More from the Manchester, NH Meet and Greet – Erica and Kelly

I met lots of cool people online at the Manchester meet and greet at the buses. Since the weekend, I’ve heard from people who were there who I didn’t get to meet.

First, from Erica, who gifted David Cook with the water bottle he was drinking in this video.

So, we all know about the infamous “water incident” from an earlier show right? Where in the middle of Billie Jean he doused himself with water *yummy*!!! Well, when I went to meet him in Manchester I wanted to bring him a unique gift, something thoughtful and would funny that would make him smile and chuckle a bit. I designed a personalized label for a water bottle that had some pics of him and pics of the actual “water incident”. I also included a warning that stated: applying directly to one’s head may cause severe fainting, screaming of one’s name and/or possible cardiac arrest, please use wisely. I knew he got a kick out of the bottle but now I have proof!!! I’m attatching some still pics I have of the event, including my fave, myself and David…water bottle in mouth!

More Photos:

click on thumbnails for larger photos

And then Kelly, who I didn’t meet in New Hampshire–actually, I met her two years ago at the Season 5 show in Portsmouth NH. She was at the meet and greet, standing next to “Miss New Hampshire Grand Supreme”. I’ll let her describe the scene:

Kelly’s story and photos of David Cook in a Tiara!!! After the JUMP…

I was standing right where the barriers met the yellow tape in Manchester and managed to get a few decent shots by the buses. I thought there might be a couple of Cookie that people would get a kick out of seeing. I had the ‘privilege’ of standing next to “Miss NH Grand Supreme” by the buses (hehe, lucky me). Anyway, apparently she’s one of the finalists to become Miss New Hampshire. She showed up with her sash and tiara at the buses. All the idols commented/asked her about it. As a sidenote, I thought all the idols that came out were wonderful with the fans, I know Archie and Kristy were rushed because of press duty that day but it was sweet of them to come out at all and Cookie, Michael and Brooke were out there forever, I was really impressed. Sadly, the weather was getting to be too much so I left before Jason came out. Oh well, I’m sure it was a mob scene when he came out. Anyway back to Miss NH lady, at one point, Cookie asked her if he could wear her crown, so I snagged a couple of pictures of that…


About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!