X Factor 1 – Top 12 – Videos and Recap

THE X FACTOR: Top 12 Perform: Melanie Amaro performs in front of the judges on THE X FACTOR airing on Wednesday, Nov.2 (8:00-10:00pm PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Ray Mickshaw / FOX.

The Top 12 perform live time tonight! For the first time, they will sing for YOUR votes.

There are 5 ways you can vote:  1) Through your twitter at http://twitter.thexfactorusa.com;  2) Verizon Touch Voting on The Xtra Factor App on Verizon Android devices; 3) Toll-free calling; 4) Text messaging for Verizon Wireless customers; and 5) Online at TheXFactorUSA.com. Fans with valid Facebook accounts can also vote at http://Facebook.com/TheXFactorUSA.

Confirmed on the pre-show: The two lowest vote getters will perform a “survival song” for the judges tomorrow. The panel will decide which of the two goes home.

Simon says: It’s not about the judges any more! IT’S ABOUT AMERICA Y’ALL.

5 million dollar prize, recording concert, Pepsi commercial. Yada yada yada.

For all Simon’s bragging about how edgy the judging was going to be on X Factor compared to Idol? This is pretty lukewarm stuff.  As a Sing-Off fan I already knew it, but now I’m totally convinced–Nicole Scherzinger is absolutely useless as a judge. She picks horrible songs for her charges, and has nothing to say in the way of useful critiques.  Her crying and carrying on is ridiculous and fake. I can’t believe Simon ditched Cheryl Cole for her.  Please get her off my TV screen NOW.

But I wasn’t wowed by the rest of the panel tonight, either. The scripted fighting was predictible, and if you analyze what each of the judges had to say, it was pretty empty rhetoric.  Granted, it was a jam packed night, and the judges didn’t have much time to speak. But still.  Paula was the best.  Her reactions seemed scripted, but at least they appear well thought out. I believe her when she said she attends rehearsals.  Heck, she deserves some sort of prize for that wacky “theme” she created for Lakoda Rayne.  It was Paula at her truly nutty best.

But I’m still waiting for those hard-hitting critiques we’re supposed to get from this panel…  I could not BELIEVE the passes they gave to mediorcre performances from the likes of  Josh Krajcik,InTENsity and Lakoda Rayne to name a few.  I found myself doing double takes a couple of times.

Steve Jones is still a cipher. I couldn’t tell you one thing he said tonight. I guess he keeps the show moving, but he’s got no warmth or personality.  Ryan Seacrest, Tom Bergeron and Cat Deeley all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steve Jones.

Tonight’s show, act by act:

Stereo Hogzz – Paula Abdul – Groups – Rhythm Nation by Janet Jackson – We see Paula teaching the Hogzz some steps. Simon thinks it’s a make or break performance. The crowd goes wild. The Hogzz got off to a shaky start. Nerves maybe? But once they got going they were fierce. The vocals were so good at points, I wondered if they were lip-syncing to a track. Props to Paula for some great choreography. Of course, Paula famously choreographed this tune for Janet Jackson back in the day.  Too bad America hasn’t cared about groups since about…oh…1999.  LA: He’s impressed. He thinks they have what it takes to be a star. Nicole: “The Stereo Hogzz have landed.” Simon: “Miss smug on my right is so happy” He thinks they are one of the best groups he’s ever seen. “There isn’t a band in the world that’s as good as you.”  (Really Simon?) He wishes he was mentoring them. Paula: The Hogzz lead a chant. She’s a total fan! – 1-855 843-9301 Text vote to 9301VIDEO

Chris Rene – LA Reid – Boys – “Superstar” – The tune starts off as a ballad and then kicks into a rap.  The performance was better than last week, but he’s still weak on the ballady parts. He needs to stick to upbeat rap/R&B. He’s not the best singer in the competition, but he does have charisma. He’s yet to top his “Young Homie” audition. Lol at the flames in the background. Nicole: She has mad love for Chris. Paula: She’s proud of him. Calls him honest, transparent with his thoughts. He owned it. Simon: Simon feels that he found his confidence when the song kicked in. A big improvement over last week. Simon mocks the pyro LA: Says Chris has fire because he’s HOT. – 1-855-843-9302 Text vote to 9302VIDEO

LeRoy Bell – “I’m Already There” by Lonestar – Terrible song choice. This is so corny. I love LeRoy’s voice, but he’s so old fashioned here. Nicole has to figure out how to challenge him. Honestly, she has no imagination whatsoever. LA: Doesn’t love the song choice, but loves his voice. Paula: Notes that he works hard and wraps his life experiences around his performances. Simon: Thinks he’s a good singer with a confidence issue. Also does not like the song. Dated. Nicole: “Sometimes less is more” – 1-855-843-9303 – Text vote 9303 – VIDEO

Simon announces the renewal of X Factor. He thanks his panel, contestants, sponsors and fans. “It’s your show. Because of your support we got the pickup.”

Oh look. Twitter stats.

Rachel Crow – Simon – Girls – “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves – Simon is sticking to a youthful vibe for Rachel this week. There is a pointless lyric change. Why “You’re my sunshine” rather than “Walking on Sunshine”? (Apparently, X Factor UK’s Gamu sang the song last year for her audition with the same lyric changes. Simon basically ripped off another teenager)  Rachel is just cute as a button isn’t she? But this song doesn’t do much to showcase her vocals. This girl can sing–Simon should pick songs that match her vocal skills. Ironic that he’s constantly criticizing his competitor’s song choices. LA:  Thinks she’s so lovable and charismatic, that he can’t bring himself to criticize her.  Nicole: Calls her America’s sunshine. Compares her to Michael Jackson. Nicole didn’t get the lyric change either. Paula: Rachel = Sunshine. Says in so many words that Simon should have picked a more adventurous song. Simon: Thinks he was being “adventurous” changing the lyrics. Simon, if it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it. Kwim? – 1-855-843-9304 – Text vote 9304 – VIDEO

Lakoda Rayne – Paula – Groups – “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac – Each group member is representing one of the 4 seasons.  OMG it’s Paula at her crazy best! This should be super lulzy. OMG their outfits look like they’re  heading to the prom, circa 1990.  I’m not getting this “seasons” theme. Is it the cheesy Hallmark-like nature scenes on the screens? Or is it the color of their dresses? A mystery to me.  Wind Machine! Paula is getting all misty! I just wish she’d do the “seal clap” just once. I’m still not feeling these chicks. They don’t sound good together. They’re attempting the Dixie Chicks version of the song, but are still not convincingly country. LA: Complimented their look. He felt the “blend” and the “harmonies” tonight. He wants them to be either pop or country. Nicole: Thought they sounded like one voice tonight. Put her in a trance. Simon: Thought it was a massive improvement over last week. Thought the “4 seasons” idea was “Insane”.  Hates their dresses–also thinks they are headed to the prom. Steve tells Simon he needs some glasses. – 1-855-843-9305 – Text vote 9305VIDEO

Josh Krajcik – Nicole – Over 30s – “Jar of Hearts” by Christina Perri – Nicole gave Josh a girl song, and he does not seem entirely comfortable with it. He’s really pitchy in the lower register. Nicole called the song “fragile” and that’s the problem. It needs to be sung with finesse, and Josh is like a bull in a china shop. He’s best when he can belt and wail. This song reveals his vocal limitations. Nicole has no frigging clue how to pick a suitable song for her charges. LA: Thought is was really good. Paula: “You can sing anything. You just nailed it.” Simon: Also thinks it was incredible. Stunning. The risk paid off. Nicole: OMG. She’s crying. Says she feels like a “Proud mom”. She feels his voice “in her veins.” Nicole bugs the eff out of me. – 1-855-843-9306 – Text vote 9306VIDEO

Melanie Amaro – Simon – Girls – “Desperado” by the Eagles – Simon is changing it up this week. Begins the song a capella. The music comes in on the second verse. (Reminds me a little of how Simon set up Kat McPhee in Season 5 when he picked “Over the Rainbow” for her). This performance is flawless–almost to the point of being a little dull. But there’s no doubt Melanie can sing. LA: The only thing Simon did right was going to bring you back. Nicole: “No limit to what you and your voice can do.” Paula: She compares her voice to fine china. Simon: Says the song has never cleared before. (Camile Velasco sang it on Idol Season 3. Simon’s memory is short)  “You are seriously good. You are the one to beat.Trust me.” Which means, of course, that she will now lose. – 1-855-843-9307 – Text vote 9307VIDEO

Astro – LA – Boys – “Hip Hop Hooray” mashed with his own raps – Will only do his own lyrics. Yo. As an old person this sh*t is probably going over my head, but this kid still annoys me. There’s lots of self-written, unintelligible rapping, and “swagger and confetti (has he won already?) I don’t get it, but I have a feeling, there’s a big audience for what this kid is peddling. Nicole: “You know how to get the party started right!” Paula: Loves that he marches to the beat of his own drum. Simon: “You are a real little star” Notices that his ego is getting bigger LA: “Each week you keep getting better and better and better. – 1-855-843-9308 – Text vote 9308 – VIDEO

InTENsity – Paula – Groups – “Kids in America/Party Rock Anthem” One of the members doesn’t want to be labeled as a Disney kid. TOO LATE! Cause, if you’re into syrupy super-happy Disney theme-park style numbers. InsTENsity is your thing! They are WAY more Disney than Glee. InTENsity makes the  Glee kids look like alt-hipsters by comparison. LA: Fun Fun Fun says LA Nicole: Funtastic Funomenal. (Yes. She went there) Simon: Spells out SORRY to Paula, he was wrong last week. Thought it was terrific. Thinks the blend is improving. Calls them rebels (WHAT?) Paula: Thanks them for working so hard. – 1-855-843-9309 – Text vote 9309 – VIDEO

Drew – Simon – Girls – “Just a Dream” by Nelly – She begins the song laying in flowers “American Beauty” style. An interesting song choice from Simon. This isn’t my favorite performance–she seems tentative and the staging is kind of awkward (she’s a good enough singer–really no reason for her to tromp around the stage) but Drew can’t miss. She’s really got a very special quality. Interesting that Simon is packaging her as a “real” artist. She makes her own decisions, y’all, cause she knows best! And she probably does. – LA: She has “the spirit of a superstar”. Voice and tone are amazing. It’s all right. But wrong mentor! Nicole: Props to Simon for picking an amazing song. Calls her relevant. Thinks she could do the modern R&B stuff as well as singer songwriter. Paula: Loved her last note. Fantastic. Simon: “I’m seeing a star emerge in front of me…she’s my mentor now. I shouldn’t be telling you what to do. You are doing an incredible job.” – 1-855-843-9310 – Text vote 9310. – VIDEO

Marcus Canty – LA – Boys – by Bobby Brown – “Beautiful Girls/Every Little Step” – LA wrote this song for Bobby. Marcus works hard in choreography to move like Bobby too. Wow. Marcus is a little dark horse, me thinks. Forget that loser Bobby Brown–I’m thinking Usher, or Chris Brown (also a loser, but you know…). The other contestants better watch their rear-view mirrors. Marcus IS the complete package–smooth as silk vocals, sexy-awesome dance moves and charm. Nicole: She felt like she was watching a concert. Amazing. Did she just swear? Paula: Calls him a total performer, total package. Simon: “You have come alive” says Simon. And a brilliant song choice. LA: “You keep getting better and better. America loves you. – 1-855-843-9311 – Text vote 9311. – VIDEO

More twitter wall! lulz.

Stacy Frances – Nicole – “Up to the Mountain” by Patty Griffin – Over 30s – Nicole introduces Stacy as her “soul sister”. Simon didn’t like Nicole’s song choice last week. He thinks she’s a “church” singer. Nicole decides to give her a gospel song.  Whether she’s singing a gospel song or not, Stacy has never met a song that she couldn’t oversing. Melanie Amaro is a similar type singer, and blows her out of the water. LA: Thinks she’s poised, and getting better and better. “You stirred our souls”. Paula: Congratulates Nicole and Stacy on a shining moment. Magical. Loves her lower register. Simon: Is taking full credit. Insists that Stacy give him a kiss. Ew. “This is what you should have been doing right from the start. One of he best performances of the night.” Nicole: She thanks Simon, but says it’s not about him, it’s about Stacy. “Epitome of grace, poise and beauty. You are fulfilling your purpose.” – 1-855-843-9312 – Text vote 9312 – VIDEO

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!