Adam Lambert – Glam Nation – Mahnomen, MN – 06/11/10

Photo by Jason Fienhold-Haasis taken at Council Bluff

The next stop for Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour is The Shooting Star Casino in Mahnome, MN with a capacity of 1, 700.  Concert starts at 8:00pm Central.

Orianthi and Allison Iraheta are once again opening.

So what will it be tonight Elvis or Emo? Will it be get WLL or MW? Or a whole new encore?

Twitter List: (courtesy of @Hooplamagnet)

Will post videos and photos after the jump as soon as they appear

Voodoo/DTRH/ROF from Libracats

Fever from Libracats

Music Again from Mandydiesel

Sleepwalker from Libracats

Sleepwalker from Mandydiesel

WWFM Libracats

Soaked Libracats

BO dnewton98

Strut dnewton98

IIHY from Libracats

Mad World from Mandydiesel