3rd Update: From HDD Rumor Mill: “The network said it received about 1, 500 complaints. But one person familiar with the situation said ABC gets more complaints from viewers over broadcasts of Dancing With the Stars.”
2nd Update: ABC has made a statement: “Given his controversial live performance on the AMAs we were concerned about airing a similar concert so early in the morning.'”
Update: Per Rickey.org and Perez Hilton.com: The CBS Early Show has Re-booked Adam. Reset your VCRs peeps
I have a source who confirmed with 19M that Adam Lambert’s 11/25 appearance on Good Morning America has been canceled.
I don’t have any further information, but it’s pretty easy to speculate here. Adam’s controversial performance on the American Music Awards was edited on the West coast. A kiss with a male band member was left in, but simulated oral sex with one of the backup dancers was cut out of the later feed.
ABC told Rolling Stone that they weren’t aware of the male on male kiss ahead of time. Also, the Parents Television Council has urged their followers to complain to the FCC. It’s been reported that the FCC has received over 1500 complaints.
Whatever. I think the cancellation is lame. Money always talks, however. ABC was probably afraid of losing sponsors.