Season 6 Contestant Update

It looks like the enterprising kids at Idol Forums may have spoiled the entire Top 24.   You can find a comprehensive list of the Top 40/24  here, complete with links to music samples and background information on each contestant.

Kudos to both Idol Maniac (who did some awesome and thorough research on all the contestants) and RickyHoeGuardian  for managing to infiltrate the SuperSekrit Idol  cabal.  Kids, watch out.  You might  find a horse’s head in your bed some morning.   I keed, I keed. Sidenote:  I’m linking to information on a message board.  I’m not revealing trade secrets. I also don’t negotiate with high-priced lawyers over the phone. I am  not an idiot.  thnxokbye.

Ahem.   I have no idea if the list is accurate, so peruse at your own risk.   However the list does reflect one I posted back in December  here  and here.   At the time, I had no idea whether the list was  correct or not, but now I see I may have been right on the money. Yay me.

On with the Season 6 Contestant update:

Entertainment  Weekly  ranks the Idol auditioners.   You can check out their Top 20 list  here, and then vote  for your favorite.   EW lists Sundance Head, Chris Sligh and Porcelana Patino in their Top 3.   Currently, the popular vote has Chris Sligh out in front at 35%, Sundance Head 2nd  with 14% and  Sanjaya Malakar 3rd with 11%.

Here’s a short article about Chris Sligh’s university days at  North Greenville University in SC.  Until recently,  Chis kept up a really interesting  blog.   It’s worth a read.   And, his band, Half Past Forever has posted a music video  on You Tube.   Click the video link! You will not be sorry.   The song, “Know” has a GREAT guitar hook and a fine melody.   All in all, a nifty  little power pop gem.   Me likey. I’m  very glad Chris is in this competition.

Brandon Rogers, the  talented backup singer who auditioned in Los  Angeles,  like so many hopeful auditioners, has a  My Space  page.  More and more Idols are using MySpace to network with fans, and get their music out to the public.    Interestingly, with some research, and a few names, one can find a wealth of information about a contestant and the ongoing competition even before the details hit the airwaves.

For instance, the chatter between contestants mid to late January left many tantalizing clues about how the Top 24 selection was going.  Marlea Stroman, for example–remember her from Season 4?    Marlea  was the contestant who cracked under pressure-claimed she  missed her young child-and was shown leaving town.   According to her MySpace, she auditioned again this year and made it to Hollywood.  If you are interested in knowing what happens to Marlea, read the comments on her page…

Birmingham auditioner Jamie Lynn Ward made the shocking revelation on Tuesday’s show–with a scary lack of emotional affect–that her daddy shot her step-mother and then “hisself”.   Afterward, she moved in with her grandmother to help take care of her dad, who was left paralyzed from the neck down. Of course, almost immediately, the press filled in the blanks.   Here is a news account  from February 2006, when the crime occurred:

 A Reidsville man shot his wife, then turned the gun on himself early Saturday morning, according to police.

…The release states that North Carolina Highway Patrolman R.W. Hamilton, who was the first to arrive on scene, observed a muzzle flash from several shots fired inside the home as he pulled into the driveway.

Shortly thereafter, several Reidsville officers arrived on the scene and Beverly Emory Ward, of the residence, told them her husband had shot her.

After hearing Jamie Lynn’s story, I wondered what happened to the step-mom.   After the show aired Tuesday, the press caught up with her here:

“I remember seeing blue lights, ” she said Thursday from her home in Alamance County. “I remember looking back at my husband, and I remember him looking at me like I was somebody he didn’t know. I remember him saying, ‘God forgive me for what I’m about to do.’ I remember him pointing the gun at me, and I remember him shooting me three times.”  

Beverly Ward, the stepmother, said she had told relatives to watch the show, unaware of what was going to be said. When Jamie’s audition aired, her phone started ringing. Relatives called to ask if she knew of Jamie’s comments beforehand.

“Emotionally, it just about destroyed me, ” Beverly said. “She was on ‘American Idol.’ She should have been talking about herself and not dragging this back up.”

Jamie Lynn’s step-mom refused to press charges against her husband.   She claims that he had mixed alcohol with a Valium and, “That was just not my husband. That was just something I would have never expected him to do. If he hadn’t been drinking, and hadn’t taken that Valium, it wouldn’t have happened.”  Jamie Lynn, incidently,  was  crowned high school  homecoming queen  later that year.  

While Porcelana Patino, the New York auditioner who lost 20 lbs through a militaristic training regime, was featured on last Wednesday’s Idol, she was at her  dad’s bedside  in a New York City  hospital ICU. Porcelana’s father was struck by a hit and run driver on January 22 at 5 am while he was walking to work.   He suffered a broken  shoulder, leg and ribs.   Porcelana says, “My dad just woke up. My father’s response was ‘I’m going to miss the show, the show, I’m going to miss the show.’ All he is interested in is watching his daughter on the freaking show. Can you believe that?”

When Nichole Gatzman  performed what I thought was a pretty good rendition of Bonnie Raitt’s “Something to Talk About” Simon inexplicably told her “Youre very old fashioned, and you sing through your nose. And it a shame.”   Both Randy and Simon turned her down flat.  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought Nichole should have been given a shot in Hollywood, as she explains  here:

…Having America thinking I was good and wondering why I didnt make it . . . Im thankful people are calling and getting on the boards, Gatzman said.

Nichole was a guest on an Idol-themed  Larry King Live  Thursday night.  

Also featured on Larry King Thursday–Sherman Pore who I think may be everyone’s favorite Idol at the moment.   Sherman is the 64 year old contestant who petitioned the show to  audition-despite his age–by collecting signatures.   He started the project as a way to keep up the spirits of his seriously ill girlfriend.  She died two days before his audition.   Here are some excerpts from his Larry King Live interview:

She helped me cook it up. About three weeks before I lost her, I found a little blurb in the newspaper that said “American Idol” was getting ready to audition. And she had been pushing me for years to do something with my singing. I would come home every night singing love songs to her.

I promised her I would [go through with the audition]. She asked me no matter what happened to her, she asked me to promise that I would go ahead with my singing and share it with as many people as possible, because I had done it for her so often.

She had ovarian cancer that metastasized everywhere. It moved pretty fast, and, you know, I used to call her at work and sing a love song to her every now and then. And one day I called her and I forgot to ask the — ask for her extension number before I started singing. About halfway through the song, the operator says, “who is this? Who is this?” And I finished the song and said, “you have just been serenaded by the phantom crooner.” Just got around the office and she laughed about it, but she didn’t tell anybody. She came home and told me that night.

Few days later, she called me and says, Karen is having a rough day today. This is her extension number. Would you call her and give her a — and she told me that night that this turned Karen’s day around. So every now and then, she would call me and I would fix somebody’s day.

Idol fans have started an online petition to get Sherman back on the show for the finale.   Something tells me the petition isn’t necessary.   I have no doubt Sherman will be back for the finale.

thanks lisab, as always, you rawk

About mj santilli 35090 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!