song.
God, is this getting PR. So fast. Hate your show, love you, Seacrest.
Adam, I am so happy for you…#1 with a bullet!!!
RS cites MJ’s blog for the album song list! Kudos to MJ, yay~~~
MJ got a shout out from Rolling Stone! Girl, you are on fiah!!!!
This song is a perfect introduction for Adam to radio and the non-AI audience! So of course some people who don’t like pop music are not going to like it. The great thing about Adam is that his album will be eclectic and their will be several types of genre on it.
I personally think the song is very catchy and love it more it time I listen to it! I think his voice is exactly as I expected for a electro pop song. The lyrics are amazing and I can’t wait to see him perform this live. It will be even better than the AI tour!
I agree with another post i read…the difference between Adam and Britney is, that while Adam’s vioce may sound processed in this he’ll be able to perform it with amazing vocals live. Not like britney who can’t sing to save her life….
as far as the song goes, I REAllY love it…its already stuck in my head and i really really want to download it…hot HOT lyrics by the way :)
Flove it!!!! Just what he promised………THUD
Re: the Britney comparisons
Listen to the part starting at 2 min 42 sec and on, including the background vocals. Britney couldn’t sing that shizz if someone had a gun to her head.
Plus, Britney’s stuff is wwaaaayyyy more repetitive than this. The writers and producers and Adam changed things up all the way through the song. Makes it a hell of a lot more interesting than anything Britney or the BEP’s put out.
So catchy and dancy. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!
The song sounds exactly like Adam to me. I wonder if some of the issue for some is that Adam sings most of the song in his lower register. No one can say he just “wails” now. LOL
We all assumed it would be electro-dance.
Last night, we discussed how the only outstanding issue was how processed it would be. We’ve been discussing that issue for weeks, actually, with many fingers crossed. (Not so many ringed in pleasure/pain chains, though)
Within those confines, my outer reach hopes were recognizable distinctive Adam voice. (didn’t get, IMHO. Ten singers could have been control panelled to sound the same.) Though, live, he’ll add that distinction.
Other wild and crazy hope was for something new, different, original, pioneering in the beat, bassline, delivery, something no one else could or would do. Again, Lord Gaga sings Britney not that.
Is it infectious? Yes. Will it sell? Absolutely
Hadn’t actually worked up any expectations one way or the other about bondage, dominatrix, SM lyrics with a Britney smile. Hadn’t thought about that direction first song “Out the box”, so to speak.
IF TFM didn’t reach #1 in Itunes because it’s crap anyway, this one will. Yeah baby.
Monte Pittman said these songs will sound great live
If I can be blunt…I don’t really like it.
At first I was like “wait…that’s Adam’s voice?” I have nothing wrong with dance-pop…I LOVE the genre, but this is really…boring. The lyrics are delightfully racy though, I give it that, and I love the single artwork. I just really don’t like the song, and get the feeling that if this charts, it’ll chart more based on the propulsion of Adam’s fame rather than the actual quality of the single.
Just sayin’…
This song sounds almost exactly like Sam Sparro’s ‘Black and Gold’
She wouldn’t have to. That’s what producers are for.
LOL so so so true!! This comment really gave me a smile today. I actually think FYE sounds more like that last Christina Augurilera song “Keep Getting Better”.
Our bad boy has me ENTHRALLED!!!!
Ditto everything good that everybody has said!!!!
To be honest, I’d prefer another Britney than another drek-filled Nickleback wannabe.
Yes, this is why I’m really curious to see/hear what he does with the song live. I have a feeling he’s going to be so excited he will go full out and sing the hell out of it and wail at the end! Or maybe I’m just hoping!
I so want him to do well and just astonish everyone with his voice!!!
Male Lady GaGa. I figured since AI that was his goal and we even got a little Britney mixed in. Should be a big hit because it’ll blend right in on Top 40 with those artists. Thumbs up.
Reminds me of Britney too! (And I hate Britney :( ) But it also reminds me of Rihanna’s SOS.
With that said – Adam really sounds hot.
He definitely fits well with what’s popular right now, like Down and Sexy Bitch. I think this will be a good intro for him – and he’s doing what makes him happy so kudos and congrats to Adam!
i COMPLETELY hear Adam’s voice here….there is some processing, but not that much (processing is not auto-tuning!)…somewhat subversive lyrics…hooky, catchy….just LOVE it…excellent first singe
I’m actually not fan of Adam’s wailing, so I LOVE it that the song doesn’t have too much wailing haha. It’s a little generic, sure, but it’s fun and poppy and the kind of song I like to dance to. I think it’ll do well on radio which is all-important. Congrats, Adam! I dig it. It’s a good song. IMO, much better and catchier than FIBOU as far as poppy-overproduced tracks go. Still wish Allison had gotten a better song cuz I love her voice.
Oh, and it may sound a bit generic now, but I’m sure once we see Adam perform the heck out of it live all over the place during album promos, and once we see the video treatment, it’ll seem more edgy. Love him or hate him, Adam in person is not generic.
I want to buy it, I want to buy it NOW!
And I want the whole album NOW please.
I still think it’s insanely stupid not to have the iTunes available right NOW!
Oh and yes, this song is very NOW! and I like it NOW!
(yeah, I’m just putting NOW!in at this point superfluously because I’m feeling giddy with relief and excitement)
i hate to say it but this song bites. sorry. love adam. even like some lady gaga. but this is like third-rate gaga. thoroughly forgettable since it’s completely hookless. vocally, adam manages to give in to all his worst stylistic excesses (especially the grating lower register) and yet its also blandly commercial. still rooting for the rest of the album but this one is like a leftover 80s song for the night of the roxbury crowd.
next please?
They are playing FYE on AOL Radio right now
Adam surely knows what he is doing and I love it.
Love Ada, love his voice, but the final conclusion after this debut, the album cover and title is: we do not share the same taste. I for one, am not buying any electro pop albums including Adam’s. this decay will be remembered as one of the worst in the history of popular music.
True dat! That voice at the end of FYE – NO ONE can do that on the radio now :-) Hearing it live is going to be OMFG amazing!
It occured to me that, hearing Adam sing in this style, and being one of the only male singers doing it, really really makes it stand out more. Female pop artists are a dime a dozen now, but Adam has just the edge and style to pull off the male equivalent, and that seems like a welcome change on the charts!
I thought it was “heart” not hard…..but hard is good too.
“Let me entertain you til you scream”…. Thud
For your entertainment lyrics: http://bit.ly/32Dxcu
My entire issue is people calling him a rock god. There’s nothing freaking rock about the man. He’s pure pop. Sure he has an amazing voice and can cover rock. I never thought he felt it though. I never felt it from him. He’s Britney 2.0…enjoy :) Me, it’s not my cuppa…I don’t like pop music. Give me rock, blues, jazz, classical, but never pop. Just doesn’t do it for me. Neither does Adam Lambert.
I never said much wanting to give him a chance, but this confirms for me that he’s nothing I’d ever want to spend money on. Just doesn’t work for me.
It’ll be on officialadam.com soon and on other media download later today.
It’s a good dance song but it really just sounds like an leftover Britney track imo. It’ll probably get the radio play needed maybe but downloads will keep it on the charts definitely. I’m still not really a fan of Adam but I really think it will do well.
I agree, that’s the first song I thought of when I listened to it the first time.
I’m one of those people who is not into dance electro-pop type music and much prefer when Adam does classic rock, so keep that in mind as a disclaimer while I go through my immediate reactions to the song:
1st listen – What the heck is this?? This doesn’t even sound like Adam. Did I click on the wrong link? No, I’m hearing “for your entertainment”.
2nd listen – I’m having deja vu with how I felt about Allison’s FIBOU. I’m disappointed in both cases that alot of what makes their voices unique was stripped away, but in the end it’s still a good, solid pop song.
3rd listen – I can see myself dancing to this. I like the lyrics a lot. I think the hook needs to be hook-ier though to take this song to the next level. Lady Gaga needn’t worry yet that Adam will steal her crown.
In the end, I’m having a lot of flashbacks to how I feel about LLWD. It’s really good for an Idol first single but Iim willing to bet it’s nowhere near the best song on the album.
I think ontd_ai is going to explode today :)
blech. Love the guy. Love his voice. But I can picture pole humping ala Brit. Loved WLL and the mic stand. Hoping for more showcasing of the man’s voice and talent on other songs. I’m sure it will be a huge hit, but not on the radio stations I listen to. That being said, from the descriptions of the song I didn’t expect to like it. At least I have TFM to listen to.
Truthiness! I’ve been so waiting to hear what you thought of it too :-) I remember “TAing” with you a lot lately, especially about what we expected from the first single :-) This is exactly what I expected, in a good way!!
Exactly. Adam can’t wail on every song. Plus, not everyone is going to like it his higer register. I think this song is a great introduction. Adam can wail on his next single after this one garners him new fans.
Besides, Adam said he wanted to be a pop artist and sing pop music while making people dance. If you think about it, its exactly what he’s been describing for the past 5 months.
Just listened. I don’t get the Britney comparisons at all. Yes, it’s pop, but that’s about it. I like it way better than TFM. I think Adam may have a hit on his hands. :)
OMG that was the song I was thinking about when I first heard FYE! Big similarities. But wait, didn’t Sam Sparro produce some stuff for Adam on this album though? Maybe that’s where the influence is from.
Can someone explain to me why this song has NO HOOK?
I liked it at first, but the more I listen to it the more I like it! It’s a great dance-pop song, it’s perfect for radio, and it’ll do what first singles are supposed to do. It’s a perfect first single, congrats Adam!!
Hmm – yeah I can see that. I loved that song!
…and let’s not forget the lines – CLOSE YOUR EYES, NOT YOUR MIND- love it, love it , love it, I’m so happy for him (and us)
I KNEW it reminded me of something/someone and I couldn’t figure it out. I always thot Adam would do a great job on some of Darren’s songs. So thank you — I think. Now I’m wondering if there will be a lot of comparisons and if it will be dismissed as too similar . . . or maybe Darren’s stuff will get a jump in sales??? Interesting how they are so alike — blond non-descript to really striking with black hair (tho Darren is blond again . . . boo) and gay but sexy (“Insatiable”) and romantic: “I Miss You” and the Savage Garden singles.
Hmmm . . . apparently we’re both wrong and he sounds like Britney . . .?
Totally agree. I think the Muse song will be Adam’s Ace card.
I love Britney, Gaga, and Adam. This song… not so much.
Yes – perfect intro of Adam to the world! Has enough of his amazing vocals without overpowering any “would be” Adam fans :-)
FWIW, though – Adam’s live performances are the ones that tend to let the vocals really rip. The studio versions (like on AI) very rarely did.
I heard the first 5000 post thread had to be closed because it reached its limit IN THIRTY MINUTES!!!
(Shouldn’t those kids be in school?)
I like it.
Freaking LOVE IT!!! This will be a major hit, completely ties in with all the latest HOT POP music currently out!!! Some of you need to get over it, this is the real ADAM ‘kind of music’… he’s only been talking about this for months now. This should be no surprise of this style.
Thank you Adam its Perfect and SO YOU!!!
I wouldn’t buy either single. It’s just not my type of music. But, I expected that based upon what was being speculated/promised.
Yeah, there’s no structure.
Starr—I have no doubt also that the Muse song will be awesome (I adore Muse), but it also probably won’t get radio play; if it even is released as a single. FYE is all about getting Adam off to a quick start on the pop charts.
Yep, hate that. So unnecessary and wrong. What’s more, Adam would hate it too.
Britney wishes she could sing like that! She doesn’t even get there in her dreams. LOL.
I’ve listened to the song 19 times so far, and love it more with each listen. Great song to introduce the world to Adam. He’s definitely here for my entertainment. :)
It does sound somehow like Britney and I love Britney’s music video. Music video of FYE will be glitter-er and Adam dancing in it!!! I don’t know if I can handle so much joy.
Just. Imagine. Him. LIVE.
First of all, compare this to BEP, GaGa, Katy Perry, and it SO fits in. It’s in the same genre. Difference: ADAM CAN SING. (Well, GaGa can, sometimes, but not the others, IMO.) Wait till you hear him sing it live. OMG. OMG. OMG.
(And listen–there is also upper register, it just comes later. You know, TfM doesn’t really get going right away, either, for those who like that song like I do. It sort of evolves, and this one does, too, but in a different way. Perez loves it (shock), Jim’s a fan, we know Lyndsey floves it, and I am not sure about Slezak (does anyone know?).
I keep saying: this is going to be an eclectic album. I am sure Aimee Mayo’s song will not sound like this, we know TFM doesn’t, we know Soaked doesn’t. It’s gonna give everyone something, and that is EXACTLY what Adam said he was going for. TfM was not the best song (tho I love it) to introduce Adam to the world–this is better. This is siiiick. And he is going to get inordinate press. He will easily end up in the top 5 of Idol artists (Daughtry, Kelly, Carrie, JHud, Cook), and no one deserves it more than this guy.
Wow, is he gonna smash this thing at the AMAs. I still have on Seacrest to see if they play it again. ;)
When are gonna get to 1000 posts? We’d be there if poor MJ’s server hadn’t crashed.
ETA: Yep, you’re getting Muse for sure, we know that, but that is more of an album track. And that’s cool. Something for everyone. I always liked MW better than PTFM (well, okay, I don’t like PTFM or IICHY) but also love ToMT, ACIGC, One (studio), FG, and RoF. BTBW was fun but not my favorite. Same with WLL (tho Crying was also a favorite). This is Pop Goes The Camera. Totally. Only people are going to listen to this and get up and dance. :)
I’m sure this is true. The best song on the album *can’t* be the lead-off single because radio doesn’t play “best songs”! It plays kind of nothing songs with good beats. Period.
That said, I think they’ve really done pretty well with Kris, Allison, *and* Adam on the first singles.
Because they are definitely radio friendly, earwormy, not 10000 percent generic, and at least “pretty good” songs — and this last one is the one that they nearly *never* get right with the first idol singles.
As a person who’s watched Idol assiduously from Season One and liked a lot of the Idols and followed their careers, I’m satisfied with the way the labels have started these three kids off. (and I’m usually not!)
What will really set them apart is the fact that, when they show up on GMA and Ellen and so forth, they will sing the dickens out of these songs *live.* …. And virtually nobody does that *except* Idols any more. All Britney bets will be off when Adam sings FYE live.
Really? You don’t think it will get radio airplay? I disagree. I think that anything Adam Lambert radio and the media in general are all over it, so I don’t think Adam will have anyone saying no to him on that front. I also think that although it will be a Muse song, it’s probably going to hearken back to the signature Adam that Idol fans fell in love with and non-Idol fans were curious about. Personally I had hoped Adam would go down more of the Muse route, but maybe he’s just trying to shake things up so he won’t be put in a box.
I like the restraint Adam uses, so that when he does put in a few wails in the middle and at the end it genuinely gives you shivers… then leaves you wanting more…
It’s like, “here’s a taste of my unbelievable voice, if you like this sample come and get the whole FEAST!”
The Britney comparison comes from FYE sounding like something that would have fit in perfectly on her Circus album, it’s not about him sounding like her vocally.
Yes Britney prefers to dance than sing live but Britney’s an icon and has a career Adam would probably love to have (minus the breakdowns and stuff). There are far worse comparisons for his music. She sells out concert after concert and sells millions. If his music is similar to hers, Rihanna’s, etc, that’s a good thing for him.
Soaked is BEAUTIFUL – it may be too Mad Worldy to get airplay, unfortunately (a little too good and deep for radio, imo). But it would be great if that got out there too!
Yes, the whole song is SEXY and hot and sick and amazing …
Okay- just got in- haven’t read all the posts, but must say this:
1. For a dance song (a genre that I ain’t crazy about, like most of you)- I think it’s pretty good- hell- I got up to dance to it and totally saw myself shaking my stuff to it in partys! So- yay Adam!!
2. I don’t think it sounds that processed- I think he’s just singing in that rare lower register of his (that some say he doesn’t have- haha- just listen to him here!)- ands it’s waaaaay cool!
3. I have a VERY good feeling about the future :-)
Love the clarion sound of his voice when he sings, “ring the alarm.”
Currrent, catchy, disco-dancey, radio-friendly but apparent processing thins and hides his natural voice except towards the end. Good song for workouts though. Sounds like Britnney Spears?
Longevity of this song is hard to predict unless Adam Lambert releases a video. Audio + Visual= perfect combo to sell more. I want to see his sexy dance moves on this song.
I really like the song, it is what I was hoping for because I like Top 40 music, and it is catchy. It does however reinforce why I didn’t like Adam on American Idol. Anyone who followed his pre idol career and things he said in the press knew he wanted a pop album, but he deliberately portrayed himself on the show as someone else. He just screamed inauthentic on the show with all the classic rock he performed. It seemed like a gimmick to appeal to an older audience, and while it was a good strategy to get further on the show it made him seem fake to me. I wish he had been more upfront about what kind of music he intended to make, and then we would probably have been seeing a lot less comments deriding pop music.
I like the comparison to Darren Hayes – I love his voice.
Ive listented it to a few times, Im loving it now.
Felt the oh,no, he’s been Allison-ized first minute. I am often paid to be a commercial slut (with high morals, and relentless dedication to excellence, yes, you can be) so also recognized the sounds-like-everyone-they-like-the-beats-to-all-meld-together-when-the-songs-change Top 40 Monster, too. Still felt a pang of, gee, ngl, I had a little spark of hope for something original that had refused to go away. Until now, of course.
There will be something. Maybe even two, if we’re really lucky, with originality and flair. And it will be a wonderful thing.
This song is pretty much what I expected…electro pop dance music. Except that I did expect to hear more of Adam’s voice and a little less auto tune. Should do well on Top 40 with all of the other mindless stuff that is popular there.
I am with you, yinyang :-)
I”m not hearing the Britney either. Actually, I’m a little shocked. Usually, I’m pretty down on the post-AI, slapped together in 30 days stuff. But, for what might be the first time ever, I’m kind of loving this. Not in that, I have to listen 20 times to convince myself I love it way. But, I actually liked it from the first listen.
I’ve bought AI stuff before, because I just really liked someone’s voice. But in this circumstance, I think I actually like the song.
This is a whole new experience for me LOL. I’ll probably buy it when it’s available next week, and that surprises me as well.
Adam has said from day one his album will be eclectic, and even used the word schizophrenic ( wrongly used I might add, but i digress). He has NEVER wavered from this. So far his album has one classic rock song and one dance song. he has already pleased two sets of his many types of fans. Don’t worry you ballad loving fans- your day will come too. And so will you glam metal fans. But for those of us that love all types of music- we are in HEAVEN!
This is exactly what I expected from Adam and frankly, if you weren’t then, well, ya really weren’t payin attention in class. FAIL.
‘ Im not hearing the Britney either”
I definitely “hear” Britney. This is very “Womanizer” and “Circus”. He doesn’t sound like Britney, but his “sound” IS like Britney
Wait, I’m probably going to sound like a moron when I ask this but…
When did you guys hear the Muse song? And where can I have a listen?
BRILLIANT and appropriate lyrics for his idol fanbase. Basically comes out and says “This is the real me – hang on”. Love it.
Oh, do you know what you got in to?
Can you handle what I’m about to do?
Because it’s about to get rough for you
I’m here for you entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was awfully sweet
A fallen angel swept you off your feet
But I’m about to turn up the heat
I’m here for your entertainment
It’s alright
You’ll be fine
Baby, I’m in control
Take the pain
Take the pleasure
I’m the master of both
Close your eyes
Not your mind
Let me into your soul
I’m gonna work it ’til you’re totally blown
RS said it will be available later today :-)
The first verse doesnt sound like Adam. The song’s catchy but I was hoping it would be more of a rock feel. I love Adam when he does classic Rock.
To me, I perfer Adam as a rock artist. That’s the way he was percieved on Idol. For him to do more Pop/dance music seems a little off….
I am SOOO happy for this! If we get an FYE, Soaked, and TfM already (not to mention everything else!) we already have three completely different styles – and I love that!
I get so bored with most albums, I rarely even buy them. Not so with this one. Guaranteed not to be bored with it! Adam is one of the few artists that can so effortlessly sing so many different styles, and I love them all!
Adam Lambert’s Debut Single Has Something for Everybody
This song is so right in for the holiday/party season. Imagine people dancing to it in every party the whole winter. Get up and dance benches!!!
I can’t find anything on ontd_ai about the song.
So I think my chihuahua has also declared this his FAVE SONG EVARR because I’m playing it right now and he’s rolling on the floor like crazy.
That’s a good sign right? :)
i agree with whoever said the song sounds like a Britney song…All of Britney’s recent singles have gone to number 1….I expect the same of this song. Im sure Adam has a bunch of Adamish songs on his record…this was a good single to get him heard everywhere. ..I just can’t wait for this guy to go on tour.
So what will this do to first week single sales? (thinking back to LLWD’s Friday release date, which didn’t make me happy).
This is a nice expectation, and I wish it were true!
But point to any song at all on pop radio that is anything like Soaked and gets significant play (other radio formats don’t count because Pop in the one that reaches the big audience — and thus generates the most sales… and have you looked at the top songs on AC lately? They’re exactly the same songs that were on the top of the pop charts a few months ago!)….
Seriously, if you’re hearing songs on radio that don’t fit precisely into the “current” genre and aren’t kind of mindless, I really would like to know the name of your radio station, because I would like to tune in and hear some of that stuff instead of the same old same old Miley stuff that I always hear!
Starr, Soaked by Muse was at the top of the threads a couple of days ago. It’s because Matt Bellamy of Muse wrote the song and gave it to Adam. It’s a beautiful song, but I bet it gets more intense when Adam sings it (tho who know–he did Starlight, and that sounded ethereal).
Wow. I loved it on first listen. And the more I replay it, the more I love it. *deep sigh of relief* I adore his deeper register at the beginning and how his vocals shift and weave through the song, breaking into some of his signature wail towards the end.
Did you guys see the update: Ready for download later today!!!!!!!!
I’m gonna have to listen to AOL Radio more. They played Adam a few minutes ago and now they are playing Kris’ single.
Again, it’s too bad that they overprovcessed Adam’s vocals on FYE, but it’s still a fun, catchy song that fits in well with the current electronic/pop stuff that is very popular. Still don’t know if this is going to shoot right up the charts, but it’s definitely got a chance to be a pretty big hit.
I’m definitely glad a bought a ticket for ther AMAs because I want to see Adam perfom this live. Going to be wild!
Link on MJs – should be here:
Thank you dyg1 :)
Seriously, at this point, I have no idea what an Adamish song is supposed to sound like, or why this would not be one LOL.
Also – I like the picture. I prefer it to the cover like most do.
guys, did we miss a magazine cover???? Esquire??
1043HitFm http://bit.ly/34ZGvw – New Music & Videos! Britney ‘3’ – Ne-Yo – Alicia Keys – Adam Lambert & Robert Downey Jr. on the cover of Esquire! less than a minute ago from web
Maybe its Dr. Luke? Dr. Luke produced Circus for Britney. I’m assuming thats why these comparisons are taking palce because vocally I really don’t see any similarities. LOL No human could make Britney sound like Adam’s voice. I don’t care what good of a producer he or she is. lol
I agree. Its much better than TFM. Although I think its cool that Adam has 2 different sounds out now. Some of us (like me) like both, and some will like TFM and others FYE. Hopefully it’ll just equal into more sales for Adam.
Okay, you’re right, but Kings of Leon hardly has a conventional rock sound and yet their songs are constantly being played on Top 40 stations. Took a while, but they get mad love from radio stations. And besides, if Soaked sounds like Mad World, and Mad World got mad airplay from radio stations…
Will definitely be buying it !
ITA! This is the most important concept of Adam’s album and what he has stressed from the beginning; he cannot be placed in a single box.
I am so counting down the days until we see him perform FYE live at the AMA’s!!!
Adam Lambert, ‘For Your Entertainment’: Stream the brand-new single here
So jealous, girlygirl. Dammit, nothing happens in Boston, tho Ely (the creep, who co-wrote his song with Alisan Porter and Ferras) says he has played here, so maybe he will again.
Who wants to fly me to LA for the AMAs? I will flee appropriately and will also throw in a few squees for good measure. ;)
Starr, just type Muse AND lambert AND soaked into the Search box here and you’ll get the thread…. I think it’s the one that says something about the first single being by Dr. Luke…. At the top of that thread there’s a mention of Soaked and the song to listen to.
Ugh, I love it. I could do without the wailing at the end but it’s a hot song. At long last Adam has done something that, for me, lives up to the hype. It’s about time.
Now THAT’S awesome cover art. Going to listen now.
me too!
Kudos to blog peeps for posting it in comments and KUDOS to Kirsten for posting it quickly!
I? was asleep at the time! lol!
your dog has excellent taste in music :)
Okay, I’ll give you Kings of Leon — sort of! As you say, however, it took a while. And when they’re looking at the Idols, they’re not saying — Okay, kid, you can take a while to build your numbers!
On Mad World — did it really get much play? I don’t remember that it did, but maybe you’re right. Kirsten knows! (but I don’t!)
I mean, when we’re talking play here, in RCA’s terms, and in sales terms, it really has to be significant play — at least consistent top 25 play nationally — to really generate sales. And he needs to generate sales….
adam tweets:
“don’t trip off the glitz that I’m gonna display” ;) thank you all for your support!! Glad you like the track!!!
Good point! lol
Adam tweet
“don’t trip off the glitz that I’m gonna display” ;) thank you all for your support!! Glad you like the track!!!less than a minute ago from Echofon
kiss kiss
10/30/2009 at 11:57 am
Ugh, I love it. I could do without the wailing at the end but it’s a hot song. At long last Adam has done something that, for me, lives up to the hype. It’s about time.
That’s my favorite part. ;) It’s the most Adam. When he goes on Tour, I am SO THERE. SO THERE. I may have to fly there (I know I will), but that’s okay.
I want to download it right away. Come on, hurry up, RCA/19. GRRR.
You must have loved TFM then, pure rock Adam, I loved both
I didn’t buy TFM, but I’m DEFINITELY going to buy FYE!
I’m so happy right now! All the worry about Adam’s voice not being radio friendly, and IMO it’s one of the most radio friendly singles an Idol has ever produced. Yay!
Oh! Yes! Need an mv of this! Haven’t heard about him working on one though :-( Again, why spend the time on the TFM MV (which is NOT showing for TII), and not spend the time on and MV for this? Argh…
I like the Muse song a lot. Depending on what Adam’s take on the song will be, that would probably be the first Adam track I will buy on iTunes.
I need this on my ipod NOW!!!!!!!!
I LOVE it! =D It may not be “new,” but it’s sure exciting.
And, c’mon, if anyone was actually expecting a renovation on the music scene from Adam, then they’ve got to be kidding themselves. Look at the other successful idols: Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, for the most part. Kelly is a very successful pop artists and Carrie a very successful country artist, but they didn’t do anything especially new with their songs. They released singles that resembled a lot of what was already out there; they just did it better – and imo, that’s exactly what an Idol should aim to do.
During the course of AI, odds are that we’re not going to find an artist that totally changes the music scene (which is rare. The Beatles come to mind), we’re just looking for a successful pop artists, and this is a good start for Adam to become just that. :D
Rolling Stone says it will be available for digital download later today, wonder who is right RS or EW?
Yep. Me too – loved them both :-)
From Brian Mansfield:
Produced by Dr. Luke and written with Claude Kelly, For Your Entertainment walks the same fine lines that Adam did during his time on Idol. You can hear echoes of ’70s glam-rock and ’80s synth-pop as well as more contemporary styles. Its decadent imagery (pain, pleasure, fallen angels) is overtly sexual without being explicit. And while the song’s breakdown gives Adam plenty of room to show off his vocal chops, he never goes overboard within the main body of the song. This is much closer to what I was expecting — and hoping — to hear from Adam than Time for Miracles was. I’ve got to think it’s going to meet just about everybody’s expectations for him, including mine.
The songs got a killer beat. Cant wait to see him perform this song LIVE. Insane.
guys, gonna breakdown and buy an ipod today– any ideas on least expensive good ones with headphones so I can be ready when #FYE comes out digitally
Maybe it’s a pre-order today that won’t download until Monday or Tuesday? I have no idea – just guessing LOL.
And I wish there were more of Adam’s rock wails in this song. LOL
Well at least you like it
The interview is posted on the KIIS.FM site. Here’s the direct link:
I don’t think he deliberately portrayed himself as being anything but eclectic on the show, which is why he was frequently referred to as a chameleon. He may not have done anything electro-pop, but the show and many of the genre requirements didn’t really allow for that. The one time he tried to infuse electronics (in BTBW), it was kind of lost in translation through the television. He also tried to sing “Crazy,” which has a more contemporary vibe, but couldn’t get clearance. Anyway, let’s face it, how many artists could have two singles out simultaneously that are as radically opposite as TFM and FYE? I think we’re going to get a taste of some of Adam’s many sides on the album. November 23 can’t come soon enough!
I’m surprised by how much I like it. I love the verses and the lyrics and the overall sound. Does sound a lot like something Britney would put out but frankly I’ve always liked Britney. It’s just fun stuff. Good old fashioned Pop.
I swore I wouldn’t buy processed vocals from him but I’m going to have to go back on that. It works in the context of the song and I don’t mind it here.
I just checked FYE again on PH and wow! Adam’s voice sounds SO MUCH CLEARER there than on Ryan!!!
And to those who wanted Adam to go the rock route – he’s been SAYING again and again that he likes electro pop! LOL I’m sorry but if you listened to what Adam’s told us about his album, FYE should be exactly what you expected! =)
Well, I for one am really happy with this AI season’s crop of artists who’ve emerged. Kris, Allison, Adam are all really outstanding and I look forward to hearing more from them. I think these three are going to be putting out single after single that could dominate the charts. And with Kelly, Jordin, Carrie and David all dominating on the charts as of lately, it might be an all-American Idol chart!
Very good start. It should do very well. I personally like FIBOU better, but I am a Rocker-saver, so I am biased.
Theres some annoying sound in the beat that is not pleasing to my ears… boom boom pow also had some annoying sound in the background that made me not listen to the song..
Poor Britney – I really like Toxic. She’s had some good pop songs, even if she can’t sing live.
I’ve been on an album buying spree lately – about 10 albums in the past 6 weeks, which is a lot for me.
Amongst the ones I bought this week is a hits of the decade album by Christina Aguilera, to get a song that wasn’t on the album of hers that I already owned and noticed that Keeps Gettin’ Better is on it, so I’ll have to give it a listen and see if it is similar.
yeah that’s what I thought too, i’d never have known it was him if i’d just heard that on the radio until the signature wails creep in.
However, I REALLY like it, it’s infectious and I can see it doing very well.
I can’t wait for the rest of the CD.
Okay, have had a chance to listen before I read anybody else’s comments. I really like it for what it is: a great synth?-pop-dance number, but it’s really not recognizable to me as Adam’s voice until nearly 2/3 of the way through. It’s almost like they auto-tuned the pitch down an octave or something. Aside from that, it sounds exactly like the kind of music Adam has said he loves, so all in all, I’d say he did what he set out to do.
Love the cover. Why can’t they quick switch out the album cover for this one? And what is he wearing on his hand? (Wait, maybe I don’t want to know, LOL!)
Final verdict: I think the single will do very well. Not really my cuppa, but my kid loves this kind of music, so I’m sure I’ll be buying it for him.
me too that’s my favorite part.
“Very good start. It should do very well. I personally like FIBOU better, but I am a Rocker-saver, so I am biased.”
I love FIBOU! Definately like that one much better.
Just finish listening to the phone interview. Ryan is def an Adam stan. He love the song! We can expect he playing it the following days. Adam sounds a bit tired but awake. Surprised but happy to hear Gaga was more involved in her song for Adam than I thought. She actually coached Adam during the recording. How cool is that!
bummer the Glee is a rumor now. Glee people, work on it!!
Fabulous! Thanks!
After multiple listens, it gets better and better. God, those lyrics! I’m imagining him at the AMA awards, scantily clad dancers (male and female), handcuffs, whips….
Note to Michael Slezak: THIS is the kind of song that makes you roll down your car window. Even in the winter. It’s that hot.
It’s strange because this song sounds exactly like I thought it would, and I don’t like it at all. For me, it’s kind of horrible. Personally I much prefer ‘Time for Miracles’ – I’m not even that hugely impressed with TFM but it is at least listenable; this song just is very blah for me. BUT… I do think they were very smart to go this route for Adam, and try to make him the male Lady Gaga. It plays to all his pop strengths. And I think it could be a big hit for him and will put him on the map. Just because I personally don’t like it all doesn’t mean it doesn’t have hit potential. I don’t much care for Lady Gaga either (except maybe for when Chris Daughtry covers one of her songs, heh), but she’s doing alright for herself, and I think Adam will too.
“To me, I prefer Adam as a rock artist. That’s the way he was percieved on Idol. For him to do more Pop/dance music seems a little off’ ¦.”
I guess I pretty much drastically disagree. I think the times he fell on his face on Idol were when he tried to do rock, and the times he seriously shone were when he embraced pop. For me, ‘Satisfaction’ was the first and last time he hit any kind of rock song and did it halfway ok (and it was just B- territory) whereas with stuff like ‘Black or White’, ‘Mad World’, etc he was hitting out of the ballpark. So, different strokes for different folks I guess, but I disagree
Great review. I really agree with it.
Just make sure you don’t get the one with the lowest GBs — get one with a large capacity….downloading is addictive and once you start its hard to stop!
The song is a dancy pop song as he promised. The beat is great, the kind that immediately pushed my groove buttons and I couldn’t help but get up and shake to it. The vocals are def Adam. He uses his lower and higher register.
No one else sounds like Adam and no one else could sing it like him. It has his unique vocal style, phrasing, breathyness(?), and intensity and still has some vibratto. The chorus is just right is good for radio play.
The lyrics are slightly outrageous and not at all boring like some of the other top pop tunes out there right now.
I had hoped and thought he would get this single out for the Halloween parties. I can hear it being played at the hip costume parties.
And this is with just the preview, can’t wait to hear the high def version.
4evrmomof4, if you want the iPod brand (and not just any old mp3 player), the iPod Shuffle is the least expensive (2 GB for US$55, 4 GB for US$75) but it has no screen. You probably want at least the iPod Nano. The latest 5th generation goes for about US$140 (8 GB). You might still be able to buy the 4th generation one on clearance for about US$120.
Well, ymmv – but WLL was pretty awesome :-)
Okay! call me crazy~~and believe me; some have~~this song sounds very Boy Bandish to me! That said, I hapeen to like the Boy Band sound, loved 98 (degrees). I think Adam will do very well on the top 40 stations!
Studio57, we’ve all been paying attention.
Weeks of discussion all saying: Going to be electro-dance-pop.
There is no surprise there. He went for the “I can be Top 40 like everyone” sound. With bondage lyrics.
There was some hope for originality, from a few folks. Me included. And recognition, all along, that what we would probably get was over-produced, could be anyone Top 40.
It’s going to be a big seller. The live version will be dazzling. Be interesting to see how, uh, tongue in cheek the video will be. “Do you like what you see”, the most recognizable Adam line in the song, has visual opportunity.
Now, if you were expecting to say “Britney”, that’s prescient. No matter how much wall-of-producer-fuzz bumpy de bump they added, Britney was the last comparison ever expected to ever make to Adam Lambert. Black ‘n Gold rip-off, sure. Gaga, certainly. Bounced up Goldfrapp a possibility as well. Britney? Never.
This sounds like this song belongs to Britney spears, i wanted a more rock vibe, owell maybe his next single?
Adam’s first song isn’t really my cup of tea. I prefer more rock oriented music so I hope there is some of that on his album. In a way I wish he just did some straight ahead rock since that seems to be what he is best at. However I can see him wanting to mix things up on his first album and cover a few different genres that he likes. I dunno I guess I’m kind of lukewarm on this. It’s almost like he is trying too hard to sound modern, and that makes him end up sounding like everyone else. I think Time for Miracles was more up his alley and showed off his vocals more. I guess I will have to wait until I can hear more song snippets. Thank you so much for putting this up MJ. I ran home on my lunch hour to hear it! :)
I am sure the tracks he did with Cavallo will have more of a “rock sound,” but this is exactly what I was expecting—electro, dance, top 40 pop. And I am so relieved that I love it, because I am not exactly a Britney fan, lol.
If you’re cheap, like me, the refurbished ones at Overstock.com will definitely do the job. I got an 8 gb one for $80 bucks there a while ago and a 120 gb one for about $180 that both have been workhorses at my house …. So far, I haven’t had a refurbished lemon, though I hear they are out there — so, buyer beware, I guess.
I agree that the lyrics are one of the best things about the song, and I love everything else about it too :-) I rarely even listen to lyrics in a song, and for me to notice these – that’s something!
I don’t really like electro-dancy-pop stuff, but I like this! So if it can grab me it can grab others. And the lyrics are fierce!
If the entire album were just like FYE I’d be disappointed, but I know there will be plenty of other Adam sounds there. And now I officially love all of them!
The song is exactly what I expected from Adam. Electronic/dance/pop, danceable and enjoyable. Not quite recognizable Adam until the end wails — which I find very cool on the song. Nothing innovative, but it’s fun. Fits in quite nicely with the dance/pop genre. I like it.
Yep!!! BEP, Lady Gaga, Britney…love them or hate them, they are all red hot right now! If you don’t like the sound, it’s simple-change your radio station or buy a different cd!
I agree – check out amazon for comparisons
No processing needed, I think. Boy actually has a fine lower register!
Actually, I love the low start — and I think it’s really appropriate for the S-and-M-y nature of the song! Starts out kind of innocuous — though maybe a little low and menacing — and only near the end does it crank up to the, you know, screaming, lol.
I just bought an iPod Nano. It cost $140 and has a fair amount of download capacity and doo-dads. Much easier than me trying to carry my laptop around with me everywhere I go so that I can access iTunes!
thanks, guys, for the info on the ipod…..do you have or use the device for your car?
Can’t believe at my age, gonna break down and get this…thanks a lot , Adam
This won’t qualify as the least expensive option, but I DO LOVE having one with a screen for watching music videos. I downloaded all of Adam’s AI videos and watch them when working out–makes it much more fun and eases the pain–lol! My screen is pretty small, but I still get a really good quality picture. There are also more expensive options with larger screens.
“I think the times he fell on his face on Idol were when he tried to do rock,”
That is totally absurd. When he did Whole Lotta Love he reached a totally new level. Adam is an amazing rock singer and I think he shone on Idol when he did rock oriented stuff.
Star 94 in Atlanta just played FYE so I had a chance to hear it while at work. I like it! I think it will do very well.
This is a perfect song for him. Of course a song that would showcase his sick vocals would be better for us fans who have followed him on AI but this is the kind of song that works on the radio and this is just right for him to get more fans outside of AI. I hope it’s a hit!
There is this thing called the iTrip that you can purchase separately that allows you to hook up the iPod to your car radio.
FLOVE it! It has the 70’s and 80’s influence but it is totally modern. Have not read comments yet, because I didn’t want to be influenced in how I felt. It is SEXY! It is exactly what Adam said it would be.
I can tell it’s Adam from the first wordeven with all the “special effects.”
4evermomof4 – I just bought a new nano to replace my 32g ipod. It was $150 and holds music, video, plays FM radio, has a videorecorder, a pedometer – I love it! You definitely want one with video for Adam!
Excuse me – again I am slow…what does all the acronyms that are used stand for???
I know TFM and FYE, but this acronym thing has been killing me for ages, it leaves some people (me) out of the conversation.
I can’t wait for Adams CD…I don’t even like pop music, but he is a must have just because it is Adam and I LOVE his voice…
Adam ´s album will be for different tastes. I for one love everything he sings. I am a lucky one :-)
It sounds more or less as expected, dancey electronic pop with a nice beat, with potential for an edgy vid…
What I didn’t expect was not being able to recognize his voice.
What I love is that as promised, there will be many, many different “sounds” in the album, and not just more of this. So I thought my wait was over, but it’s not! :D Ah, how he keeps us on the edge of our seats….
No, It looks like they ´re saying is Adam but they were refering to Downey been the cover of Esquire Magazine,scroll down and you ´ll see it.
Oh yeah – that picture up there is FIERCE- I agree that should have been the CD cover…oh well.
Maybe when I save the CD to my computer, it will give me an option to change the cover…(I don’t do iTunes, where you guys have stated does give you the option).
I disagree FHS. The smartest thing he could have done was have a party starter for his first song. A song that will fit well on the top 20 of Itunes and get major airplay. That will grab the attention of the out of the bubble people/kids. Then he can ease people into the other stuff. From alot of his friends it sounds like the Hawkins penned track is the best one on the album, but he needs to get listeners first.
My thought is this album is going to almost be like a compilation CD like those NOW CD’s. I think it is soooo incredibly smart to have a mix of different genres on the album, because the album as we know it is dead. I wish people would be patient. i think the dude knows what he is doing.
LOL…All the people who now say he should only do rock when most people proclaimed rock radio would never play his music. I see what you did there…
I love the song, it’s exactly what I expected and those wails at the end, pure Adam. Reviews are positive and other radio stations are already tweeting about playing it! Woohoo!!!!
I still think it’s hilarious that the WSJ reviewed the single within 1 hour of it premiering on Seacrest. Way to be in the public consciousness!
you can get a device that you plug into the lighter and the ipod plays on your radio…its great…i only listen to my ipod in the car — never listen to the radio any more
This song is crackers and water for the ears with an occasional splash of Tabasco.
of course, you can always just buy the wires and hook it up to your computer or tv screen — Big-screen Adam videos are just the ticket!
I don’t. He has enough of them at the end, and enough of them in TfM.
Actually this is exactly the type of music has been doing. Yes, his Citizen Vein stuff was more rock, but he did a lot of stuff pre-AI that was like this. I think that people just expected more rock out of him, and he likes rock and will have some on the album, the Cavallo/Hawkins thing and the Muse “Soaked,” song, and some ballad-y type stuff, but yeah, electronica/pop is also part of real Adam. Though that may not address sounding like everyone else, I happen to think he doesn’t.
Thanks, girlygirl. I’m about as interested in a Kris Allen video as I am in proofing this H1N1 document sitting in front of me. Thank God I’ve got Adam’s song to keep me awake and dancing in my chair.
I have to say that I don’t get why the lyrics are noteable in any way: standard meaningless waffle to me.
Like the vast majority of ‘pop’ pop songs, to be fair.
They catch you with their beat, rather than the words, usually.
It won’t make any difference to the song anyway: it’s already getting the radio attention that will make it a huge hit. In fact, I’d be amazed if it wasn’t based just on the initial responses and the genre it plays into. Which is exactly what is needed for Lambert’s career, of course.
I love the Muse lyrics to Soaked, but this is just the standard throw away stuff, IMO anyway.
i love that that 6 months ago he was on american idol and now in his first single he is singing about rough sex. i just love this guy.
It’s about to get rough for youuuuu
It’s okay I guess. I was expecting a more catchy chorus, but it’s something I can tap my foot to. For a while there it didn’t even sound like him.
One thing I can say is this is *his* type of music. He’s a pop singer, not a rock singer. If he’s going to be successful, this is the type of stuff he should stick to.
I hope the single does well but I have my doubts.
I love Adam, but who would play it for 5th graders???
Carrmuse2 @adalambert I ‘ve been dancing non stop since I heard it. My 5th grade class lvoes it. they all say Adam Lambert rocks! 3 minutes ago from web
Agree 100% .
By the way, anyone know how those ring-thingys on his fingers are used? Or what they are called? (Probably don’t want to google that at work though, who knows what skeery sites might pop-up and I need my job! :-) )
Wow! Atlanta played it already! Talk about coming out swinging. That’s huge.
OMG I just about spewed coffee all over my work keyboard…..
I also asked about Adam’s music video for FYE. So I take it no one has heard anything about whether he’s shot it yet? I’m thinking he hasn’t, since someone on ontd_ai just got a DM from Adam about the possible concept for the music video.
Also, there is NO headlines thread up for today. There is one yesterday’s news…
these are the people Adam needed to get as fans to be successful:
mrichert Hate to admit it but I actually like the new Adam Lambert song 3 minutes ago from web
Well hopefully it will turn into Adam’s bread and butter with some dimmers thrown in. :)
details ADAM LAMBERT’S FAVE EIGHT http://bit.ly/P3XkD 4 minutes ago from web
“Can you handle what I’m about to do? ‘Cause it’s about to get rough for you.”
Adam Lambert issues that warning during For Your Entertainment, the title track and first single from his ZOMG-I-CANNOT-WAIT forthcoming CD.
The searing, futuresex/lovesong premiered this morning on Ryan Seacrest’s L.A. radio show and was produced by Dr. Luke, who has helmed huge hits for Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Pink.
Lambert calls it “dance music with, like, a glam-rock shuffle beat” and sings about screaming his name, owning your heart and tells us to “hold on until it’s over.”
Musically, it’s reminiscent of Christina Aguilera’s Keeps Getting Better (a good thing). And it sets a fierce, fabulous bar for Lambert’s full disc, due Nov. 23. The song should be available today on Lambert’s website.
It’s full-on Glambert, and it’s exactly what I’d been hoping he’d do. Glittery, a bit over-the-top and sexy.
As for that much-discussed cover artwork?
“I got a little defensive. It really wasn’t meant to be taken all that seriously,” Lambert said. “My hope was that when you look at it, you’d laugh and smile. It’s all in the name of entertainment. It’s fun.”
FYE, indeed.
Yes! This is exactly what I was hoping for. After the cover art controversy, my greatest fear was that Adam was going to stay too much in the 1970’s and not be modern enough. The mix of both was exactly what I wanted!
Lol! Sad to say, I’m sure they’ve heard worse – 5th graders have listened to songs like “if you seek amy” and “right round” – most of it goes over their heads.
Well, most of them are probably 11 and we have a twelve year old who posts and reads on here all the time! (shrugs)
Yeah, I hear ya MJ. My ears were searching and I don’t get the T-Rex references at all. Maybe they’re so far in the background, they’re invisible. Or maybe they overlap so much with that mindless beat, they get lost in there. Also not getting any glam-rock connection. Just sounds like a standard Britney song with a male voice to me. Maybe they’re trying to sell the Glambert/Glampire thing as an over-riding image no matter what kind of music he’s putting out.
I guess I hear the argument that you need to fit into the current trends to have success. It’s not however a good indicator of any kind of long-term success. You’re just a good candidate for the flavor of the month – something that Top 40 specializes in. Because the format is not really about the music. It’s more about setting a celebratory, mindless kind of vibe with the role of performers easily replaceable.
With all the Adam hype out right now, he certainly has a good shot at being the next flavor of the month. The trick is building any kind of longevity out of that. Yeah, Britney has been around for awhile but in the long run, she won’t be known for her music. It’s more about her persona and her show, something that might be true for Adam as well.
YES!!! THIS!!!
The lyrics work on the obvious sexual level (melting hot!, but my 6-yo made me promise to put this on a CD for her after school today… um, yikes!), but they’re also all about the entertainer pushing buttons and taking you where you weren’t sure you wanted/were ready to go. The whole song works either way (Adam’s very versatile ;) ). I can listen to the song in two totally separate ways depending on my mood/mindset. Cool!
Having said that, I’m sure that like some others here, that this track won’t end up being my favorite from the CD, but something that would be my favorite (like the Muse one or maybe the Linda Perry one) probably wouldn’t cut it as a single on today’s radio.
who is mrichert?
Oh shucks, I was hoping to buy it this weekend! Why do they do that? Makes no sense to me. Debut the single on radio AND make it available for purchase same day!? What’s the prob?
Agree — that’s what I do at home, but that wouldn’t work so well at the YMCA where I work out. Can’t wait for a video to go along with FYE (fingers crossed he’s making one)!
Wade Robson group number SYTYCD. NOW!!!!
LOL! Yes, come on over to the glittery side ;-)
Jim Cantiello:
For Your Entertainment needs to have a music video like NOW. #foryourentertainment19 minutes ago from UberTwitter
Get rough with me, @adamlambert! Fun single!!!about 2 hours ago from UberTwitter
For a cheaper solution ( about $15) there is also a cassette adapter you can put in the cassette player in your car.
Oh, and WTF is up with releasing singles on a Friday? Shouldn’t it be Tuesday?
My take:
A little Boy Band. A lot Britney. A bit heavy on the auto-tune. Totally Modern. Very catchy.
Love Adam so I hope it is a monster hit for him.
I cant tell you how much I love this new single. I am becoming obsessed
with it the more I play it. Perez’s download is by far the best.
Prediction: #1 EVERWHERE- especially after preforming it live. It will be dirty……..
can’t get the links to the interview on top to work :(
I just called my local radio station to request it too! :)
Lyndsey Parker:
Adam Lambert “FYE” single is out & it RULES. Sounds like nothing on radio. Crank it up here, read my thoughts – http://tinyurl.com/y8wrkqz13 minutes ago from web
Is it weird one of my 1st thoughts was Sonya Tayeh or Nappytabs need to do a SYTYCD routine to Lambert’s song? That’s how my brain works…12 minutes ago from web
Type Adam in a idol specific thread all hell breaks loose, but Adam threads are fair game…good to know.
Eh, the tune isn’t bad at all…though I really don’t like that techno sound. To me it detracts from the singer…but since that stuff if all over radio, I must be in the minority there.
Regardless, it’s way better than that dreadful Tattoo song of Jordin’s, and that one worked out well for her…so ya never know.
I remember Adam saying that he liked to introduce people to something they didn’t know they would like. This has been the case for me. I had only heard of Lady Gaga, Pink, and Muse before Adam started mentioning them. And after checking them out because of him, I really like a lot of their songs…and suddenly my kids (13 and 11) think I’m really cool. They will love this song….they did not want to listen to TfM……
You guys this song is so awesome! The beat has me wanting to dance. I absolutely love it. I have been listening about 15 times now! It is truly a great song and I can’t wait to buy it off i-tunes! ~coming from a Krisfan!
And about the single’s cover art, NOW I get it.
I would have fawned over it if it was THE album cover, but it would so NOT have gotten the media coverage that the magic pink airbrush one did.
So the joke’s on me and I’m glad for it.
Initial reaction for the first few counts of 8…. This is Adam?
By the end… Why is Adam singing a Britney-like song?
When I said I wanted him to sing more in his lower register this isn’t exactly what I had in mind. Still, for me at least, the vocals are much more bearable than TfM.
Unfortunately the song does nothing for me as a club song. It’s not memorable. Right now I can’t get this dang song out of my head for some reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjp3D7IilKw. I heard it once a few weeks ago.
There is definitely a gap in the market for a Male Britney. But sometimes gaps are there for good reasons.
So far for me Adam is 0 for 2. :( I wish I could like it more.
Just listened to a different version — a cd rip, most likely. (won’t mention the site — I don’t like to encourage illegal downloads — if you look for it, it’s out there, though, is all I’ll say.) Anyway, suffice it to say that, Well, Britney could *not* sing this one. He goes pretty crazy on those vocals at the end. Vintage Adam.
Ugh. Ugh. UGH UGH UGH. So petty.
Those of you who are unhappy here, might want to do a little blog shopping. I wouldn’t mind one bit. And now that I have a minute? (Oh if only I could be in THREE F*CKING PLACES AT ONCE) it’s time for me to do some clean up.
you can listen to FYE on AO now!!!
The version that AdamOfficial is streaming is much higher quality with less compression distortion. His voice is even more distinctive now. I can’t wait for the official iTunes version!!
*Throws glitter on mar*
Welcome to the side that “gets it”, lol
From Rose McGowan
Yay! RT @peoplemag: Adam Lambert streams his single online – check it out! http://ow.ly/xGeX4 minutes ago from Tweetie
I like her weird ass…
SCORE: My hubs, who normally doesn’t like this type of music, loves FYE. I forewarned him that this doesn’t showcase his vocals like TfM, which he loved because he thought Adam’s vocals are incredible. He wants FYE on his ipod immediately.
The song is streaming right now at AO.com, and I cannot play it enough!! I LOVE is so much I can’t even form a coherent review! All I can do is paraphrase the great 21st century existentialist philosopher and Adam’s co-star on Best Week Ever and say… “yeah, whips”.
That person is no one special-I have been monitoring twitter to see if Adam has a shot to pick up new fans and whether there is any negative vibes to FYE. That tweet was an example of a lot of tweets happening today, fans happy, non-fans surprising receptive and only one negative tweet so far
Sorry if these opinions have already been stated by others in earlier posts…
1st thought – Britney called. She wants her song back.
2nd thought – Exact same shuffle beat as Keeps Getting Better by Christina Aguilera. Just play the 2 songs simultaneously, you’ll see.
3rd thought – They’ve really suppressed his vocals to the music. Even britneys vocals are brought more forward than his. i wish they had brought his lower-register vocals more forward, like they do for gaga & pink, even xtina on KGB. unf, this song reminds me of what they do with the middle-aged electronica ladies (kylie, madonna, cher). i find that sad. perhaps its just that his lower register isn’t rich or piercing enuf? [ducking now]
4th thought – FLOVED the wail solo about 2/3 into the song! pure gold!
final thought – best part of the song is the lyrics. totally adam!
there are definitely versions out now that sound WAY clearer and his voice is much more distinctive.
cant. stop. listening.
ETA: omg anthro – you said whips and now all i can hear are whips cracking in the beats of the song!!! turn the sexy up ONE MORE NOTCH.
this song is gonna kill me.
I’m going to back off this post because I do not enjoy vitriol in the morning.
Carry on.
Just shows to go ya — what we hear on Idol doesn’t always have that much to do with these folks will do on disc…. I am so far out of the club/techno/dance thing, I don’t have a clue if this will be successful. I wish him well….
movin2thabeet, really well said:
It will be interesting to see if Adam’s vocal ability and live show amazement will beat the odds and give him, one day, a chance not to be another bouncy filler page in the sputtering, de-railing, soon to technologically erased music biz machine
Short-term versus long-term thinking isn’t just part of the collapse of the music industry, it’s an American biz tradition. The tyranny of “meeting expectations” of the quarterly P&L report.
Which is why, now, “It sounds just like (fill-in-the-blank)” has become some kind of complement, a good thing, instead of an artistic dismissal. And, IMHO, feels like one more killing twist in the music industry death spiral.
that song is freaking ridiculous. LOVE IT. Adam is a rockstar!
i really like it! very radio friendly’ ¦.sounds like a song that one of the big popular girl singers would sing’ ¦definitely an ear worm. i think this is gonna do well on top 40
So it looks like Adam’s strategy/sound will be to sing pop songs that would normally be sung by Lady Gaga, Britney and P!nk?
This is *not* a rock song. This is a pop song. And yup, he might end up being a huge popstar. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But rockstar — with this song? Hardly.
Frankly, I still think Archie has the most ear wormy of singles off Idol. But for this AI8 crop, I think Adam has the best single out of the bunch. Hope this shoots up to #1 on iTunes since his fans have been waiting for his “real” single.
On the lyrics — Agreed that they are not brilliant. However, how often does somebody go to the S and M place in such a sweet and charming way? And, to me, that’s kind of special — his sweetness with a funny/quirky dark touch tends to charm me. And it does here.
It took me a few listens to get on board. Adam delivered exactly what he said he was going to deliver.
The only thing I don’t like about it is the beginning where it doesn’t sound like Adam. Did they electronically alter his voice? Why was that necessary? I suppose if you don’t know his voice, you will not even realize it.
I am ready for this to be a hit.
Some here may disagree with me, but my philosophy is dance music is supposed to be “generic,” because it’s not supposed to make you think or cry or whatever…it’s supposed to make you DANCE. Move your body, shake your ass, nothing more. Other forms of music are supposed to be about, well, MORE than that. Carry a message, break your heart, move you to action…but DANCE music is just that. Heck dance music doesn’t even need lyrics, just a rhythm and a beat!
Not to be confused with a lot of the contemporary, interpretive dance they do on “SYTYCD,” which is done to non-dance songs and IS meant to convey messages/emotion.
I forgot about the AMA’s!!! Wow… Adam + dirty lyrics= rated R performance!!! Can’t wait to see that!!
The song leaves me speechless!! Words fail me.
This song is GOLD!!!! It’s so gooood. It’s fab and off the hook catchy.
Don’t really know what else to say right now, I’m far too overwhelmed for intelligent thought. So I’ll just say this:
Black Swan!!!!
This is no AI song. This is Rockstar caliber song. Adam HAs left AI in his rear view mirror, HBIC has left the Idol Building.
Oh, okay. I just *listen* to teh videos when I exercise — sweat gets in my eyes and all that!
I’m putting up a headlines thread right now.
Definitely by far the best single of the bunch IMHO – not even close.
I can’t get past the manchild thing with Archie to even listen to his music.
ETA: “HBIC has left the Idol Building.” Without a doubt, and that is a VERY GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, terraj- thanks! It sounded incredible on this stream. After multiple listens, I absolutely LOVE FYE!
Ummmm…probably not just my thing.I like some songs from the same genre from Lady Gaga, Madonna, Britney…but not really my thing…..and it sure doesn’t sound anything like Adam’s voice there.The single cover’s very nice though.
FYE strikes me as a logical debut single. It promotes the album name, distinguishing from the counterfeit. It targets the younger age group lacking in his fan base. The dance beat and porn lyrics increase the chances of pop radio play.
If you don’t like this one, you know he promised a variety. Hopefully, you’ll find some of the others better.
I’ve always thought Adam was a genius. This doesn’t change my mind.
I was listening live when Ryan played Adam’s song this morning. I was nervous, but as it started to play, I just kind fell into the song. I was so happy to have that happen because it’s very telling as to how the song will be accepted. I even cried a little because of it, knowing it was going to be a hit—-yay for Adam!. Now, about how freaking hot it is!!! I have listened to it several times today and all I can think about is leaving work, picking up my hubbie and going HOME, YA KNOW? So sexy! Is it 5:30 yet? Adam….more please!
Re: iPod – if you want videos on it, don’t get Nano (filled that up seemingly overnight) – get the Classic – expensive, but you’ll love the capacity and screen.
I do believe at the moment, I might have heard my husband let out a fanboy squee LOL.
I totally agree with you. I love dance music, which is probably why I was predisposed to like this tune. I like a lot of different kinds of music, but there are some times in life, where it just has to be the booty shakin’ stuff.
Wow! These lyrics are REALLY racy, S&My, safeword-y! Oh, Adam…….
At the beginning of Adam’s song, it actually sounds like a whip is cracking.
ITA, anthro!!! The more I listen the more I love it! Can’t wait to buy it for real! And the single cover- absolutely stunning!
Wow, the product really lived up to the hype. More than I ever could have dreamed and hoped…
Black Swan indeed :)
Been out scouting public opinion, and it’s generally really positive. The one comment that keeps recurring is the Sam Sparro/”Black & Gold” comparison. I just don’t see it. I mean, sure, they both have strong beat with, to coin Adam’s phrasing, “modern treatment,” but I think it’s equally similar to some of Adam’s pre-Idol pop endeavors, which far preceded “Black and Gold.” I hear a lot of “Kiss & Tell” in FYE.
On second listen to the version on Adam’s site: Yes, that sounds much better, more true to his voice. I could see this song being big on the radio. But then, lots of great songs tank and lots of horrible songs become hits…so again, ya never know.
The AO version. Wow. I can hear …..oh man the haters are going to blow a gasket….MJ’s halted way of singing. Just in the very beginning.
Did he say he was going to work me till I totally blow??
Oh, my. Maybe TFM will be on Oprah, LMFAO!
Get the itouch. I have all 4 and the itouch kicks all their asses. Wireless capability for those quick needs to check the web and email. The screen is as good as a flat screen tv.
Hmmm, I’m hearing that there *is* no safeword, lol.
I love these types of reactions.
threeblue: I actually like Adam Lambert’s song…wtf?
Hopefully more people come around.
I have the classic 160 GB and I love it …(i think it’s 160)
ok….adamofficial is streaming FYE and TFM one after the other — wild! such completely different songs…adam’s album is definitely going to be eclectic…..and i bet when the album comes out some critics will love that, and some will take him to task for it
ok here is my prediction. it will be a mild top 40 hit. it will reach no higher than the teens probably in the 20’s. the beat is odd. it’s kinda hard to dance to this unless you are a professional dancer. the video should be fun. he will sell about gold. whoever said “it sounds like britney spears but with a male voice” is absolutely right!!! it’s not original or ground breaking. his voice even sounds generic.
People Magazine:
@PeopleMag Adam Lambert streams his single online – check it out! http://ow.ly/xGeX30 minutes ago from HootSuite
Listen to Cindy M- especially since you know videos are coming up too! The video quality is UNBELIEVABLE. it’s like having a mini HDTV
Listen to AO- they have TFM and FYE in a constant stream. You cannot even believe the same person is singing. THAT’s A GOOD THING
Well, if I heard it at a dance club I would get up and dance, but….this is totally unimaginative, pedestrian crud. Sounds just like every other junky, disco, processed pop tune that pollutes the air waves. I’ll forget it in about 30 minutes. Very disappointed as I love Adam’s voice.
can anyone translate for us?
TMD2 A TMD Radio estreia em 20 minutos a primeira mà ºsica de trabalho de Adam Lambert, “For Your Entertaiment”. http://migre.me/9VtY 2 minutes ago from web
This means radio spins, right?
This AO version is the best I have heard yet. Adam’s voice is amazing and totally recognizable. Love it!
Wow that version at Adamofficial is definitely a lot clearer and showcases Adam’s vocals. I floved it before, now…OMG!!! Who needs 5 hour energy drink, I’ve got Adam!! YOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I just pictured you standing up by your computer at work to see what it was like to dance to! I think it will be played in dance clubs everywhere.
Lol ok listening to it again! I am on a roll today. Here’s to Kris and Adam! I hope they both achieve the success they so deserve. Both albums will be awesome! Good job Adam on your new single!
Does anyone know when you can download from itunes?
Whoever said this sounds better from Adamofficial is right. I know the itunes version will even be better yet. With each listen, I love it even more, if that is possible. I want to dance to it. Adam was so right. You really want to get up and dance, and I will the first opportunity I have.
Did I say I effen love this?
I know. Those two songs totally merge in my head from the beat (I think that “Keep Getting Better” has a better hook, though, and we actually get to hear Christina’s amazing vocals. Linda Perr worked on that song.
To those who think it sounds like Britney I say “Whip me, baby, one more time!!!”
From Twitter:
Great minds think alike. Only I said Wade choreography about a zillion pages up this thread. :)
Definitely an itouch. It has been my new BF throught this madness. The video quality is amazing
further thoughts upon repeated listenings:
1) Most songs get better with repeated listening but IMO this one REALLY does, and I liked it the first time
2) I’m a totally lyrics-oriented person, and I LOVE the lyrics to this song. Of course they’re sexy as hell, but what really thrills me is what a perfect introduction to Adam they are, and to what is still coming. They could not be more him…
3) Still don’t get the “doesn’t sound like Adam” comments. Obviously, the escalation towards the end sounds like no-one else, but right near the start, when he sings (repeatedly) “hold on until its over,” that over could only have come from Adam.
4) Honestly, take Adam out of the song entirely, and I still love it! To me, the music does not sound like everything else on the radio (though I admit to being a bit of an ignoramus on this front). That 70s, outer-space sound (for lack of a better word–like I said, I’m ignorant), those repeated synthy-strings like sounds, the spiraling disco sounds–I think its awesome.
5) Adam’s right: turn it UP, people!! This song is meant to be blasted LOUD
The lyrics of “Black & Gold” are about a young man contemplating the existence of God. The lyrics of FYE are about S & M porn. I don’t hear any similarity in the music.
I don’t care what *kind* of star Adam becomes.
Just as long as he keeps making more music.
To those who think it sounds like Britney I say ‘Whip me, baby, one more time!!!’
I like what Brian Mansfield said above: T-Rex ‘Bang a Gong’ meets Depeche Mode ‘Personal Jesus’ meets Sam Sparrow/contemporary electro-pop & slightly dark, Maryln Mansonesque lyrics delivered with a pleasing pop vocal (edgy with a smile.)
TMD2 A TMD Radio estreia em 20 minutos a primeira mà ºsica de trabalho de Adam Lambert, ‘For Your Entertaiment’ . http://migre.me/9VtY 2 minutes ago from web
It means in 20 minutes they are playing the song as a premiere!
I hope somebody puts that up on YouTube.
hwc (aka “blowhard t*rd-in-disguise”)
The TMD radio premieres in 20 min. the first Adam Lambert single ‘For Your Entertaiment’ . http://migre.me/9VtY 2 minutes ago from web
Checking it! Made me happy!
The AO streaming song is the one to listen to. TfM plays right after. Interesting to hear the two songs back-to-back
Hard to dance to??? Only if you’re in a wheelchair, and even those folks can do some serious chair-dancing!
I am on AdamOfficial and I have to say those two songs played one after the other are quite funny- such different sound! In general, I’m not sure it’s a good thing, but Adam warned us that would be the case….
I love TfM more, but can see myself (and the rest of the world) dancing to FYE!
okay… listening to FYE and TFM back to back is hysterical… how can he be that versatile? that’s crazy LOL…
gosh, I wish Adam at least changed the phase a bit so that they don’t sound exactly the same.
LoL, I am way above the 20 ´s and I just flove FYE. I have been dancing since it was aired by Ryan for the first time. Just follow the music. Let yourself go. Many others my age are doing the same right now.
ok i thought i LOVED TFM… but AO keeps trying to make me listen to it and now it’s SCORNED!TFM because i have to keep clicking back to FYE.
sorry, TFM… i thought it was love but i found the real thing. you are different, though, so maybe we can have an affair on the side on occasion?
once i’m in i, i own your heart
Very workmanlike dance song. I think this will sound fine on Top 40 and should get some good radio play. I think it would work better if Britney sang it though. For some reason, women just sound better doing this stuff.
Good hook but I don’t think the song is as strong (for Top 40) as either Tattoo or Crush. It lacks some personality.
must stop listening…must attend to real life…
yeah right!
umm just what i was expecting from adam, very “lady gaga style”, i like the song but didn’t WOW me
Now that I have heard the actual song and not just a rerecording of what was on the radio I like it better.
But my problem is that there are moments in the song where I expect Adam to just take off and soar and improvise and he doesn’t. Except for a few riffs, it really is quite monotone. Talk about under-utilizing a voice – geesh!
So close to being great, but no. I blame the producers.
Not an expert, but I believe those are probably the vintage synthesizers that Dr. Luke or Claude Kelley talked about using on their track for Mr. Lambert. The very early synthesizers had very different technology than today’s keyboards and distinctive sounds.
hwc (aka “blowhard t*rd-in-disguise”)
Totally agree with everything that you wrote, Tess. The version of FYE on AdamOfficial is so much better than anything else out there. Adam’s voice is more recognizable, right from the start. Great, great song and has the potential to be a huge Top40 hit!
The AO stream is better quality. Though the temple bells of segue into TFM afterwards is a laugh riot of mood swing.
And, anthrogeek, all whips on the AO stream. Those claps were dialed up to sound like leather hitting something.
Lyrically, if one completely ignores the SM factor, which we hope all 5th graders will do, and only thinks of the song as strictly about Adam saying something about himself, about AI, and to bra tossers everywhere, have to give him credit for choosing this:
And the glitz tweet, clarifying it’s not bits, helps the entertainment, not bondage, interpretation.
And if he promises to disclaim “it’s about singing…about what people think about me and how nothing exciting can happen on AI” in the Oprah interview, she may let him do it. Sing the song that is.
Love the AdamOfficial stream much sharper and so clear it is Adam singing
No One could do what he just did on that song, IMO
Oh, baby…baby!!!
People blurb on FYE – I wish they would a more recent picture.
Nah — wouldn’t work as well for me. I love Adam’s sexy voice more!
I drive my DD nuts because I LOVE songs that have a chorus of guys going “Uh OH” in the background … That is usually the only part of “her” songs that I can ever sing along to (and I’m usually half a beat behind!) THIS SONG HAS THE UH OH CHORUS!!!! FLAIL!!!!
Another song device I’ve always liked is the decending “Zap! Zap! Zap!” lasergun/starburst noise noise (that comes after “I’m here for your entertainment” and just before the “UH OHs” !!!!). I’ve ALWAYS liked that effect!
There are also some really high-frequency techno sounds going on that I hope to hear better when we get a purchased copy (higher kbs) to enjoy with headphones.
And the “whacka whacka” beat, well, that’s just classic “rythmic intercourse – suction” sound! Gotta luv that! Comes from the bass buttons on the accordion originally… you know the ooompah/ooompah baseline that makes polkas so damn sexy. (I’m only kinda/sorta kidding). It’s the in/out thing. Very seductive.
This song has all the best production gizmos!
And Adam’s vocal is very expressive! He really emotes the lyrics….
And I love the way his voice floats over that “Wall of Sound” – very Phil Spector!
Damn good production values. Wonderful that he got to work with the BEST. It really shows.
Thanks, hwc! That’s really interesting. That accounts for what feels to me like an old-school sound.
I actually listened to the entire song. Verdict: not good. I’m still thinking “What the hell was Adam thinking when he said he wanted to do electropop?”
Only plus is the lyrics. Catchy and edgy. However, everything else about it is crap. It doesn’t make me want to dance, it’s not epic, it’s not Adam. Adam’s live performance should kill this overproduced crap (in a good way). Electropop just does not do Adam justice at all.
On the bright side, I liked the Muse song he’s doing, hopefully it’s still good when he does it. And Time for Miracles is probably one of THE best songs this decade.
Yeah, you definitely have to listen to a high quality stream like on AO. Adam sounds EXACTLY like Adam. This song is so good it’s crazy. I can’t wait for the AMA performance.
OK, just listened to stream on AdamOfficial… song sounds so much better there, adam’s vocals are clearer, i still wish they were a lil more fwd (ala pink & gaga), but i still love the song.
i’ll be dancing to it at halloween parties tonite & tomorrow. (but i’ve always liked britney songs on the dance floor, lol.) i can just imagine that the djs will already have it remixed by then!
and i love that it streams with TFM in succession, showing both his vocals and his taste in music.
move over carrie & kelly. here is your new american idol!
just heard it twice.
I’m not really into this genre of music. So to grab my attention, a song in this genre has to be pretty damn good, which is not the case here in my opinion. But it’s not a bad song either, just generic. Should do well in the top 40
So far, no TfM or FYE for me. But I bet that I’ll flove the Muse song… give me raw heavy glam rock Adam – still the way i like him most and please DO NOT OVERPROCESSED HIM. Can’t wait :)
Thanks for your post–it really lays out well what works for me in the song. Love the polka-reference–totally helps explain it.
Love posters on this blog sometimes!
Liked the Lady Gaga ´s “Fever” demo a lot, more glam-rock-ish I think,and unexpected from Gaga.
I am trying to figure out why they would write a song for a man with a 4 octave range that so totally under-challenges him vocally. It feels like he is intentionally holding back.
Many will disagree but I’m not one of them, I love TfM too.
We disagree on FYE I’m enjoying it, I can’t wait to hear it in a club.
Absolutely agree with you. I thought the same thing, the lyrics are a perfect introduction to Adam the entertainer. Reminds me of how he entertained us on the AI tour. He is going to kill it on the AMAs.
I can’t stop listening to this song. To those of you that like Adam but not sure if you like this song, wait a few weeks. More songs to come.
Now we just need a great music video.
Totally sucks. Pure bubblegum pop crap. Brags about who it sounds like. Sounds like shit. What a jerkwad sell out Lambert is. SUCKS!
Adam’s version of Gaga’s “Fever” is gonna just finish me off, I know it!
Okay, so I’m back (RL, dammit!). Here are my thoughts:
Totally works with Top 40 (still have on Ryan’s station: why?). They are playing Ne-Yo, Closer (love Ne-Yo). I can see it fit in with Top 40, maybe Hot CHR.
Why is it better than other songs? Because ADAM IS SINGING IT. And the more times you listen to it, the more you hear it. You get lower range, upper range (wail for those of you who don’t enjoy it).
It’s fun and fierce at the same time. Totally dance.
I might prefer TfM better, but then again, I did not like TfM much when I first heard it, so this will grow on me more and more w/ every listen. Hell, I liked NoBo after about 100 listens (even Want, but let’s not go there, lol). I love his voice. I STILL wish I heard a bit more of it, but I do hear it in there, and I know we’ll hear more of it when Soaked is released. I know this will be such a diverse album, and that is what is so exciting. (Now turning off Seacrest, b/c I am SO over Rhianna and Beyonce. *zzz*)
This will NOT be a mild Top 40 hit. I could not disagree more. (Okay, JMO.) Look at the buzz! There was buzz for TfM and it made it to #8 briefly. This one has staying power. It is so much fun. And I can’t see putting into Crush category. Maybe Tattoo. Meh for me (but Jordin is meh for me).
Who can do TfM and FYE? Well, someone who can follow up ToMT with PTFM, that’s who. And I would bounce to it, but I am at work. ;)
What a great day to be an Adam fan, and it’s already getting airplay! Wow. I wonder if I should call a local station. If squirrely is here (or MJ), should I call KISS FM or Mix104.1?
Wondering: Any other Idol have a song like this? Maybe Blake Lewis?
Can we get to 1500 posts? Hells yes. Come on, people, I want to eat a snickerdoodle!!! :)
Oh no! “Take One” is #1 on Movers and Shakers!
So, you liked it then?