Kelly Clarkson: Still Battling Her Record Label

In an interview with the CBC, Kelly Clarkson tells a tale of how she “fought and fought” her record label to keep “Already Gone” from being her 3rd single? Why? Because songwriter, Ryan Tedder, basically ripped himself off, composing two songs with a similar melody, Kelly’s “Already Gone” (she had a co-write) and Beyonce’s hit “Halo”.

‘Ryan and I met each other at the record label, before he was working with anyone else, ‘  Clarkson begins, gritting her teeth. ‘He’s from Oklahoma, I’m from Texas; we got along really well and had some of the same influences. We wrote about six songs together, four or five of them made the album. It was all fine and dandy. I’d never heard of a song called Halo. Her album came out when my album was already being printed. No-one’s gonna be sittin’ at home, thinking ‘Man, Ryan Tedder gave Beyonce and Kelly the same track to write to.’ No, they’re just gonna be saying I ripped someone off. I called Ryan and said, ‘I don’t understand. Why would you do that?” 

The palpably frustrated Clarkson claims she ‘fought and fought’  to try and prevent her label from releasing Already Gone as her third single, out of respect for Beyonce.

‘In the end, they’re releasing it without my consent, ‘  she sighs. ‘It sucks, but it’s one of those things I have no control over. I already made my album. At this point, the record company can do whatever they want with it. It’s kind of a shitty situation, but.’ ¦ You know, you learn.’ 

Ryan Tedder: Well on his way to become a hack.

As for Kelly–she said once in an interview that at this point, she had all the money she’d ever need. Maybe it’s time to ditch the suits and go indie. You know you wanna do it Kelly. Just do it! I’d dig a follow up to the under-rated My December, or more like Kelly’s incredible cover of Patti Griffin’s “Up to the Mountain” from Idol Gives Back Season 6…

After the jump, compare the similar “Halo” and “Already Gone”.

ETA: Kelly says she and Beyonce wrote their songs to the same backing track. Listen to Kelly sing “Already Gone” to “Halo’s” instrumental track HERE.

Beyonce – Halo

Kelly Clarkson – Already Gone

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!