Be Yourself

Be Yourself

I normally don’t delve into the private lives of the Idols.  However, I think this piece of news is notable.

Season One’s RJ Helton came out of the closet yesterday to host Larry Flick on his show OutQ in the Morning on SIRIUS OutQ, Sirius satellite channel’s gay channel.

USAToday’s Idol Chatter blog posted an excerpt of the conversation:

LARRY FLICK: What made you decide not to do inspirational music anymore? [RJ recorded a gospel CD in 2004]

RJ HELTON: … the industry has just really jaded me…I can have a faith but can’t be who I want to be or who I feel that I am…so a lot of it was just personal things I needed to overcome and just be proud of who I was…just because I am gay does not mean I can’t love God.

LARRY FLICK: Well there you go..congratulations. This is something that I wasn’t sure you were going to talk about on the air today so what made you decide to come out?

RJ HELTON: Today..this morning..3 seconds ago. I’ve never even said that. It feels good.

LARRY FLICK: Does it feel good?

RJ HELTON: It does feel great. It feels good. I’m just really comfortable with who I am now. I’m very proud of who I am.

Good for RJ, I say.

thanks callie