A special two-hour edition of Survivor: Worlds Apart airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap of the episodes here.
The episode begins with Nagarote returning to camp after Tribal Council. Hali explains to Will that she voted for him in case Nina had a hidden immunity idol. In a confessional, Will admits he knows he’s the next one gone if they go back to Tribal Council. The next morning at Escameca, Dan stumbles upon a snake lying on the ground. Mike kills it, cooks it, and then eats it. Rodney eats some too.
It’s time for a reward challenge now. Each tribe will have a caller that will instruct a blindfolded pair to go retrieve items and send it back to the caller. The first tribe to finish will win three hens and a rooster. Second tribe to finish will win ten eggs. Third place wins nothing. Carolyn, Sierra, and Joe are the callers for their respective tribes. Nagarote are currently in the lead, with Masaya in second. The blindfolded teams are repeatedly bumping into obstacles as they retrieve the items. Jeff also keeps telling the contestants to be careful when dropping the platform used to send items back to the caller. And this advice is ignored as the Escameca platform falls and slams into Kelly’s head. She is visibly bleeding as Jeff stops the challenge so a medic can attend to her. He evaluates Kelly’s condition and notes that she has a deep cut in her head. However, she’ll still be able to compete in the challenge after she is cleaned up and bandaged up. The challenge continues where it left off, with Nagote only needing one item left to win the challenge. And they do. Nagarote wins the reward challenge. Now it’s close between Escameca and Masaya, but it is Masaya who finishes in second place. Escameca don’t finish and win nothing.
At the Nagarote Tribe, it’s Will’s birthday and he’s feeling very homesick. He’s glad they’ll be able to eat chicken. Joe prepares to cook one, which makes Jenn very unhappy. She does not eat meat and is against the idea of killing animals. While the others are cooking and then eating the chicken, Jenn goes to look for the hidden immunity idol. She eventually finds it in a tree.
Over at Escameca, Rodney and Lindsey have a discussion about the double standards between men and women when it comes to dating. Lindsey is very bothered by Rodney’s opinion that women should have higher standards than men. The discussion gets heated and Rodney and Lindsey become angry with one another.
Over at Masaya, while they’re cooking the eggs, Shirin tells the tribe about the time she slaughtered a bunny rabbit. Joaquin says in his confessional that he thinks Shirin is a sociopath for killing small animals. The tribe then tries to decide who should sit out in the next immunity challenge. Carolyn is approached about sitting out, which bothers her a lot. She thinks it should be Shirin sitting out instead. Carolyn also sees Max and Shirin as a pair and while Max is swimming, she brings up the idea of voting out Max to Tyler and Joaquin. They are hesitant about it, which annoys Carolyn since she thinks it just makes good sense to get rid of him since he’s the brains of a potentially dangerous pair.
Immunity challenge time! Each tribe will be attached to a rope and maneuver through a rope obstacle. They will grab a bag of balls and then stand on a beam to maneuver the balls through a maze of holes. First two tribes to get the three balls to the top will win immunity. Shirin does end up sitting out of the challenge for Masaya (Dan and Lindsey sit out for Escameca). During the challenge, Rodney gets confused in the rope obstacle and causes Escameca some time, but all three tribes are pretty much even as they make their way to the maze after retrieving the bag of balls. Joaquin and Joe get the first ball in for their tribes, with Mike getting his through for Escameca. Carolyn gets the second one through right afterwards. Next Jenn gets the ball through for Nagarote. Hali gets the third ball through. Nagarote wins immunity. Now it’s close between Masaya and Escameca. It’s between Rodney and Max for who will win immunity for his tribe. Rodney drops the ball right before Max gets his through. Masaya wins immunity too. Escameca loses their first immunity challenge and will go to Tribal Council tonight.
At the Escameca tribe, they get ready for Tribal Council. Dan asks Lindsey if it’s him leaving, but she instead brings up the idea of voting out Rodney. He pretends to agree with her. He goes back to Rodney, Mike, and Kelly and the four of them want Lindsey gone. However, Kelly states in her confessional that it could be Rodney leaving. She and Mike speak alone and they both want Rodney gone too, but think Lindsey is annoying too. Looks like it will be either Rodney or Lindsey leaving tonight, with Kelly and Mike being the swing votes.
At Tribal Council, Jeff asks who bonded and who didn’t. Dan says Lindsey and Sierra bonded, while Rodney admits to not getting along with Lindsey. Sierra and Kelly also admit that they’re bothered by the way Rodney talks about women. Rodney stands up for himself and says there’s nothing wrong with saying women should have higher standards for themselves.
It’s time for the vote. Rodney, Lindsey, and Sierra all receive two votes. It goes to a re-vote, which leads to Lindsey being the fourth castaway voted out of Survivor: Worlds Apart.
Back at the Escameca tribe, Sierra is very bothered about the vote. She asks who voted for her, but she’s told it’s not important and that she only received votes in case a hidden immunity idol came into play. Sierra feels very ostracized by the tribe and wants nothing to do with them now.
The next day it’s time for another challenge. And Jeff reveals that white collar versus blue collar versus no collar is no more. The tribes are now going to be swapped. Sierra says in a confessional that her former tribemates are now dead to her, so this swap couldn’t have come at a better time. The castaways drop their buffs and each choose a new one. They will either be on the new Escameca tribe or the new Nagarote tribe. Here are the new tribes:
Escameca: Dan, Sierra, Mike, Rodney, Tyler, Joaquin, and Joe
Nagarote: Will, Hali, Jenn, Max, Carolyn, Shirin, and Kelly
Almost all the former Blue Collar tribe are still together, with only Kelly not being with them. Joe is the only former No Collar tribe not to be with his former tribemates. Sierra is also the only woman on the new Escameca tribe.
Reward challenge. They will use a slingshot to launch balls into the air and another tribemember must catch it. First tribe to catch five balls wins reward, which is a feast and anything that was won at the old Masaya tribe. Escameca ends up winning the reward challenge.
The new tribes get to know one another. Shrin knows Kelly will be the swing vote of their new tribe since she’s the only former blue collar tribemate with three white collars and three no collars. However, Shirin begins to get on everyone’s nerves. Jenn is especially annoyed by her. In addition, Max gets his feet stung by a stingray. To treat his feet, he puts them into the pan with all the tribe’s drinking water, which disgusts Hali. The other tribemembers are annoyed by Max too. This could be problematic for Shirin and Max since Carolyn is already against them. Carolyn could flip and join the others in voting Max and Shirin out. Meanwhile at the Escameca tribe, the former male blue collar tribe tries to bring in Joaquin, Tyler, and Joe. However, while they’re away, Sierra tells Joaquin, Tyler, and Joe how much she dislikes her former tribemates. They could easily side with Sierra and turn against Dan, Mike, and Rodney. Realizing they need Sierra, Dan goes to her to apologize. But he does a really bad job by saying it was Sierra’s fault for being mad, so she still doesn’t want anything to do with him, Mike, or Rodney.
Immunity challenge time. They must go through an obstacle to stack pots. Then they must use a wrecking ball to smash the pots. First tribe to finish wins immunity. Escameca gets an early lead due to having more athletic people on their tribe to drag the pots through the obstacles. Nagarote falls way behind and it’s clearly Escameca’s challenge to lose. Dan smashes all the pots before Nagarote can even get started. Escameca wins immunity.
Escameca returns to camp and the scrambling before Tribal Council begins. Jenn is intimidated by Max’s knowledge of the game (he admitted to her that he knows that the astrological sign that most of the winners share is Capricorn). Shirin and Max approach Kelly about voting out Will. Shirin then goes to Carolyn and say to vote out Will. However, Carolyn still doesn’t trust Max and Shirin and wants to be the swing vote. Carolyn then goes to Jenn and tells her she is not with Max and Shirin. Jenn is very relieved since she wants Max and Shirin gone. The entire tribe except Max and Shirin then group together at the shelter and decide who should be voted out first: Max or Shirin? They are both annoyed by them and can’t decide who it should be.
Tribal Council time. Max admits to Jeff that their tribe has no chance since all the athletic people are over on the other tribe. He compares them to the tribe in the One World season, and Jenn is amused by his vast knowledge of the game. Will later admits to Jeff that he thinks tonight’s vote will be a blindside. Shirin agrees and says it could be her going home, which would be a blindside.
It’s time for the vote. The first two votes read are for Will, but the next four are all for Max. Max is the fifth castaway voted out of Survivor: Worlds Apart. He and Shirin are clearly blindsided while he gets his torch snuffed and walks way from Tribal Council.
And that wraps up tonight’s two-hour edition of Survivor: Worlds Apart. Thanks for reading and come back next week for another live recap!