Survivor Season 37 David vs Goliath Week 4 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.

The episode beings with Jeff greeting the tribes for a presumed challenge. Before Jeff tells them what they are there for, Bi tearfully announces that she had to withdraw from the game due to her knee injury. Afterwards, Jeff reveals that they will be switching up the tribes. They all choose wrapped packages at random with a buff inside.

Tiva Tribe – John, Christian, Gabby, Dan, and Alison

Vuku Tribe – Natalia, Davie, Elizabeth, Kara, and Alec

Jabeni Tribe – Natalie, Mike, Angelina, Lyrsa, and Nick

No tribe – Carl

Carl will go to Exile Island since the package he drew did not have a buff inside it. In addition, Jeff points out how the Goliaths have the numbers advantage on each tribe. Afterwards, Jeff sends them back to camp. The new tribe members get to know one another, and Natalia is nervous by how much Kara and Elizabeth have in common. She shares this concern with Kara, but Kara promises she won’t flip. She later tells Alec how Natalia is nervous, but they agree there is no point in flipping.

Meanwhile, Carl arrives at Exile Island and gets a clue to an advantage. He has to find a marked coconut, which he goes searching for. After a while of wandering around the shore, he finally finds it. He opens the coconut and receives his advantage. Carl has found an advantage that allows him to nullify the use of an immunity idol.

On the Jabeni Tribe, Natalie has no interest bonding with the former Davids. She instructs them to build fire while watching, which irritates the tribe members. Nick is annoyed with Natalie’s demeanor, but he’s happy about it since it’s a possible crack in the Goliath alliance. He later talks to Mike and says he gets good vibes from him. In a confessional, Nick says there’s no way a David will win this game playing only with Davids. We hear a confessional from Mike, and he says he likes Nick. Nick dubs their alliance the Rock Stars. Mike is still unsure if he can work with Nick long term, but he’s open-minded to it.

On the Tiva Tribe, Christian says he needs to use charm to further his position in the game since he can’t offer much physically. He asks John about his wrestling career, and John comments on Christian’s quirky personality in a confessional. John says he gets socially awkward at times too, so he can relate to Christian. Meanwhile, Gabby is feeling down with their bad luck with the tribe swap. The next morning, Gabby breaks down crying to Christian. Gabby is struggling connecting with their new Goliath tribe members. She’s envious of Christian’s ability to be likable and bond with everyone else. She believes she’s in a desperate position on the tribe.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. They will have to go through a series of obstacles blindfolded to retrieve bags with balls inside. They will then use the balls to solve a table maze. One tribe member will be a caller to guide the blindfolded members. Along with immunity, they will be playing for a dessert reward. The challenge begins with Gabby, Angelina, and Kara being pushed by blindfolded tribe members on a one-wheeled cart through a maze obstacle. Dan and John are pushing Gabby; Natalie and Nick are pushing Angelina; and Alec and Davie are pushing Kara. Tiva takes the lead, and Gabby is the first to guide blindfolded Christian and Alison on the puzzle. Meanwhile, Vuku has Kara guiding Elizabeth and Natalie on their puzzle. Tiva is the first tribe to complete the challenge! It’s now down between Vuku and Jabeni. Angelina and Kara are both guiding their blindfolded members. Mike and Lyrsa manage to get the last ball in the slot for their tribe with Angelina’s guidance. Jabeni completes the challenge! Vuku will go to Tribal Council tonight.

On the Vuku tribe, Elizabeth wants to go searching for the hidden immunity idol. Davie goes along with her, but he has already found the idol (which Elizabeth doesn’t know about). Davie doesn’t want to play his idol this early, so he rats out Elizabeth searching for the idol to Kara and Natalia. He says he’s on board to vote her out. Natalia is thrilled to hear this since she wants Elizabeth out for getting too close to Kara. Meanwhile, Elizabeth tries to convince Alec to keep her. She tells him she’s willing to write Davie’s name down tonight. Later on, Alec, Natalia, and Kara discuss whom to vote out. Alec wants to vote out Davie; Natalia wants to vote out Elizabeth. Alec admits in a confessional he’s annoyed how Natalia always has to have her way. He doesn’t think Natalia really trusts him. Alec is contemplating voting out Natalia, and Alec talks to Davie about voting out Natalia. He admits the Goliaths could lose the numbers if he votes out Natalia since Carl is going to join their tribe after tribal council. With Natalia gone, Carl, Davie, and Elizabeth could have the numbers to pick off the rest of the Goliaths. However, Alec says in a confessional that he is still torn.

It’s time for tribal council. Jeff points out the obvious that the Goliaths have the advantage tonight. Elizabeth preaches her loyalty, and Davie says Elizabeth is a huge threat due to her story. As Elizabeth tells them that she’s excited to be at tribal council and this is where the game begins, Alec stands up and whispers into Elizabeth’s ear. Natalia and Kara are now panicking. “I don’t like that,” Natalia says of Alec’s actions. They ask him if he’s still on board with the plan, and he’s very noncommittal in his answers. The vote is seemingly up in the air before they go to cast their votes.

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…






Natalia is the fifth person voted out of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.

Natalia is upset as she gets her snuff torched by Jeff. Alec apologizes, but Natalia snaps, “Don’t be sorry, shut up!” She’s also bothered by Alec’s grin and asks why is he smiling. “It’s a game,” he says before Natalia walks away.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comment section below, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 559 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.