Here’s a list of The Voice 9 contestants rumored to be advancing from the Knockout round to the Live Playoffs, airing in a couple of weeks.
These spoilers are probably reliable. But if not, please don’t shoot the messenger, because I am not the source. These are the product of super-sleuthing by members of an online community. I’m not linking, in case the OP wishes to remain anonymous. If more credit is desired, I’d be more than happy to link back. Just drop me an email via the “contact us” linked above.
The Viktor Kiraly and Jordan Smith knockout for Team Adam has already been spoiled. It also appears that Amy Vachal and Madi Davis are paired up And, apparently, Blind Joe loses to Barrett Barber, and Andi & Alex to Blaine Mitchell–all in tonight’s (October 26) episode.
The Voice 9 Rumored Top 20
Team Adam Levine
Blaine Mitchell
Jordan Smith
Keith Semple
Shelby Brown
Amy Vachal – Stolen from Team Pharrell
Team Blake Shelton
Barrett Baber
Emily Ann Roberts
Ivonne Acero
Zach Seabaugh
Morgan Frazier – Stolen BACK from Team Pharrell
Team Gwen Stefani
Braiden Sunshine
Jeffery Austin
Korin Bukowski
Regina Love
Viktor Kiraly – Stolen from Team Adam
Team Pharrell Williams
Darius Scott
Evan McKeel
Madi Davis
Mark Hood
Riley Biederer – Stolen BACK from Team Gwen (correction)