X Factor 1 – The Top 5 – Videos and Recap

THE X FACTOR: Top 5 Perform: Chris Rene performs in front of the judges on THE X FACTOR airing on Wednesday, Dec. 7 (8:00-9:30pm PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Ray Mickshaw / FOX.

I find it ironic, with all the talk about how hip and young and current X Factor is compared to Idol, that now that we’re down to the Top 5, 3 of the acts, Melanie, Rachel and Marcus would have fit beautifully in with the Idol Season 3 belters, and Josh is strictly a Taylor Hicks throwback type.  Only Chris Rene has any sort of a current vibe, and he’s no 5 million dollar act.

What we’re left with here as we come into the home stretch of the first season of X Factor is a whole lotta hype and very little substance.

Tonight’s underwhelming performances were split into two acts. The first half, called “dance hits” was really a remix theme.  In other words, take any song and throw a couple of beats behind it!  Nobody really stood out in the first round. I would give Josh Krajcik some props for surviving a style that is clearly not his.

The second half was so very odd.  At the top of the show, Steve promised a “twist”, which we find out is a song switch.  Due to a “communication error”–whatever THAT means–The Pepsi Challenge songs viewers voted on last week were moved to next week.  The contestants had less than 24 hours to pick a song and prepare it.

Likely they all picked songs they’ve performed before, but still.  The switch was presented as if it held the possibility for huge drama (I wondered if the whole deal was manufactured to create some interesting moments).  But instead of tension, we wound up with contestants finally able to operate in their comfort zones.  The performances were solid, but oh so predictable.

The only contestant to benefit was Chris Rene, who chose to sing an original.  The song wasn’t great, but it allowed Young Homie to hide his vocal imperfections, while being true to himself.  He came off as the most authentic of the group. And the most relevant.  Simon says he can see him selling records.  And out of the remaining contestants, Chris has the best chance of recording music that sells in the pop world.  Melanie has the possibility for pop success, but only if they completely make her over. Chris is ready made. All he needs is auto tune.

A 90 minute show meant they had to rush through the performances. The first half, in particular, felt really really hurried.  But the lack of time didn’t stop the judges from getting into boring fake squabbles.  I thought Simon almost crossed the line a couple of times with Nicole. She’s an idiot, but I think Simon likes that.  It gives him the excuse to treat her like crap.  Personally, I don’t find the mean-spirited sparring all that entertaining.   If I were a casual watcher, I’d probably FF through the judges comments at this point.

Tomorrow: More “drama” as another contestant is cut.


Oh. A MAJOR TWIST IS COMING UP later in the program.

A pair of DJ chicks called Nervo will do their thing alongside the contestants as they perform DANCE HITS.

Simon Cowell sarcastically says that he was REALLY REALLY HAPPY with last week’s results

UPDATE: Official statement about the song switch from X Factor: “There was an error in communicating the song selections to the production team, so in the interest of fairness for all contestants, the Pepsi Challenge songs were moved to next week.”

Melanie Amaro – Simon Cowell – Girls – “Someone Like You” by Adele – Dance hit? I know this is a club hit…but anything can be remixed. This song, in its original form, is a ballad, not a club song. Whoa. That went by really fast.  Melanie sounded good on that, but it doesn’t give her much of an opportunity to showcase her vocals.  But this is the kind of music she needs to do if she’s going to make hit pop records. LA: That was really good. Nicole: A big risk taking on Adele. You look and  sounded like the rock star diva that you are tonight. Paula:  It was too short, my only complaint. Simon: It wasn’t karaoke. It was taking the track, and doing something different with it.  The change in you–you’ve got confidence, you sound like a Diva. You’d have a hit record with that version.  (Uhm no. Adele already turned it into a club track) – 1-855-843-9301 Text vote to 9301

Marcus Canty – LA Reid – Boys – “Ain’t Nobody” by Chaka Khan – This remix is terrible.  Marcus breaks out the Usher and the sexy moves and it’s just a’ight. Not really digging this remix. He does put effort into entertaining the crowd, I’ll give him that. The little wink at the end was super cheesy. Nicole: Marcus, you took us to church and a dance club at the same time. You’ve earned your spot to be here. Paula: It’s an even playing field, and you performed like it’s the first time we saw you.  Simon: I shouldn’t be very happy with you. But, that was a very very good performance. I like people who don’t act like victims. You came back strong and proved a point. LA: If you loved Marcus the way I did, you need to vote vote vote vote. 1-855-843-9302 Text vote to 9302

Rachel Crow – Simon Cowell – Girls – “Nothin On You” – Another terrible remix. Rachel is trying hard, but she’s so out of her element here. She’s so sweet, though.  If she finds success, it’s going to be on television. LA: You are such a little star. LA wants to know who shes’ singing to. She says, “Paula and Nicole”. Nicole: I’m waiting for the Rachel Crow doll to come out, complete with her own bathroom. Paula: Rachel you are just beautifully fearless. I’m so proud of you. Simon: I’m waiting for the Nicole doll to come out, the voodoo doll. Rachel did standup comedy when she was a kid? 1-855-843-9303 Text vote to 9303

Josh Krajcik – Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “We Found Love” by Rihanna – Josh is totally out of his comfort zone. He started off shaky, but then warmed up to the format. Solid job, considering. The key probably should have been a step lower, he was straining.  LA: We know you can sing. I could never see you doing that song in the recording world. I didn’t buy it. Paula: He can take any song and make it believable as a dance hit. Simon: I agree with LA. The song was completely inappropriate. You were surrounded by a ridiculous dance routine. You’re lucky you have a second song hit. Nicole: You killed it. You made the song your own. 1-855-843-9304 Text vote to 9304

Chris Rene – LA Reid – Boys – “Live Your Life” by T.I. –  The singing is still terrible, but since Astro is gone, maybe can get back into doing more of the self-penned raps. He’s much better at that than singing covers. Nicole: You go ahead and live your life, we’re living our life right with you!  Did she just call him Josh? Nicole is truly the keeper of Pauler’s old stash.  Nicole: It sounds like it’s your own song.  Paula: One of the most fun performances I’ve seen. Simon: You’re not the best singer, but as an overall recording artist, with charisma, I think you are doing brilliant.  LA:  You wrote your own lyrics, you are improving every week. 1-855-843-9305 Text vote to 9305

The Pepsi challenge songs have been moved to next week. Due to “an error in communication” whatever the eff that means.  They just found out about the song change in the last 24. But they get to pick their own song.

Who thinks this bit is completely trumped up for drama?

Melanie Amaro – “When You Believe” from the Prince of Egypt – Major pipes.  Melanie always sounds great on these big ballads.  My guess? She’s sung this sung many many times before.   OH No She’s going to talk. “I truly believe in myself. blah blah blah blah blah.” She thanks Simon for bringing her back. LA: That was amazing…safe but amazing. Nicole: You gave me goosebumps all over. You didn’t just sing the song, I felt you were speaking the song to every one of us. Paula: I can here Whitney, Mariah. This is a performance that worked. It was beautiful. Simon: Give this girl some credit! She just sang this incredibly. Clive Davis is in the audience. SKEERY.  Simon begs us to vote.

Marcus Canty – LA Reid – Boys – “A Song For You” by Leon Russll – Another big ballad. Like Melanie, Marcus does really well with old-fashioned music. This is so much better than his first performance. Marcus sings with a lot feeling. He’s got a really nice voice when he’s in his comfort zone. Nicole: Thank you for reminding us all why we fell in love with you from the start. Young Al Green. Paula: One of your best performances that I’ve witnessed. You are a storyteller. Simon: I’m not jumping out of my chair to be honest. I would have liked to heard a little twist. What…like Melanie Simon? BITCH PLEASE. LA: You’ve been on the bottom twice, you came back like a champion. LA compares him to Mohammed Ali. Mmk.

Rachel Crow – Simon Cowell – Girls – “Music and Me” by Michael Jackson – Hm. She’s real pitchy here. And I’m not sure what the wisdom was in choosing a dull ballad most people haven’t heard of. LA: I love that you picked that song for yourself. I hear that Hollywood is just circling the wagons. You’re like an old soul in a 13 year old. She wants to inprie the kids. Paula You are a wonderful role model. You are fantastic. Simon: I like the fact that you chose the songs this week. Both songs worked. Simon mixes up

Josh KrajcikNicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “Something” by the Beatles – Josh is also doing a fantastic job now that he’s in his comfort zone. He does have a beautiful gravelly, soulful voice.  But this, like the other 3 “pick your own” performances is totally predictable. LA:  Thank god you had a second song tonight. When you sing that way, that’s the Josh that I love.  Ever so slightly karaoke, but really good.  Paula: Adjectives don’t describe your brilliance anymore. I think that you’re so special. I’m so grateful that we found you. Simon: This was a massive improvement.  You looked half-way insane halfway through. Nicole interjects: ‘That’s called getting lost in the music’.  Simon asks her to “get lost” and let him finish.  Simon suggests that he ditch the dancers, because he’s a singer songwriter (But he was forced to do a dance tune?)  Nicole: She calls Josh the “male Adele” in the industry right now. Which is of course, patently stupid.  She calls it “Krajcik Magic”.  These judges comments tonight are ridiculous.

Chris Rene – LA Reid – Boys – “Where Do We Go From Here”  – So Stevie Wonder called him? He’s doing an original song called “Where Do We Go From Here”. This sounds vaguely familiar. Singing his music, his vocals aren’t a trainwreck. I wouldn’t say this is great song–there’s a lot of repetition–but it’s better than his covers. I predict this song is going to bring Chris a lot of attention. And now I’m wondering if this whole “communications error” deal was manufactured to pimp Chris?  He’s got the last spot. Compared to the other 4, he’s the most original.  Nicole:  Skies the limit with you baby. I want you take this moment in right now. Amazing. Paula: Had that glitch you wouldn’t have been singing this song. This is what I’ve been waiting for. Simon: You decide to sing your own song…it’s either or stupidity or a stroke of genius..that was a stroke of genius. LA: I couldn’t be more proud of you.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!