I posted a link Sunday to Hollywood contestant, Jennifer Sieminski’s, MySpace. An AI fan, grrrr, who’s way more observant than moi took a closer look and found some real interesting stuff in her blog. She’s posted a real cool FAQ that explains a little bit about the audition process. Jennifer’s best friend was Gina Glocksen. She was also friendly with David Hoover–he was the dude from Chicago who seemed to be off his meds. He couldn’t sing, but the judges put him through anyway. My hope, that the producers rescinded his invitation, has been dashed. He was certainly in Hollywood. Jennifer has this to say:
Q: why did they let crazy dave go to hollywood?
A: simply for TV ratings. the guy is genuine though. he’s also a naturalist, which means he doesn’t believe in using soap, shampoo, or deoderant. he;s very strange, but i was with him from the beginning. wait until you see what he does in hollywood!!!
There’s also a picture of Jennifer with David Radford, “Crazy Dave” and some others. Check it out–she drops a few interesting tidbits without spilling the beans. Ya hear that producers? So don’t give her grief…
ETA: I’m reading rumors ’round the net that the Top 44 contestants are back in Hollywood this week to film “The Chair” episode. This is where the contestants are whittled from 44 to 24. Last year, they were brought into a room with the judges, all reality-show style, and told if they made it or not. I hear the taping takes place tomorrow. OK, so what are you guys hearing? ETAA: I’m hearing that the selection may have taken place on Sunday… ETAAA: NOPE I was right the first time…