In a recent interview with Velocity Live Radio from the Long Island press hour, Adam Lambert talks about his album, the tour, and taking some downtime when it’s over.
A most interesting soundbite comes when the interviewer asks Adam, “What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?”
There’s a lot of very interesting fan encounters–very, very overzealous fans, and I love them all. They’re super supportive, and they obviously put me where I am. You know, if it weren’t for these fans, I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I did. Sometimes, they’re a little sweaty, A little smelly–very touchy-feely. And some of the gifts are interesting. You know, I got, like, an inflatable kangaroo at one point, four feet tall, and I kind of was like, ok, well, thank you, this is sweet, what the…am I going to do with this?
Adam hasn’t been meeting fans by the buses, and my spidey sense tells me that’s going to be the policy for the rest of the tour. I realize there are many respectful fans out there, but with crazies who scream in his face, try to touch him and invade his personal space, I can’t blame him for not wanting to deal.
But calling fans smelly? Lulz. That might be crossing the line…
Listen to the interview here:
Could be because his fraus camped out all night to see him, no time to take a shower
Adam’s being honest…blutally honest and I can’t fault him for that. Maybe the crazies will back off now thinking they have bad b.o.? LOL No filter with Adam and I love that about him.
If people are sweaty and smelly…then they just are! I’ve been around these people around the barricades and lets be real…some people stink. It’s kind of just calling a spade a spade! SHOWER POWER!!! Smelly peeps…your bad for being smelly and bringing your funk into his (or anyone else for that matter) person space.
I think it’s funny. I like people who don’t sugar coat.
With the heat we have been having on the east coast, I am sure some of the fans were smelly! It’s been hot! I like the way Adam always remembers his fans and thanks them for where he is today. Adam is a huge talent and a class act! Can’t wait for the album and solo tour!
Nah, no over the line – just telling like it is – no filter as usaul. It’s just as bad and the tongue and lip lock with Kris. But Adam has a point, overzealous is overzealous and not sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad because he loves his fans. I guess people don’t think – where are you going to put a 4-foot kangaroo, at least Wolfgang was only a couple of inches and generated a whole lot fun. Kanga – way out of wack – not sure of the significance either.
OMG I love it. I’m sure there are many who will be offended by the comments, but likely they are exactly the fans he’s talking about. LOL brings to mind the phrase “mingling with the unwashed masses.”
He was obviously saying it in a laughing joking way.
It’s quite fascinating that I’ve heard this yesterday on his own site. But I didn’t find it offensive because this was followed by a statement that he loves his fans and he said it in a jolly way. Irregardless, some fans might take this against him but his diehard fans will let this pass. I still see a need for a PR damage control on this though. Maybe he’ll come out tonight and grant interviews to straighten things out. For me, he should. His lack of filter may put him into trouble but that’s I also love about him.
LOL, smelly!!!
Sweaty, hot barricades – the fragrance.
I knew this would end up a headline here.
LOL ADAMMM… still has no filter and I love it.
People wait for hours out in the hot sun to see him. I’m disappointed he’d say something like this. But I’m a diehard fan and will forgive him for it. He’s young and hasn’t quite learned that those smelly, sweaty people are the ones that will make or break his career. ;)
Is this on the bus you think??
Is he in the hallway?? The bunks have got to be different than this, right??
I tend to like the fact that Adam has no filter so maybe I’m not the best person to judge, but it seems like he’s clearly directing all of this at what he terms the “very, very overzealous” fans who don’t respect personal space–so maybe he’s trying to lose the crazies? Or at least establish boundaries as best he can.
Adam has been pretty clear that he loves his fans a lot, just not the crazy fans–and man, if the crazies get offended and leave, so much the better for his sanity.
Considering he had a sex toy thrown at him I don’t blame him for talking like this.
The folks at the barricades in Charlotte were sweaty and smelly and pushy and smelled of raw, unbridled estrogen. Adam speaks but the truth! lol
Adam fans had better start using deodorant and buy some mouthwash too. I still don’t think he’ll come out to see you but the rest of the assembled throng will appreciate it.
ROTFLMFAO haahahahhahaha LOL I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’ll probably lose him like 2 fans but that’s fine, who actually cares. SMELLY hell yeah I love you Adam lambert. I want a YouTube………….?I couldn’t find one yesterday though:( times like this is when I hate my iPod. I want to hear Adam calling his fans smelly LOL.
That’s the dilemma isn’t it? If you come late and smells good, you don’t get to meet Adam. If you wait in the front line for long hours, Adam hates your smell. Not that you will see Adam anyway. He’s not going to the meetings anymore.
The irony is that those over zealous fans who are the smelly, sweaty, touchy-feely ones will believe he’s referring to someone else and not them. :rolleyes_wp:
I think the important point is that even though his fans are sometimes smelly and touchy feely, he still loves them them all. :P He’s laughing, he’s not angry.
That said, if I ever get to meet him, I’ll make sure to shower first and wear deodorant.
So did I, I had no doubts.
LOL It did make me laugh to think that Adam got a 4-ft kangaroo and Kris got a tiny little skunk. Kris’s fan was more considerate..LOL. I will say that Adam has said that he’s on vocal rest and hasn’t participated in pre-show interviews either, so I’m not sure that MJ’s spidey sense is accurate, but we’ll see.
This in NOT over the line, and watching the tapes from some of the signings and APs, I think that this might be an understatement. Also, I listened to the tape and he was laughing when he said this part. Clearly, he meant it as a joke.
The interview is from Nassau, I think the first night, and the next day Adam went on total vocal rest, stopped doing press and M&Gs because he was sick –not because he was avoiding fans.
I think after the problems with the crowd pushing against the barricades in Atlanta, security is probably very happy not to have Adam out signing autographs.
It’s B.O.-gate!!
Prepare for the “Adam is a Diva” backlash. I can’t blame him for not wanting to touch strange sweaty people.
I just love his unfiltered self. Yes, the barricade thing is hot, sweaty and stinky. I think he says stuff the other Idols would never say, but are probably thinking anyway. I’m also glad he commented again on the weird gift thing. A huge blow up Kanga? What F*** indeed. I mean, really, if you’re going to give the man a gift, at least make it a practical, small one, right?
Dumb move. You don’t offend your own customers. I mean, if he owned a clothing store and a customer came in to browse would he say “Wow, you look strange. Oh, and by the way you reek. Did you know you have a sweat problem?”
I’ve got news for him. People who sweat and smell bad buy CDs too but they might not be inclined to buy his if he keeps pointing it out to them.
But Adam doesn’t come out pre-show when it’s hottest. I would think it’s cooler after the show.
I love it! A four minute radio interview gets its own thread. I wonder how many comments this thread will get? It’s so interesting to watch! Smelly…well, some probably are.
Diehard fans would let pretty much anything pass short of setting a baby on fire. But maybe that too. ;).
I don’t know, I’m all for calling out the bad behavior of over-zealous fans, but feel the personal insults are unnecessary and beside the point.
It really doesn’t affect the way I feel about Adam one way or another, but that’s my take on it.
Yes, Sherena that was emphasized in his statement, but it’s not good enough to be part of the headline I guess.
Oh and I agree with MJ I don’t think he’s coming out anymore. he did enough of that on the cover of rollingstone ( sorry couldn’t resist the bad pun don’t hate me) :D
I love that Adam said this…anytime he makes these wonderfully unfiltered comments, he always has a twinkle in his eye and says it with a laugh and a great sense of humor. I’m sure in that heat there are some truly stinky people he comes in contact with! He’s so refreshing in that he simply says what’s on his mind, openly and honestly. Go Adam!
well, I TOTALLY understand him…. some people just need to learn how to use deodorant, take showers, etc.
I doesn’t have anything to do with being in the heat or dancing – if you are clean and use antiperspirant you’ll be ok even in hot sun!!!
I’m a die-hard fan so at the concert he could have just stood there for 5 seconds and I would be THRILLED!!!!!!
Diehard fans would let pretty much anything pass short of setting a baby on fire. But maybe that too. ;).
Hmmmm…maybe not that. How ’bout setting that Kanga on fire?
Might draw the line there. Casual fans who download music or buy cds will never hear this interview. It is heard by diehard fans-or haters-who have made up their minds already.
And as usual where Adam is concerned, an off-handed remark gets blown out of proportion.
The whole barricade thing has always creeped me out anyway. Crowds freak me out so it seems like one of Dante’s levels of Hell to me. I’m sure it IS sweaty and smelly. He’s just telling it like it is. Unwashed masses. LOL.
ETA I don’t think you need to be a “die hard fan” to view this as a nonstory. Seems like if you’re not offended … you’re a die hard fan. If you ARE offended … you’re a die hard fan. What’s a MOR fan to do? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Translation for the overzealous fans “I’m going to say that I love you because that’s the good thing to do for business BUT in reality you are scaring the hell out of me with your weirdness. Oh, and you stink. That’s not sexy…”
He may have been smiling and lighthearted when he said it but that’s called being passive aggressive. He made his point but confused the issue with a smile. Personally I don’t think what he said was bad but he’s got to realize that until he’s dead serious when he says something his fans won’t get it, much like they didn’t get his irritation with the stuff thrown on stage until he kicked it back at them impulsively.
That was a good interview – there more to it than just the word ‘smelly’.
I heard this interview yesterday and wondered when it will become a gate. it took longer than i thought. well people do sweat and then smell esp in the heat so ” a little smelly ” is not crossing the line. He still loves them all. I also think Adam doesn’t do sweat. I remember the disco no by Paula, he was sweating in rehearsals and said it was going to be the sweatest or something like that and someone handed him a handerchief. the sweat thing seemed to bother him.
Also i can bet if there’s uproar abt this it won’t be from his fans.
I wouldn’t let that pass!… unless it was like, an accident.
Why is everybody assuming he’s talking about the fans at the barricades? He has no physical contact with them whatsoever. I think he may be talking more about people who accost him when he’s out and about.
Oh, I realize that. This means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I’m just having a little fun on a Friday afternoon. ;).
Didn’t really care for the “smelly” comment–that doesn’t mean I won’t buy his album or see his concert in the future.
I know, some people just can’t handle the truth. LOL.
Srsly, if people actually get butthurt over this, then more Lulz.
Um a baby on fire…. sadly i might be okay with that…. sigh… I’m pathethic
No they won’t. These are the same AI barricade fans that have been stalking the buses for years. They’ll just move on to the next “hottie” from season 9.
AI fans are notorious for being pretty self-serving when it comes to seeing, touching, photographing with, or autograph seeking from so that they can run back to their fansites or chatrooms or blog headquarters and brag about their encounters. Not to be totally dismissive (because I am sure there are a few “real fans” who enjoy this part of the experience) but it is hard to equate a blow up Kangaroo and a real fan.
Adam is such a diva! (Someone had to say it right?) hehe.
Anyways, I don’t think he should have called some of his fans smelly because media will take that and run with it to make it seem like he’s ungrateful to his fans. Also, you know if it was any one of the other idols (such as Danny) saying this, the reaction would be completely different.
If I were a diehard fan of Adam’s, I think I’d feel insulted. I’m all about the snark, the unfiltered comments and the calling out of overzealous fans but I think he went too far into the personal with this.
I find it fascinating to observe the personalities of the different fandoms. If another Idol had said something like this, they might have gotten raked over the coals. Adam’s fans seem to find the insults endearing. Go figure.
CindyM, where did you find those adorable photos? The second one looks like they are standing in front of a bus, but the first one….I’ve never been inside a bus that looks like that. But Adam IS wearing the same shirt. And the same hair.
Exactly. The fans making or breaking his career will more than likely never meet him or hang around an AI concert barricade.
I smell a DIVA.
“That baby probably deserved it!” :laugh_tb:
“Why is everybody assuming he’s talking about the fans at the barricades? He has no physical contact with them whatsoever. I think he’s probably talking more about people who accost him when he’s out and about.”
Actually, he works to have no contact at the barricades. People do try to grab him when he shows up. I’m with MJ. I think his barricade visiting days are over. And I don’t blame him one bit. it’s overwhelming. And, apparently, smelly.
“SOMETIMES, they’re a LITTLE sweaty, and a LITTLE smelly”… you know, I don’t think this is Adam insulting his fans, it’s just what comes to mind when he thinks of his barricade encounters and he says it. But he has to realize that his words will be out of context in print, and his charm won’t be there to lighten them.
He will have to acquire a filter eventually, and that will be sad for me… I want to hear the real Adam’s opinions.
I don’t think casual fans take it as a personal insults, because they’re never the ones go to the barricade and try to grab him. And like u said, the diehard fans won’t mind anywayz. So basically just all lulz. Oh, h8terz gonna hate regardless. LOL
That’s Adam.. He is who he is. Anoop said Adam is unfiltered, he will say what in his mind.
Yes some of his fans are overzealous, sweaty, smelly and very touchy-feely.. but don’t forget.. he said he loves them all.
Uh oh. I smell 5 million incoming posts on this subject.
However, are the sweaty/smelly comments really beside the point? Isn’t his point not about the fans who wait at the barricades and ask him to sign things or take pictures, but about the “very, very overzealous fans” who invade his personal space? I mean, in regular life, isn’t it common courtesy not to get all up in people’s personal space if you’re sweaty or something like that–and really, isn’t it common courtesy and good manners not to invade people’s personal space at all? That’s what he’s saying, as I read it–that fans who approach him when he’s not separated from them by the barricades can sometimes be really inappropriate about personal space, and forget the bounds of common courtesy, and he doesn’t like that.
As you say, it’s not a big deal either way–but I definitely didn’t read it as a comment directed at fans in general, just at rude fans who invade personal space and forget the rules of polite behavior. That’s how I see it, but I get seeing it differently–and anyone unfiltered is bound to put his foot in his mouth occasionally, even if I don’t think that’s what he did here. :)
Incidentally, this isn’t the focus of this post on the interview, but I liked hearing that the ballad he has mentioned will have a vibe similar to Mad World. That could end up being really lovely and haunting, I hope.
It’s the Claymate affect. The more Clay is snarky and passive aggressively insulting, the more his fans love him and claim he was “being lighthearted” or “being such a brat, he loves to tease us!” These AIers need to realize that you either suck it up and deal with the overzealous fans or you make a clean break in an unambigious “go away” fashion. Adam will never get the result he wants (shape up and behave) if he tries to be nice and rude in the same breath, the OTT fans will cling to the fact that he smiled as proof he doesn’t really mean it.
And I’m so fed up and disgusted by OTT fans that I’d cheer any AIer for calling them out. Maybe not for calling them smelly, ’cause that’s not really the issue, but for being entitled? Weird? Obsessed? Bring it on, Giraud, Gokey, Allison, or anyone else.
I think it’s pretty obvious, if you actually listen to the interview. That he’s not generalizing that all of his fans are smelly and sweaty. Just like not all his fans are crazy.
Should he probably not have said it? Yeah, if only because in print it comes across waay more harsh than if you listen to the audio. And sometimes keeping your mouth closed is a good thing.
But LOL I’m not going to lie, one of the reasons I like Adam so much (aside from the fact I love his voice) is his complete and utter lack of filter. And this is hilarious, sometimes the truth hurts AND is funny.
Nah, I don’t think he is crossing the line. Besides, people will think it’s the “other” person who is smelly, never themselves.
I agree MJ.
All celebrities go through this, and most of they know that they need to be politically correct towards the ones that are buying their show tickets, buy their albums, and are willing to wait for hours just to be close to them for a second. You need to be a bit less delicate to be a star. Specially if your career is beginning.
Just because you’re a glittery alien, it doesn’t mean that your fans do not sweat either ;).
In my opinion as usual, Adam’s diehard fans will let this pass and all his haters will be ranting about how disrespectful his comment was to his fans. As if the haters really care about his fans. They just love to have something else to go after him about. I myself, am not offended by the comment. It wasn’t probably the smartest thing to say but it’s not like he went out and kicked a puppy or kitten or laughed at a homeless person.
LOL, Will! Oh, Adam. Never a dull moment.
*Note to stalker fans: D.E.O.D.O.R.A.N.T.
Yah. Me too.
I enjoy the honesty but I’m getting the feeling Adam wants it both ways. He wants the fame from the show but doesn’t really enjoy hanging with the fans that made it happen.
I’m sure his fanbase could care less though. And any objection to the comment means the person “isn’t a real fan.” That’s how it works in Idoland season after season.
A true fan doesn’t sweat, smell or give stupid gifts either. :)
Oh no did he say I stink? Now I’m shunning his album! See how he likes it! No one will buy his music now! He’s doomed to failure! When his debut flops he will remember this as the cause of it all…and despair!
“But LOL I’m not going to lie, one of the reasons I like Adam so much (aside from the fact I love his voice) is his complete and utter lack of filter. And this is hilarious, sometimes the truth hurts AND is funny.”
Yeah, this. So true. OK, this has been fun, but I MUST go to work now.
Oh, Cindy M., loved the sweet pics.
CindyM, It is a separate van that transported Kris & Adam from Atlantic City (where the other Idols were) so they (Kris & Adam) could perform at GMA in NYC. Then it had to bring them back to Atlantic City so they could perform that night.
This had me rolling on the floor for real. too funny.
Sorry but so much wrong with that.Lets just say if a fan gave something like (clay like skunk they put it all over the net)some fan is loving life.I guess the fan that gave the kangaroo is shit out of luck. :lol_tb: So all fans pay the price for a few sweaty-smelly fans even after they win tickets on the radio that says (WIN TICKETS TO MET YOUR IDOL).Adam been hanging around danny the last 2 weeks.No wait danny doesn’t treat his fans bad.I hope adam says he is sorry that didnt come out right or not how he meant it.
I understand its the truth but adam does have kids as fans.He should think of them to when he talks.
LOL — How dare you bring up such irrelevant and unimportant matters as his music??
Well, maybe. Or, he can make he politically incorrect deal part of his shtick.
Adam loves pressing buttons, that’s for sure. If he were reading this thread, he’d probably be laughing and telling himself “well done.” I doubt the filter’s coming anytime soon. I, for one, will be pulling up the lawnchair and getting the popcorn ready. :).
True. Just like Adam is really skipping signing autographs because of doctor’s orders.
“I smell a DIVA.”
Are you a diva? Who is a diva? Where is a diva? Catch a diva.
DIVA – Dangerous Is Victorious Adam?
Calm down, calm down…
I would sort of agree with this, and I think it’s because he was just speaking off the cuff. When he said that thing about “Entitlement is not sexy” and the rest of it I thought he was really clear about appropriate boundaries, probably because he thought out his tweets a bit before sending them. So, better to plan this sort of statement out for maximum effect–but Adam is unfiltered, which I like, but which doesn’t always lead to optimum results. :) But hopefully the point will still reach some people, or at least offend some crazies enough to leave.
And I agree that he was pretty clearly not talking about all the fans–just the OTT fans who invade personal space in a weird way. He seems to enjoy interactions with the normal fans who don’t scream or cling to him crazily.
I know–I wonder who wrote this? It might be Tedder, I suppose, which could be pretty, though I’m really hoping it was his song with Ferras–some of Ferras’ ballads have that kind of eerie/lovely quality that Mad World has.
LOL. I was just waiting silently to see when this would show up here. Will this be like 10 pages of drama now?
I’m sure he can’t stand most of them but you don’t go around announcing that to the press. You keep it to yourself.
sidewalkstory, I am jealous that you knew that information.
First a disclosure. My name is kanga22 and I have NO affiliation with inflatable or stuffed kangaroos! LOL
Guess I am just one of the sweaty and smelly masses.
I think my beloved Adam needs a briefing on how not to give an interview when he is too tired or irritated to think clearly.
But, his fans will forgive him.
It’s sad because i have to keep PC and not saying: this gay is real bitchy.
The fans can say all” oh he’s smiling when he insulted fans” ‘he doesn’t mean me, he means the person next to me.” But no, he means you, you who after a long concert came to the barricade waiting to meet Adam. You doesn’t smell that good after the concert and the long waiting and standing with the masses. Have you smelled yourself? He stopped meeting you because you are smelly and pushy.
We should tweet it and wake up tweetville. :clap_tb: :lol_tb: :drunk_tb:
:lol_tb: :rolleyes_tb:
Even I know when I am smelly ya think they would know standing in the heat for a couple hours waiting you might not want to hug anyone…lol
Exactly. Their money is as good as anybody else’s.
Yes – yes – yes!! Adam you’re the man – tell it like it is!!!
Most of the time when you really tell the truth with something that isn’t the norm, you will not get a positive response – it’s a chance he was willing to take! I loved it frankly, the sweat & the kangaroo bit the most! :)
I’m telling you if he keeps this up by the end of the tour and keeps showing the real Adam, I will have no choice but to put him right up there with Kris!!
Hey, at least he didn’t call them sweaty, smelly, OLD AND FAT. The man showed restraint give him props for that!
I am with you MJ where is the popcorn.. love it!!! :jittery_tb:
Not sure if this was posted, but since I just saw sidewalkstory mention the van taking them to Atlantic City: Here is the link to the Rolling Stone article & pictures of Adam and Kris at GMA, traveling, and at the venue in Atlantic City.
Heh. The insult plus “but I love my fans so much” was just like the southernism “Bless her/his heart.” Here in the south, there is this belief that you can say damn near anything negative about someone as long as you append “bless his/her heart” to it. “Bless his heart, but he is just as dumb as a post.”
Translated into the southern vernacular: “Bless their hearts, but my fans are just so smelly and sweaty and they buy such silly presents!”
Heh again.
Yep, Adam is unfiltered. Yes, some of his fans are over zealous. How do I feel about him calling some fans sweaty and smelly? After chuckling a bit, I think eh, big deal. I am also for decorum, yet I don’t even like to touch my man, or my son when they are sweaty, so imagine someone you don’t know…..not only are they sweaty, and smelly, they are also touching you inappropriately. That’s the thing….a hug is fine, but I am sure there are some grabbing his ass, trying to size up little Adam with their slimey, clammy digits…..okay, I just grossed myself out…..
Maybe he should not have said anything, but just thinking about it, not everyone has the same capacity for this kind of closeness with the fans when the fans don’t have any filter either. As for the kangaroo, if someone can tell me why they would gift a grown man a blow up kangaroo, I would be greatly appreciative.
I am hoping it’s a song by Alisan. I love her end song and I think she could write a killer ballad.
What I find sad is that “over invested fans” or “fanatic haters” really think that what they have to say really affects how a celebrity or performer or Actor is judged in the real world. Nope…doesn’t happen. And in truth what these “famous” people do in the real world may cause a bit of consternation at the time, but is soon forgotten, forgiven or ignored down the road….heck John Lennon, Elvis, and Michael Jackson are all prime examples of this.
Really…the only truth is whether the purchaser feels that they got their monies’ worth and whether they will come back for seconds.
And since I get a lot of enjoyment from Adam’s pre AI and AI material that I have downloaded and play I don’t really care whether he thinks I’m smelly (besides my daughter reminds me to get out the deoderant every time she stops by on a hot Arizona day).
actually if another idol said this it won’t be a headline here. i remember kris said in an interview he has weird over invested fans or something to that effect and then he made a joke that those fans buy records too. and adam will get raked over the coals here. just keep reading the comments.
You say that as if “hanging with the fans” is a normal every day occurance for celebrities. Let me assure you, it is NOT.
All this going out to the barricades before and after the show is HIGHLY unusual for a recording artist and is pretty much unique to the American Idol fandom. It’s NOT normal and shouldn’t be expected.
As far as B.O.-gate. It’s just something for the haters to sink their teeth into along with their futile hopes that this will bring Adam down (P.S. It won’t). And a way for MJ to get more hits to her blog by stirring up a little sh!t.
The whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.
Wow. This is the second article I’ve read about this comment today. I heard the interview awhile back, giggled at the comment (b/c it wasn’t said offensively) and thought nothing of it. Is this a post because it’s a slow news day? Or because people like to pick apart e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. l.i.t.t.l.e. thing Adam says? I dunno know. Weird post. At least you linked to the audio. Jeez.
How about a post on the new Rolling Stones pictures of Adam and Kris? Cuteness…
LOL Totally disagree. As a fan, this did not in any way feel like an insult, personal or otherwise.
The first time I heard the interview, I LMAO at this. It’s so obviously true and it was refreshing to hear Adam laugh and lament about it. As a fan, one of the things I love about him are the quotes like this one. He’s always saying or doing something a bit non-PC and that’s what makes him fun to listen to…you aren’t going to get the standard boring fare in an interview.
Unlike a few others who implied his first part of the statement about loving his fans was only said for political reasons, I say Nah! If Adam was going to be political he wouldn’t have said the rest of it. Adam loves his fans and the love they give him….Just like I love my nephews. But when my nephews come in from playing ball, smelling to high heaven and give me a hug, I laugh, shove them away and tell them they stink. There’s still affection there.
An insult is all in your POV, and since Adam manages to make his fans feel loved, no insult is taken.
LOL, I guess he was truly inspired by Gene Simmons!
Normally I would agree, but since all kinds of Adam minutae has gotten picked up by the mainstream press, you never know. This one could get around past the hardcores.
Either way I will be entertained.
Wow, I love the picture of Adam on stage. very cool.
The kangaroo probably came from a fan who lives in Australia. A faux pas by Adam if that’s the case.
So Adam said his fans stink big deal. A more extreme example of being fed up with psycho fans is David Cook having to videotape cyber sex with the wackos on Youtube just to get them to back off. Adam might just have to do that some day.
I remember an early interview Lambert gave where he was discussing his fans and said he loved them so much, he just wanted to be able to sit down and ‘have a meal’ with each and every one of them….
I find this guy to be such a phony, and such a pathetic cartoon of a musician, singer, and talent….. I’m glad the reality starts to rear its’ ugly face…. or should I say ugly, pock-marked, bloated face…..
Now I can sit down, turn on the air, and put on a copy of “A Face In The Crowd” on the DVD. If you’re not familiar with that film, go rent it and you’ll quickly understand.
Smelly fans…whatever. I hope we get a thread for those Rolling Stone pictures! Adam and Kris fans-RUN, don’t walk to go check them out Amazing!
“This is the way I like it, with a nice pane of glass between me and you stinky fans!”
The music info has been covered already in other interviews–fusion/dance/rock, make people feel good and sexy, etc. It’s not new news.
There will be music posts coming up. This thing was just too good to pass up. lol.
I think he is giving a pretty accurate depiction of HIS experience. True…he is partially to blame for the smelliness that occurs when concert goers have a rockin’ time. But, there are good deodorants, sprays and wipes that can and should be used for maintenance purposes!!! I think we’d all appreciate universal adherence to hygiene! I know I would!
Uh…in all seriousness, I think he’s not being careless about his words. He’s not joking either. If you haven’t figured it out, he’s trying pretty hard to alienate that group of AI hardcore fans who stand out there for hours just to meet him so they can give him scrapbooks, show him their elaborate handmade signs and get him to sign their sweaty bras and demand hugs.
Quite a few reviews I read about Cook touring nowadays still mention how most of the concert-goers are obsessive middle-aged women, and that sort of thing is a detriment to these people’s careers. I barely follow Cook post-Idol but I know the reputation of his fans. So ladies, stop behaving so inappropriately and embarrassingly so Adam won’t have to say unpleasant truths about you. Or just go away, which is what I’m sure he’s hoping.
To those saying it’s a great mistake for him to trash talk the same people who will support him: the very zealous Soul Patrol and legion of Claymates certainly brought greatness and success to Taylor and Clay AMIRITE?
I was just at the Philly concert and we went early to be at the barricades before the show. Five came out including Kris and they were great. We laughed about the heat and we were all sweaty even them but that is part of it. Michael bought us all water. We are willing to do this to show our appreciation and vice versa. No one was grabby or overzealous, it was civilized. After the show all but Adam came out and it was once again civilized. We chanted for Adam but nope. We asked Matt if he was coming and he said “Adam never comes out, he sends us instead.” How are we to interpret that? Everyone standing near me knew about the throat issue and doctor order thing but his hand is not broken. We all left disappointed, pissed and confused. He was the only one. I got 9 autographs but I wanted his the most. We fans put him where he is and we can take him out of that place too. He did a great show but c’mon. When I read those comments he makes, I get angry again. All the idols have crazies but that doesn’t stop them from signing and meeting,why does Adam feel he is above that now?
I’m a die-hard but didn’t do the barricades:D I was at the d.c. show anyway and no one came out. I never suggested going to the barricades but I told my parents about people going to the barricades to meet the idols when people were leaving during the end of the show. At first they shared this look like ohhh shit and then they tried changing the subject like that’s stupid and they were probably just trying to beat traffic. LOL. I never wanted to go to the barricades but I think they thought I did and their reaction was funny. and I don’t blame him for calling fans smelly . I know everyone here hares idletard but from of the pictures there u can just tell they would be smelly. If Adam’s a diva I think he deserves to be so I don’t care:D can someone summarize the other stuff in the interview like the music and other unimportant crap like that.
lol, thought I will try the “refreshing honest” and ” brutally blunt” and “adorably unfiltered” thing too.
LMAO ding ding ding we have a winner :drunk_tb:
I’m hoping you both get your wish. I’m pretty sure the collaboration was with both Ferras and Alisan. With luck that will be the ballad. I haven’t listened to Alisan’s stuff yet, but Ferras’s Rush is so gorgeous I can’t stop playing it.
Well if you’ve seen how the Kangaroo looks like, you can understand his frustration/bemusement LOL:
“The kangaroo probably came from a fan who lives in Australia. A faux pas by Adam if that’s the case.”
But there are some smaller than 4 feet tall kangaroos in Australia, aren’t there?
Mj, may I ask how you see Adam Lambert, just out of curiosity, it seems that something in him really irritates you if I’m not wrong. That’s all right but I’m curious what it is.
Nothing irritates me so far, although I see some of his shortcomings. But he is not violate or has any bad intentions on purpose. His shortcomings are pretty integrate with this character I think, his heart is in right place though, even in his bad moments. He is a good person.
About sobering some of the people with his words. He stands against much bigger force than his own independence of mind and bravery. Public, media, people’s opinion.
Look what happened with Michael Jackson, and he was a fighter. But all his life he was trying to hide his acne, his vertigo, his attempts to look youthful and handsome ( plastic surgeries) just to look a part, look like a performer should in his and public’s opinion: spotless, youthful, handsome, perfect. Isn’t it better to make it clear from the very beginning (at least to try to make it clear) where other people’s right ends and the performer’s begins instead of catering to other people will all their life.
I always disliked this opinion that celebrities have less right to privacy, that their life is supposed to be open for everyone to look into it. Is it really so? from human point of view? Do they give up the right for their own privacy and right to live when they become famous? I don’t think so. That’s potential for tragedy as we all know from facts.
ROFL!! Maybe from now on his stinky fans will remember to put their deodorant in their purse so they can put some extra on before the crowd pushing at the barricade.
It doesn’t bother me at all that he said this, I think its funny. I mean he’s just telling the truth… I’m sure a lot of them DO stink, haha, being out in the heat waiting on him to come out and all those bodies up against eachother at the barricades. ewwww. I don’t blame him, haha
Maybe he is getting back at his fans for making fun of him posing as the micheline guy? We did have several days of hilarious fun at his expense…
For the lulz. I mean… that sounds TOTALLY like something I would give someone. He could just deflate it and save it to use as a conversation piece later.
No you can’t. And the show was what you paid for.
Well really it is not a matter of bad hygiene – in the humidity you can shower and be a sweet as a rose when you left home but 10 minutes out in the heat esp with a lot of similarly hot and sweaty people, let alone dancing all concert long, the rose is off the bloom – and oftentimes performers are lot more sweaty than the fans and true fans don’t care, they understand, just saying.
Of course I would not stand out in the sun for anything or anyone, you’ll find me sipping on some cool libations in a cool spot before or after a concert. Neither would I buy gifts, I paid for my ticket and will pay for any future albums so that’s my gift to any artist.
Adam does come off however sounding a bit diva-ish. Did Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood have such problems with overzealous fans or not? If he hits it as big as some of his fans expect, however will the poor boy deal with all those crazy fans?
He’d be better off saying his skin can’t handle the UV rays.
If he had insulted their hygiene, it would have been a headline. lol.
I know there is a lot more to your post but this just jump out as Scorned! Matt fodder. I hope he gets signed soon because he’s starting to get testy.
what the where now? (link? lol)
Blake has a similar lack of filter, but I don’t remember him ever calling we his fans smelly (out loud, anyway) :tongue1_tb:
THe truth is the truth!! Smelly ppl stink. I would think alot of us think it but would not say it. I had an employee who had a smelly issue. Nobody would work with or around him. I finally had to address the situation. Not easy, but necessary. And that was just one person. Fans at the barricades sweaty and stinky after a concert, YUK!!
Think about the smell at a carnival/fair in the heat of the summer. Thats why I avoid them.
And, I am one of those ppl who has to really protect my personal space around me. It may come off as stand offish, I just dont want anyone up in my face, cuz now on top of everything else, I have to deal with others bad breath!!!!
And, I dont think fans will be lost over a comment like this. I say “Bravo”!! no big deal.
“You say that as if ‘hanging with the fans’ is a normal every day occurance for celebrities. Let me assure you, it is NOT.”
But Adam is not a regular celebrity. He is famous for American Idol where fans’ votes make your career. Traditionally, you’re supposed to be very thankful on the tour by going to the Meet and Greets. The barricade stuff is OTT for me.
I’m in total agreement with this. IMO, (a) If people are offended by that comment they need to give their heads a shake and grow some thicker skin; (b) I don’t care *how* he got to where he is right now, everyone has the right to request (hell, I’d go so far as to use the word ‘demand’) that their personal space be respected; and (c) perhaps it’s because this is the first time I’ve ever paid more than cursory attention to any celebrity, but I do NOT understand how/why anyone gets all overwrought, possessive, overly-analytical and just plain whacko over someone they have less than zero chance of ever actually knowing on a personal level (not that that sort of behaviour would be acceptable in any circumstance…).
Again, totally agree! It IS creepy – and LOL @ the Dante reference! I’ve never done the barricade thing and I’m about 500% sure I never ever will. If I did I’d probably end up being charged with assault for slugging some shrieking idiot who repeatedly insisted on invading MY personal space, never mind the celebrity’s in question, LOL. Besides which, the whole thing just seems like an exercise in futility to me – you have no guarantee that you’ll meet celebrity-X, and even if celebrity-X just so happens to appear and is standing directly in front of you, there is absolutely no chance of having any sort of meaningful conversation with him/her. And in the meantime, you’re in the middle of a screaming pack of rabid Nutballs who push and shove and shriek right in your ears. What in the name of ALL of Dante’s levels of hell is the freakin’ point, I ask you?!
…I guess I’m damn lucky that *I’m* not a celebrity, ‘cuz I’d likely end up being a wacky recluse, lmao – “Don’t look at me, don’t touch me, don’t even breathe in my general direction!”
I think the majority of Adam’s fans are cool (I think I am). Look at the ones here. I’m also sure Adam thinks the majority of his fans are cool too. He actually has gotten some nice gifts, especially from his fan groups, and they’ve also donated a lot of money to his charity. If he was so brutally honest, why would he say he loves his fans and wouldn’t be where he is w/o them?
Come on! The “little sweaty, little smelly” comment is hilarious! It’s diva ish sure, but cute.
Adam doesn’t do sweat. His statement reminds me of my princessy 12 year old daughter who doesn’t do sweat either.
Remember that behind the scenes video (I think it was during the season) where Adam is wiping his brow with a handkerchief to remove any excess perspiration?
Maybe fans should bring their own handkerchiefs to keep their brows dry. Ha!!
This exactly. He also ranted about a crazy italian lady and New Jersey = Mafia for him. I saw a few comments that were offended by it on another blog, but not another word.
I’s so amused that MJ needed to think about whether or not to put a thread of Kris’ CUTE interview with Slezak where he spill a couple of songwriters (music relevant, people), but not even hesitated to put this tabloid piece of Adam because of one word. lolz
ETA, And bamm, we got almost 150 comments in 1 hour while Kris’ interview thread only had like 30 in 4 hours. No wonder media love to throw Adam’s name whenever possible.
LOL All these comments are kind of priceless. Haters gonna hate. Batshit crazies gonna love.
If it makes anyone feel any better, I just read on another message board that Adam apparently deflated the Kangaroo and sent it back to LA. He didn’t throw is away or use it as a punching bag. Which, lol that’s what I would have done.
If I can find the link to the interview where he said it, I’ll post it.
We’re not kingmakers, we’re just people who pay to see these guys perform. We give them money and support, they give us a performance. I get having different opinions on what Adam said, but I will never understand why people get upset if he doesn’t come out. Maybe I’m wrong, but regular singers and musicians don’t seem expected to sign autographs after every show, and when I see Broadway shows the actors (particularly if they’re really famous and more likely to be mobbed) often don’t come out after the show and that’s the issue, IMO, with a show like AI–it seems like because people voted to get these guys where they are, they feel like they’re owed more after the show ends.
Yes, the song Adam wrote was with Ferras and Alisan–I forgot to mention her. And IA, Rush if lovely and haunting–precisely the kind of vibe I’d like for Adam’s ballad. So, hopefully that’s the song, and hopefully it’s good. :)
If you go to another show let me know.Talking to right graud peeps about making” Extra Strength barricade graud” So adam won’t :cry_tb: when he goes out there. :lol_tb:
I’m saying this as an Adam fan, but he does come off a little bit as wanting to have it both ways, but who wouldn’t? There is always going to be a certain section of fans that are going to be gross and inappropriate. Should you let it go because you want their money, or tell them how you feel and take the loss?
If three weeks of vocal rest/sick/cold/flu/laryngitis hasn’t been a big enough hint, this should do the job.
So, don’t stand in that blazing afternoon sun for 2 hours, hoping to get Adam’s autograph. He has never signed them in the afternoons anyway, and it will just make you smelly and sunburned.
And don’t bother standing in line at night either. Because after standing and dancing for his whole set, and screaming for 15 solid minutes, then pushing and shoving at the barricades, you definitely smell.
Don’t flame me guys but if Adam’s Idol fan base was mostly hot guys in their 20s, I think he’d make more time for the M&Gs, barricades, etc. I’m not sure how excited he is in meeting little kids, grandmas, soccer moms.;0
He’s divorcing himself from AI, which is good in the long run.
Anastasia, I don’t think any of the ppl here are questioning that he has a right to feel that way (I’m sure all the Idols secretly do sometimes) just that it might’ve been better not to say it. But I agree with your points ;)
jpfan I agree except that I think he likes the kids. He’d probably be out more if it were a crowd of little kids, too.
Ha, no flaming. I mean, I do think that a fair amount of this has been that he genuinely was sick and wanted to rest his voice, but obviously some of it is a distaste for the intensely crazy, screaming, clawing crowds–he seems to attract more of that frenzy, unfortunately, than any of the others. So, if the fans waiting were hot, fairly calm guys, he’s probably be out there a bit more, apart from the sickness. :)
Although actually, as someone else said, I think he likes meeting the younger fans who are just cute and excited. It’s the older teens/women who really shriek and grab who ruin the fun–like the ones that Daughtry mentioned as trying to claw him and rip off his wedding ring(!).
Heck if that was case I would go to the barricades just to stand next them.
That’s probably who he though his fans were gonna be.
Adam during the finale: “WOW! 100 million votes. Damn, that’s at least 100 Macy’s full of cute guys!”
I think Alisan submitted a few songs of her own for his album (I might be wrong) and someone mentioned she wrote on her blog that she had gotten a very positive phonecall from Adam the other week.
ROTFLOL. I think I might too
Seriously, what IS he going to do with a 4 foot inflatable kangaroo?
(This thread is so funny, it finally made me quit lurking and post!) ROFL
Hot guys in their 20s who are small and southern?
Hmm I think someone got it right when they said if it was a bunch of sweaty young men, might be a different reaction.
So all you peeps who apparently use space age deodorant or have no sweat glands whatsoever, I think though you die without them, so that you don’t drop one bead of sweat in 100 degree weather with 100 per cent humidity, do tell us your secret because I for one don’t know anyone that perfect, even Adam. I bet that leather jacket smells quite ripe by now unless they have more than one.
Uhhh, if I were him, I’d still feel weird. Remember, those fans are totally strangers. I’d never feel comfortable letting those sweaty, smelly hands touch me.
Anytime I see the fans made him I have to laugh.imho it’s stupid . the show and their performances did it. their actions. fans will buy music. I don’t think their voting has anything to do with celebrities. and if u feel that way just stop voting . I feel the same way about hearing American idol makes dreamscome true. I think Adam said it best it’s JUST A PLATFORM!!!
Well, he needs to buy a house with a pool, so he can keep the kangaroo there. He can use it as a come-on; wanna come home to my place and see my inflatable kangaroo?
They always are. The weird part is that I could have written them out before reading the thread.
Contingent 1: That’s so cute! Adam is funny. Hahaha
Contingent 2: Diva! I can’t stand him.
Contingent 3: I like Adam but I am insulted. Boo.
Contingent 4: MJ you are a hater!
Contingent 5: What about Kris?
Contingent 6: Adam is right! You people are freaks.
Contingent 7: Bemused detachment, at least until its your favorite (Yes, I am guilty. LOL.)
Still, its a fun way to spend an afternoon!
LOL! I knew this would make the front page.
Whut?!! I’m new to AI folks, can someone please fill me in.
DEfan , It was not inside knowledge. It was two other NYC Glamberts and myself on a 3-way conf call with the tour sched in front of us (yes, we are nuts). We were trying to figure out how Kris & Adam went back and forth. Too close to fly, to expensive for the whole tour bus. Plus, the costs of Kris & Adam coming to NYC on their own were not part of the tour and had to be accounted for on a separate basis anyway. (financial person here.) Then when I saw the pics this morn, I knew I was right about a van.
Oh my – that is special. How was he supposed to keep that on a BUS!
I don’t know why exactly but this B.O.-gate (thanks, Will!) just strikes me as hilarious. I usually hate controversy (yeah, I know, poor me as an Adam fan) and cringe at the many -gates, but this is just really funny to me. And let’s be honest, if you listen, Adam is saying it in a very playful way and he was asked specifically about crazy-fan encounters. So yeah, when it comes to crazy, over-zealous fans it’s not a stretch to think they may be a little hygiene- challenged, what with all the stalking and following and waiting and pouncing.
steve@2:21 me too!
Dang I’ve got laundry to do, but I keep coming back for more!!
Thanks MJ for posting & all of you for the laughs (2 many to quote)
Actually Kangaroo-gate has been brought up before in a previous interview. I think he mentioned something like he had it shipped back home LMAO.
Teehee, I happen to be in a few of these contingents (1, 6, and 6 (uh you have 2 sixes))
Well perhaps Adam is phobic like Howie Mandel.
Adam has spoken about kids many times, and he adores them. Have you noticed how he flirts with many women. He may not want to go to bed with them, but he loves them. I don’t think the demographic of who’re at the barricades has anything to do with why Adam doesn’t go out there.
LMAO!!! I’m almost as far away from The South (in terms of North America) as one can be (Canada, Pacific Northwest), but I *totally* get this (and love it)!! Similar to something I am very fond of saying in describing guys that are great as eyecandy but no way in hell would I ever consider dating them – “He’s totally gorgeous, but dumb as a sackful of hammers!”
Maybe there’s a potential endorsement deal in this for extra strength deodorant or other hygiene products. He could hold up some antiperspirant and say “Now this is what my fans need. They really stink!” Glamberts everywhere will make it the bestselling stuff on the market.
Anything about Adam gets everywhere. He should know that which is why this was such a dumb thing to say. They should duct tape his mouth when he’s not singing for the rest of the tour. Actually maybe they are since he’s been MIA at every fan and press encounter for awhile.
I’m sorry, but I have to ask. Do you really think chanting is civilized? And is it really fair to ask the other Idols where Adam is as if they are personal assistants? True, his hand isn’t broken, but if he came out to sign while on vocal rest, he would *still* be criticized for nodding his head and smiling rather than speaking. He’s not going to win in this situation, not matter what the reason.
Sorry. I guess I just don’t understand the whole barricades thing. I’ve been to Broadway shows and rock/pop concerts and Vegas productions and television tapings and cable show launch parties. But even when I met a performer or celebrity, never did I feel inclined to obtain their autograph. I certainly wouldn’t have felt entitled to it.
Ticket or invitation is for a show and I truly believe that’s all the performer owes.
That’s interesting–I had only heard about the song with Ferras and Alisan, and I remember Adam tweeted about that song. I do remember the speculation over the positive phone call–I hope it’s that their song is going to be used, though Alisan did say something at one point about potentially providing backing vocals on some songs, so it could just be that.
We shall see. :) I’m also so, so interested to hear what his song with Sam Sparro is going to sound like. I feel like that’s likely to be one of the funkier or vibier songs, and while I know that 19E can force good songwriters to produce sludge, I have hope for this collaboration.
160 comments and counting…Priceless!
How dare he? Poor plastic Kangaroo.
I’m with you. However, this is so entertaining!
As lulz go,, this is the best thread evah!!
I guess my first question is why is Adam doing interviews if he is on vocal rest? :confused_wp:
I love my conspiracy theories and while I totally believe that Adam has been having vocal issues, I still think something is happening behind the scenes or has happened behind the scenes to make him gun shy where fans are concerned. I think there’s lots we don’t know…..other than some fans need to use some body spray before meeting their Idols.
Sounds like a plan of action.. don’t bring the younger kids mom pay the college kids to come with you then you can get Adams scrawled AL on somethin. :lol_ee:
Maybe I’m just having a bad day but I find this comment really offensive.
It was a stupid comment for Adam to make, and he shouldn’t have made it.
However, why would anything he says or does put me off to buying his album if it’s good? I could care less if artists are assholes. (For the record: I’m not saying Adam is an asshole.)
I fixed it. Thanks!
Frankly, I was thinking the same thing about Kris’ plaid shirt. I hope he has a lot of those, because he’s ALWAYS wearing it!
Oh, now I remember! Alisan said she had submitted songs for Adams album in an interview concerning one of her other projects. It should be on her blog. I don’t know if she meant the ferras song but I got the impression she meant songs of her own making.
Errrr.. I don’t know whether to say fuck or LOL!
I’ll sleep on itm VFTW and Perez will be all over this soon.
For now,LOL!
When I heard the interview this morning, which I had no problem with, I knew it was only a matter of time before this sh—- happened. Personally, I’m glad Adam is sooo fired up about his album!!
I agree that overzealous fans are a problem. And I don’t really get the need to shower their faves with gifts, understanding that they are living in confined space on a tourbus – now you want to talk about stinky, how ever is Adam coping with that, I have heard bands talk about the stink factor from their bandmates esp males, bwah.
And if Adam wants to divorce himself from AI fans fine but wait until your first album is out, sugar plum. You will need everyone with $20 to spare OK.
Has there been anyone however in Idol history that has refused to meet their fans out at the buses ever, not even people just as immensely popular as oh David Cook, Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. It is part of the gig if you ask me. Adam has managed to get away with not doing and I wouldn’t blame other contestants for being snarky about it.
Love this guys honesty……good for you Adam…nothin wrong with telling it like it is…..and when he said smelly……could have been a perfume, cologne, statement, people blow things so out of proportion it is sad…Can’t wait for his CD to come out…..get back to the important stuff folks…
I just had to comment on this one. ppl dont realize Adams status as of AI tour is that of Elvis, MJ, the Beatles, etc. These ppl want to eat him alive. Im on twitter alot, thats another story.
Smelly yeah, after all day, Ive heard the stories, waiting for hours, blah blah and also we have the “older fans” which I am considered in that catagory, so no offence. These women wear the most gross smelling perfumes, and add sweating with that, puke!
Adam, poor thing, is one of those that fame will ruin his regular life, but as I call him SOS {Sex on Stage} is just one of those phenoms.
I hope ppl will quit trying to disect every single word that comes out of his mouth. He may be cool, calm, and collected. But, he sure isnt use to all this.
Lets Just enjoy! SOS!! FTW!! :tongue_wink_ee:
BEST THREAD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! even better than michelin man becuz I hated that.LMAO tinawina!
I listened to the interview and thought it was funny! He was clearly joking around, talking off the top of his head, unfiltered. I did not get an undercurrent of “I hate the middle age women fans”(altho, I suspect any rational guy — gay or straight — in his mid/late 20s would be a little freaked out by the OTT reaction of women who could be their mother or grandmother)…Adam appears to generally do the official, organized, indoor meet and greets….but he is avoiding the barricades — so what –seems like avoiding the 7th circle of hell to me….yes, the others come out, but from what I have read and seen the screaming/pushing/craziness reaches a whole different level when he came out. And I think he did try to put a stop to all the weird OTT gifts by asking people to instead donate to– an excellent charity. Lighten up everyone!
this probably isn’t going to to anywhere. It’s been around for a while.
And may I take the time for a friendly PSA because, Rolling Stone magazine scans are up on ONTD_AI. lulz
I am with Sunn WTF is this about:
BTW have you guys seen those awesome backstage RS pics? Awesome
Adam said some are smelly. So, most of “us” aren’t. That’s a real compliment.
I guess we will know if kris is sweaty or smelly adam won’t hang with him. :lol_tb:
Oh damn. LMAO!
Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:32 pm
I guess my first question is why is Adam doing interviews if he is on vocal rest?
That radio interview was done for the 1st day of the Long Island show August 11th, which was what, 7 shows ago. It doesn’t seem like he’s done any press since that show. I think that was before the next show that they announced the vocal rest or maybe that show.
Stinky, smelly barricade crowd=germs!!!!
Hmmm. This is a weird AI-land viewpoint. For example, I am a huge Ryan Adams fan. He is constantly dissing some band/town/whatever. He married freaking Mandy Moore. He frequently behaves like a diva/asshole. I still buy everything he puts out. It would never dawn on me to shake my little fist and spout the “we made you we can break you” line. I probably would draw the line if he set fire to a baby though.
ETA @tinawina … you are hilarious. So want to change my username to contingent6 now.
:blink_tb: :laugh_tb: :lol_tb:
I love this place!
Not just you. I’m tired of the “haha-he’s gay” comments myself.
At least it puts a “smelly” comment in perspective.
Let us do some survey here.
Any Adam fan here think he/she is one of the smelly ones?
I don’t think I’m so his comment is not directed to me and I’m not hurt. :lol_tb:
I’m sorry for those who feel hurt.
Kris spilled NO information, as was his plan. Those two songwriters are insignificant–a couple of nobodies from 19’s usual stable of boring songwriters. If there was some real info, I would have posted it faster, and there would have been more comments than just 30.
Love Adam; that “smelly” comment, not so much. (It would be a funny comment, if he were a 6-yr old, maybe…)
I didn’t listen to the interview and don’t plan to, but just from what I have read, Adam probably should have kept that to himself.
Let me say this about Adam and his “no filter” sorry, but what is so great about that???? Adam needs to learn to filter what he says like the rest of us.
I will buy his CD, see him in concert and support him in most things, but really, the man needs to learn a bit of tact. He’s a smart guy; I am sure he will learn what not to say as time goes buy.
I don’t need or want another politically correct performer — I like Adam unfiltered. I don’t recall The Beattles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Green Day, Kurt Colbain, Elton John or any great pop or rock star — across the musical spectrum — being politically correct either.
I agree, as far as I can tell there is only one new thing in this interview ‘“ he described some fans as ‘a little sweaty, A little smelly ‘“’. Adam has said EVERYTHING else in this interview before — including talking about dealing with obsessed fans and his lack of privacy. Adam has even mentioned the Kangaroo in at least 4 previous interviews. I believe the first was Adam Lambert Interview 7/18/09 San Diego. Source: The Chaparrel
Adam’s Aussie fan club has only gotten bigger sind July 18, so I think that at least they got the joke in Australia.
Sorry, but this is exactly the sort of attitude that will cause a celebrity to avoid coming into contact with his/her fans. ‘Entitlement’ indeed. If you were in his position what would you do? Rush out to the fans so they can sneer at you because you’re not speaking, on doctor’s orders? Oh please, COULD I?!?? YMMV.
LOL. I think David Cook stopped coming out last year, although not sure at what point during the tour that happened.
Plaid shirts can be washed every night or easy to buy several but Adam’s leather jacket is custom made and leather can only be cleaned by a specialist, unless they have some special lining or removable lining in there, just saying…….
Oh Adam. What a stupid thing to say. Doesn’t effect my loving him. But it was dumb to say. He needs his sleep so he can get his brain attached back to his mouth and get his feet out of it.
129Aquarias- see ya in Detroit. Sold out 20k seats!!
Perez opted for the crazy fans throwing dildos on stage story instead.
Yeah I suppose you could go there. Although he went out of his way to say that he loved them all. Not *quite* the same attitude and the *sniff* “how rude” contigents, is it?
But then again, everyone needs something to bitch about ;)
Heh. Just heh.
This is all part of the Adam Lambert image. Having no filter is all part of the ‘dandy’-esque picture MJ had yesterday. It’s the image he wants to project. He doesn’t want to be a class act. He doesn’t even have to treat his fans with respect – because they’ll support him regardless. He wants the bras and the dildos and the crap thrown at him. He’s trying to create buzz. He’s trying to be LordGaga with a little bit of Katy Perry. American Idol’s first edgy Idol. Since he’s already talked about his sexual orientation and about being bi-curious, whatever the hell that means, he’s now mocking the very image of American Idol fans for their Claymatey type behavior. His description of the overzealous fans are exactly what people who don’t follow Idol have mocked or stereotyped as the Idol fanbase — a bunch of Star Trekkie Fans who make Flat Adams and vote for 4 hours a night on a reality TV contestant. Maybe he’ll gain pop cred through this? It’s a tad risky, and maybe he should have waited until after his album dropped.
I lived in Australia for a while and definitely, Aussies are chill enough to get the joke LOL. This BO/Kangaroo gate isn’t going to piss them off ahahahahaha
David Cook stopped coming out after concerts last year mid tour I think, He would meet fans before shows if he had the time after that.
could you guys slow down a bit….I’ve got to go pee!
Did Adam get a purple whip throw up at him another night, now that took some creative thought, bet he kept that gift.
I highly doubt this “story” is going to get any coverage in the mainstram press. I was surprised (and pleased) that his tweet of the Cassidy video didn’t get any coverage — or provoke outrage from some more conservative quarters — so I don’t think the press is waiting to pounce on and dissect his every little move the way they were a while ago. Until his album drops, I think they’ve pretty much moved on.
I just don’t really think Adam cares about his fans. I think he will be on “vocal rest” the rest of the tour.
I think that is an old interview. I agree with you second para. I believe they aren’t allowing Adam to go out. 1) To avoid impending problems, 2) There was already problems with a stalker(s), either overzealous or hater, 3) Complaints from venue people in controlling Adam’s fans (also relating to 1).
This thread ranks as one of most entertaining ever.
Sorry don’t have a link for the vlog David Cook made about his sexually repressed nutso fans but it was EPIC!!! It was at the beginning of his tour I believe. Pelvic thrusts to the camera and a come hither look then the comment “was it good for you” or something like that. Just imagine what David and Adam have to put up with and they actually had the gonads to say something about it. I’m waiting for uber cool calm and collected Kris to snap lose it because of crazy fans. hehe
nevermind, move along.
Deleted to go with the lulz instead.
Oh yeah, that armed with a gun crazy stalker that is at every show, but it is fine to let the other 9 idols and 15,000 civilians go mingle with her.
I forgot that one. I need to add it to my list.
OMG ! The mystery appearence of Wolfgange the SKUNK has been solved! Obviously the smelly fAns has been a topic of jokes on the bus.
MJ, thank you thank you thank you.
I haven’t had such an entertaining read in… years?
Seriously… hilarious. Utterly hilarious.
I wonder where Adam is meeting the majority of these fans that he says are smelly at. He rarely ever comes out in the afternoon, I don’t think that he comes out at night very often, and he’s also starting to miss some of the After Parties. I guess he could have met them at the very few times he did do the barricades and/or during some of the times at the After Parties.
I don’t think that Adam is really into the Meet and Greets with the fans. I don’t think that he really wants to spend a lot of time interacting with his fans in that way. And I have thought this before I read that he said that some of his fans were smelly.
True. If he’s trying to run off fans he’s being incredibly short-sighted. Some of these fans will leave on their own once the new season starts up so you don’t have to encourage them. Besides, people who reek spend money too. Why sell less when you can sell more?
I think its kinda funny.. haha.. And ..I mean..with how long some fans have waited in the hot sun.. or.. how much they jumped up and down during his set..and are all sweaty after the show.. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them did smell..hahaha.. I don’t think he meant it as an offense..there are some crazies out there.. I can’t recall..if when I was waiting by the buses If I screamed in his face…or smelled.. I’m pretty sure I didn’t… I took extra time this day to make sure I was fresh and clean. And.. when I did see him up close.. I was dumb struck by how gorgeous he is.. so I couldn’t really.. say..or do much..but stand there and stare… so yeah… :mrgreen_wp:
I’m not so sure if this was so much planned, as the fact that he sounds completely tired when he did the interview and clearly was being in his natural state of un-PRness LOL.
Well Kris just called America a nation of people with ADD in Rolling Stone. Does that help contribute to this cause? LOL
God, that is one UGLY kangaroo; I would have the same reaction as Adam did; “Ummm, WTF am I supposed to do with this…” LOL! I suppose he can be thankful it was just a kangaroo and not a blow-up party sheep…….
:jittery_tb: :laugh_tb: This is seriously the funniest thread I have read in a long time! Good times, good times.
Crap it’s 3AM for me and this thread is keeping me up
I don’t even know where to begin with this LULZ
Uh, leave it to the New Zealanders for it.
I think in Singapore, we’ll have blow-up baby Orang Utans
mj, you are a smart journalist. You knew you would get a rise out of people at both ends of the spectrum. This is Adam. People either love him or hate him, and both love to talk about him.
Adam, tell that dogs are better than cats or vice versa, please. I think that only here this ancient problem might be solved once and for all.
If that were true, it would be HILARIOUS!
He needs to learn some tact
So unnecessary and avoidable IMO
Since Aug 11Th and it still found it’s way to the blog
Ivyrae..we have a group meeting outside the Palace lockerroom store on ground level at six o’clock. We are a group that don’t feel entitled to anything but a fabulous performance by our bb!!! See you there?
He insulted a whole nation?!! Say it ain’t so.
I refuse believe it until I see it posted in it’s own thread. LOL
It’ll never happen, won’t generate enough hits or
Duh, if you hate him, cut him out of all the news here. I’m sure that’ll do wonders to your business.
“I just don’t really think Adam cares about his fans. I think he will be on ‘vocal rest’ the rest of the tour.”
Don’t say that!
You will ruin Simon Fuller
When the rumour spreads.
Wolfgang appeared in Kris’ pocket, because Kris had told the whole Twitterverse that Noop smelled bad. He said that he “live”d him anyway. When they set Wolfgang free, Noop twittered that if you “live” someone, you have to set them free.
Now you know the whole smelly truth.
LOL!!! THAT is hilarious.
I wonder if Adam has been barraged with tweets on Twitter, yet.
That’s true, he does need a bit of a filter, for his own sake.
Not yet, so far it’s all about I love you Adam, and dildos on stage. LOL
Adam fans are clearly loving No filter and Edgy Adam. Why not go further out there then to try and pick up more fans? He doesn’t have to mock the franchise and the Idol platform – and won’t, because that would be stupid. However, mocking fanatical or OTT behavior? Happens all the time on Late Night shows and people love it. There are entertainers and performers that don’t care to be thought of as a ‘nice person’. It’s a job and a career. Idol gave Adam a great career opportunity. If he doesn’t want to go to the buses or meets fans, he really doesn’t have to. And since it’s clear that some of his fans have no social boundaries, well, then it’s his choice. But he didn’t have to make the comment, but did. If he ever does choose to do the bus lines, maybe fans can give a glittery mask to help his delicate sensibilities. Heh. But hey, at the end of the day, LadyGaga doesn’t seem to care about whether people like her and her music gets played and people buy it. It’ll all come down to his music – and hopefully no babies will be involved then either.
^^^^^^ THIS THIS THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Totally agree. Adam IS a class act. Like it or not. :o)
David Cook did not stop coming out to sign last year. He was out at many of the afternoon signings up until the very end.
He may have stopped going to the after-concert barricade signings at one point, though.
Maybe he’s not and why should he have to be? His job is to perform onstage not sign autographs and collect stupid gifts. The neediest of AIers, the ones who sign autographs and devote hours to their fans often have absolutely nothing to show for it by the end because the AI fans are fickle. Not every singer/actor does meet and greets. It doesn’t seem to be a character flaw, I’m sure he likes people just fine, but maybe Adam believes his job is done once he finishes his performance. Others believe the fan interaction is part of the job. To each his own.
Most celebrities appreciate their fans and say so. Why on earth do they also have to pose for pictures and hug fans in order to prove they mean it?
Mock away Adam… there is so much material to work with.
how do the words “a little sweaty… a little smelly” generate 220 comments? seriously.
Is Adam REALLY that big a star that every word he speaks will be analyzed and mulled over to this degree?
Reading the words it can come off kind of unfavorable but if you actually took the time to LISTEN to the interview you could hear the light hearted tone in his voice.
It seems to me, even as a Kris fan, that some people will use ANY excuse and opportunity to tear Adam down which confuses me to no end quite honestly.
Even you, MJ, seem to take great pleasure in casting Adam in the most unflattering light possible.
Out of an entire interview that also included him saying how much he loves and appreciates his fans and how he recognizes that he wouldn’t be where he is without them and you pick the six words which will ingnite the most negative comments against Adam.
I have to question if the same focus would’ve been placed if it had been Kris who said the fans were a little smelly? I’m guessing not cuz it would’ve been seen as adorable and just Kris being young and inexperienced.
As for the barricades and Adam not coming out, personally when I went to my show I was thankful that he didn’t come out. The crowds were out of control and I can’t even fathom how rough it would’ve gotten had he stepped out those doors.
People need to understand that we pay for the concert and nothing more. Adam didn’t win so IMO he’s not really obligated to partake in the barricades to the same degree as Kris. Kris is the Idol. Kris is who people should want to see the most. and even Kris doesn’t go out every night.
so the comment has expanded from a little sweaty/little smelly to reeking? wow… this is how things get blown out of proportion. and I guess his continued graciousness and thanks to the fans for their support are all nullified by simply stating the fact that people sometimes are a little smelly.
I’m not anymore offended by Adam saying the fans are a little smelly than I was when Kris said America has ADD.
Please, no. Think about it. What would we have to lulz about today if not this. I bet Adam is sitting back shaking his head at the insanity that one little comment in an interview has generated. Besides, I for one was really happy to see this bubble to the surface of the news media. It’s pushing aside the dildo thing which I think is much worse for his image.
Tinawina, you forgot one item on your list:
Dragging other Idols into the discussion in all of the predictable ways. LOL.
I am sorry but my observations of Adam at three different events, CBS Morning Show, and two different private concert events, was that he was gracious to everyone and was as charming to his old and young fans, and anyone else. He was actually really amazing at one AP with 2 young girls, maybe 6 and 8 — he moved down to their level so he was eye-to-eye with them and spoke in a calm, reassuring way because they were really intimidated by him and didn’t know what to say. He easily had twice as many people waiting to see him as anyone else but took time with everyone.
But frankly, here’s a few of the over 100 Adam signing autographs on YouTube, does this really look like someone who doesn’t like signing autographs?
Adam Signing in Glendale AZ
Adam Lambert Signing Autographs Staples Center
But here is a video of Atlanta signing and you can see that there was an issue with fans pushing against the barricades to try to get to Adam.
Adam Lambert signing
And by Newark, NJ he was wearing neon green earplugs for the signing.
Adam Lambert Signing august 8th 2009 Newark NJ
But in none of the videos was Adam every nasty or rude to a fan. There’s now hundreds of hours of Adam with fans — I haven’t watched all of it, but I looked at lot — and there is not one moment where he is rude to anyone on video.
Four foot kang? That pic looked like it was close to six foot.
Nah. Let him say whatever the fuck he wants. His candor is refreshing in a country so over wrought with anxiety over political correctness. So what if he thinks some of his OTT fans smell. If it isn’t you, laugh. If it is, maybe you should clean up a bit eh? lol
ETA: MJ, I meant to say David Cook stopped coming out to the barricades at some point. I don’t know about the M&Gs.
“As far as being a class act?? Besides thanking the fans, he never fails to thank the show, the band and almost every interviewer talks about how polite and accomodating he is to them. Other contestants have talked about how helpful and supportive a person he is. One of the other radio interviewers, I think also from Long Island, thanked Adam because they were only allotted a few minutes with each Idol and Adam went way over that time limit and he loved him for that. The charity he recommended DonorsChoose has already collected over $11,000 for projects for teachers/children in his name. So yeah, he makes mistakes and says things maybe he shouldn’t once in a while, but to say he’s not a class act?? Please.”
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!! When he was on Idol he thanked the band everytime. He would turn around and give them a salute and would thank them as well when Ryan spoke to him after the performance.
I too have a no filter mouth sometimes and gets me into trouble but I have had friends and co-workers come up to me and say ” I like you or I love you” because you are so honest and very real. No pretend with me. I am who I am and at 48 that aint gonna change.
Adam is going to go through “growing” pains with this whole celebrity thing.
250 comments in two hours… Again mj I have to commend you.
Aw, I came over here expecting to find that very headline! :wink_ee:
I think nothing of it, but then again I’m british, and this kind comment wouldn’t even register on the rude scale with me.
Judging from the comments though, some people do seem to be genuinely upset.
I’m in the group that feels he needs a bit of a filter. “Smelly”…bad choice of words bigtime. One time, not so bad maybe, but if he continues with what can be seen as insults, fans will back off. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall” comes to mind where Adam is concerned. Best be a little more cautious young man. :nono_tb:
Wait. What were we talking about again?
MJ thank you for your post @2:41 because when you pulled it from headlines & I saw it, my first thought was, Oh sh–! I have to get on there & post again so my BB Kris can have some hits!!
Best thread ever for a Friday afternoon, especially with no concert tonight!!
See scanned article here:
David Cook did not always come out. And David has said a thing or two about the fans and his bus.
When I was at the barricades in Newark someone came out and there was screaming. I asked my two twitter friends who I had just met and had been there the night before if that was Adam coming out. They said there would be no question if it was Adam. (It turned out to be Kris.)
That’s what I keep saying. Most of us smell like a rose. For those who don’t, get a clue. Maybe you’re not just offending Adam — could be others you are offending but don’t want to say it. And you know what? You don’t always realize how smelly you can get. I had a friend say that to me many years ago when I had been dancing for many hours, changed my clothes (no time for shower), and met her. She said I stunk.
Probably thanks to MJ’s blessing edit weapon?
Thank you MJ for this. Otherwise this will be another boring non-concert day. :thumbup_tb:
LOL! You need to edit that one in there.
Also, “Lets see how many people I can get mad”. :laugh_tb:
Clearly, some of the fans are overzealous, some will be smelly (especially in the heat), some are too touchy-feely and what the fuck are you supposed to do with an inflatable kangaroo?
And, if you listen to the interview, he just sounds tired; not angry or bitchy.
So, unless you paraphrase his words, there’s no problem … unless you want to find or create a problem.
Adam is not the most tactful person in the world. I can understand people being offended at being called stinky and smelly. One thing that is good about people that lack much tact is they tend to more honest and less phony. You see the real person. Some people don’t like touchy feely strangers and being groped. Kris mentioned some of his fans grabbed his butt and abs during pictures, which is so completely inappropiate and disgusting. Adam might not be coming out to the meet and greets for more reasons than vocal rest, if he has to deal with that as well. Everyone says dumb things from time to time, Adam is certainly no exception.
I, for one, think the whole thing is a conspiracy perpetrated by the h8ters. They show up at the barricades reeking, then get their stink all up in Adam’s nostrils. Next thing you know, he thinks it’s HIS fans who smell and publicly scorns them!!!! Well played, h8ters! Well played.
And Adam just in Rochester was out before the show signing autographs as well.
they didn’t do the after concert signings for AI season 1 as far as I recall but even if they did Adam isn’t refusing to meet the fans. he’s on doctor order rest following the performances for the next few stops, he twittered about it last week and even held a twitter party to make up for the disappointment.
I will say when I had my show and was standing at the barricades I literally was gagging at the smell of the lady standing directly beside me. She really did stink not only of B.O. but also of booze. People tend to sweat in the concerts and a lot of them are drinking on top of it and that comes out of their pores and is just disgusting. Can you imagine having to be touched and groped by strangers who smell like B.O. and cheap beer? I can’t.
I’m sure if allison or kris had fans like would grab the back of there necks or put there tongue down there throats they wouldn’t go out SHIT N/M
Sorry. My attempt at humor (lame ADD reference).
Wow. This thread is flying.
wipedaway: “he’s on doctor order rest following the performances for the next few stops, he twittered about it last week and even held a twitter party to make up for the disappointment.”
Thank you. One Adam related myth busted. Who would like to be the next myth-buster?
I believe that David Cook’s problems with fans really began when he started touring with his band post Idol because then he didn’t have the kind of security in place as was during that tour nor did he have other people to share the limelight with except Ryan Star and his fans are pretty sane.
So if Adam thinks it’s tough now, if he hits it big solo, oh my. Guess he’ll have to get himself the linebacker security team favoured by many artists now.
If the reason Adam does not come out is for security reasons, for the safety of not just Adam but all the other Idols and the fans, fine just say so. It just looks diva-ish when all the other Idols are out there with their smelly fans probably getting all smelly themselves in the heat and humidity. I have visions of Adam being the guy with the Lysol can on the bus because he must be in hell then living on that tourbus. He better sell 100 million copies of his first album and get himself a private jet so he doesn’t have to mingle with any riff raff.
Was anyone who *actually* listened to the audio interview seriously offended by this? Or is this post just for the haters to get their daily jollies? As a fan, I can’t imagine how the statement was remotely insulting to anyone. It’s summer, it’s hot, it’s a concert, people are obviously sweaty and probably smelly and I’m sure they know it. I was definitely gross and sweaty in San Diego–the arena was HOT! Whatever. He didn’t say it to be insulting and I think he’d be shocked that some people are reacting this way.
As for Adam not coming out to the barricades and people being upset, hey, he gave y’all fair warning. He’s also not doing press! Does he hate the press?! No, he’s on vocal rest. Remember all the speculation about Adam hating Twitter? Hey look, he seems to like Twitter. Golly gee…what was it they say about people who assume things again?
I truly don’t think that fans who want to meet an entertainer and actually take his comments about the public personally and such can do much at all about that person’s career.
When you look at the numbers, it seems that people who just buy music and tickets (or don’t) are far far more numerous than the folks who are very very devoted diehards, making the just-listening fans the ones you have to please. Without them, you really are nothing. But that large group buys based on music and entertainment value and not personal connection, I think.
Losing the barricade-diehards can mean the difference between a full house and an 80 or 90 percent house, perhaps. But that’s not enough to kill your career, I’m pretty sure.
Honestly, Adam could personally call me smelly and if I liked his music, I would still buy it and still go seem him in concert. And if I didn’t like his music and shows, I wouldn’t pay for them, no matter how many of my shirts or bras he signed or what nice things he said about me.
Before this game of telephone gets out of hand, let’s please remember he did NOT say “stinky”!! Thank you.
Vada, Vada, Vada. Anoop and Kris have filters. The honest truth is that the guys on the bus came up with a story. The Fans attack Adam like a GANG of WOLVES and they are SMELLY like a SKUNK. Hence, WolfGang the smelly Skunk.
So you know after the signings tonight Adam will ask how it went and all they guys will say, “Man, there were a bunch of Wolfgangs looking for you tonight.”
“Before this game of telephone gets out of hand, let’s please remember he did NOT say ‘stinky’ !! Thank you.”
Thank you! 2nd myth busted.
Adam is going to go through ‘growing’ pains with this whole celebrity thing
Yeah, you’re right.He’ll learn I guess. I wish he didn’t say it but he said,so fuck it.Next!
I’m lolling @ this thread so bad
Hey, I’m no h8ter! Adam was my fav on the show and still is. I simply weighed in on what I saw as a poor choice of words. “Smelly” is …..well, not nice, lol.
I remember reading this and laughing my headoff… should have been a post for that one too. :-)
But I mean really what would you rather have BO or ADD… :lol_tb:
Adam is on vocal rest now???
I thought he would be the last person on the tour to likely to need vocal rest, being a veteran of musical theatre and used to working 6 nights a week and Saturday matinee.
So no one is immune then.
I’m going to enter “Wolfgang” in the Urban Dictionary as slang for “smelly people”.
LOL will and THANK YOU wiped away!!!
OMG too funny!
Geesh! I didn’t see any hate here. The thread is FUNNY. You know….humor?
Where is this supposed h8?
I’m still not buying that whether he mingles or not makes a bit of difference for real world success post AI. The majority of potential buyers probably don’t even know there IS an AI tour, let alone give a shit whether Adam came out to sign/dissed his fans/kicked a dildo. And they’d probably find the whole stinkgate amusing/weird. He needs a good first single and radio play. Period.
Well I don’t think Mozart fans would be happy about that though indeed people of that era were smelly, that is why they invented perfume and cologne. They wore those wigs for a reason too.
I would be absolutely fine with it. Frankly I don’t care enough about Danny to give a toss what he says. The only time I would read a Danny post, is if it somehow involved Adam. :)
ME TOO! :laugh_tb: I guess you guys are bored :tongue1_tb:
All of the Idols deal with this at one point. It’s even harder for Adam (and Kris and Allison) because they don’t even get a chance to rest on their days off, they have to spend it in the studio recording. Between that, the killer tour schedule, the meet and greets (before and after), the press interviews – that’s a LOT of talking and singing.
I just think he’s taking precautions to preserve his voice so he can perform and record at his best.
No!!! The h8tr stuff is part of the amusement! Leave them alone woman! :doh_tb:
Carry on peeps.
I must thank you all… You have made my work day a little brighter wit your comments… So thank you MJ for posting this.. and.. now that I think more about it… maybe I DID smell when I saw him up close.. hmmm…. I did take a shower that day…but I did dance around like a maniac too… Now I’m self conscious….. :rasberry_ee:
Was anyone who *actually* listened to the audio interview seriously offended by this?
You think they even bothered to listen?Snort!
I made my initial comments before listening to it,,,after I did, I was like Adam noN then laughed and forgot about it. It will pass
Well, this is America, the land of the hygiene obsessed. ADD is actually very socially acceptable…there are drugs for that. And, really, if something has a cheap cure (deodorant) vs. a more expensive treatment (ritalin), it’s always going to look cooler to have the problem with the expensive treatment. :tongue1_tb:
MJ-Way to generate hits, Bravo!
Thing is I heard this radio interview yesterday and didn’t think anyhing of it since I was at the barricades in Tampa and I can attest to the fact that there was some serious B.O. going on and I was probably a contributor because it was fucking hot! Not to mention Adam’s performance had already raised most people’s temperature. LOL!
I didn’t think it was any big deal, but of course it’s Adam so make a headline thread out of it and generate a ton of posts. Unfuckingbelievable!
On the other hand, maybe he’ll have somewhat fewer problems because he will already have chased away some of the more zealous with his negative comments, lol.
Could be part of a plan, actually. Avoiding getting too darned friendly because that only invites more of people feeling entitled to hugs, handshakes, and visits.
That’s be my plan, if I were he. Seems to me plenty of big stars have been aloof as hell and, aside from the occasional unavoidable crazy stalker, may have had less to deal with on this score.
tinawina, your list was so funny and so true! Loved that.
Maybe we should all chip in and send Adam a case of Febreeze. ;)
I don’t find it contradictory that Adam both appreciates his fans but doesn’t want to do the barricades thing. After all, I really like him and the other kids, and I won’t go to a concert because I know that the screaming and so forth would make me feel very cranky. So it makes sense to me. I think that what he said is not a big deal (well of course except that everything he says is a big deal right now), but he probably should be careful not to establish a pattern of sounding condescending about his fans. I think it’s better PR to just stay on the bus and twitter about how much he’d like to see everyone if only he could.
LisaE has a point. Listening to the interview (which is a little hard since there’s so much background noise) Adam comes across far more light and joking as opposed to when you read it.
Much ado about nothing on a concert-less, photo-shoot-less, Wolfgang-less day, I say.
Oh Adam, I hope you become successful because if not, you will be begging for your sweaty smelly fans to come back. What an insensitive thing to say.
If he hits it big solo, he won’t have to watch his words so much because he will have leeway. A lot of big stars have reputations for being bitches, earned or not, and it’s not a big deal. It’s right now that’s toughest in terms of his being psychoanalyzed.
It seems like Adam gets no breaks on anything they say, but he also gets a lot of attention and people are interested in him. It will all just make him more famous. Other nameless finalists can says insensitive things, tweet about drugs, make rude comments about fans and unless it is directed at Adam nobody really seems to care.
With the good (lots of press and buzz) comes the bad (analysis of ever minor comment and action). And Adam is a PR person’s dream — someone who can stay in the press without even doing interviews — and then can usually do really well in an interview. (I think in this interview he sounded tired and like he was just going thru the motions. A bit like the Kris RS Interview about being tired and energy drinks.)
– Adam’s last press interview – August 11th
– Stories since then: Brian May blog about 2012, Robert Sebree photos, “Dildo” throw, and Adam getting hit in concert and asking fans not to throw thing AT him.
And now this silliness is starting the “Diva” stories again.
Adam Lambert: My fans stink (at least it’s not real press yet)
People either love Adam or hate him. So the ones that love him this will mean nothing. The ones that hate him will use it as if he committed treason. Look the Beatles said they were bigger the Jesus and got a huge backlash but ultimately it did nothing to destroy their careers. The fact that whatever he says is studied and dissected to infinity is a testament to how big he will probably be. Evey Iconic star that I can think of have all been controversial and had faux pas in the beginning of their careers and now we anoint them. (Madonna, Elvis, Jim Morrison, Freddy Mecury, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, etc. etc. etc.) Adam is in good company. In this interview he said many other things about his fans that were good. One word and that is all we can talk about. He must really be that important if this means that much to so many people.
Or “vocal rest” is highly convenient. I don’t recall, just saying, that the two Davids who had equally gruelling schedules last year were ever on vocal rest or if they were it was for very short periods of time. I remember the girls on vocal rest a lot.
Okay wait I have a vision of Archie being out with the fans and he had a sign that he was on Vocal Rest but he was still out there stumping with the fans. That Archie, what a trooper.
Adam and Kris seem to make WTF comment on this thread:
This attitude always gives me a moment of pause. You just said Adam gave a great show and yet you somehow expect more from him than that? and why are you angry? are you one of the sweaty smelly fans he might’ve been referring too? I usually find that when someone is “deeply” offended by comments that would otherwise be easily dismissed it’s because they see themselves in the comment and it makes them uncomfortable.
It’s just so outlandish that a comment so seemingly innocous could get blown out of proportion to this degree.
Here’s the thing, Adam fans didn’t finish their job if you really want to look at it strictly from an AI perspective. They failed him in the end, didn’t they? He would owe his fans a hell of a lot more IF he actually won but the fact remains that Kris won. Kris’ fans got HIM where he is and Kris got the recording contract which was tied to his winning the show. Kris is the Idol and Kris has the obligation to be representative of what that entails, not Adam.
Adam got seond place. He got the contract because of his talent not because of the title. No one was obligated to sign Adam. Rolling Stone wasn’t required to put Adam on the cover, nor was EW.
Adam didn’t say anything that is offensive or outrageous. He said his fans can be a little sweaty and a little smelly and very touchy feely all these things are facts. He also said he loves them all because he knows without their support he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing. But he’s not their property and every word out of his mouth shouldn’t have to be filted to keep from offending someone’s delicate sensibilities.
The fans don’t have the right to expect anything more than a great show, which as stated above, he’s giving them.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! :king_tb:
Given that the vocal problems for Adam and some others seemed to begin cropping up when they were in the Southeast, it wouldn’t surprise me that they are experiencing some allergy problems that they didn’t know they had. That could account for voices being worse off than usual, and lots of people who come to the East coast this time of year develop that sort of thing. It’s very pollen-heavy here these days.
Now you’re taking it too far!! If Danny had said it we’d be talking about how Danny only wanted people to smell Godly and Rightly and how he thought that sweat was the work of the devil and how dare he!! Ya gotta name a less polarizing idol, dude. Maybe if Anoop had said it. LOL
ETA: Oops, maybe you said it to be sarcastically wrong. Sorry, I’m on Nyquil and tylenol and cough drops and some other stuff. I hate summer colds.
I am so glad a fan said that, because I would have been called a h8r.
Saying when Adam will be out is a security breach in itself. Saying when he won’t be out is the same as saying when he will be out.
I just like to keep refreshing the page and watch the number of comments increase. Every time I refresh there are seven new ones!It’s like a runaway train.
(And that was comment #322.)
So true. And I think Adam knows it, but meanwhile his interviews can still provide us fodder for tabloid headlines and discussion!
Q3 – my thoughts exactly. Such drama over nothing!!!!!!! Some of the other idols have said a lot worse. Think Sarver, think Gokey, even Kris with the ADD. He was tired, this has been a grind. Very little sleep, lousy food, traveling, no personal time, just slaves to 19. Give the guy a break. How many people posting 300 maybe, very few fans, but the non fans posting at lightning speed. 300 out of how many million fans. No big deal… it will pass. But those of us who love him, will always love him, no matter what.
Dare I ask for a link? Not that I can’t predict every word of the article.
Yep. It’s all downhill from here. Fans pushing and shoving, paparazzi pushing and shoving – they probably stink too. Put on some nose plugs and deal with it.
Yeah. I think you’re right because I honestly don’t know why there are 7 pages on this. lol
Nope. LOL Adam thanks his fans in this interview and says he wouldn’t be where he is without them. This is one of those funny threads where you get to watch people make mountains out of mole hills. haha
Poor Michael. I swear he’s going to need therapy after this.
I so cannot even believe this (okay, I can). I get swamped with work for a few hours and this thread is seven pages long (!). Funny thing is, I read the story this morning from a tweet and was going to bring it to MJ’s but I thought, Meh, this is a dud. Guess not.
Can NO ONE take a joke anymore? And he didn’t call them all smelly. It only takes one smelly person to make an impact. THAT’S what you’ll remember. And if you’re offended, just tell yourself, “Wadn’t me, must have been some other funky stan …”
How many copies of Archie’s album do you own? In other words, so what? Honestly, who in the hell CARES if these guys go to the barricades? If Adam’s fans don’t care, why should his non-fans? What’s it to you? It has zero to do with anything as, unlike the other Idols, Adam is signed and has an album in the works. He doesn’t need to build a desperate fanbase who will give him Myspace plays and street team and send out hundreds of tweets a day trying to lure people to his site. He just needs to continue to impress on stage, to make some good music, and to get radio play. Two months of signing autographs isn’t going to make him or break him.
Squirrely, he at least picked up one die-hard fan in your sister, didn’t he? I hope she tweeted him like I suggested!
Put on some nose plugs and deal with it.
You don’t want to know where my mind went right now
Fame can be fleeting. Some people do not care if you are the devil incarnate and in fact some prefer it. Some artists are indeed aloof and distant – Madonna has been aloof since Day 1, even before she was a success. Elvis Presley on the other hand was always known to be polite and sweet to fans, even giving THEM crazy gifts. There are a lot of artists that people perceive as nice and aren’t – Jennifer Garner – I didn’t say that. All depends on your target audience I guess. Just not a good idea to alienate the fanbase that got you to where you are now TOO quickly. Other artists are not perceived kindly, like I didn’t realize how John Mayer is truly considered a douchebag, does it affect his music sales, who knows.
The reality is that many Idol fans are casual fans and as the new season begins, it will be Adam who, Kris who so in that sense no it does not matter.
So perhaps being aloof from the get go is the better way to roll.
But it’s a tough market out there unless your name is Black Eyed Peas so I would tread a bit carefully until you hit that first home run out of the park.
And hey even Oasis are cruel to their fans whilst they are ONSTAGE though I have to admit I secretly enjoyed the fact one of the Gallagher brothers got decked by a fan onstage last summer. They suddenly weren’t so tough anymore. I have to admit though the Gallagher’s attitude turned me off their music long ago. I do enjoy hearing Noel being interviewed because he slags Liam so well but still not enough to make me buy one of their records let alone see them in concert.
So, one’s favorite can do or say anything and get a pass. But let another commit a minor infraction, and they’ll have Hell to pay. Interesting.
Neither do I. LOL.
It’s been a hilarious 7 pages though, my face muscles actually hurt from laughing. Ouch.
Sorry, I’ve not read comments… As for the report:
LOLOLOLOLOLs Go Adam. Tell it like it is BB!
We’ve all been sweaty and stinky and even a little touchy-feely at some point in our lives. To deny it would be delusional. To be offended that anyone noticed, absurd. To be hurt when a stranger with whom you were all sweaty, stinky, and touch-feely calls it as he sees it? Well… :-)
We’ve all seen photos and heard stories of some nutty, needy AI fans. Some serious creepyness going on out there, what with the crazies getting all up in your shit and thinking you are their BFFs and more — to say nothing of the entitlement and ownership issues. I’d say Adam’s doing just fine, and all’s good if he shakes a few of “those fans,” kwim?
That is all.
ETA: Actually…. LOL I knew better than to start reading… My take on the post itself, ANY AI blogger would post this, given the chance. If ad revenue generates from hits, you bet your ass, you’re posting Adam Lambert every chance you get (and some you don’t). And an Adam controversy?! WhooooHOOOO! Even better….
Quoted for truth.
So? What was okay for Archie might not be okay for Adam. Everyone is different. And, maybe Adam doesn’t want/need to expose himself to extra germs from being around hundreds of people. We don’t know what’s going on with him, and I don’t think it’s fair to make assumptions.
they should just stick Him in a cage, wheel Him out, and have Him wave as He roll by, that way His fans can clamor, yell, and profess their undying love to Him.
sounds good to me.
Will, sadly I think she was just caught up in the moment. After reading his Twitter page she was the one to say to me first that he may need therapy after this tour is over. We’ll see if he gets signed whether or not she will even remember to pick up his album.
“There will be music posts coming up. This thing was just too good to pass up. lol”
To good to who MJ? Why would you want to post something that you know will make someone look bad to haters? Is this fun to you? Why do i keep getting the feeling that you don’t like Adam or that you are looking for things to publicize to take him off his high horse? Let’s have some snarky posts on some of the other idols-like Kris-to show equal representation.
I have two words for you:
Danny Gokey
And so, I guess when those bloggers and reviewers who don’t have filters (so refreshing!) take their personal pot-shots at Adam, y’all won’t mind at all ;).
*sigh* I think you are right on this, MJ. I don’t know what to make of his statement. It doesn’t bother me much cause I know I don’t smell :rolleyes_tb: but I don’t feel like defending him either. Sometimes I hope that his mother would smack him in the head and say: “When are you going to start listening to your mama and filter that freaking big mouth of yours?” Sorry mom and fans, it ain’t going to happen. So, take it or leave it.
If Adam coming out is a security problem for one city, he must be for all shows, so then you just tell all the fans, Adam will not be out ever before or after the show, so those fans who haven’t got the message, won’t bother showing up for these things and then the other Idols won’t have to answer that annoying question about where is Adam a million times a day.
Both Sarver and Gokey have been raked over the coals for the things they’ve said. Far worse than anything I’m reading in this thread today.
For the life of me I truly cannot understand what the big uproar is about. He was asked what the craziest thing that has happened to him while on tour has been. I am sure meeting very smelly people who what to touch you or hug you would be something that was memorable and not pleasant. And what do you do with a four foot stuffed kangaroo?
I do not think he was divaish in the least bit in the interview. He was asked and he answered honestly.
And take it from me, smells are something singers take very seriously. I’ve worked with singers who cannot be on the same stage as someone who wears hairspray or cologne/perfume or any kind of scented antiperspirant or make-up. I know several that put such clauses in their contracts. I also know of cases where directors or stage managers have had to talk with performers about BO after their cast members complained.
(On a side note) One true diva, Ms. Aretha Franklin, will not even let the air conditioner be run in the building she is to be performing in that day because she says it affects the air she breathes.
This is nothing – nothing! I am just glad our audiences don’t hear the way we talk about some of them after our meet and greets!
In relation to this, here’s a USA today article about this:
Laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face.
I have to say, there are an amazing number of people out there who do not bathe regularly and exude BO and seem to be completely unaware of it.
I really am not a crowd person and this is one of the reasons, I have a very sensitive nose. As do a few other people in my family.
Go ahead and hate me for this because I don’t care.
Many people do stink!!!!
I don’t blame Adam one little bit for not wanting to be felt up and grabbed at by a sweaty-smelly fan. Ick!!!!
I just hope that the woman who stuck her tongue in Kris’ mouth had at least had a mint recently. LOL
I am not really a Kris fan but maybe because Kris is perfect and never says anything controversial, okay I am being facetious about perfection but he just isn’t the type to be controversial.
And please, Adam knows better than anyone else that controversy sells so I am not so sure some of what he says is that “accidental”.
Or at least let him ride up in chariot, dressed in a toga, Ben Hur style…and come on I admit it Adam fans are as easy to rile up as a hornet’s nest esp in the heat of the afternoon……..
Uh-oh. This just got real. Heh.
Even if it does hit the national media, it will die down in a few days. It also wouldn’t contradict his overall image of outragousness (what will he do? what will he say?), so it won’t matter.
But man, there will be bitter comments sections and angry letters to the editors galore! Heh.
Exactly. And being mobbed nightly at the barricades to the point where a small child almost gets crushed in front of you isn’t going to make one iota of difference for Adam. (I’ve seen the YouTubes. That shit isn’t happening to Kris. Adam has had security guards threatening to take him back inside if the crowd didn’t calm down.) The only thing that will matter is how RCA promotes him. No promo, no airplay, no media push, no Adam – or Kris. So, Adam missing the barricades is meaningless in the grand scheme.
So much for my prediction (hope) that this wouldn’t get any mainstream coverage.
We’ve already had reviews like that and it doesn’t bother me. I hate the criticism of his weight (because he’s not fat) and his acne scars (because there’s nothing he can do about that right now) but when reviewers don’t like his performance, his voice, I’m a little “eh, to each his own” you know?.
MJ, I’ve come to appreciate you for this post, because Mansfield just posted a particularly nasty one. I love how Adam’s character is suddenly in question because of this quote. Again, SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?!?
Every idol appreciates their fans and is grateful to be where they are. I haven’t sensed anything different from any of them. Absolutely nothing they can possibly say about any one fan or gift will dissuade me of that fact…and I don’t even like them all!
THIS! This is why I wasn’t remotely offended by the interview. He answered in the context of the question. If he had said, “I get some excited fans but nothing weird or crazy,” people here would have called BS and Adam would have been called “disingenuous.” We KNOW for a fact that the blown-up kangaroo was NOT the craziest or weirdest gift Adam has received!!! It was simply the funniest answer he could have given. (No, seriously funny people because none of us can imagine what we’d do on a tour bus with a four foot blown up kangaroo, right?)
Let’s be perfectly honest, this was actually a very tame answer compared to what he could have said… “Yes, I have a Twitter fully dedicated to my bulge, that creeps me out.” “Yes I have people writing hundreds of fan fics about me doing it in every position with every Idol (well, mainly Kris)…and that creeps me out.” “Yes, I get people tweeting me homemade drawings of me having a threesome with my ex and current boyfriend and that creeps me out.” “Yes, I had a woman tattoo my face on her shoulder…and that creeps me out.”
And that’s barely touching the surface…so if Adam answers the question – what’s the craziest thing that’s happened on tour and he mentions a few overzealous sweaty hugs and a stuffed kangaroo…he’s censoring himself.
But did we enjoy a dedicated post about Danny announcing his farts?
I like Adam but when he says something stupid he’s fair game. As for Kris and the ADD comment, almost no one cares what Kris says so he can get away with it. Adam can’t and he should know that.
Honestly Danny has gotten a ton of criticism on the internet, for almost everything short of breathing. He gets it far, far worse than Adam does.
Oh Yay Brian Mansfield! I’ve got somebody to share the heat I’m taking from the angry glamberts!
That is horrible if overzealous Adam fans are pushing small children around at these barricades. If that is the case then aloof is probably the best way to roll. But then stay aloof – Madonna never really says much about her fans one way or the other. She says things to piss people off but that is because Madonna wrote the text book Media 101 and how controversy keeps your name out there.
Calculated pot shots are different from filterless rambling. What some reviewers have written is a lot worse than, say, “I love Adam and I love his music but he smells, man, he needs to wash that jacket.” Which would be the equivalent of what he’s saying here. Is that really so offensive?
That said, bitchy reviews are part of the game. This is my first experience in fandom but by now I think I’m over being frustrated at them.
mj, I can’t speak for everyone but Adam fans are not one entity, js.
ot from now on I will edit my comments BEFORE I post them. Damn my perfectionist self.
Just irresponsible.
I’ll go with comment #353
Nobody’s perfect!!
It’s a PR faux pas because it sounds like he’s criticizing some of his fans. I can understand that he doesn’t like that but he has to consider that sometimes it might be fans who has waited for hours at 90F to meet him. Even if he’s right, it’s just not nice to SAY IT in my opinion. He needs some PR classes. This said I don’t like him less, I said before nobody’s perfect. I guess he’ll learn from the backlash. If he doesn’t and just want to raise controversy.. his attitude is likely to become less real to me.
Adam has to know by now that anything he says will make news, good or bad. But, maybe thats just the way he likes it?
That’s so not true. I follow lots of singers/bands, very very few of them do after-show barricade signing. probably only those play the small clubs. Most of them don’t even have routine pre-show meet&greet. And normal fans totally accept that it’s pure luck if they meet the fans and sign after the show. Nobody get butthurt. Only in AI fandom, everything is weird.
Huh? I’m not getting the fart reference, but yes, there have been quite a few posts dedicated to some of the things Danny has said and done.
The Sarver/Gokey video where they made the “Godly” reference to man love got it’s very own post, and I dare say there were quite a few Adam fans RIPPING both of them to shreds for what they said in the video. I’ve also covered Danny’s church, some stuff his relatives said, and other things.
Frankly, he’s not THAT young. He’s one of the oldest ones on the tour, isn’t he? Not old man river of course, but not a kid either.
I’m going to have to take this observation back to a Cook fanboard and ask them about it because I definitely missed this one.
No, MJ’s original response was correct Cook went to the meet and greets, which were usually held indoors, AND he went to the barricades outside as well. He may have stopped coming out after the shows, but he almost always came out before the shows.
In Washington, he was outside signing — in the heat, in a charcoal suit, no less — for quite a long time. Longer than just about any of the other Idols and that was in deadly, hot August. I don’t know if we smelled, but if we did, it was certainly mutual!
And frankly since Cook insists on having general admission concerts in 90, plus, degree weather outside at fairs and festivals, I would give him the finger if he said anything like this. ;-)
Maybe I will have to go back and read it again, but Mansfield kind of lost me. First he was saying he respected it, then he was saying he didn’t. And then he made the leap that everyone else seems to be making, that he was talking about ALL fans and wasn’t kidding and should be perceived as ungrateful.
And I kept thinking, “Brian, what are you even saying here?”
Whatevs. I guess I just don’t have the energy for B.O.-gate today …
Maybe we should punish Adam with a public spanking, then everyone would be happy. I am sure his fans wouldnt mind one and the people that feel he gets away with anything will be happy too. Or we can pretend his is Gokey for a day and give him a piece of our mind.
Only Adam can create a 8 page thread on the use of the word Smelly. I can almost see his face as he said it, like “I know this will sound bad…but I can’t stop my mouth from saying it.” This is why the press loves him, he creates buzz without even trying.
I can not wait until he breaks out of the Idoldome. I have a feeling he’s going to be too much for the US and will be huge overseas where people aren’t overanalyzing someone on a TV show.
I am saving up my frequent flier miles for a crazy European tour.
I need more popcorn! :drunk_tb:
Oooh! Oooh! Ooooh! I have an idea! I have an idea! Adam needs to go out wearing earplugs so he can’t hear the screams, nose plugs so he can’t smell the stink, plus a sign around his neck that says “on vocal rest,” and the Michelin suit to prevent all the touchy feely.
I am actually an Adam fan, but I couldn’t resist. LOL!
But, do you really think this comment was intended to be hurtful or provocative? I seriously don’t think so. I can’t for the life of me believe that Adam intended to insult his fans. Of course, the fact that this quote is being considered provocative at all is baffling me to no end.
I found this post unnecessary (mainly because I don’t get the uproar), but Mansfield seriously took it to another level and impugned Adam’s character. I doubt he cares, but my opinion of his character just went straight downhill.
LOL, Mansfield, drama queen much? Now Adam’s character is in question. Talking about making mountain out of molehill.
I’m already addicted to this blog but this thread will be my undoing!!! :happy_tb:
And she gave a signed copy to Adam when he met her. :thumbup_tb:
I agree that some of his fans are way too obsessive and touchy feely. When I meet a singer or band member I simply say hey to them and tell them I enjoyed the show, sometimes ask for a photo with them, and then leave, period. Some Idol fans go way overboard. But it’s still kind of rude for Adam to call his fans sweaty and smelly. Obviously they are because they’ve been standing there for hours in the sun waiting to meet him. He should be thankful that he has fans. And it’s funny how Adam is from Los Angeles and has seen the celebrity lifestyle firsthand, yet he complains more then any of the other idols do LOL
Adam Lambert: My fans stink
Note: I am setting aside 1 person, anon tweet reports because I do not believe most of these are true — Matt not be willing to take a present from a fan to Adam or Danny not signing for a little girl, etc.
JMO Michael, tweets and talks a lot, but has been almost totally thoughtful about what he says (except for one big exception, see below.)
Danny gets his unfair share of criticism for some of what he says, talking about his wife’s death and his discussion of his upcoming record deal come to mind. But those are not flip, off-hand comments.
The only flip off-hand comments made by Danny and Michael that generated a lot of comments were 1. Danny and Michael: “loving in a Godly way” and that comment was directed at Adam. 2. Danny: Adam photo-gate comments which made #dannyisadouche trend #1 on Twitter.
Am I forgetting a lot of other offhand, insignificant comments made by Danny and/or Michael made that generated 300 comments that weren’t about Adam or gays (which in context of AI8 was about Adam). I really could be forgetting something because I don’t actually spend a lot of time focused on people’s interview mistakes.
Serious like? Are they emailing you en masse or something?
Sorry too late to edit but when I said, “Just irresponsible”, I wasn’t talking about Adam.
“And frankly since Cook insists on having general admission concerts in 90 degree weather outside at fairs and festivals, I would give him the finger if he said anything like this. ;-)”
Sassycatz : You just made me snort!
Um, for reals? Over this?
MJ, O realy? u mean glambert are texting you sth? cua I don’t realy see people taking shots at YOU here. what’s the deal?
Thank you, LisaE. I haven’t had a chance to read a fraction of this and I cannot even believe it is getting this kind of response. LIke Adam wouldn’t be the first to admit he gets a little funky standing in the hot sun for hours. He was asked what is the WEIRDEST thing. And he said so and even then prefaced it with niceties.
Like I said, I read the story this morning and I thought it was too lame to even bother cutting and pasting over to MJs. And at that point it didn’t occur to me that anyone would perceive it as a big deal. Yes, thousands of people standing in the hot sun during a humid summer = a little bit smelly.
What are we new on this planet?
Have I said how much I LOVE this thread?! LOL LOL LOL I’m an Adam fan and was not at all offended by his comment but, hey, some people were. And Adam said it, so if peeps are upset and calling him out on it, I think that’s fair. Maybe he’ll filter himself but I doubt it. I happen to love unfiltered Adam because he’s funny and snarky and it makes me want to hang out with him. (Of course, shower and deodorant first!) I think he would love this thread too.
I’ve read this whole thread, and to me it seemed like most of the comments were of the WTF/LOL variety. Not so much “angry glamberts”.
Still not sure what the “proper” reaction to this is supposed to be so as not to be accused of being a crazy Adam fan. If you’re NOT offended, you’re viewed as making excuses for Adam. If you ARE offended, you’re viewed as being over invested. Geesh.
Haha MJ, I have read all the posts here and I don’t see that many angry glamberts jumping on ya. Actually you have some of the “coolest” and most “smartass” glamberts on this board.
Anyway, I don’t think Adam is doing a good PR job and I don’t understand why his management is not doing something about it. Hopefully he will learn his lessons and be smarter about what he says in the future.
That USA Today article about the whole thing was pretty interesting. Especially, the last line:
Or, to put it another way: How would you feel right now if you had given Adam Lambert an inflatable kangaroo?
EXACTLY! It’s a damn gift, Adam. Just take it and shut up about it. It’s not like it had a bomb in it or something.
Eh, just another bottom feeder. Who cares? These guys have to get hits or otherwise they’d be forced to get real jobs. And I’d be forced to do some actual work instead of hanging out here.
Well, I predicted that this IMO trivial comment would become a “real news story”. Sorry it is. But there it is.
So it is now The Star has the story to follow-up today’s “Adam kicked a dildo” article.
All I can say is “whatever”! LOL!
My I quote from the PR handbook: “I don’t care what they say, as long as they spell my name right”
What’s the difference what the “Ungodly” remark was about? And I do believe the remarks they made in that video were off the cuff. You could see them regret it as soon as the words left their lips.
Adam does not take the most heat out of all the Top 10. No way. In fact, most of the posts in this thread are from Adam fans defending some perceived threat rather than the so-called haters piling on him.
The Gokey threads were nearly always filled with folks piling and snarking on him with maybe 2 or 3 brave fans defending him.
Gokey is also very unfiltered when he speaks, and those remarks were often the centerpiece of my posts about him.
I remember a few for Danny anyway. Danny being photographed with the Christian singer. Danny’s eyeglass charity brewhaha. Everytime Danny opens his mouth about a record deal. LOL. Danny does generate a lot of snippy comments.
Exactly. At this point (and this is not addressed at mj, more at the world) I’m sick of being baited, responding quite rationally, and then accused of being a crazy fanwarring glambert for responding.
Working as a reporter for one of the largest publications in America isn’t a real job???
Brian is a reporter AND a music critic. The Idol blog is a side thing.
And after one of my typical 12 hour days, I’ll remind myself that I don’t actually have a real job.
wow brain mansfield OTT much with that article. I think he just wanted some of the action, some hits too. must have come on mj’s to find out what’s up. he wrote that article like a little over an hr ago. Today is friday, that interview was released on sunday, brian were u waiting 4 others to find tabloid type news 4 u to run with.
Also i see no angry glamberts on here. everyone is voicing their opinions. there’s no drama.
yeah, even though im also like WTF at that gift?? you dont say that out loud. Totally insensitive to the person who was so over the moon to have gotten the opportunity to give it to him.
Wait, so, is it ok if I’m not offended by Adam’s comments but I’m offended at others being offended?
Ha ha…I was being “unfiltered” and “snarky”.
Exactly, except I won’t make the exclusion you do.
LOL, by Mansfield’s logic, MJ, your character is in question that you just don’t appreciate us who visit your blog. srsly.
INTERNET is damn SRS business. LMFAO
deleted cuz I changed my mind. Why I give reasons, I have no idea.
LOL so true. What’s even funnier/stranger is that he said this 10 days ago. I’ve decided that since he’s stopped giving interviews, the media is so hard up for Adam stories that they’re going back through the interviews he has done, trying to find a snippet or two that can get them some clicks. I wish I’d followed idol in past seasons so I could have a better handle on what is considered “normal” media/fan attention/reaction. Either way, I’m going to have to go to the grocery and buy some more popcorn.
I also don’t get why some journalists complain about getting comments from angry Adam fans.
Yes, in a perfect world you can snark on a star, get the hits and interest in response to that, and then the fans will ALL be worldly wise and restrained enough to not leave you angry comments. Is it that surprising not to live in a perfect world?
~Although of course being lumped in with all other fans as a crazy glambert also comes with the fun of supporting Adam and enjoying his music, so I will try to remember that I don’t live in a perfect world either.
Yep, eyes on the prize. :)
Well, Michael did publicly make the comments about Michael Vick. I flinched when I saw them because the whole issue is so controversial. His comment garnered about 10 posts. It’s not that people don’t care about the issue-they just don’t care about what Michael has to say about it.
Maybe we all need to go watch adam’s performance of Crazy.
OH and MJ, since you seem to be in this thread, you mispelled the winner’s name in your Rolling Stone article headline. There’ve been lots of posts to tell you.
Will do. Sex version.
I’ve taken some heat in this thread for daring to post something that would reflect badly on Adam. I’ve been accused of not liking him…of targeting him specifically while ignoring the faux pas of the rest of the Idols. Of leaving pertinent information out of the headlines. I’ve had sarcastic comments like “I knew YOU would post this,” directed at me.
Have I deleted any of your comments? No.
Oh, I did delete one comment that accused me and others who took issue with his remarks “fucked up”.
Like Adam, who only called some of his fans overzealous and smelly, I don’t mean ever single person who has posted in this thread. If it’s the glambert moniker that offends you, then I’m sorry, I won’t use it again.
Hmm. The only way I can come up with to compare to what Adam said is to preface it with the background info that I am a 30 year old guy. Now trust me when I tell you this…
If I ever become a celebrity and I make public meet and greet type appearances the following statement applies to my fans who are 50 year old morbidly obese men or women who’ve been standing in 90 degree heat for several hours, have become really sweaty and then want to give me an overly touchy feely type hug that may include any of the following: kissing me, trying to touch my face, my hair, my ass or my crotch. Doing that is going to freak me the frack out. It’s going to creep me the crap out. I’ll try not to embarrass you by calling you out on it when you’re standing right there and everyone will hear and know that I am talking about YOU. But I just might make a comment about it in general if somebody asks me what’s the craziest thing that I encounter with my fans. So spare us both and just don’t do it, k?
I am actually hoping that Adam gets to read this blog and the USA Today article. MJ, do you know if the idols read this blog?
Word to Brian Mansfield. He hit the nail on the head.
I hope Adam follows Madonna’s advice and doesn’t sweat the small stuff because you are always going to have journalists like MJ and Mansfield that not only post a headline but “add” their own comments like “that MIGHT be crossing the line” or “”that shows unappreciativeness for his fans” just to throw fuel on the fire and make Adam look bad. I am paralyzed from an auto accident but wanted to see Adam in Atlanta. I sat at the barricades for an hour and a half passing up pictures, etc. for everyone else as the other idols came by to sign autographs. By the time Adam came out, everyone was so nice that a man next to me told Adam that I had passed up pics all night for everyone while getting nothing signed for myself. He told the crowd around me that I should go first when Adam came because I had been unselfish. Adam listened intently, without rushing, to the man. He came over to me, grabbed my hand, rubbed it back and forth (i died), and told me how sweet he thought I was and how much he appreciated it. He signed my RS mag with my name. Does that sound like someone who doesn’t appreciate his fans or scorns those that are different? This is who Adam really is. People need to stop trying to make him seem like someone who doesn’t care. I will add, Atlanta was hectic at the barricades but he still stopped and acknowledged me.
I’ve been reading some of the comments over at USA today and I have come to the conclusion that the FUCKING BIGGEST EGO on the AI tour is the fan’s.
I do feel bad for this fan. I’d be completely mortified if I were him/her, and if they’re at all sensitive, they probably hate Adam for dissing their gift now.
Oh lord.
As a break from this thread, I went over to another board and clicked on a link to an article in the Sacramento Bee where a reporter is interviewing David Cook before his performance tonight at the California State Fair in Sacramento. (Another outdoor event, I gather.) Anyhoo! I’m reading along, innocently, when this just jumped out at me and I roared:
Full article here:
August 21, 2009
“Idol’s” David Cook headlines opening night of fair
Yes, David and Band, you’re sweaty and stinky, but as Adam would say, we still love you all. Just don’t try and give us a four foot, inflatable kangeroo with your next CD!
SofaKing: Tell the truth, brother! Perfect!
LMAO. What’s the old adage? I don’t care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right?
I’ve lulzed it up in here but I don’t think badly of Adam for this comment. I think Mansfield is going a little too far when he implies it reveals something about Adam’s entire character. Not buying that. This one comment doesn’t outweigh all the positive things Adam has said and that have been said about him. I think he just said something stupid and because he’s Adam it became a big deal.
BO-gate will probably take it’s place with Kick-gate, Dildo-gate, Bra-gate, Michelin Man-gate and every other ‘gate’ that Adam causes. It’s today’s crazy hoopla and the media will roll with it now that they seem to be about finished with Kick-gate. I eagerly look forward to the next installment of Adam-gate.
Please, Kris wasn’t overjoyed about receiving a small pink koala bear yesterday from someone who baked a companion for Wolfgang, according to the creature’s maker @redcoloredstars. He told her so, but still accepted it (and was later seen showing it off to folks). She was fine with that. There is no evidence Adam did anything than politely accept the kangaroo at the time. Surely fans know every gift isn’t going to be equally treasured. Adam said at the beginning of the tour that he gives the gifts he doesn’t want away. He would rather you give to something like donorschoose. If fans don’t do that they run their own risk.
Look at it this way, the fan is more likely to be remembered by Adam for giving him the kangaroo – something he/she probably really wanted in the first place.
I don’t know if I was one of the ones you were thinking of MJ, but this made me smile. Brave, I like that! It is really strange sometimes being a fan of both Adam and Danny. And I know this stuff is (or should be) all for fun. But seriously, anyone who wants to give themselves a true challenge in logical writing and self-control, go to a moderated board where your favorite is not well liked and give it a shot. I actually think it is an excellent developmental exercise, seriously.
And in defense of this thread, at least it is about something that Adam actually said. I think that is fair game. What drives me crazy is people who make assumptions and then treat that assumption as if it is a known fact. I would feel that way whether it was about one of my favorites or not. MJ didn’t do that, it’s just about something that happened that can be interpreted in different ways.
I didn’t mind you posting the interview and I don’t think the heat was about that.
Peace mj. As long as I’m not lumped with the overzealous/smelly/angry fans I’m cool.
@SofaKing Too funny. Ya know maybe when the interviewer asked the question, Adam had a specific encounter in mind. Anybody wanna raise their hand?
I am facepalming so hard over the complete overreaction over this one little comment from Adam. I’m not even going to check out the Mansfield article because I don’t want to give him hits. I agree with whoever said that the media must be really hard up for any tidbit from Adam if BO gate is making the mainstream news.
He deflated it and sent it back to LA.
That’s right! Kris made fun of a fan’s gift yesterday! Where was the thread on that? Oh yeah-it would get 5 posts because…NOBODY CARES!
I notice you didn’t refute the bottom feeder part. Good for you. Own it proudly.
I also have no issue with you posting this MJ. It’s a story circulating about Adam and it is certainly well within the expectations of your job. I just do not see what the issue is in the first place.
oh tiger92….so true!!!
And josieX, I’ve noticed your hard work. You, aek and JJsomething have been very busy and helped with giving a more balanced view of Danny.
ALSO. I wonder if Adam knows the fog machine he uses for his set is the worst thing for the throat? It’s not going to help his laryngitis.
What’s even funnier/stranger is that he said this 10 days ago
That’s the wierd part,LOL
Anyway I wish he hadn’t said it but its much ado about fuck all. He should take his medicine from the bloggers like the big lad he is and learn a few.Some things shouldn’t be saidN but I still love him!
Time for a movie and some alcohol, I’m done.
And yeah, I’m an Adam fan who isn’t rabid or OTT,and I don’t care to be lumped with the crazies for my mere existence as an Adam fan.
Later Mates!Have a good one.I’ll be having a few :laugh_tb:
Maybe cuz Kris did not go on radio and announce it?
This is true. Danny’s “punishment” seems to always far outweigh the “crime.”
As for Adam, I don’t really know exactly what to make of this. Of course the fans are smelly..they’ve been waiting for hours for the slight chance that they might possibly get a glimpse of you in the flesh, Adam.
I am, of course, still a fan of Adam. I love his talent. Still, I do think it was an insensitive comment, and not the brightest thing I’ve ever heard him say. But for what it’s worth, when I first read his comment, I laughed.
I find it difficult sometimes to keep my opinoins to myself, BUT what I find more difficult is comparing idols in what they say & do off the stage. They all have different personalities (simply put) and will not react to similar situations the same.
This is Adam, his comments are a big part of who he is, you either take it or leave it, like it or not, at 27 I doubt seriously if he is ever going to change. Filtered, or not.
Frankly, the more I hear, the more I likey! :smile1_tb:
Cool. I don’t know about the others, and I didn’t say anything, but the thought that you were calling me a crazy glambert simply for liking Adam was quite off putting. (And, yes, I know you weren’t responding to any post I made, but it still felt like you were referring to me if that makes any sense.)
As someone else once noted in another thread, Adam’s fan base is extremely fractured and most of them don’t like each other. But pretty much everyone else seems to think the Glamberts have a few too many nut jobs in the group. (Except the Glamberts themselves of course.)
It’s funny, you could have personally called me smelly or a bitch or well, just about anything else and I wouldn’t care. But at even the thought that you might think of me as a Crazy Glambert I started to feel maybe I wasn’t welcome here. I guess I’ve found my own OTT part of belonging to the Idol fandom. ;)
Why is everyone getting so riled up about this? Much ado about nothing! LMAO. Let’s look at what took place before Adam answered in his typical, unfiltered fashion.
The interviewer himself posed the question: “What’s the CRAZIEST thing that has happened to you?” And Adam answered honestly.
Ya know, I seriously doubt that Adam would have volunteered off the cuff that some of his fans are a little sweaty…a little smelly….very touchy-feely, etc. if the interviewer HAD NOT ASKED THE QUESTION.
For those conspiracy theorists amongst us, the interviewer could even have set Adam up with that potentially-loaded question, knowing that Adam has a reputation for speaking freely and honestly.
Geez, this nonsense has made USA Today? :rolleyes_wp: Whatever…..
Was this the most intelligent thing Adam has ever uttered? Nope but it’s not bothering me because it’s the truth. There is so much crap happening in the world and people are worried about these inane comments? Sad…..
Thanks for posting this thread. Reading the posts is going to be so much fun. Adam’s is my guy, but he will have to learn that words are powerful. He was being honest, but polite society is not always about being honest. Most will take this for what it was, an honest accounting of his experience with over zealous fans. Some will be offended. Whatever!!!
Lurker here……….waves
I have only made it to page 7 and am amazed at how this has snowballed to 9 pages.
I don’t agree. How does “what’s the craziest thing that has happened to you?” inevitably lead to sweaty and smelly? You know, Idols over the years have been asked this question and I don’t know whether they all answered it diplomatically, but it certainly doesn’t naturally lead to making such an impolitic comment.
Thank you saga, that is a great compliment and very nice of you to say. I do feel a sense of kinship with aek and Jx223, we just keep trying to do our bit! Sometimes I wish I could have a beer with them after a particularly tough day in the trenches. ;)
Why is it okay for Adam to speak his mind, but Brian Mansfield is an OTT “drama queen” when he does likewise? I may not agree with Brian (although I don’t think he’s far off here), but he’s certainly entitled to his opinion, as is Adam.
Rule No. 1: Don’t Diss Your Fans, even if they stink–not before they have an opportunity to buy your album! OTOH, Adam may relish having a wee bit of a diva reputation, a necessary part of the all-important “rock cred” resume. :rolleyes_wp:
Oh, and I just wanted to add that I am a big fan of both Adam and Danny. If anyone wonders why I’m not as “defensive” when it comes to Adam, my answer is simply that I don’t have to be.
If people reacted to Danny’s faux paus s in a more balanced way, who knows, I might actually throw in a criticism or two toward him myself.
I really don’t think either of these guys are beyond reproach. They are not perfect. Both of them have said things that irritated me, and I suspect they both will continue to do so from time to time.
I agree 110%.
I agree 1,001% This isn’t even the stupidest thing that Adam has ever said. Even in the “Idol world” this is trivia.
I never called anyone crazy. Also, I think of “glambert” as a fan name like “cookies”, “archies” and “claymate”. I didn’t realize the word was so charged.
Yes. Since we’re being blunt today, no one cares about what Kris says or does. The possible exception to this is if he says or does something related to Adam. By contrast people hang over Adam’s every move and it’s both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing when he does something cool and a curse when he steps in it like he did during that interview.
I was wondering what happened to the unfortunate Mr. Kangaroo. lol
OK, time for a Twitter Party, Adam!!
“I enjoy the honesty but I’m getting the feeling Adam wants it both ways. He wants the fame from the show but doesn’t really enjoy hanging with the fans that made it happen. I don’t think he’s thrilled with the less than cool folk that make up the traditional Idol fan base.”
“I’m sure he can’t stand most of them but you don’t go around announcing that to the press. You keep it to yourself.”
Well of course Adam wants fame & success. I think he really should censor himself a little bit more, though. Saying stuff like that is gonna sound harsh to some people. If he really wants to shed the hardcore AI fans….then don’t play their game Adam. Don’t come out after concerts, don’t wear the gifts they send you, etc.
For me, his comments are a non-issue. I consider myself a HUGE fan of his, but I’m also an adult (30 yrs. old), & yes, I am better than that—acting like a deranged fool. Personally, I would never, ever wait hours at the barricades or whatever in hopes of seeing Adam. What’s the point? The fans at the barricades get about zero face time with him. Everyone is screaming& acting crazy. Again, what’s the point? Do they really think Adam notices any of them, in a personal way? Hell no. Would you? No surprise that Adam is gonna be dismissive of these fans. Still, he shouldn’t stir up drama for no reason. Especially since next year, most of the crazies will move on to someone else. Hopefully!
I’ve always thought that the crazy AI fans would damage Adam’s credibility. Yes, a lot of these fans are very “uncool.” But for me, it’s less about looks than behaviour. Where is the personal dignity? Why would you want to scream in his face & try to grab him? Do they not realize that they are repulsive to the very object of the “affection”—because of their ridiculous behaviour? It just makes me cringe.
I really hope Adam can build a strong, non-crazy fanbase. That’s the biggest problem coming from AI—the credibility issue. Will the non-AI world take Adam seriously?? I remain very hopeful. Adam’s supreme talent & the VOICE of course is the biggest reason he will make it. His wonderous singing capability has won some serious fans that no one would dismiss. But Adam even has more going for him—his great looks, charisma, personality, & experience in the business. I think Adam will join Kelly Clarkson as the only real stars of American Idol. And I think Adam will eventually be AI’s only superstar–surpassing Kelly….because he is simply more talented & more relevant than Kelly. Adam is NEW, exiting, super-cool but down-to-earth…truly there is no one else like him in the entertainment business poised to be a big star. A young, male, gay SEXY-as-HELL superstar with a phenom singing voice, fantastic looks & personality?? YES! Bring it on!
And I promise Adam….when & if I meet you I won’t be smelly, or screaming at you, or grabbing you!
LOL And as a non-Danny fan, let me say you are appreciated. Knowing that most of my antipathy was likely media/internet induced, I’ve kept trying to like Danny, unsuccessfully until today. Amazingly, it was Danny himself that tipped the scales with his latest Slezak interview. He gave *snark*!!! Yay, Danny!! And I guess that also shows why in addition to liking Adam’s music I really like him. The man knows snark. I’ve really missed Adam’s bitchy side since he got all politically correct. I know many think he’s not PC now, but remember when he got really funny bitchy to Clay and Gene? Those were the days.
Oh, I did delete one comment that accused me and others who took issue with his remarks ‘fucked up’ .
I hope that’s not me you’re referring to. I used that phrase “fucked up” as answer to someone’s post about people who make assumptions.
It would ludicrous for me to use it in general reference to people who didn’t like Adam’s comments, since I sort of agree? I found it an unfortunate comment from him also….So let me assume here that you didn’t read my comment the wrong way and you are referring to someone else
Well Adam is a very honest, straightforward guy and he probably said some of his fans were smelly because, well, they are probably smelly. If he had it all to do again, he likely would have chosen his words differently.
The line about the kangaroo is hilarious.
I think the real problem is that Adam is just EXHAUSTED as you could see in the Rolling Stone picks – he looks wiped.
No show tonight, so I was wondering if I’d have to find something other than mj’s blog to keep me entertained. But, we have B.O.-gate, and once again, Adam keeps me entertained for the evening. It will take me a while to read through the 9 pages (so far) generated by Adam noting that he has some OTT fans who happen to be a bit smelly and sweaty. Maybe not the best comment from Adam, but OTOH, it sure has entertainment value, and that’s making me enjoy the comment.
From the few posts I’ve read so far:
“Diehard fans would let pretty much anything pass short of setting a baby on fire. But maybe that too. ;).”
It depends on how sweaty and smelly the baby is.
Clearly, this is going to be a fun thread. LOL. Yeah, Adam! Yeah, MJ (for posting this)!
I hear ya, Josie! Rough days in the trenches, indeed. I have woken up some mornings thinking I’m just going to pop into mj’s right quick. I open the page, see a Danny thread on the front page (something as innocuous as he might have a record deal). I immediatly get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach before I even click on the comments, and then I mutter, “Well, sh*t, there goes my whole day.” :confused_wp: :lol_wp:
Does he still have the purple whip?
If David puts an inflatable kangaroo on his next CD cover I will buy it for the lulz. I promise.
Oh it’s charged all right. But as charged as “claymate” seems to be in the AI fandom? Not yet…
Adam’s comment was meant to be piss off his OTT fans. He should wait till his CD comes out before he burns any bridges.
I love Adam. He cracks me up, sings up a storm, puts on an amazing show, and is so damn pretty to look at.
But when I go to see him in Cleveland on Sunday, you can bet your ass I won’t try to give him a present – I’ve already donated to as he specifically requested that we do in lieu of presents (God what fucking diva). I mean really, what is he supposed to do with all of this stuff on a bus? That’s just STUPID.
And if I were the type of person to do m&g’s or stand around sweating by the barricades, I certainly wouldn’t try to hug him or grab him or try to rub my sweaty, smelly, STRANGER’s body against him. That’s just CREEPY.
So I guess I’m saying I don’t care if he loses some stupid, creepy fans over this slip up. And I’m thinking he’s not terribly concerned about that either.
I’ll bet Kris isn’t crying himself to sleep over losing a record sale to the creepy Italian lady who put her tongue in his mouth which he has mentioned probably ten times already.
Mansfield never said he respected what Adam said. He just said he sort of likes Adam’s candor. He can’t respect Adam because he was being ungracious to his fans and disregards them. Mansfield also said he does not believe Adam when he says he loves his fans, and it is telling about his personality.
So, yeah, you can’t get much harsher than that. I guess that lady who called Adam a diva, was actually kinder than what Mansfield had to say about Adam. Whoda thunk.
Really very similar.
Adam mentioning some people are smelly=Barkley telling people to raise their own kids. They’re both uber-talented, highly controversial, and beloved by their fans. Their mouths are also completely devoid of filters. Nothing wrong with answering an interview question honestly, and it’s not a personal attack to say some anonymous people are smelly. If he went out and pointed to one fan and said take a shower, skank, then maybe he’d be an ignorant unappreciative tool, but there’s nothing wrong with answering a question about fan craziness by saying some people are smelly and touchy-feely.
Yikes, I guess this why fame is a double-edged sword. On this thread, tons of discussion about an off-the-cuff remark in an interview (and yes, I’m adding to it!). On the other thread, comments about Adam’s bad skin and flabby body. And even a photo of him sleeping (somehow this seemed a little creepy to me). Talk about living under a microscope!
Add to that an exhausting schedule and a bout of cold/flu/allergies/laryngitis (whichever it is). I think it’s amazing that Adam, as well as Kris and Allison, who also have tough schedules, are coping as well as they are. Under the circumstances, I think it is understandable that Adam could blurt out a comment that was not entirely PC. But I think he deserves a break. Seriously, I’m not sure I would be coping with the pressure as well as he and the others have been.
This comment really deserves this much hullaballoo? Hmm.
MJ, if they regretted it “as soon as the words left their lips” then Sarver wouldn’t have posted it online for everyone to see. I don’t hate them, but I don’t think they regretted what they said until they got called out for it, and even then they clearly didn’t regret the sentiments. But the point is, I can’t see how they could have regretted the words instantly if they went ahead and posted the video online.
That was me, and it is true. The fanwars and trolling amongst each other is a bit weird, and Adam has chosen to collect that energy into a DonorsChoose.Org contest. It really made me ponder when Danny mentioned Adam’s fans fight with Danny’s as I have mainly seen Adam’s fans fight with each other. I still think it is hilarious that Adam’s fans get put under this Glambert Umbrella when it really is a very incoherent fandom with so many subgroups that don’t really interact with each other or organize anything. It’s just that there are A LOT of Adam fans.
While Adam himself likes it since it is his Media Moniker as well, but it’s quite charged in the Adam Fandom. Most Adam fans don’t identify themselves with that name, so even I had to pause and wonder what I had done to get called one. It made me wonder if I was welcome here or something. Like jms said, you could have said “that stupid bitch Calliope” and I would’ve been less thrown than this collective glambert mention. Especially since this thread seems to be: if you care about what Adam said, you are a smelly, OTT fan, and if you don’t care about what Adam said (me) you are a mindless follower of Adam.
Yeah, since people also like to use that name to paint all Adam fans in a similar way. I don’t know how charged it will get though as the media sometimes refers to Adam as “Glambert” as well. It kind of adds another level to it. ;)
Archie and Adam comparisons? Puhleeze. Adam couldn’t carry Archie’s water when it comes to dedication to, passion for and interaction with the fans. It’s. not. even. close.
If Adam’s comment was, in your opinion “unpolitical,” then so be it.
However, I happen to sympathize with his having to hang out with a bunch of sweaty, smelly fans (and as we all know, he’s got a large, very excitable fanbase) ….IMO, a stranger’s body odor up close and personal is a turnoff. Could he have been a bit more graceful in describing things? Most definitely! But do I fault him for speaking his opinion openly and honestly. No way.
Thank you.
Very funny Sassycatz
Besides the silliest thing I have ever seen thrown up on stage, to a band of very macho guys was an inflatable male member, like about four feet uh tall, a kangaroo they would have loved, since they were 5/6 Aussie – what would make a group of women think a group of macho guys would want that thing on stage and they couldn’t get rid of it fast enough – rubber chicken no problem they became part of the entourage, we think one of them is on tour with Cook actually— Parmy is that you? Parmy is notorious, she has her own MySpace. Bwah. That is as bad as the mother who made her 8 year old daughter hold up a sign at a concert about please kiss my mommy??? or maybe it was worse than that. Shudder.
Actually we knew the road crew for that band and the reality is even they got so much stuff they send some stuff off to hospitals, keep the odd thing and there was no rhyme or reason to what they keep, the rest would go into the garbage. The road crew would also keep a lot of the stuff, like rubber chickens, like they kept this huge pink Bunny called Warren, that thing was a good three or four feet big, and he was hanging up in the production truck, someone gave them a disco ball with kermit the frog sitting on top of it, and they would actually hang it up every concert from the lights right above the stage. I do know they treasured their own memorabilia, which some fans would give them or concert photos the fans had taken and made copies for them to keep.
I take offense, then you take offense. And then we take up for each other. We take offense for him and for her—even if they don’t want us to! I mean, at least that way people know that we care more than the average bastard! Right? Oh, and then I take up for that group some more, and you for this group. We circle the wagons, ya see? Well, that is unless, of course, you or your group has somehow has offended me, or my group has offended you. And yours. And then, well, we rip each other to shreds!
Thank You!
All of this is so silly!
Well, in fairness to Danny, he didn’t post it online. Michael was recording stuff to show the fans. I actually could tell that Danny was searching for a “better” way to say what he said. Danny at first said “”right”, and then immediately had a look on his face like, that’s not a good way to say that. In fact, he actually said something to the effect of “how do you say that?” Then Michael said “godly” and Danny repeated it. Granted, nothing needed to be said in the first place…Danny could and should have just left it at “I love this guy to pieces.”
Michael posted the video, and the rest is history.
Why are we speaking of his honesty and then refuting it? Or maybe that wasn’t Mansfields point?
Thanks Josie. I appreciate you and aek. :thumbup_tb:
I kinda wanna high-five Adam for that “smelly” and “touchy-feely” comment. The thing is that I bet it’s sooooo true. I mean a bunch of sweaty fans sitting for hours in the hot summer sun just waiting for their prey? Those not-so-poor-anymore Idols probably feel like that lone tiny herd of wildebeasts being descended upon by a pack of hungry lions. But they have no choice because the watering hole is the barricades and they have to chance it no matter what. And Adam, of course, would be the fattest, juiciest looking wildebeast of the bunch.* No wonder the smart ones recoil. If it wasn’t so funny it’d probably be really scary actually.
*To carry this metaphor even further, being fat and juicy probably means that Adam doesn’t have to go to the watering hole/barricades as often because he has more fat reserves than the rest of the other wildebeasts (and has other sources of water).
I think maybe Adam should go back out to the barricades, but this time with a “Right Guard” man at his side! Adam can walk by and prior to his deigning an autograph upon one of the peasants, he can give a quick yet careful whiff… if the Queen finds the odor too foul, she can then hold her nose while sadly shaking her head, thus signifying to the Right Guard man that his protection will be necessary.
Right Guard man can then give the malodorous barricaded malcontent a gratis can of Glamberace Pine Scented Roll On along with a complimentary tin of Adam’s Rock n’ Roll Manly Mints, thus teaching said peasant a stern but undoubtedly well-deserved lesson!!!
Adam’s comments – the only thing that this can result to – increase in the sales of deodorants, perfume ,cologne, anti sweat stuff . Some fans can go overboard, but most might hold onto his word like mantra. Smell good, smell good, hold touch, hold touch.
Could he have said it a little bit more delicately ? Nah ,nothing to tiptoe around .If you are assaulted by smell and touch, best to say so. So problem can be fixed. It is fixable. I think.
Lmao robie88 :D
Note to overzealous Adam Lambert fans
Well rather than worrying about how Adam Lambert thinks you smell, just go to an airconditioned bar and drink before the show. Make the whole show more enjoyable anyway.
Seeing his greatness will just fuel your overzealousness and just get you all worked up and sweaty again.
Better yet just don’t go to any concerts, you might be tempted to dance and then you will sweat and maybe even doctor prescribed anti perspirant will not save you from ruin. And heaven forbid if you are premenopausal – nothing can stop those hot flashes.
Better yet, don’t buy any albums, Adam may not want your sweaty fingers on his CD cover.
Maybe Adam will create a cyber version of himself, suitable for Blue Ray and DVD players, and you can virtually molest him. It will come in brown paper packaging so you don’t get your sweaty fingers on the DVD cover.
Maybe consider a David Cook concert instead, where they like to bring the stank. Oh you are already an overzealous David Cook fan. Never mind.
Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:25 pm
I hope Adam follows Madonna’s advice and doesn’t sweat the small stuff because you are always going to have journalists like MJ and Mansfield that not only post a headline but ‘add’ their own comments like ‘that MIGHT be crossing the line’ or ” that shows unappreciativeness for his fans’ just to throw fuel on the fire and make Adam look bad. I am paralyzed from an auto accident but wanted to see Adam in Atlanta. I sat at the barricades for an hour and a half passing up pictures, etc. for everyone else as the other idols came by to sign autographs. By the time Adam came out, everyone was so nice that a man next to me told Adam that I had passed up pics all night for everyone while getting nothing signed for myself. He told the crowd around me that I should go first when Adam came because I had been unselfish. Adam listened intently, without rushing, to the man. He came over to me, grabbed my hand, rubbed it back and forth (i died), and told me how sweet he thought I was and how much he appreciated it. He signed my RS mag with my name. Does that sound like someone who doesn’t appreciate his fans or scorns those that are different? This is who Adam really is. People need to stop trying to make him seem like someone who doesn’t care. I will add, Atlanta was hectic at the barricades but he still stopped and acknowledged me.
Thank you for sharing. This is the Adam I love.
Interesting comparison… especially since Adam is the Runner-Up this year and not the winner.
Oh, noooo. Hope the above won’t be true. Can just imagine the smell of BO, laden and layered with many, many brands of overpowering colognes, powders, and perfumes, some of which are pretty darn stinky themselves! I think I see a couple of new, must-haves to take to the concerts…..aspirin for the headaches that would come from the over-odor saturation of various products and some Frabrese (sp) to protect your own personal “zone.” LOL.
Somehow I skipped this earlier. But Josie, truer words have never been spoken.
You and Jx223 actually are better at this than me. Lord knows I try, though. I am a very emotional person by nature….so yeah, it’s a challenge. You really have to think and reread. If I’m tired or distracted by my two year old, well, then I know I’m gonna get in trouble.
As far as Adam and this mess goes, it will blow over by tomorrow. No worries.
I remember after GMA some people talking about why adam stayed back by the speakers when david cook was on.I guess we know why now DAVID COOK SIR YOU STINK. :lol_tb:
Seriously?? Does this really matter when selling records outside of the AI bubble?? I don’t care about Adam’s dedication to his fans, his passion for his fans or his interaction with his fans. All I care about is his music. I don’t expect him to kiss my ass, meet me by the bus (what acts do that anyway??), or suck up to me when I see him in concert, nor do I expect a large amount of conversation with the audience. I only expect great music and an awesome show worth the money I am dishing out, and so far, he’s delivered that in spades.
MJ, I think some people may be a little offended because you are making this out to be a real story worth mentioning…when there are new photos of Adam to view, when there is real news concerning his CD, etc. those are stories…
And yes I think it is ridiculous how people bash Danny over the dumbest stuff, but this is also pretty pointless–unless the goal is stir up some controversy.
I really enjoy this site but I think you try to cause unnecessary grief sometimes. Point in case: A little while back you posted that Adam “lashed out” at his fans via Twitter, because he had received negative Tweets concerning him not coming out after shows. Lashing out?? Really?? I read the tweets, and it was nothing more than Adam explaining why he didn’t come out & then apologizing. He also mentioned that entitlement was not sexy. You call that lashing out? Why would you want to make Adam-or anyone else-look bad, when all they did was apologize to their fans & try to temper their insanse behaviour a little?
Why not simply post a link to the article with Adam in it without the comments that further make a mountain out of a molehill?
When I come to your site I wanna read all the latest news on Adam (the only one I care to read about). I don’t want to see this trivial s**t as a headline….making me cringe because I know now that thousands of people are reading this & making unfair judgements because of it. Is it really news when Adam says any offhanded comment?? My God, people, he’s not Jesus Christ…you would think he said something truly horrible. Headline worthy? Come on.
And if I were poor Danny, my self-esteem would be in shreds by now. Shame on so many people who have the audacity to rip these kids to shreds because ….of what? Nothing, that’s what. Absolutely nothing.
Mj, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or rude, because I love your site. But please consider more real news, and less drama. Thanks.
Lmfao steve
Well, if you ask me (which you didn’t), most “fans” are best viewed from afar, anyway. No matter how stunningly awesome I find our friend Adam, I have zero interest in meeting him from the position of “fan”, which somehow implies that I am not his equal in status and am, therefore, beneath him in some way (ahem… possible pun intended). But then, I’m not a person in need of being barricaded away from somebody for his own safety – heck, maybe HE should feel privileged to meet ME, and if he knew me at all, I might have to barricade myself against HIM. Have some pride, people. Just sayin’….
If “managed to get away with it” is your way of saying “has generated masses of criticism but as yet has not been actually physically harmed over it”.. then uh, yes. You are correct.
I don’t recall this at all. Unless I’m misunderstanding the description . . .
Thank you so much for sharing this. Made me get tears and I’m so glad that you got to meet him and have such a wonderful experience.
Just told my sister about the ‘sweaty fan’ comment – I think she hurt herself laughing so hard.
She was sympathetic to the person who gave him the kangaroo though.
You owe me a new screen.
No need to read anything beyond this post, folks. He WINS! LMFAO!!! OMG, thank you, Sofa King!!!!!!
I don’t really understand the idol fandom attitude towards the relationship between an idol and his or her fans. I don’t really see non-AI musicians and artists expected to sign autographs after every show, or Broadway actors, etc. So, Adam clearly appreciates the fans who are enthusiastic, devoted, who give him notes and drawings and things, but who are also respectful of his personal space. I’m glad he appreciates us, but I don’t really feel the need to have him prove that appreciation with autograph signing. If he wants to do that, that’s nice–i’d love to see him up close someday. But if he doesn’t–if the fans are too much, or if he’s tired and doesn’t like crowds or wants to rest his voice, or something else–then fine; he performed for me, I got what I paid for.
I guess I don’t get why the expectations for these guys are different than they are for other kinds of artists, except that the voting process gives some fans a weird sense of entitlement that non-AI artists don’t have to deal with as much. I don’t get that “We made you, you owe us” attitude. To me it’s like, “We helped make them, so let’s enjoy their music.”
LMAO! Sofa King you should post that in the USAToday comment section
Aww MJ. Sorry for the ants! Thanks for posting this!
Adam will learn in time how to be a bit more selective in his words. Not as bad as PETA’s “whale” billboard but not great either, lol.
What I am LOL at is where in this post it stated that the smelly fans were overweight over 50. LOL.
Not being overweight myself, but over 50, & I have only been to one AI concert (last year), the overweight fans I saw were all in their 20’s/30’s. Could be the area. Dunna. More overweight younger peeps here. Am a fan of Adam’s, but not a Glambert or any of the other labels. I like Allison too, so wonder what that makes me? Is there just a music lover club?
Yes, i think “person who likes good music” is a good description to use. Though clearly not many people outside of the dedicated internet users know of any negative connotation to “Glambert.” Amy Adams was raving about how much she loved Adam a while back and called herself a Glambert, and I highly doubt she has a number in the group. :)
Sadly, that seems to be verbotten. Best to just suck it up and pick a side before one is chosen for you. :)
As another Allison fan, I feel pretty lucky that she didn’t make it to the top two. If this kind of attention had been focused on her with her poor communication skills, she’d have been torn to pieces and left to rot on the side of the road….much like what had been done to Danny (but at least he’s older and as a result hopefully better able to deal).
Adam talks to the media only to “talk to us” –as if we are his friends!! The media should realize that people are human beings. Besides, if Adam was my friend, on a personal level, I would EXPECT him to talk from a real life point of view. Isn’t this the way we talk to friends when we are “being real” and not fake and politically correct zombies?
Adam’s “realness” is part of who he is. Isn’t it wonderful to observe extremely talented, dedicated, and hard-working artist be “real” to us?
I’m tired of the “old-ladies wearing gloves” expectations of others. Adam isn’t rude or crass or vulgar. He’s just real life speakin’ and that is fantastic!
ITA with this. That’s pretty much how I view it as well. Hell, Adam could think of me as “that stupid bitch Calliope” (but I’m a blip on the radar and I don’t care if he even thinks of me, even if he does seem overall really gracious about his fans) and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash, still see him live and hope for some good music. It doesn’t make me mindless either, just a general music fan.
Lisa, I think that makes you a normal Adam fan. I always got the impression that most Adam fans like Allison a lot too, and with the tour and the Kradam friendship Kris got included in that list.
That’s why I think Allison was eliminated fourth… the week previously Adam had been in the bottom too and the shared fans freaked.
jms, I did not need that imagery in my life… thanks… :P
I am not a fan of Lambert’s singing but I am now a huge fan of his honesty. Hopefully his statement will cause more people to become aware of their personal hygiene. This goes for all people, not just the AI freaks at the barricades. After all, this is the United States of America, not France.
actually he doesn’t have to accept any crap given to him. even ordinary people recycle/regift or return gifts if they have no use for them. and to avoid getting such ridiculous gifts he has told his fans give them to charity instead and i know that is working out well.
Sarver and Gokey took heat for a comment that struck people as homophobic. Adam – in a lighthearted tone if anyone bothered to listen – called his fans “a little smelly.”
What’s the difference?
Well homophobia get’s kids beaten and chained to a fence to die while commenting that some of your fans are bit smelly might hurt some feelings and offend some folks who take theses things way too seriously.
Why are we comparing these two?
^ Applause.
Nearly 500 comments and it took yours to say it so beautifully, Starrlight.
Eh. Brian Mansfield has always been trying to “disect” Adam’s personality. He was never a favorite of his, and to my knowledge hasn’t even had a personal interview with Adam to even get a look into Adam’s personality. I just think people are bored and have nothing better to say then Adam doesn’t like all of his fans. Adam isn’t the first, and won’t be the last person to say his or her fans are too touchy-feely. Adam still has over 150,000 followers on twitter. I guess they’re all doing to desert them now. lol
Mansfield has been harsher on Adam about his performance style and use of “vocal athletics”. As far as going after Adam’s character, which is what he and some are doing even though they’ve never talked or spent time with Adam Personally, I think it says more about them than Adam.
A few facts:
1. All Adam fans are not OTT and do not believe that he is God-perfect-will save the planet.
2. Most Adam fans are not “Glamberts”. And people who call themselves “Glamberts” are not crazed.
3. Sometimes Adam fans can do something right. In just over 24 hours Adam Lambert’s fans — Lamb Skanks, ONTD_AI, The Glambs International Fan Club, Glittizens, Adam Bomb Giving Page for TALC, Adam Lambert Network Adam Addicts, KARMA, GLOBERTS – International Fans of Adam Lambert, Glamberts4Kids, Loyal Minions of the Dark Lord Screamanova, and GENERAL GROUP FAN CHALLENGE have donated over $14,000 to that is on top of the over $11,000 in general contributions made in Adam’s name.
I remember last year when my favorite David Archuleta would be the first person out to meet the fans and the last person to leave the meet/greets after the concert with the fans.
The majority of people were there to meet Cook AND Archuleta.
That made me love Archie more because he made the effort to meet and greet almost every fan he could and told them he appreciated what they did for him.
That is why today I am still an Archie fan. At his young age he really appreciated his fans.
Singers should remember that we, the fans, love to interact with them.
I think its great that adam does agree with VFTW they have been saying that for years now.Wow adam a worster at heart. :devil_tb:
Well, I know for a fact that Adam wasn’t talking about me. I showered, used deodorant AND had Chanel on when I met him. HAHA.
Nothing really seems to phase Adam. I kinda like some of the diva-ish stuff. If it gets too crazy (having no filter) I’m sure management will step in. Until then…speak your mind, Adam…tell us how you REALLY feel. LOL
This is bigger than a concert thread, lol. So, Adam slipped up. It will happen. He’s human and still getting used to living under a microscope. It all seems pretty minor to me. I think, after actually listening to the audio, he was going for the funny/snarky angle, but slipped up. He probably should have kept it on the bus ( as I am sure smelly, obnoxious fans are bound to be the butt of jokes between the Idols behind the scenes.) I do think Adam must be exhausted and somewhat bewildered by some of his Idol fanbase. I read over on his own official board fans just attacking his Dad’s longterm girlfriend with brutal comments about an article she had written. And these were Adam fans, doing it on his official board, about a person who is essentially a part of his family.
No, it wasn’t smart to refer to the OTT fans as “smelly” but there is a reason AI has a reputation as being “uncool” (not this board :)) There is a reason why I am a “closet” AI fan who was ridiculed by her entire family when on a vacation this past Spring I forgot to log off an AI site and my brother opened the computer and found it. Live and learn; this will be small in the scope of things.
On one hand I feel for the pressure of these Idols have to be so accessible to their fans and what, at times, may be a legitimately unpleasant experience in getting swarmed by a bunch of over zealous fans.
But on the other, his statement coupled with his no-shows as the buses screams prima donna to me.
I think about how gracious David Cook was last year and he had his share of crazies swarming him. I can understand where Adam is coming from, but it still makes me think less of him.
I don’t understand that myself. I don’t see how anyone can draw conclusions about someone’s entire character based on one remark – especially when there is a lot of evidence that he is actually a nice person.
I know some reports have characterized him as a diva but those are all from “anonymous sources” and therefore a little suspect to me. No one who has been willing to attach their name to their comment has said that.
Cook and Archuleta, even Clay, handled their fans pretty well, even the few crazy ones.
It comes with the job and it comes with fame.
Plus did Adam say it was just his “over-zealous fans” who were the ones who were “sweaty and smelly”, or just his fans?
With all respect Tinydance, I don’t care how nice someone is to his fans – if I don’t LOVE the music, I will not buy it. I don’t buy music because the artist is a “nice guy” (which Archie definitely is, he’s absolutely adorable).
Geez.. seriously who cares?
This is still going on and made it to USA Today?
Well groovy. Whatever.
Meanwhile my first comment stands, yes, it was a stupid thing to say. I’m sure all the rest of the idols feel this way. Doesn’t mean they don’t like any of their fans or at least part of them. But I’m sure, unless they’re stupid and/or crazy, that the OTT behaviour of some of the fans, the clawing, the yelling, the weirdness, isn’t something they like. And in fact people like Kris Allen, Daugherty and Cook have commented on disliking some OTT fan reactions. But Adam didn’t just say that, he said SOME of his fans were smelly and he WTFed someone’s present to him. Which again, stupid to say outloud. Inside voice, Adam. Inside voice.
He did also preface this with thanking them for the gifts, realizing he wouldn’t be where he was without his fans. To say that he hates ALL his fans, and is insincere if he says he does overall appreciate them, and especially the non-cray cray ones, is whatevahs(yes, Brains Mansfield, I’m talking to you) to me. Adam was wrong to give voice to what no DOUBT the other idols are thinking, so that’s where he’s wrong. But it also doesn’t mean he can’t be sincere in liking fans as a whole and being grateful to them, as a whole and yes, as a human wishing they would bathe more and not shriek in his face, or try and tear off his ring, stick their tongue down his throat, stalk him, or any number of things odd fans have done to the idols.
I hope Adam that will have learned a valuable PR lesson about not talking to the press when tired and keeping that filter fully functioning with lots of Red Bull in the future.
Other than the PR side of it? I personally don’t give one damn. I don’t think Adam is ungrateful or hates his fans more or less because of his misspeaking. I don’t think he’s ZOMG some ungrateful diva because of it. I think he’ll rightly take some heat for misspeaking and hopefully move on by getting that he has to watch what he says more. *shrugs shoulders, moves on*
I hardly ever comment here (well, plenty of you, guys make it entertaining enough), but this time I got really angry. With you, MJ. Posting this thing, with your snarky comment ‘“ well, it just might crossed the line, quoting you. It is not the first time you do that ‘“ remember this ridiculous Michelin Man’s picture you made a thread about? I bet, just to mock it ‘“ not if any of this really matters to the most of us, just irritates slightly. By doing that you really betray everything you so aggressively declare by deleting offensive, rude posts. So you do the very same thing ‘“ just in more “sophisticated” way. But it still two-faced. You surely clarified (again) your personal taste, but being pretty brutal to your posters (very well-deserved sometimes), you should be really as twice as brutal towards yourself. Really, you should know better. Being an Adam fan, and also very appreciative of Kris as well, it is obvious that plaids aren’t a major attraction for threads. It is just a fact, with no disrespect to the guy. Yes, Adam attracts posters and threads, but it is kinda vulgar to use it this way. I’m just a bit disappointed.
And this guy from USA today’ ¦ It is just so pathetic ‘“ the way he found FINALLY something to pick on Adam about. IMHO the comment itself just so absolutely btw-ish, which made the whole fuss around it (with your respectful contribution) smelly of some hidden agenda.
Do you really think if kris,allison,danny or maybe matt,anoop would of had that michelin picture it wouldn’t of had a thread?
LMAO at this thread. It is a lot of fun to sit back and watch…
Sofa King, I just have to say this: My sentiments *exactly* (except for the 30-year-old guy part, lol). YOU ROCK!!!!!!
Clearly Adam fans don’t care — the IDF_AL thread about this interview has 8 comments, mostly that it’s a non-story. It is the same on the Adam fan sites.
And no one else seems to care much either: story posted 8:53AM CT – 20 comments
In Entertainment articles posted 3 hours ago – 3 comments
USA Today Brian Mansfield posted 3:36 PM ET – 35 comments
The vast majority of comments are this is not news or support Adam.
I have contributed a lot to making this 11 page thread, but I believe on a concert day it would have died at 3 or 4 pages.
Well, hot damn!!! Paybacks are hell. I just knew we should have kept our mouths shut about greenmelinda the other night. LOL
I delete rude offensive posts directed at other posters. Kill me now, but I think community, and the way people treat each other here is a exponentially more important than how posters treat some celebrity they don’t even know.
I will defend anybody here who makes a snarky or critical remark about one of the Idols, so no, there was nothing hypocritical about what I said.
Besides, I’m a blogger. I post my opinions. And my opinion here is that calling his overzealous fans “sweaty and smelly” is a personal insult that had nothing to do with their OTT behavior (which he has every right to call out).
Most of the comments in this thread are from Adam fans I believe…
I notice that. This is the only blog that has a lot of posts on this topic. Its really not that interesting. A complete non-issue. I think people have more of an issue with Adam not meeting the concert goers after the concert. Brian Mansfield mentions that in the comment section. Thats the real problem people have.
Hmmm… well, bye, shark, it was nice meeting you, if ever so briefly. >;-}
Honestly, this is not a concert day, and MJ, of course, IS running a business here, which is all about clicks and viewership. The blog is not just here as a public service, and has no more of a “hidden agenda” than that. The fact that a thread about an isolated incident gets this many comments on an off-concert day is precisely the point of posting it, not what’s contained in the post itself. If there wasn’t so much interest in everything Adam does, this thread would not be here – it’s elementary.
And most of them seemd to have a good time in this thread in a very non defensive way. Not seeing the issue here.
Personally I think this is mj’s blog and she should post threads on any subject she wants. I’d hate for her to believe she has to censor her own choices for HER blog just because a few fans get second hand embarrassment over something said or done by a complete stranger like Adam, and therefore think it shouldn’t be highlighted.
At this point ever single fan group has had their “this is so unfair” or “you are such a hater/so biased/baiting our fanbase” moment. mj is an equal opportunity offender I suppose. LOL
Hey.. I’m not a celebrity, but yeah.. I don’t want to touch strange sweaty and or smelly (BO) people. Who does? I don’t like going to the gym and being around those guys that’s sweating and lots of time smelly too.. doesn’t metter if they’re cute. The smell.. ugh.. yikes
I have to agree with Adam—-I weathered the Memphis heat and sun for hrs prior to the concert just to get a glimpse of the idols by their hotel and venue and out doing the tourist thing…..I ended up sweaty, and melting but hopefully not smelly… i offended…No WAY…i thinks its funny and oh so true. Why did this even make the headlines??? Guess some of us know….
Explains much. I never understood why “vocal rest” prohibited you from standing by the buses so your fans could at least get a pic, or sign a few autographs.
LMAO You have just managed to make me feel like we should canonize all of the idols for patiently having their pictures taken with so many sweaty, smelly fans. Only, let’s do it with them still alive, please and thank you.
Obviously Mansfield is not a fan of Adam. I say, whateva. I just wonder what he would do if he had the opportunity to get an interview with him?
From blogs like this one … to “” … to “In Entertainment” … to “USA Today”
Wow. We must congratulate ourselves. We have helped to ‘make’ news today!
The subject of the news didn’t actually make the news … if you take the time to listen to the interview it’s pretty obvious that the subject wasn’t being nasty and he wasn’t being critical of his fans …
At least MJ included the audio so that we could make up our minds … if we chose to listen to the audio before making up our minds.
But starting the ball rolling … well it really is a slow (no concert) news day.
Neither am I really. I was responding to Q3 who pointed out the number of posts in this thread, comparing it to the number of posts on Adam fan sites and fan threads. Maybe I’m wrong, but she seemed to be inferring that all the posts in today’s thread were coming from non-Adam fans, since Adam’s fans aren’t posting on his fan sites, Adam’s fans do not care.
And as far as Brian Mansfield is concerned, he doesn’t get nearly the volume of comments on his blog that I get on mine, so not a fair comparison.
Well, if the only point is being a commercial success (blog = business) – this thread is a huge hit. But taking a stupid, taken out of context, comment and present it as a “personal insult” ‘“ IMHO is totally OTT. Usually I just don’t care, but it’s just felt’ ¦ like you were really happy to find something negative to react to. For me, it was just so out of your usual self on this blog that I had to comment. That’s all.
And yes ‘“ this thread is much more fun reading than discussing the imperfections of Adam Lambert’s skin. Seriously, people???
Thanks Q3 for the info—-great news
Holy smelly crap! This is what happens on a no-concert day. Non-news makes news. So some of us stink….and??????? I still love Adam, cuz he tells it like it is. He’ll still sell plenty of CD’s in November and this little bit of non-news will have faded completely away.
Just curious…. How many of the other Idols have complained about smelly fans at the barricades? Seems to me that they have to put up with it too.
ditto…thanks Q3 for the info–great news. We can always count on you.
OK, fair enough!
Did you just called Adam’s comment stupid?
Reading Brian blog’s comment is really fun.
That’s a little misleading. As to IDF there’s pages of discussion about it in the Philadelphia concert thread. I haven’t read it all and no one seems to think it’s that big a deal but it was discussed there.
I don’t get the MJ hatin. It’s her blog, she states her mind, love her snark. I might not always agree with her, but I do about 97% of the time. I know when I come here I will get the latest up to date news on all the idols. Either from Mj herself or from other fans in the headlines thread.
11 pages over smelly fans. Obviously it was a big deal to some folks.
(holds up cross to ward off S5).
Whether you like Adam or not, he is HOT news after AI. Some folks found the smelly comment offensive, some don’t. I do like that Adam speaks his mind and the comment really did not offend me personally, but I see how it can offend others.
What I love most about Mj’s to be honest is I can come here before the season starts and she already has who will be in the top. I can view their vids on the net before Idol clamps down and makes them pull their vids. Kinda nice actually.
Keep on truckin Mj! Yer doing a fine job!
Lord I do not look forward to November.
I notice on some of the blogs that Glamberts are trying to compare Adam’s remark about “Sweaty and Smelly” to Kris’s where a woman actually put her tongue down his mouth.
There is no comparison.
Kris was asked to describe the strangest thing that happened to him so far.
He didn’t mention hygiene.
So there is no comparison on that because he was asked for a specific incident. So I don’t understand why some of the Glamberts are trying to making that comparison.
Well, it served its purpose as a point of view to get people talking, or a conversation-starter, if you will. What would we have done if it just said “oh, yeah, here’s a radio interview – enjoy!”? We’d listen, say, “oh, yep, that’s our boy, Adam”, and move on. However, now we’re 500 comments into this thing – kaching! End of story (or not….).
MJ, I love this blog and I liked this thread – both lovers and critics alike. Very entertaining – pure popcorn drama. But I see no difference in what Adam said compared to your own “snarky” little comments toward “glamberts”. It comes across disdainful to your “fans” or at least to those who give you hits on your site. I know it’s a fickle bunch and most will probably go elsewhere once the tour ends, so I guess it matters little once Season 9 starts. I’m not saying you shouldn’t say it but saying Adam probably shouldn’t sounds pretty contradictory to me.
I could be wrong, and if I am I’m sure Q3 will correct me, but I don’t think that’s what Q3 meant. I think the point of it is that Adam fans don’t care about this as an issue.
You’re correct mj in saying that most of the comments here are from Adam fans, most of which, I didn’t count, made in defense of Adam and stating that they don’t care.
I think in the end, the point that Q3 was making is that very few Adam fans posting on the issue today are insulted by what they read and heard in that interview.
^^^anthrogeek, precisely. And, imo, Mansfield took it to another level precisely to try and steal a bit of MJ’s viewership upon seeing the popularity of this thread. From the comment count cited above — which is all I have to go on because I refuse to give him my hit — it doesn’t appear that he’s succeeded. :-) MJ gets the prize on this one. And, deservedly so.
It’s a chicken and egg thing, really. We can blame and scorn MJ all we like — she allows that sort of thing lol — but if “we, the people” ignored and failed to click or comment, then the media wouldn’t latch on and “print” such inane click bait.
Everybody’s gotta make a living somehow. “It’s hard out here for a pimp…” ;-)
On parsing and contrasting “sweaty” and “smelly” from “touchy feely” or “OTT,” I’m not sure you can or should in this instance really. Think about it, what do you do when someone goes to hug you just after you’ve run a few miles or worked in the yard in the dead heat of Summer? You take a step back and say, “Oh, you don’t want to do that, I’m soaked with sweat,” or “I’m sure I stink, so let’s not,” or “Let me take a shower first,” or words to that effect. It’s social mores 101. What do these fans do, despite the obvious stink and sweat? They reach and grab and hold and squeeze and feel and kiss and lick and pinch and pull…. YUCK-O!!! It’s OTT, all of it. Can’t be separated. Much like he said, don’t throw things AT me, in the gentlest way possible (lol) and in a joking tone, he’s saying check the sweat and stink before you lunge at me, please. :-)
Were it not for the popularity of this thread and the benefit to MJ’s, I’d wish for his sake he hadn’t said it though. LOL
Adam — our “international superstar” — better not travel abroad. Americans are obsessed with “freshening up” and deoderant and shaving every body part and showering constantly.
Some other places … not so much. I’m just sayin’.
Adam better not go there!!! (No offense, France. I love your food and my ethnicity is partially French. Je t’aime! I swear!)
Really? They are all over this thread, it seems.
Blow over? Okay, I laughed at that, i.e., the smelly cloud will blow over like toxic waste! Ugh.
Because we’re easily baited by negative comments. Unfortunately. I don’t think a lot of Adam fans care that much about his actual statement, more about defending Adam against diva accusations. Because there are so many Adam fans here, each one critical comment, especially when worded in a provoking way, draws a ton of responses and clogs up these discussion posts. If only we could have designated responders or something, but for now that’s how it is.
I think making a post about the interview is fine btw, but the headline is a bit sensationalist. It asks for rehashing the “Is Adam a Diva” discussion.
edit – sorry, messed up quotes
Why should it be the issue? As someone posted before ‘“ it doesn’t concern me personally, the next guy is always the smelly one, not me’ ¦ :arrow_wp:
DSP this is not about you or Q3 it is about why people get pissed off at things said on here.That is great news great for the kids.
I have seen people rip danny about his charites on here.Time and time again (i have done it my self)and still have my doubts.danny has had 4 large donation i know of total of 50,000.I have defended danny about a few things even if i don’t like him.When adam makes a mistake he will take heat for it.
I bet danny doesn’t care if sweaty-smelly fans donate to his charity.If adam pissed 1 fan off saying what he did that would of gave to his charity.Guess what that was 1 to many in my eyes.
Impressive — and that is just the start.
This isn’t quite as charitable but still worth noting. Adam’s Pennyroyal pendant benefits Musicare. Sold out the 100 offered in less than two hours, @ $150 a pop. They are going to sell them again starting next Mon, 8/24, for seven days only. I’m buying three. Something for myself and something for Musicare, so we both benefit from this.
Oops, I messed up that last post with the quotes…. or maybe I’m just pinning it all on weareallinnocent
I dunno, I don’t get the calling them smelly. It’s not funny, doesn’t seem to have a point, I just don’t get it. It’s a like a 10 years old offense.
He doesn’t have a filter? To me most of the time just sounds like someone trying to be cool. Calling someone smelly does not equal not having a filter in my world, it equals to being childish.
I wonder if he smells like roses after the sweating on stage.
The thing about that part of the interview is that the whole “I love them all. If it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be whe I am, etc” sounds really lame and false. Like he’s just telling nice things before going and calling them out. It’s like when he says he wants to meet fans and be with the fans but we really don’t see him trying to. No, I don’t care, because I’m not a fan who wants to meet him, but I just have an hard time believing some of the stuff he says. Most of it rings false to me.
LMAO anthrogeek! And, yeah, thanks for the “quote” credit too. LOL
Good point Sassycatz:
Southeast Asia gets very hot and is very humid. Adam is going to hate the meet and greets there because of the weather.
Face it folks, Adam is a diva and it’s ok. LOL. He will lose some fans for being too blunt, look what happen to Blake. Don’t be too much of a douche Adam, it’s not becoming. I totally understand what he is talking about with smelly fans. I am still an Adam fan but he is such a pretentious bitch these days, lol. It’s his nature I guess. I remember meeting the guys from Blur, R.E.M and several other acts after a concert, they didn’t smell like roses either. They didn’t give a crap what their fans smell like as long as they bought their f-ing cds. hahaha
I guess the idols have a chance to freshen up before they come out and meet their fans, lol. So make sure you do an armpit check before you meet the idols and travel with a small deoderant stick at all times. hahhaha Whateversssssss….. I need to go back and read the hundreds of post on this subject, or not. :)
I laughed when I first saw this and the words ‘DAMAGE CONTROL! DAMAGE CONTROL!…entered my mind. Then I thought…where’s Adam’s Filter?…Oh! That’s right…Adam doesn’t have a FILTER!! LOL And that’s one of the things I love about him! Could he have said it a little more ‘delicately’? Sure. But, to me, it isn’t a big deal. I’m sure he’ll learn alot from this incident. It’s kind of the way life will be for him from now on. That “FAME THING” you know!!
I am an Adam fan and I will continue to be a fan. I never, even in my youth, was a screaming type of fan (I’m not putting those who are down) and I do not understand this barracade thing at all. And this ’50 plus’ concert tour dates, to me, is insane! All I want for the cost of my ticket is to be able to see Adam perform… where I can listen to his AMAZING voice and stage presence. I just want to be throughly entertained! It’s all about the MUSIC to me.
I agree
Late to the party again – but up in the thread someone referenced an Adam quote that he would like to share a meal with each of his fans (paraphrase) – I do think that part of Adam’s interaction/lack of same with his fans is this: he is very bright, very articulate, very interested in a lot of things, and apparently really enjoys genuine social interaction (like his mom – apples don’t fall that far from trees). How frustrating it must be to have a couple of seconds with each of a million fans, but no real interaction. On a much, MUCH smaller scale, I have been in situations where there was no real social intercourse with anyone, just many random moments with too many people – at the end of the event, I have felt exhausted and emptied, with the sense that no one benefited. I would think back to the people in the crowd who seemed interesting and really mourn the fact that I wasn’t able to really talk with them – a lost opportunity.
Multiply that by tens of thousands…
Oh good grief. I commented back on page 2 of this thread, I think, about how this was much ado about nothing and then went off to do some “real work” (imagine!). And now I come back at we’re at 11 (or maybe even 12 by now) pages?
Where are Wolfgang or flying dildos when you need them?
Jeez, I really think this was no big deal. That said, those of you who have, like me, found this not so earth-shattering are hysterical. Thanks!
Well, I listened to the interview and have read the 11 pages of comments. I just laughed when I heard Adam ´s comments. He is so real. I know that the US goes for political correctness, but is the US politically correct? Hmmm…
Back to the interview, I think that it was a lighthearted response to the question posed by the interviewer. But, as we all know by know, Adam is NEWS.
Personally, when I was teaching in high school, I used to ask my students who were coming back from the break (they were in the patio under the sun) to wash their arm pits before coming to my class. It was impossible to be in a closed classroom with 30 sweaty teens.
I wished more people in the world were as sincere as Adam but unfortunately there is too much Bs.
Oh, geeeeeez! Don’t shoot the messenger. MJ’s not the one who said Adam’s fans are smelly, he did. Besides, it gives Adam’s fans yet another excuse to ramble on about Adam! Yay!
None! They are saints, you see. There’s St. Sarver, Patron Saint of Twitter. St. Meghan of Caw, Patron Saint of Bird Baths. St. Scotty the Blind, Patron of Wild Angels…Wild, Wild Angels. St. Lil of Little, Patron Saint of Stank Eye. St. Anoop, Patron of Frat Boys. St. Matt, Patron Saint of Unicornus Keritosis. St. Allison, Patron Saint of Cutters. St. Danny, Patron Saint of Tool Makers, and, of course, Beloved St. Kristopher, Patron Saint of AT&T Text Messengers. Adam? Not a saint. Thank God.
LMAO-FULL OF WIN laughed so hard hit the wrong button posted it and knocked me off line.
St. Allison, Patron Saint of Cutters was not a saint the nite the fan grabed her neck(took heat for being mean and nasty) but I’m sure she did 10 hail adam’s that nite.
To respond to the comments from my earlier post. I love Adam and will support him always. The whole point I was making was that AI has set a precedent for their tours that the idols come out to sign as part of their thank you to the fans. Those of us, and it is a large number, do the barricade thing to get that autograph and to thank them, congratulate them, etc. I guess I had gotten my hopes up too high in getting his autograph and then when he did not come out I and a lot of others were real disappointed. The other 9 thought they should come out for some reason but was confused when he did not. We asked Matt if Adam was going to come out and he said Adam never comes out he sends us instead. Yes in Philly it was hot but none of us smelled like a skunk. We even joked with Kris when he took a picture with us that we were sweaty and he said that’s ok I am too and we laughed. Yes, I paid to see the show and I got my money’s worth but I guess because they do the signings, we look for it. We know it is not a given but if 9 came, where was the 10th one and why. When I read the smelly thing I hoped that he was joking. Please don’t stereotype the people who stand at the barricades, we are just normal folks like any one supporting our idol.
Love the Saints, Zsus!!!!!
We also have a home in Southeast Asia. We have drivers who work on other things and when its time for them to drive air-conditioned cars, they freshen up, they change, they are considerate of their passengers. I find that respectful.
It is a civilized thing to be considerate of others. We run a retail chain and top selling and highest percentage increase – is Health and Beauty products . Selling even more than food products.
I think if we want Adam to be considerate of the fans, the fans likewise also have to be considerate. That is what civilized relationships are for. It is not insulting for Adam to say so. If you listen to the interview and read the transcript it is not meant to be an insult. I think MJ is just interpreting it as an insult. But that is her personal prerogative. I will respect that also.
They just don ´t dare.
This thread is cracking me up. The whole thing is so silly its impossible to take it seriously. LOL :lol_tb:
Zsus that could be one of the funniest things I’ve read today!
Well, I guess he won’t be hob nobbing with the hoi polloi, if he has anything to say about it. Oh Doctor!!!!
I keep thinking about Archie and Cook being inundated with fans in the Philippines everywhere they went. It was a Beatles-like mob scene. I know nothing about Philippine culture and sensibilities. They might be more obsessed with hygiene than we are! But, if they are not….
I do remember Cook mentioning how he, “unfortunately,” presented himself upon disembarking from the plane in Manila. The following is a ten minute video from his appearance on “Eat Bulaga,” a show on Philippine TV. At the 5:15 mark he talks about disembarking with greasy hair and no opportunity to put himself in order. The fans loved him anyway. (So … word to Adam. You can be a regular, human being upon landing in Manila.)
Eat Bulaga:
I see references like the one above a lot on here, and I don’t get it. Almost all up and coming artists (and many established) do M&Gs with their fans either before or after their shows. Establishing and maintaining that connection is key for their careers. Do fans have a “right” to an autograph or a meeting – no. Is it reasonable for them to hope for one – yes. It’s quite normal in fact.
The whole barricade argument will never be resolved – the smelly fans think they’re entitled, some just do it because it’s there, and the other 16,000 per concert are opposed to it or can live without it. I’m with the 16,000 who don’t feel I need to treat the Idols as exhibits in a human zoo, poking at their cages with a stick to see if they’ll snap.
Anyway, they put their leopard-print double-Ds on one strap at a time, just like us, so why should I be barricaded from them? Maybe in another venue, they’d be barricaded from me. Anyway, I don’t want to be one in the crowd. Dammit, if I bought a ticket and am going to buy a CD, I am entitled to dinner with Adam – on his dime!
MJ, my point was only that there were far more comments here than on Adam fansites (referring to one specifically) or on the 3 general articles that appear on a Google search. I was just trying to make an observation that for some reason your blog seams to have started a long conversation that isn’t occurring other places. Nothing more intended than that.
And, although I agree with you, most of the comments on this thread are being made by Adam fans, that wasn’t my point. However, I think that this thread has turned out to be both entertaining and interesting. And surprisingly, since I still think it is a trivial topic, stayed pretty much focused on 1. what Adam said and 2. does this really warrent a thread.
So, I think since it is now 12 pages, #2 is a moot point — the answer is “yes”.
Well, dang, mj. You ARE sneaky. Now we see why your site gets so many more hits than Mansfield’s.
I apologized upthread for using the word “glambert” instead of “Adam fans”–not realizing most of you would take that as an insult.
The point of the post was a little snark about Brian maybe taking the heat off me with his post, which was way more incendiary, than anything I wrote.
“Those of us, and it is a large number, do the barricade thing to get that autograph and to thank them, congratulate them, etc.”
I’ve heard of people sending a snail mail note to Adam, and getting an autograph in return. I haven’t tried this myself, (not sure what I’d do with an autograph, so I won’t pursue one), but it’s one option for those who want to congratulate Adam, and get an autograph.
I see a twitter party in the future…
Green River Ordinance, who were opening for David Cook and band for a few weeks and did not “gain fame” through AI, made a point — at both of the performances I saw — to say that they would be out in the lobby or along side the venue after the show for fans to meet them, sign autographs, and buy CDs. I can’t imagine they just came up with that because they were opening for David, the 2008 American Idol.
So, what does that say about them? A non-Idol rock/pop band? Are they trying to appease demanding, entitled fans or are they trying to connect with the public and garner fans. Maybe Adam has enough fans now and is above this? hmm?
I have attended many concerts with famous artists/bands and I have not met the artists (no M&Gs). However, I have gotten autographs from artists when they are promoting their CDs. Usually they are in a place where their CDs are being sold and you make a line with the CD you have just bought for the artist to sign. You can also write your artist and ask for an autograph.
LMAO This is so full of WIN! I had to quote in full. Funny as hell!
Yes please!!!! I LOVE twitter parties!!!!
The headline is total bait. And it totally worked hook, line and sinker.
The thing is, Sassycatz, is that the Idols are already well-known to the concert-going public who are specifically there to see them, having followed them all season long on a TV show. Therefore, they are far more familar, invested, and overzealous than fans would be for a largely unknown band who’s just opening for someone else and does not yet have much of a following. If GRO got these kinds of crowds when they did that, they’d probably have quickly changed their minds!
Yes, this is true. Sometimes fans have to pay, and pay a lot. Other times, not so.
Many big acts meet their fans, this idea that AI fans started all this m&g puzzles me. Meeting the artists is not an AI tour thing, it happens a lot.
Maybe Adam won’t mind the smelly fans if they’re paying to meet him later in his career.
I’m blaming this whole thing on Wolfgang. The poor skunk couldn’t help spraying Adam, (poor Wolfie was probably so excited about having his uncle Adam put that guyliner on him), and then Wolfie told Adam that the sweaty, OTT fans were really the smelly ones. No wonder they ditched Wolfie.
St. Allison, Patron Saint of Cutters.
Allison cannot be a Saint. She wears improper outfits for her age. She should wear a burka or something similar ;-)
Well controversy sells his digital album just moved from 47 to 40. I know it doesn’t take much for them to move up the chart, but still people are still purchasing it.
Have you seen these guys? I don’t think “smelly fans” bother them much. They supposedly hold their tour caravan together with refrigerator magnets. I love how welcoming and warm they were. They gained so, so many fans via their tour with DC.
In the grand scheme of things I don’t give a twit what Adam said or what MJ wrote….all I know is this thread filled a boring Friday afternoon and I’ve had a lot of fun reading 12 pages about NOTHING. And tomorrow the sun will rise and it will be a new day and MJ better find something else good to help entertain me….geesh I hate being unemployed!
And, Adam will still be around and he’ll still be making stupid comments and I’ll still complain about how SOME fans think they are entitled to all things holy because….wait for it….they are an AI FAN and, less we forget, they made Adam (and Kris and Allison and everyother Idol) into the “celebs” they are today.
Gosh, I love being a fan BUT I’m sure glad I’m not a member of the SOME fans club!!!!
I didn’t know that and it’s interesting.
I don’t know why Adam doesn’t interact with fans. Maybe it’s “doctor’s orders”, maybe he feels he doesn’t have to, maybe he doesn’t want to.
I have no idea if this is going to wind up hurting him. I do know someone who went to two Idol-sanctioned Meet and Greets and he didn’t turn up at either. People were apparently pissed but we aren’t talking about that many people. Forty or fifty maybe? I think you can make fans out of people if you interact with them but do you lose fans if you don’t?
This oughta be good for another 20 comments easy.
No, no. St. Allison, Patron Saint of Cutters and Cleavage.
hehehe I so make myself laugh sometimes…
Completely agree.
So full of win. :clap_tb:
So full of win. :clap_tb:
Of course you’ll loose the fans who want a piece of you. They are entitled, aren’t they. Bet ya dimes to donuts these same fans won’t stand in a line to get an autograph when they have to buy a CD to get it.
Actually, Ryan Star did the same thing at several David Cook shows. He and his band were selling cd’s and taking pics with fans.
I have to tell you. They gained so-o-o many fans. Many audience members went over to meet them who had never heard of them before that night. I’m afraid I held back because I am shy and tend to say very sarcastic things under “pressure” so I didn’t want to subject them to that. (I know, hard to believe.) But, I saw so many people walking around with their autographs and their CDs. They are charming, charming young men. I really adore how they interacted with the public.
maybe Adam has a crowd phobia because he spoke to Jamie about this before Idol was even over
ETA: I must be the only person who was not blown away by ‘Heartless’. It does nothing for me.
ETAA: corrected ‘I’ to ‘he’
So now whoever blogs about AI (or is it just Adam) has to be careful that the headline isn’t sensationalist or attention-grabbing? Because who would want that in a headline? It may actually encourage people to click!
Every single fandom in the Idolsphere always has fans that will grumble about mj being biased against their guy/gal or too focused on the other guy/gal. Every.single.year. As I said above, I would probably give Adam a high-five right now for what he said. I thought it was awesome that he said it. But I’m sure as hell not gonna blame mj for bringing the comment to my attention. It’s obviously an interesting piece of news if we’re still commenting on it some 12 pages in. I guess I just never saw it as her job to present these guys in the best possible light or even in an even-handed light. She’s just covering what garners attention.