I am NOT a fan of facial hair. Many a male contestant has received a scathing review from me of their unfortunate facial hair choices. But, every November, I now make an exception. That is because November has become known in many parts of the world as “Movember” – the month when men grow mustaches, the more ridiculous the better.
The Movember movement started in Melbourne, Australia back in 2004 and has now spread world-wide. It’s aim is to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, especially prostate and testicular cancer – to take the discussion from squeamish whispered conversations to something people can just talk about. “Why are you growing that ridiculous thing on your face?” “Well, I’m glad you asked…”. Plus, I think guys secretly enjoy the ability to grow goofy facial hair every once in a while.
So, to celebrate Movember, I thought we’d take the opportunity to post pictures of our favourite contestants sporting everything from full-beards to tiny mustaches. As far as I know, no Idol or other reality contestant has supported the cause, but many have given me cause to mock them. So please scour the net for pictures of Idols/Voice/XFactorers with whatever facial hair they can muster and post them for others to either admire or chuckle. Let’s see if we how many contestants we can get – male and female (and yes, photoshop if you must).
To start us off, here is a small collection of Idols:
Some regularly decorate with lots of facial hair (Casey Abrams):
Some have dabbled in the past (Taylor Hicks)
Some seem to have forgotten to shave (Kris Allen)
And some just want to join the fun (David Archuleta and Joshua Ledet)
For those wanting more information about the Movember movement, here is a link to their US website.