Adam Lambert Filming Video for “Whataya Want From Me”

Adam Lambert has been telling fans to watch out for a music video for his current single, “Whataya Want From Me” from his debut album, For Your Entertainment.

A couple of   peeps on twitter who are involved with the video are reporting that there’s a shoot tonight.

@JuliannaMilton tweets, “What a Sunday. Shooting the Adam Lambert video tonight!” and “Headed to the #AdamLambert music video shoot right now!”

@claytonmjohnson tweets, “working on Adam Lambert’s music video all night. should be very interesting lol…Yes all you Adam Lambert fan’s, it’s the video for WWFM”

Adding updates as they happen:

Udpate: Check out videos from the set HERE and HERE. Fans surround Adam as he tries to get into the club.

Update from @JuliannaMilton: “Adam says the video is from his lover’s POV and some fighting. He’s wearing this cool ass skull ring and skull buttons on his collar…Just Adam, band’s not there for the outside of club part…But he was joking with us to this guy, we starred in another music video together, ‘Are you in my band!'”

Update from @JuliannaMilton: “Adam says he’s been on set since 7am, it’s all getting shot today. It’s going to be an “intense” video.”

Video and more updates after the JUMP…

Update from @JuliannaMilton: PHOTO!

Update from @JuliannaMilton: Adam Lambert looks beautiful in a black suit/tie/snake leather shoes : )

Update from @claytonmjohnson: At the Adam Lambert video shoot, shooting a club scene and of course it’s outside, freezing cold…i want my bed

Update from @JuliannaMilton: “Adam Lambert fans! In the music video I’m playing a girl who’s to young to get in the club.Just got makeup.Waiting on set. Keep you posted ; )”

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!